Daily Racing Form Charts: Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1941-05-23


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Remaining Charts Not Available for This Edition EditionDETROIT DETROIT DETROITCopyright Copyright 1941 by Triangle Publications Inc IncDETROIT DETROIT MICH THURSDAY MAY 22 1941 Fair Grounds 1 mile Second day Detroit Racing Asso ¬ ciation Meeting of 40 days Puctt Gate used Dual Photo Camera Weather drizzling Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission C A Bray Presiding Steward J S Young Asso ¬ ciate Steward H R Allshousc Judges L H Van Zandt F Otis W A Lee and W G Kelley Starter B Steelc Racing Secretary C F Henry Racing starts at 430 p m Chicago time 430 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate hors date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Myrtlewood Sept 5 1936 110 4 128 AfT OfT Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since March V 15 3yearolds 108 Ihs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners in 1941 of two races MayZZ41Det allowed 3 Ibs one race G Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 93499 MANDAS BABY WB 7 108 1 4 I2 14 I2 13 KeipcrP Mrs E McCuan 360 05445 DOUBLE WHISK wn5112 810 8 J 7 83 24 MilliganP R E Grundy 250 06835 ADA W we 7 108 4 3 24 22 2432 CassityW H M Walker 940 05633RIO CADO WB 3 100 9 9 7h 624 54 4h JoncsG J C Ellis 750 06836 ANDNOW w 4 108 7 7 62 54 6 5 LcBlancE M Bransfield 730 06350 NORIE WB 5 107 2 11 92 84 7 6 ScurlockO Mrs S T Baxter 730 97659INA DEAR WB 8 104 6 6 3 31 3J 72 CarrA J L MacKnight 670 06147 FILIPINO VALET wB4112 3 8 4 41 4 84 DickinsonT R L Stivers 2940 00754STING RAY WB 5 112 10 2 10i 10 9 9 Chinnll Mrs H Quinn 05718 BESS PEP wB3102 5 5 5 92 102 102 ObcrtW R L Igon 8810 91512 BETCHA WB 5 112 11 1 11 11 11 11 GrillF H Cherrington t Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera tMutucl CameratMutucl field Time 23 49 11 6 Track sloppy S2 Mutuels Paid Paidv = v Odds to 1 MANDAS BABY 920 440 300 360 120 50 50DOUBLE DOUBLE WHISK Field 400 300 100 50 50ADA ADA W 540 170 170Winner Winner B m by Black Servant Baby Shoes by Bubbling Over trained by E McCuan bred by Mr J S Wiggins Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 431J OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMANDAS MANDAS BABY alertly handled took command before going a quarter set the pace under good rating responded to a brisk shaking up in the stretch and won drawing clear DOUBLE WHISK far back and outrun for a half mile was taken to the outside for the drive and closed strongly ADA W a keen factor throughout hung on well in the final quarter when hard urged but could not better her position RIO CADO on the outside improved his position steadily and finished well ANDNOW could not threaten and had no mishaps NORIE slow to begin mado up some ground in the late stages INA DEAR raced well for fiveeighths then retired FILIPINO VALET was done when put to punishment in the stretch stretchScratchcd06716 Scratchcd06716 Paralda 112 112OvcrwtightMandas OvcrwtightMandas Baby 1 pound Ada W 2 Andnow 1 Ina Dear 2 Bess Pep 5 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Myrtlewooa Sept 5 1936 l104 128 frrt OQ Ptirsev800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since March U 4 JLIC5 15 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners in 1941 of two races May2241Det allowed 3 Ibs j one race 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Inirx Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Odds Jl Strt 06836 BAMBOO BROOM B 4 107 10 2 34 3 I2 1s KingG Mrs T L Klapproth 04594 TRANSVIEW B 6 112 11 1 I2 I2 224 21 WallaceG B M Mitchell 05717 TUACROSS w5112 6 3 5 44 41 3 3iU iU Kaufman Kaufman068882PEGGING KimfmanE T D Buhl 068882PEGGING PETE B 4 107 5 6 22 2 34 41 PariscS Mrs L Copenhavcr 06459 NANAHCUB B 5 108 8 8 72 54 5 54 KeipcrP L M Biggs 05452 MERRILY SAN B5112 310 104 8 64 64 MilliganP MilliganP96569MO Mrs F Nugent 96569MO MARY B 4 105 2 7 6 72 74 73 LuceS Mrs J B Burnstein 00516 CIGAR LIGHTER w3lll 9 9 92 104 8 8h 84 Chinnll P L Gr Grissom 04956 OKLAB wB5112 15 82 9H 9l 94 KnottK H H I Price 01791 MANNERLY w8112 711 11 11 103 10 ° MorrisR B Gold Gold012863TAKUS Goldenbcrg 012863TAKUS w 10 112 44 44 6 11 11 CassityW Mrs H HComplete Torricnte Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera tMutucl field Time 23 48 115J 115J4 Track sloppy 2 Mutuels Paid Paidx x v vBAMBOO Odds to BAMBOO BROOM 2360 960 540 1080 380 170 170TRANSVIEW TRANSVIEW 660 420 230 MO MOTUACROSS TUACROSS Field 700 250 250Winner Winner B f by Black Servant Bird of Blue by Bubbling Over trained by T L Klapproth brcdby Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 501 AT POST4 minute Start good goodand and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBAMBOO BAMBOO BROOM was under light restraint until the final quarter took command when ready and drew out in the stretch to win as her rider pleased TRANSVIEW had good speed in the going went to the front at once set the pace for a half mile then gave way to the winner but held on well to best the others TUACROSS raced evenly and had no excuses PEGGING PETE much used racing with TRANSVIEW the first half mile had nothing left for the drive NANAHCUB could not better icr position MERRILY SAN away slowly could not get to the leaders JO MARY was never dangerous TAKUS was done early earlyScratched Scratched 06348Grandioso 107 107Overweight Overweight Nanahcub 1 pound Jo Mary 3 Cigar Lighter 3 THE DAILY DOUBLE ON FIRST AND SECOND RACES PAID S18520 FOR 2 ENTRIES AND FIELD HORSES RUN AS ONE HORSE THIRD RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Black Brummel June 5 1939 53 2 116 Purse fr7 i OQ 900 2yearolds Maidens Combination Claiming and allowances JL O Weight if entered to be claimed 117 Ibs If entered to be claimed for May2241Det 2500 weight 114 Ibs if for 2250 allowed 3 Ibs if for 2000 6 Ibs Starters in a claiming race allowed 4 Ibs No apprentice allowance Net value to winner S675 second S150 third 50 fourth 25 Imlpx Horses Eqt A Vi HP St l4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 51 Mrt 063492UNCLE JOCK wnl07 2 1 P4 I3 I5 WallaceG A L Ferguson 380 380069382ARIDISICAL 069382ARIDISICAL w 117 56 44 3l 23 KingG I J Collins fl60 fl60054292LADY 054292LADY CLIPPER wnllO 45 6 63 3 MilliganP R Needham 370 06781 ARISICKLE wall 3 3 324 2 4h LcBlancE I J Collins i i059173CALS 059173CALS PET wll 6 4 2 4J4 54 TurnerL Bomar Stable 480 03501 WHITE BAIT w 117 1 2 54 54 6 KnottK F M Alger Jr 1440 03466 STRAW FLOWER wmlOS 87 7 72 76 LuceS Mrs JB Burnstein 2880 2880GRAY GRAY ROMANCE w 114 78 888 CassityW H M Walker 3960 3960Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera fCouplcd as I J Collins entry entryTime Time 233 48 54 Track sloppy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 UNCLE JOCK 960 480 340 380 140 70 70I I J COLLINS ENTRY 340 260 70 30 30LADY LADY CLIPPER 280 40 40Winner Winner B g by Jock Moon Dove by Uncle trained by C H Ferguson bred by Mr A L Ferguson Winner entered to be claimed for 2250 2250WENT WENT TO POST 529J AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow for all but Gray Romance Won easily second and third driving drivingUNCLE UNCLE JOCK well handled sprinted into the lead at the start continued well to increase his advan ¬ tage and won with something left ARIDISICAL lacked early speed worked his way up steadily and fin ¬ ished strongly but was no match for the winner LADY CLIPPER outrun for threeeighths closed well when put to punishment in the late stages ARISICKLE well placed and a keen factor until the final quarter failed to hold his position when hard urged in the drive CALJS PET had good early speed WHITE WHITEOverweight Overweight Straw Flower 4 pounds FOURTH RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Black Brummel June 5 1939 53 2 116 Purse r7t Q A 900 2yearolds Claiming Weight 119 Ibs Nonwinners of two races U 4 JLoU allowed 3 Ibs maidens 7 Ibs Claiming price 1600 if for 1500 allowed May2241Det ibs if for 1400 5 Ibs Net value to winner 675 second 150 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys OddsH Strt 069462CHARLAMAR wl3 8 4 406411MORE 32 14 124 LeBlancE River Divide Farm 06411MORE ROMAN fllll 7 7 53 3l 2 CarrA H R Penny 06202 VALDINA LOVE v13 5 5 44 42 324 RobcrtsonJ Mill B Stable 06349 SYNDICATOR w v 110 1 3 64 52 43 KingG S L Look 1820 05703 GOLD STRAW WB B 112 2 22 2 2056313STELL 14 21 534 RoscG Bomar Stable 2610 2610056313STELL 056313STELL w v09 109 6 68 8 4 64 6 KaufmanE S G Baker Sr 2550 255006946INDIANA 06946INDIANA RIVER WB 107 4 6 8 71 7 = WwrightR Mrs E R Flagg 6100 06936 STAR DANCE w08 31 24 8 8 MilliganP E K Thomas 380 380Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera Time 24 48J 55J Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1CHARLAMAR CHARLAMAR 420 300 260 110 50 30 30MORE MORE ROMAN 580 360 190 80 80VALDINA VALDINA LOVE 320 60 60Winner Winner Ch f by Pomponius Mam Mam by Omar Khayyam trained by R T Shcpp bred by Mr R J Dicnst Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 556 AT POSTi minute Photo for second secondStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingCHARLAMAR CHARLAMAR was hard hustled in the first quarter took command entering the stretch when steered to the extreme outside and after disposing of GOLD STRAW had enough left to withstand MORE ROMAN The latter slow to begin improved his position steadily and closed stoutly when put to vigorous handling in the drive VALDINA LOVE raced evenly and had no excuses to give in a good effort SYNDICATOR dropped back soon after the start then moved up strongly thereafter GOLD STRAW had good speed for threeeighths then retired STELL could not threaten STAR DANCE had brief early speed FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Myrtlewood Sept 5 193 1 10 4 128 rkrfj O Appealing Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds Combination Claiming and JLOJL allowances Nonwinners of two races other than maiden or claiming May2241Det AVeight if not entered to be claimed 118 Ibs If entered to be claimed for 2500 Weight 115 Ibs if for 2250 allowed 3 Ibs if for 2000 6 Ibs Nonwinners of a race of 1000 or two races other than claiming allowed 2 Ibs two races of 850 or any three races 4 Ibs one race of 850 or any two races 7 Ibs maidens 10Ibs No apprentice allowance Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 06726ISALOT wB114 16 44 3 3h 34 1 WallaceG Mrs S T Baxter 320 320I3 06941 FAIRLY FLY WB 107 61 I3 124 14 22 KaufmanE E K Thomas 340 02638 BIG LEAGUE WB 114 53 32 44 41 3i ScurlockO Dixiana 670 05846 SARAH LORAINE w 110 42 24 22 2 2h 4 MilliganP S S Gano 380 5 55 58 512 RobcrtsonJ Bcezley Hirschbcrg 370 05969 MAD BACHELOR WB 118 3 5 6666 KeipcrP Mill B Stable 1050 1050Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera CameraTime Time 23 47 113 Track slow slowr2 r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to Jl v vISALOT ISALOT 840 420 280 320 110 40 40FAIRLY FAIRLY FLY 380 300 90 50 50BIG BIG LEAGUE 300 50 50Winner Winner Br c by Islam My Ballot by Ballot trained by S T Baxter bred by Mr S T Baxter BaxterWENT WENT TO POST 624 AT POSTji minute minuteStart Start drivingISALOT good and slow Won easily second and third driving ISALOT slow to begin worked his way up steadily on the inside was taken to the outside for the drive and responding well when put to punishment disposed of FAIRLY FLY and won drawing clear Th latter had good speed from the start set the pace under pressure from SARAH LORAINE and continued gamely in the stretch but could not withstand the winner BIG LEAGUE laced evenly and had no excuses SARAH LORAINE much used forcing the early pace had nothing left for the drive Remaining Charts Not Available for This Edition

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1941052301/drf1941052301_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1941052301_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800