untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1941-05-23


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Now on Sale EDITIONAMERICAN AMERICAN EDITION RACING MANUAL MANUALCOMPILED COMPILED BY DAILY RACING FORM No Other Book Like It in the World Everything About Racing Records of All Horses Which Raced in 1940 Racing Colors Roster of Jockeys Track Diagrams and Locations History of Great Races and Numerous Other Features GREATEST OF ALL TURF ANNUALS ACCURATE Figures and Records Absolutely Reliable DATA Important Information Obtainable Nowhere Else HISTORY Virtually a Resume of American and Canadian Racing ORIGINAL Is Not Copied or Patterned After Any Other Book UNIQUE No Other Publication Like It in the Entire World VALUE Indispensable to Racing Officials and Public Alike AVERAGE TIMES TIMESThe The latest additions to The AMERICAN RACING MANUAL are the Average Times for 1940 1939 and 1938 for all the tracks in the United States Canada Cuba and Mexico affording an excellent idea of changes that may have been made from one year to another or the difference in the class of the horses in competition These figures in connection with the track records and the Best Times of 1940 furnish the student of form a true line on what may be expected of horses from a speed standpoint over the different tracks tracksHEREWITH HEREWITH ARE SOME OF THE OTHER FEATURES IN THE 1941 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL American Match Race RaceAmerican Leading Winning Owners American Stakes Races of 1940 1940Americas LongPriced Winners Americas Leading Sires SiresAverage Man o Wars Racing Record Average Times at All Tracks TracksAverage Map Showing Locations of Track Average Times feet per second Miles in Better Than J36 Betting Percentage Table TableBreeding Modern Handicapping Ways Breeding Farms Locations of ofBargain Money Winning Horses of 1948 Bargain Yearlings and the Reverse ReverseBreeders Necrology of the Turf Breeders of Winners of 100000 or Over OverColihs Omahas Racing Record Colihs Racing Record RecordChronology Owners Who Won 5000 or More Chronology of tfie Turf of 1940 1940Comparative PariMutuel Betting Explanation Comparative Mile Speed SpeedComparative Race Horse Records RecordsRace Comparative Track Record Speed SpeedConformation Race Track Diagrams and Track Records Conformation of the Horse HorseDaily Racing Colors ColorsRacing Daily Doubles of 1940 1940Dead Racing Commissions Members Location Dead Heats of 1940 1940Diagrams Racing Organizations and Their Officials Diagrams of Foreign Tracks TracksDisqualifications Racing Statistics Disqualifications of 1940 1940Dominos Record Daily Doubles Dominos Racing Record RecordEpsom Record PariMutuel Odds Epsom Derby Winners Imported to America AmericaEquipoises Records of American Sires Equipoises Racing Record RecordExterminators Remarkable Jockey Feats Exterminators Racing Record RecordFastest Remount Stallions Locations Fastest Records in Racing RacingGallant Review of 1940 Chronologically Gallant Fox Racing Record RecordGentlemen Rules of Racing Gentlemen Riders RidersHandicapping Sarazens Racing Record Handicapping and Racing RacingHighest Scale of Weights Highest Priced Race Horses HorsesHighest Seabiscuits Racing Record Highest Priced Yearlings YearlingsHindoos Sires Americas Leading Hindoos Racing Record RecordHistory Sires of Winners of 100000 or More History of Important American Stakes StakesHorse Sires of TwoYearOld Winners Horse Records of 1940 1940Important Stake Winning Horses Important Events of 1940 State Racing Commissions Jockeys and Their Contract Employers Social Steeplechase Jockeys JockeysSecurity Security Numbers Stud Farms and Their Locations LocationsJockeys Jockeys Standing at End of 1940 Sun Beaus Racing Record RecordLeaders Leaders of Respective Age Divisions Thoroughbred Deaths DeathsLeading Leading American Breeders Track Record Speed Table TableLeading Leading Foreign Breeders TwoYearOld Filly Winners WinnersLeading Leading Foreign Stakes TwoYearOld Winners Leading Money Winning Horsei War Admirals Racing Record RecordLeading Leading Steeplechase Winners Yearling Sales of 1940 in the United States StatesLeading Leading Trainers I Zevs Racing Record RecordThe The AMERICAN RACING MANUAL Is the work of EXPERTS men who have devoted a lifetime to the fascinating study of the THOROUGHBRED HORSE and RACING The Figures Records ALL the Data and Information found in this Marvelous Book are Carefully Compiled Checked and ReChecked and Edited nothing is left to chance It requires a certain amount of time every day and much extra and tedious labor just before and after the first of each year Only an organization like DAILY RACING FORM is in a position to publish such a book The price is extremely LOW considering the inestimable value of this publication publicationADVANCE ADVANCE RESERVATIONS NOW ACCEPTED 1941 EDITION IS LIMITED SO RUSH YOUR ORDER For Your Convenience In Ordering the Following Coupon Is Here Presented MAKE REMITTANCES DIRECT TO PUBLISHER PUBLISHERDAILY DAILY RACING FORM 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois IllinoisEnclosed Enclosed find for which send me a copy of the 1941 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL in inPaper Paper Protex Binding Deluxe Binding 275 Per Copy 350 Per Copy CopyBY BY MAIL 20 CENTS ADDITIONAL Foreign Postage 50 Cents Extra Please Specify Kind of Binding Desired DesiredNAME NAME i ADDRESS CITY STATE Please Print Name and Address Plainly PlainlyATTENTION ATTENTION We will not be responsible for any Cash sent with Orders Use Postal Money Orders Only No C O D Service

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1941052301/drf1941052301_17_4
Local Identifier: drf1941052301_17_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800