Wednesdays Detroit Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1941-05-23


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Wednesdays Detroit Charts ChartsFOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Myrtlewood Sept 5 1936 1 10 4 128 fr7fr7A Purse 900 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 109 Ibs U 4 U 4t older 119 Ibs Nonwinners since March 15 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price May2141Det 1600 if for 1500 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1400 5 Ibs Net value to winner 675 second 150 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 067763VICKED TIME w6119 1 3 I1 14 I2 lnk KcipcrP Mrs L H Thompson 064583HADMORE w 4 111 22 22wn7119 32 34 2 i 2 CarrA Mrs E Cloud 05648 PEP TALK wn7119 34 34WB 2 21 3J 3 LcBlancE Mrs H Bowyer 05900 FOXLEIGH WB 4 114 11 9 92 61 8i 4 WinnF W Zakoor 02007 REJECTABLE wB5116 47 42 42 4 5 GrillF U J Hak 95053 MILLCHIC w4111 76 51 5 6 KingG Mrs E McCuan 06567CONSCRIPT w4111 88 7 81 7 7 ParistS M Wexlef 068923PROSPECT BOY wu4119 610 104 10r 10 ° 8 ScurlockD B M Smith 0683rMILLMORE w 5 114 10 J 8h 9 9 92 TrombleyD Mrs I H Parke 5SO 5SO066862BIG 066862BIG BUBBLE WB 4 114 5 5 6h 7 61 104 RobertsonJ Beezlcy Cohn 270 01511 BLUE PLAY w4116 911 11 11 11 11 Chinnll P L Grissom 5370 5370Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera fMutucl field Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to fl flWICKED WICKED TIME 740 440 340 270 120 70 70HADMORE HADMORE Field 540 360 170 80 80PEP PEP TALK 400 100 100Winner Winner 3 g by Higli Time Sin by Stefan the Great trained by L H Thompson bred by Mr C VT Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 61H AT POST 4 minutes Photo for first Tind fourth fourthStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same WICKED TIME fractious at the post raced to the front before going a quarter held a clear lead entering the stretch but had to be hard ridden to withstand HADMORE in the final sixteenth The latter well placed and a sharp factor throughout came resolutely when put to punishment in the drive and was getting to the winner PEP TALK much used forcing the early pace tired in the last eighth FOXLEIGH outrun early finished strongly REJECTABLE was well up for fiveeighths then tired MILLCHIC could not keep up BIG BUBBLE on his bad behavior at the post unseated his rider and after being remounted gave4 little in the running FIFTH RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Black Brummel June 5 1939 53 2 116 Mata r7ff7K Hari Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Combination Claiming and allow U i U 4 O ances Nonwinners of a race of 1005 Weight if not entered to be May2141Det claimed 119 Ibs Weight if entered to be claimed for 2500 115 Ibs if for 2250 allowed 3 Ibs if for 2000 6 Ibs Nonwinners of a race of 1000 or two races of 850 other than maiden or claiming allowed 2 Ibs one race of 850 or two races other than claiming 5 Ibs maidens 8 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V Sti Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 06946 PATRIOT w 114 3 1 14 l I3 CassityW Darby Dan Farm 2730 2730065653BRIGHT 065653BRIGHT WILLIE w 111 10 7 2 22 22 ScurlockD Mr R Mcllvain t390 06460 DIEGO RED wnllO 72 3 34 3 KingG R L Stivers 570 57006668TOMLUTA 06668TOMLUTA w 114 6 3 52 4 4t KeiperP Mrs L Fry 290 29005448SAM 05448SAM HOUSTON wB109 19 Tz 6i 5 LuccS Mrs J B Burnstein 1170 05920 EL TOREADOR wl4 46 6 74 6h TurncrL Bomar Stable 290 06183 TREEMONTIER wull9 9 4 44 5h 73 WallaccG J Greener 300 06363 SHINING DAY wlOl 2 5 82 82 8l JonesRG W Day 2690 06056 VERITY B will 88 9 9 9 GriilF R A Forsha f 05938 MAE H w 108 5 10 10 10 10 KaufmanE S G Baker 7220 7220Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera fMutucl field Time 23 46 53 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 1PATRIOT PATRIOT I 5660 1880 780 2730 840 290 290BRIGHT BRIGHT WILLIE Field 1240 600 520 200 200DIEGO DIEGO RED 360 80 80Winner Winner Ch c by Blenheim II Malvina V by Sir John Johnson trained by M H Jordon bred by Mr R A Fairbairn WENT TO POST 645 AT POST i minute Start good and sloxr Won easily second and third driving drivingPATRIOT PATRIOT quick to begin sprinted into the lead at once withstood a gooddrive in the final quarter and shook off BRIGHT WILLIE The latter secured a good position early made a good bid entering the stretch but could not menace the winner DIEGO RED was well placed throughout held on well until the final eighth then gave way TOMLUTA raced evenly and had no mishaps SAM HOUSTON finished well EL TOREADOR was shuffled back when he could not find racing room in the stretch SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Myrtlewood Sept 5 1936 110 4 128 O7O7fi Detroit Spring Inaugural Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and up upMay2141Det May2141Det Net vjue to wjnner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Ji Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 16405 EPIDOR WB wu5114 5 114 2 26 6 42 4 32i I2 WallaccG A L Ferguson 05473 AERIAL BOMB WB 5 112 4 1 13 13 I2i 2k KeiperP Mrs H Torricnte 06776 COOLING SPRING WB 5 107 82 82025382DOLLAR 2f 2 2 34 ScurlockD B M Smith 025382DOLLAR BAY w4106 35 35056912CLARKSVILLE 5 52 53 42 ScurlpckO Dixiana 056912CLARKSVILLE wB3107 6 3 34 3 44 5 MilliganP J Greener 06208 MISSION STEP w 4 109 5 8 62 RobertsonJ Bcczley Hirsclibcrg 04781 DETROIT BULL WSB 6J12 14 62 6 i 72 RoseG Bomar Stable 1880 01738 POESY WB5102 77 73 7 8 8 HanauerC G W Morrison 5590 5590Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera Time 22 45g 11 15 Track fast fasti i 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to Jl EPIDOR 920 420 300 3601 110 50 50AERIAL AERIAL BOMB 360 280 80 40 40COOLING COOLING SPRING 340 70 70Winner Winner B g by Epithet Dorothea by Nocturnal trained by C H Ferguson bred by Mr A L Fcrcuson WENT TO POST 715 AT POST i minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameEPIDOR EPIDOR broke in a tangle recovered quickly under good handling and improved Jus position steadily to come to the outside for the drive then wore down AERIAL BOMB to win drawing clear Tlje latter had high speed from the start opened up a good advantage and held on well when put to urging in the stretch but could not withstand the winner COOLING SPRING a forward factor throughout raced evenly and had no excuses DOLLAR BAY could not get to the leaders under good handling CLARKSVILLE gave way after racing forwardly for fiveeighths MISSION STEP could not threaten DETROIT BULL was never danecrous POESY was overmatched Scratched 06570 Black Brummel 105 f SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Scythian Oct 5 1940 141 3 115 Purse fir I7I7 S800t 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 106 Ibs older 118 i f t 4 Ibs Nonwinners of a race at one mile or over since March 15 allowed May2141Det 3 Ibs in 1941 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP S A SA Str Fin Jockeys Odds II Strt 06838 INVITING wu6112 3 3 31 52J 4 34 Ink KingG F H Williamson 06198 GERNEAUX w51l8 4 2 3 31 2 2h KeiperP C Graham raam 066662PROFESSORPAULVB8118 6 8 72 4 14 I3 33 ScurlockD Mrs J L Cliesncy 06779 Walkjr05161FRANK JIMMY W w6112 9 5s 6 6 61 4t MilliganP H M Walkjr 05161FRANK C WB7107 7 6 1 22 52 5 52 PariscS W E Ball 05371 SLIGHT ERROR w 5112 5 4 9 84 8 72 62 KnottK Ljcky Teter 06061 SANTOURI WB6118 8 5 2J 14 24 44 72 RobertsonJ Bcezley Hirschbcrg 440 440WB6110 06786 QUEENIE WB6110 2 1 6 9 9 9 81 DickinsonT Mrs CC Norman 6390 06587DUSTLESS xvi5107 1 J9 81 72 i 8 9 LuceS B Hernandez 7840 7840Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera CameraTime Time 24 48 114 141 1453 Track fast r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 INVITING 880 400 300 340 100 50 50GERNEAUX GERNEAUX 1 340 280 70 40 40PROFESSOR PROFESSOR PAUL 300 50 50Yinnor Yinnor B g by Vito Miss Bunting by Bunting trained by R Mcllvain bred by Mr J Marsch Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST742 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameINVITING INVITING away well was cased back and given a breather in the run down the back stretch was taken to the extreme outside for the drive and closing well under punishment wore down GERNEAUX in the final sixteenth GERNEAUX a forward factor throughout saved ground when the leaders when wide on the final turn and closed rcsolutcly to just miss PROFESSOR PAUL worked his way up steadily in the first half mile took command with a rush but bore out in the final eighth and lost much ground JIMMY W could not better his position under strong handling FRANK C had good speed for a half mile then retired SANTOURI gave way after racing well until reaching the final quarter Overweight quarterOverweight Quccnie 3 pounds EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Scythian OcL 5 1940 141 3 115 Purse rrrkrro 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 106 Ibs older 118 ff M O Ibs Nonwinners of a race at one mile or over since March 15 allowed May2141Det 3 hs jn 1941 R ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 06510KERMAY wB7113 8 6 34 22 23 1 I4 CarrA Mrs E Cloud 290 29005452VERAKEE 05452VERAKEE w6105 5 3 I2 I2 14 23 2 LuccS Mrs J B Burnstein 730 73006589BOSKY 06589BOSKY DELL w3101 6 2 2 31 31 3h 3 KingG B Hernandez 630 630043052AMCAN 043052AMCAN EMBLEMwi 9 107 4 5 62 5J 5 4 42 JonesRG T E Sanderford 180 18006298MbONISH 06298MbONISH wnSW 3 8 h 71 4J 5 5G TrombleyD HA E Wheatley 4690 05403 OSA ATKINS WB 5 11Q 21 51 6 4 6 6 CassityW Mrs H Torriente 1770 1770069023FLYAHEAD 069023FLYAHEAD WB 7 112 1 7 8 8 8 7 73 DickinsonT Mrs C C Norman 6 0 06657 MOON BOW MISS w 5 113 7 4 4J 41 62 8 8 KeiperP A C Long 3790 3790Complete Complete finish confirmed by Dual Photo Finish Camera Time 25 49 115 141 146 Track good J2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 KERMAY 780 400 280 290 100 48 48VERAKEE VERAKEE 620 420 210 LIB LIBBOSKY BOSKY DELL 340 70 70Winner Winner B g by Dodge On Time by High Time trained by V Horton bred by Mr F A Burton Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 807J AT POSTH minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameKERMAY KERMAY was under steadying restraint for threequarters responded readily when called upon fntcring the stretch and after taking command drew out to win as his rider pleased VERAKEE went to the front before going a quarter set the pace under good rating and held on well in the drive but could not with ¬ stand the winner BOSKY DELL raced well until inside the final eighth then faltered AMERICAN EMBLEM could not improve his position MOONISH could not threaten MOON BOW MISS was done after a half mile mileOverweight Overweight Vorakce 3 pounds Bosky Dell 2 Moonish 2

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Local Identifier: drf1941052301_21_1
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