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Ratification of Camden Dates Expected Shortly Expect New Jersey Commission To Approve 49 Days of Racing CAMDKN N. •/ . May 1 1 Application for da.--, for a V day meeting from July 18 to September VS., inclusive, wa:; formally filed v.jf.h the N»-w Jer..ey State Racing Coin -un by Kugerie Mori, president of the Oard-n : State Racing A.,iociatlon, today. !, ■ f,;uli-ri State faik meeting will he the Jir.t. r.ixv. conducted under the New j Jt-jy iir-iKti-i. ];,.y/ panned several yearn ai/o. ■],,,■ meeting v/iu infhKit nine Oatm I day;; and f„hor I Jay HH.ijaU-d Junt eant of I Camden and If* minuU-n tfnw the City Hall in Philadelphia, the new Garden State Park will provide first class racing for a densely populated area of more than 7,000,000. The new track will round out a complete warm-months cinuil, which opens about April 1 and runs through ThanksKiviiiK Day Thr, will be the Maryland :,prmtf campaign at Howie, Havre de Graze and Iimli-c with Delaware Park following until .July 4 Then Garden State Pink will swine through the latter part of .July, through AUfttft and the fir.t two week:; of September, when Havre de Grace resumes for the Maryland fall neason. OeoertJ OMnggOr Waller ll Donovan ;ihI that the New ./er.;ey BtfttC RgCUIg oiiiini ...-.Ion wan expected to meet In Trenton within a few day* to eonnlder ratification of the Garden Htule dale:; The mile lacliuj oval, with itn 100 foot Wide stretch and two chutes, has been fully graded and only awaits the application of the top soil. "Fifteen of the eighteen 56-stall barns already have beeit built and the foundation:; have been laid and the fabrication complcled on the other three," reported Donovan.