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Official Racing Charts Copyright, 1943, by Trianghj Publications, Inc. . Suffolk Downs BOSTON. MASS , FRIDAY. JUNE 18. 1943— SUFFOLK DOWNS 1 MILE. Thirty-fifth day of sixty-day meeting May 10 to July 17. Eastern Racing Association, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Camera finish. Steward representing Massachusetts State Racing Commission. J. P. Bowditch. Stewards of Meeting, H. P. Conkling, E. J. Brown, W. Almy, Jr.. and C. J. McLennan. Honorary Steward, J. R. Macomber. Placing Judges, S. S. Brown, Eb Pons and H. Dernham. Starter, R. B. Frend. Racing Secretary, C. J. McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Eastern War Time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Indicates fivt pounds apprentice allowance. Percentage of winning favorites, spring meeting, 1942, .37; current meeting, .32. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937— l:09?i— 4— a n s a o 117. Purse ,175. 3 -year-olds. Claiming:. Non-winners since *• * O jnay g Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 10 allowed 3 June 18-43— Suf lbs.; in 1943, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250. Net value to winner 50; second. 50; third, 25 : fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 4211fj-*TINTITTKR wd 109 6 1 1* l1 ll I1 NashB R E Phillips 2JX 412193GlP:ST MASTER wll4 4 2 I* 2" 2i 14 DattiloJ C Finkelstein 3.40 42116 TURNABOUT wb109 7 6 •* 3 | 3* 31 ClaggettH Sgt P Bieber 12.90 42426 MULTI QUEST wk!09 9 8 72i 5l 5J 4 CanningW Mrs I OBrev 13.40 42420*CHARGE wb115 13 6£ §4 41 5*| BernardoN Mrs R Feinberg 10.10 34598 fAGRADEL inlM 8 4 5J 4h 63 62 DunoanR E T Towle 48.00 42479 HER BOY wb114 3 9 9 83 7»i 7 MasrhekF Mrs F Misasi 2.50 41797 BROADHEAD wb114 2 5 3h 7i 82i 8"k Martin J M B Goff 87.00 34279 VANISHING ACE wb 114 5 7 8* 9 9 9 YVinnF Mis J Domini. k 52.90 f .Apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:14. Track slow. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to x n . I TINTITTER $.00 3.00 2.80 2 00 .50 .30 M. utuel rricesJ guest master 38o 210 .90 .40 l TURNABOUT 4.00 1.00 Winner B. g, by Tintagel — Titter II., by Tetratema, trained by G. Foster; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 2:32. OFF AT 2:33 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won lidden out; second and third driving. TINTITTER went to the front at once, withstood eaily contention from GUEST MASTER, drew clear before reaching the stretch and dominated the running to the end. GUEST MASTER, on the inside while forcing the pace, held on with ;ood energy to the close, although unable to keep pace with the winner in the last fi e sixteenths. TURNABOUT moved up gamely on the outside riearing the stretch, but was unable to better her position during the dosing drive. MLLTl QUEST made up some ground. CHARGE was unable to reach the leaders. AGRADEL was outrun. HER BOY was never prominent. Scratched— 42193 Valdina Banner, 109: 42116 Buckle Down. 114; 41162JHy-Kerry, 109: 4O2072Rough Honey, 104; 42116 Love Venture. 109: 42420 Ho Hum, 109: 28978 Noslen, 114. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937— 1:09*5— 4— 4 2 6 8 9 117 * **urse 075- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-* ° ° * winners since May 8. 3-year-olds, 110 lbs.; older, 120 lbs. Non- June 18-43 — Suf winners since April 10 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 2, 5 lbs.; in 1943, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 25; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt ~~ 37475 tFOI.D UNDER w«5113 8 3 5»k 4,1k 12 i TrentH A E Sattler 27~20 41519 LAST FRONTIER we 6 113 7 8 6i 2»k 2* 2£ SistoR Miss G Mellon 4.70 420312BROWN DANCER wb 4 108 2 4 2 3*» 3l 3 PenaM J J Roche 8 00 42258 +SAV1NGS BANK wb5113 6 2 1* 1« «H V Datt.loJ Mrs E Janetatos 22.80 356033TIBERIUS wb7113 3 7 7 6h 51 5 MartinJ I A Ballew Jr . 6.70 42030 MAD BUNNY w 4 110 9 6 8i 7 b2 b2 ClaggettH J Carter 18.00 36752*TIARA wb 4 106 1 9 10 8J 7* 7*J Na*hB Mrs M Smith 45.30 42031 WOT YET w 5 105 10 1 3« 5* 82 8i WilliamsH G L Weiss . 6 90 403182BOREDOM wb5113 4 10 9J 9 9 9* McMullenG Mrs H Perkins 2.30 24941 CUTE EYE wh4113 5 5 4"l 10 10 10 LutherT W R Fairbanks 7.40 fApprentice allow .nice waied. Time. :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track slow. , — Mutuels Paid — , e Odds to — - ki in F0LD UNDER 56.40 22.40 13.00 27.20 10.20 5.50 MlltUel "riCeS? LAST FRONTIER 5.60 4.20 I.N 1.10 I BROWN DANCER 6.80 2 40 Winner--Gr. g, by Kantar — Tuckahoe, by Sir Greysteel, trained by J. B. Hatfield; bred by I.abrot St Company. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:01. OFF AT 3:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won easily ; second and third drhine. FOLD INDER, steadied along early, moved up on the inside entering the stretch and. taking the lead, drew out steadily. LAST FRONTIER, slow to begin, moved up on the outside leaving the back stretch and, continuing to race on the outside, held on well through the stretch. BROWN DANCER forced the early pace and continued willingly to the close. SAVINGS BANK showed the most early speed, tiring in the last three sixteenths. TIBERIUS was unable to reach the leaders. MAD BUNNY was held safe all the way. NOT YET tired. BOREDOM lacked speed and was never prominent. CUTE EYE quit. Scratched— 403173Flying Bonny, 108: 36955 Buckets, 113; 41882 Trustworthy, 113; 40199 Sun Ivy, 108; 40199 Little Suzanne, 108; 422582Mandate, 108. Overweight — Tiara. 3 pounds: Not Yet. 2. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 47.60 THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing. July 26, 1937—1:09% 4 A 9 f% ™ 9 0 " 117 Purse ,275. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, *~ 118 lbs. Non-winners since June 1 allowed 3 lbs.; since May 8, June 18-43— Suf 5 lbs.; since April 10, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 50; second, 50; third, 25; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *A V» Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42541 BALMY SPRING wb7112 5 2 32 3 J 2™ 1» LutherT Mrs J Burks 2/70 41883 BECOMI.Y wb5110 6 l lh lb 1* 2* KirkW W J Susini 5.10 42117 VOUCHER w4113 1 4 4 4+ 43 3li StevensonC C L Hammond 4.50 42322 TWO KICK wb5118 2 3 21 2"k 31 44 ChaffinC R Lipson 3 10 41166 INDIAN GIFT wb 4 108 4 6 5h 52 52 5* McMullenG H G BedweH 4 80 42424 PHAR1EN wb 4 108 3 5 6 6 6 6 DattiloJ N H Progin 10.00 Time. :23%, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — N , Odds to v ki in* I BALMY SPRING 7.40 380 2.80 2.70 .90 .40 Muruel rrices? becomly 500 3.60 m m I VOUCHER 3.N .90 Winner — Br. h, by Black Toney— Blossom Time, by North Star III., trained by Jess« Burks; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:32J. OFF AT 3:32J EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won diivinp; second and third the same. BALMY SPRING, lightly restrained while following along in near attendance of the pace, fought it out gamely with BECOMLY through the stretch and outlasted the latter. BECOMLY showed speed from the start, met early contention from TWO KICK and, while disposing of the latter, just missed lasting long enough. VOUCHER, well placed and under light pressure to keep up, finished gamely under hard riding. TWO KICK, on the inside while disputing the pare, tired in the last eighth. INDIAN GIFT was outrun. IHARIEN tiailed. Scratched— 421173Ack-Ack, 111. Overweight— Balmy Spring, 1 pound. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Accolade, July 3, 1936— 1:41 5— 6— A H 7 % ° Q 7 1 ■ 120 Purse ,075. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 118 ■ lbs. Claiming price, ,500. June 18-43 — Suf Net value t0 winner 00; second, 00: third. 25: fourth. 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ]j ] 3 % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 42264 MARE NOSTRIM w 113 6 6 64 5| 2-i, l1 1« CanningW Cpt V S Higbv 400 42426 SUSAN CONSTANT wb!13 7 4 52 SJ l»k 2- 2« McMullenG" 1.40 42475BORIS N. wf113 3 7 8 6 41 31 3« GerlockW S Rut.l,ik" 11.40 42426 VALDINA KNIGHT wb118 1 1 24 3"M 4* ClaeaettH Mrs H Barnett 7.40 42264FIRE AT WILL w 113 2 8 7J 8 8 6" 52i PenaM M B Goff 29.80 36932 BOIN A wb118 5 3 4« 7i 72 8 P BreenJ E M OBrien 32.00 42475 fMASTER PETE wh 118 4 2 lh lh 6i ll 7£ RobartE Millbrook Stable 8 60 41366 BEST SLIT wb118 8 5 3l 2l 5i 51 8 StexensonC » ■afctrtiwi 6.30 +Appi entice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :47, 1:14, 1:40, 1:45. Track fast. / — Mutuels Paid — y , Odds to * n . MARE NOSTRUM 10.00 4.00 3 40 4.00 1.00 .70 Ml UTUel rriCeSi SUSAN CONSTANT 3.00 260 .50 .30 y BORIS N 3.80 .90 Winner — Ch. f, by Islam — Trim Rigging, by Teddy, trained by J. M. Black; bred b Mr. V. S. Higby. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 4:031/. OFF AT 4:04 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third dming. MARE NOSTRUM, under restive until leaing the bark stret h, worked her vuy foiwardly gradually and, taking the lead in the stretch, diew ••■it steadily. SUSAN CONSTANT moved up steadily, took the lead when railed upon, but was unable to go along with the winner during the final drie BORIS N. closed a eood gap ami outlasted VALDINA KMC1IT. The letter went forwardlv all the wax. HUE AT Will, was n«er prominent. BOINA was unable to thitateii. MAS I ER PETE had taily speed. BEST SUIT quit. FIFTH RACE 8-8 MILE. Hygrohour, June 27. 1942— : 58%— 2— 117. Furse A * t Q * *! 175. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. June 18-43 — Suf Wet va|ut lo wjnngr N; second. 50: third, 25; fourth. 0. Index Horses "Eqt A Wt PP St fl Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 41953-CHUCK wb118 3 4 2 l"k 1»| LutherT Allen T Simmons .70 42196 AMAI.KA wb 115 1 2 lJ 2$ 2» MartinJ M B Goff K .10 42478"MIDDI.E RIVER wb118 5 3 5* V W SmithE .1 F Flanaean 9.60 41952 IDLE POOL m 118 6 5 4"k 4*J 4 ClaggettH B F Christmas 2? 40 42324 CLING wb115 2 1 3* 5* 5»» StevensonC A J Sackett 4 30 41952 OPEN FIRE wb118 4 6 6* 6*J 63 MooreG J H Carr E.OO EMERSON w 118 7 7 7 7-7 BreenJ W M Mcintosh 13.80 Time, 23%, :47, 1:«t%. Track fast. ,—- Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to v .. in* CHUCK 340 280 260 .70 .40 .30 Muruel rnces amalka 14.20 6.60 230 l MIDDLE RIVER 3.60 .80 Winner Br. c, bv Ariel— Am, bv Infinite, trained by W. G. Douglass; bicd by Mr. W. B. Miller. WENT TO POST— 4:31. OFF AT 4:31 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won lidden out; second ami thud driing. CHLCK be i.m moving up on the inside haing the back stretch when the leaders went wide and, wearing down AMAI.KA in the stietch, drew out in the last eighth. AMALKA had speed from the start, went wide when meeting a bid from XING and, while unable to keep pace with the winner, held on determinedly to outlast MIDDLE RIVER. The latter moved up on ihe inside entering the stretch and closed with good energy. IDLE FOOL was unable to reach the leaders. CLING, proniinei. early, w:is unable to keep up. OPEN FIRE was outuin. EMERSON trailed. Scratched— Trast. 115. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937— 1:095— 4 — a * t Q *3 117. Lynn Purse. Purse ,875. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non- *~ • ** ** winners of three races other than maiden or claiming at any time. June 18-43— Suf Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 at any time allowed 3 lbs.; one race other than maiden since April 10, 6 lbs.; such a race in 1943, 9 lbs.; of 00 at any time, 12 lbs.; maidens, 15 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,200; second. 75; third. 00; fourth. 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt 421983BRIDI.EOl R wb106 7 1 3£ lnk 2i ll ClaggettH Mrs H Barnett 1.20 40545 QUEENS RISK wbUI 5 5 52 24 1"* t1! BrataJ Mrs K I Huntley 2260 42423S1CYSTRF.AM w 108 13 4l 4i 4* 3 PenaM J C McLaughlin 10.90 42261 PRORATION b111 6 4 1*3" 3i 42J MansorT J R Macomber 2.90 wb112 2 7 7 7 5l b2 SimpsonC Mrs C B Jacksaa 8.50 attS*ZACABRAND wb108 3 6 6* 5"k 62 65 Martini H A Catalano 8.70 42197 DREAM PARADE wb108 4 2 I* 6l 7 7 CanningW H S Polk 1140 Time. :23%, :46%, 1:12J/5. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to s ki , n . BRIDLEOUR 4.40 3.40 2.60 1.20 .70 .30 Mutuel Prices? queens risk 15.20 680 i« 240 l ICYSTREAM Ml 100 Winner Ch. f, by Burgoo King— Breakfast Bell, by Blatk Toney, trailed by H. Barnett, bied b l«l« Hour Stock Faim. WENT TO POST— 5:01. OFF AT 5:02 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving: second and third the same. BRIDLEOlR. prominent fiom the outset, met a stout bid from QUEENS RISK, lost command temporarily in the stretch, but, responding gamely, came again to draw clear at the end. QUEENS RISK moved up stoutly on the outside after leaving the back stretch, gained a short advantage in the stretch, but was unable to maintain his advantage umli r punishment. ICYSTREAM. steadied along early, held on with good energy in the closing test. PRORATION forced the early pace, but tired in the last three sixteenths. THESEUS was unable to threaten. ZACA-BRAND wns outrun. DREAM PARADE quit after showing eariv speed. Scratched— 42423 Boy Soldier, 111; 42423Foray Song, 117; 41817 Ample Reward, 117; 34911 Adroit. 106. Overweight — Theseus. 4 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Kenyon C, June 3, 1938— 1:43 5— 4— 108. Purse /• q a ,175. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. 4*2 *• O s ** Non-winners since May 8. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners twice June 18-43 — Suf since April 1 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 50; seconds. 87.50 each; fourth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % jj ~% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd* Sti t 425402RADIO WAVE wa 6 113 1 6 5nk 4* 2»k l»k l-i ClaggettH BF Christina 3.00 42419 tMINDEFUL w 4 104 5 1 VViV 2 2i PenaM Mrs I C Walker 10.90 42419 +FIRST WATER wB4113 9 11 11 9"k I| 4"" 2i ScoccaD Capt H Herht 7 30 42476 INFANT QUEEN wb 4 113 10 8 7«k 7* 6± 3* 4» WinnF R H Shannon 33.70 42257MDA ROGERS w 6 108 3 10 10i 10i 9i 9* S" W.lliam W S Garfield -4 90 420302JESS1E GLADYS wb6113 4 9 9i t* 8" V * 6i Dattik.J G Felkner .3.10 40823 JDOROTHY POMP wb7113 11 7 4. b 5* 6h 7 TrentH W Elliott 30.00 42115 ZAI.TOWNA wb5113 8 5 2l 2" 4i 8i 8 WimmeiB Irene Sinimons 76 50 42321 NEDDIE LASS w 6 113 2 2 3"k 3l 32 51 91 Ma.chekF Mrs J K Russell 5.50 42030BLUE CASTLE m 5 108 6 4 8i b-MQ* Id* 10* NashB D F Harrington 80.10 42419 GRAN COSA wb5113 7 3 62 11 11 11 11 MartinJ M MacSchwebel St.40 ■fDead heat fur second. *Apprentice allowance w lived. Time, :24%. :4I%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:46%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , lA . n . RADIO WAVE 800 4.20 3.40 3.00 1.10 .70 MutUel PriCeS, MINDEFUL 5«0 580 150 ISO I FIRST WATER 5.20 6.40 1.60 2.20 Winner — Ro. in. by Pilate — Bell Eye, bv Roguish Eye, trained by L. Campbell; bred by Mr. Robert E. Beattv. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5:32. OFF AT 5:32J- EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won handily; seconds driving. RADIO WAVE was rated alone back of the pace, moved up stoutly in the last five sixteenths and wore down MINDEFUL in the stretch and drew out steadily. MINDEFUL, quickest to begin, was sent into a good lead, met a bold hid from NEDDIE LASS midway of the turn, drew clear and was unable to cope with the bid of the winner, but lasted to ImM FIRST WATER to a dead heat for second. FIRST WATER, away slowly and forced to lose ground around the first turn, closed with good energy and was along in the last stride to draw on even terms with MINDEFUL. INFANT QUEEN closed some ground. IDA ROGERS was going willingly at the close after being outrun early. JESSIE GLADYS was never a serious threat. ZALTOWNA tired. NEDDIE LASS tired steadily in the la«t fie-siteenths. Scratched— 42546 Hazel W., 115; 42030 Valdina Zest, 113; 424193Tattnall Star, 108; 42603 Tellevane,10l. Overweight — Mindeful, 1 pound. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Whirlaway, July 13, 1942— 1:48/5— 4— 130. Purse / q r ,475. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. 4* 4t * s J Non-winners since June 1 allowed 3 lb?;.; since May 8, 5 lbs.: since June 18-43— Suf April 10, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,600; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,300. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 50; fourth. 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St *4 5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd Strt 42263**KIG TORCH wb6112 8 3 14 P 3«i 1* 1» William-H J Truett Jr 2.50 41526GOOBER LAD w 5 117 2 l 1* 1*| 1* 3J 2J LutherT Mrs S Miller 7 00 42035 GINOCA w87111 4 4 4i 4* 2" 2* 3* MaschekF H G BedweH 3.70 42035-FLASHMONG wb4112 1 5 55 5s 4 4* 4 ClaggettH Level and Waldron 11.10 42035*WEE SCOT wb5105 7 7 b" 6* 6» 5*; 5« NashB T F Bledsoe 4.40 41956 C*SH O BOY wb8117 5 6 7 7 7 7 b* CoDinsF A Gaignard 3 90 41956 BUTCHER BOY w 5 115 3 2 2 * 2* 5i 6i 7 SmithE M Feldman 28 80 Time, :24%, :4$%. 1:13%. 1:39, 1:52. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid — , Odds to j KING TORCH 7.00 4 20 2.80 2.50 1.10 .40 ki ln. Mutuel Pricesj goober lad 720 360 t.%% m I GINOCA 32° H Winner— Ch. g, by Torrhilla— May Stell. by Tchad, trained by G. R. Allen; bred by Mr. Clyde Nan Dusen. Winner entered to be claimed for ,600. WENT TO POST— 6:041. OFF AT 6:05 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. KING TORCH wa« steadied in near pursuit of the pace, moved up on the outside in the stretch and outlasted GOOBER LAD. The latter went to the front at once, drew clear and, rated along under slight restraint, fought it out determinedly and just mi sed la-ting long enough. G1NOCHA moved up on the inside leaving the back stretch, saved ground into the stretch, "loomed up threateningly, but »a unable to close any ground through the last eighth. FLASHALONG was unable to close any ground during the stretch run. WEE SCOT was never tNMMrt. CASH O BOY was tar bark all the way. BITCHER BOY quit after racing prominently pla« d « Scratched— 42327Connachta, 113. Overweight— Wee Scot. 3 pounds. Claimed— King Torch by Mrs. R. Feinberg for SI. 600.