1st L. F, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-19

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X Good Mud Runner. ♦ Fair Mud Runner. 0 Superior Mud Runner. Indexed Entries and Past Performances Listed According to Post Position 6 1-2 FURLONGS Out of Chute. Talked About, Sept. 17, 1940 1_A II C — 1:173-,— 6 — 115. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim- * L.I ingr. Non-winners since May 15. 4-year-olds, 116 lbs.; older, 118 lbs. Non-winners since April 23 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Best time made at distance of race. Chart Book Todays Index No Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt. 42016s Meadow Dow X113 424032 NaniLeonai Sep42 Haw l:21%sl 112X110 41943* *Trim Stepper Oct42 Haw 1:19% 109X105 41724- Mismark Sep42 Haw 1:19% 112X110 19729 Great Bear X107 42243 Arched X107 40775- Kentown 8118 39835 Less Time X107 40501 Gay Thorn M 105 Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt. Wt 41731 Auld Lan? Svne Sep42 Haw 1 :20% 108 108 424593 *Due Sport Jun43 Haw 1:21% 113110 42100 *Bezique Oct42 Haw 1:21% 106X103 420203 Dans Choice M .Ian42 Hia 1.20% 120 110 42099 Miss Nutmeg Mav42CDl:21 109 107 42459 *Top Note Sep42 Haw 1:21% 110*105 35537 String Band Sep42 Haw 1:21 110X110 42307 *David B. Jr. Oct42 Haw 1:20% 108X113 42600 *Ida Streng Sep42 Haw 1:21% 105 106 Meadow Dpw X 1 1 1 B. m, 5, by Sun Meadow— Whatll I Do, by Eternal. re " CW » J Breeder, William F. Hitt. 1943.4 2 0 1 ,475 Owner, Mrs. L. Beyda. Trainer, W. Causey. ,250 1942 4 12 0 50 Jun. 8 43 Haw 3-41:14%ft 14 5 108*9 4 2nk 3| BarnevL? 1200 76 Feathv 116.MnlaK.108.Msl.exin 9 Mayl2-433C.D 3-41:16%hy 3-5 113 2 2 l» 14 ReevesR* 1000 69 WVgChance 114,BidUpll4,Acqtce 8 May 6-43 CD 3-41:13%ft 7-5 T113 7 2 2b 14 SmithFA3 1050 81 BonieBold 105,JoAnn 113,Conttion 12 May 1-433C.D 3-4 1.12%ft 5Jf 109 5 9 10H111* SmithFA3 1500 73 Hometown 112. Drollon 113,Bulrush 12 Jun.23-422A.P 3-4 l:12%ft 11-10 109 11 2 52j 55i SmithFA" 1200 78 DubleTake 103,QukTool 98,SkyDog 12 Apt22-42!Kee 3-4 l:12%ft 31-10 113 1 2 22 22 WallaceG* 2000 86 Aureole 105,JimPatll5,WiseBrrister 1 Apcl4-42-Kee 3-41:13%ft 4-5 #110 3 1 1* 1» WallaceG9 1500 83 SirL. 117, TheAnvil 112, Sonny.John 12 Mar25-42*O.P 3-41:12%sy 5 110 2 2 22 2» WallaceG* 2000 84 ChceSord 113,Midluckll8,BkBmeI 8 June 17— Haw-5 8 ft 1:07b June 14— Haw -5 8 ft . . .lK2%h June 5— Haw— 5 8 si 105b Nnni-Leonai X 111 A B- m • , °y Don Leon— Nani-Hawaii, by Radiant. I I V Breeder, Al Smitha. 1943.. 7 2 2 0 ,750 Owner. Miss Ruth Sidell. Trainer, H. Pardue. ,000 1942 17 6 1 1 ,330 Junl4-431Hdw 3-4 1:14 ft 28 107* 1 2 1 2" SkorkiA" 1000 78 Discusn 119.DreamFoxll2,rumpet 12 Jun. 8-432Haw 3-41:14%tt 20 108*3 6 10,610-° MartinCL1 1200 56 AnnieAlne 116.CpLibyl08,TkvOtis 11 Jun. 1-43 Haw 6ifl:22%ad 5 106*3 1 22 7« SkoskiA« 1000 63 GyYth 109,MsNtmgl08£,Courtes 11 Ma 26-43iHaw 3-41:18 hy 8-5 #108* 1 2 59 513 HauerD1 1250 45 Coupon 113. DueSport llS.Gay Youth 6 Mayl5-43Spt 5-81:01%sy37-10 110* 1 1 1* 12J SkornskiA1200 Batter 120.HuriHomHarill6,GayIeF. 10 May 7-43-Spt 5-8102 ft 17-5 113 1 1 l2 2° ParkeC3 1000 Conejo 117,YeeNotsll7,CpLiberty 7 Apc27-433Spt 5-8 l:04%sl 21-10 ♦HO 1 3 2i l2i SeamanW2 1000 Valordor Kte.Matchls 107A,Peachno 10 May 25— Haw— 3 8 hy :41b Trim Stenner X Ifi1* Cn- m- 6- b* Traumer— Hot Stepper, by Pot au Feu. KK ■ VJ Breeder. Mrs. Clyde Smith. 1943.. 5 0 1 1 00 Owner, Harold Nellor. Trainer, C. Vanscoy. ,250 1942 27 5 3 6 490 Jun. 7-43-Haw 6Jfl:20%gd23-10 ♦104* 9 5 4 J 33 JohnsonP- 1250 77 ClvWthr 118,Onflall0£.DueSport 12 Ma 29-43Haw 6ifl:22%gd U ♦108* 6 5 423 BowmanG9 1250 70 Anophs 118.SwtSty 113,QuickTool 12 May21-437Haw 6i f 1:26 hy 4i 109 1 4 4* 4* LoweW* 1250 46 HastvKiss 107,Millo 113,Highthorne 6 Md17-43- Ha v 3-4 l:16%m 49-10 109 7 7 69 5 LoweW* 1500 58 Millpmp 109.RogsBoyll2,Cap Fury 8 May 8-434Spt 5-81:02 gd 6 110 4 6 6r i 5s LoweW4 1500 DrRder 114,Bardyll2,MsLexton 7 No« 7-42-Spt 7-8 l:32%sl 14 108 1 1 2" 42 PhillipsV9 1750 Wayriel 108i,SamHtonl03i,Erliana 10 Nov. 5-42Spt 7-8 l:30%sj 13-10 #112 1 4 49 5" GuerinE* 1500 Latent 112, KsQuestll 115 ThreeBgs 5 Oct.31-42-SPt 7-81:31 si 3 #109 3 4 5"i 5=4 BrooksS* 1750 HighName 120.II,.1.|.|]13.r„cleMose 7 May 27— Spt— 12 ft :53%h May 14-Haw-3 3 gd. . . :38%b Mkmnrt ivmmarK / X 1 1 fi Ch. m, I, by Whiskalong— Hazel Spears, by Drastic. | IU Breeder. Li Mar Stock Farm. 1943.10 1 2 2 ,075 Owner. Mrs. R. Colbow. Trainer, J. P. Keezek. SI. 000 1942 30 7 4 S ,100 Jun. 3 -431 Haw 6 f 1:21 ft 11 105*5 3 lh Pj JohnsonP 1250 76 Toujour 119,Allev 114.Monk"sMemo 12 Ma13-431C.D 3-41:13%ft 8-5 ♦108* 1 5 5* 35 ReevesR* 1000 77 Hiformtn 109,R"lMthal08.EIOsna 10 May 5-43C.D 6J f l:19%ft 13-5 fUS" 1 5 54 42 BashamC11 1250 82 GayYuth 118.B.Skimmerl05.BethB. 12 Apc26-43-C.D 3-41:13%ft 34 109 1 1 lh In BashamC12 1250 81 MyMvri 103.Ouphe IRTreemontier 12 Aprl4-43-C.D 3-41:16%sl 8-5 ♦113 2 2 22 5* EadsW* 1200 65 KingsErrr 110,Perhobol05,StandIn 12 Aprl0-432C.D 6Jfl:22%sl 5 113 1 2 31 510 ScurlkD10 1200 59 Alned 118,Yesteryearll4.PimroPo!ly 12 Mac 9-432F.G 3-4 l:13%ft 29-10 116*7 5 2 J 3Jj MurphyS? 1250 82 Cherriko 114.AirActrsl07,Am. Bride 10 Feb.23-433F.G 3-41:17 hy % 113*7 7 58i 68i ClingnDi° 1250 57 Lithogrh HO.ArITovllO.Val.Bishp 12 June 16- Was— 3 8 ft :38h June 12— Was— 3 8 ft. .. . 58 June 1— Was— 1 2 gd. . . . :51%b Great vjic B«»nr c 1 fi7 Br- m- 6- • * Blackwood— Photos Star, by North Star HI. |U/ Breeder, Mrs. Emil Denemark. Owner, F. Abbate. Trainer, F. Abbate. ,000 Dec 8-41-C.T 6ifl:21%?d 44 111 7 8 8" 8" GarrettL 1250 GlittorGirl lll.TwoPlylRHi-hRose 8 Dec 3 41 C.T a 7-8 1:26 ft - 50 111 3 7 711 7" GarrettL* 1200 Aldrge 109.McHenry lllJ.Welshl.ad 8 NoUl-415Pas l-701:50%ft 10 106 2 2 52i 4i GarrettL? 600 TheLoom 109.PoliteAnnl07.CountMe 8 Nov. 6-4FPas 63 f l:291/ssl 22 113 2 2 42i 22t GarrettL6 700 PepTalk 116,WtlePetell6,Berndine 3 fDead heat for second. Oct30-413pas 6Jfl:27%gd 12 112 2 6 7*| 7" GarrettL1 800 MryFlag 101,HighRosell2,Tantrum 8 Oct28-412Pas Off 1:30 m 10 113 2 3 4* 5" GarrettLl 800 FastStart lll.Overiwst lll.Glenbm 3 June 15— Was— 3 4 ft....l:16%h June 11— Was— 5 8 ft l:04h June 9— Was— 3-8 si :37%h Arrhorl V 1 fi7 Cn- h- 6- y Monks Way— Fairy Ring, by High Time. Mlllieu s lj£ Breederi LoUise J. Hickman. 1943.1 0 0 0 Owner, J. Barrett. Trainer, W. L. Hoaj. ,000 1942 17 3 2 3 ,540 Jun.ll-43::Haw 3-4 l:14%ft 17-5 107*1 1 43i 8"J BarnevLS 1050 67 JgleMoon 112.Weisnhmrl07,Tsco 12 Jun.27-42:A.P 3-41:ll%ft 14 112 1 4 58i 56i MartinG1 1200 85 Mexicana 112.GoldFlagll6.I.ingerOn 12 Jua20-42"-L.F 3-41:15a5sy 4 115 1 2 4« 510 MartinG6 1250 60 Highthorne 112.Midluckll8.0nemore 9 Jual7-42L.F 3-4 l:14%ft 5 120 1 2 23 21 MartinG* 1200 72 Limitation 110Footnotel08i.SfgBd 8 Jun.l2-424L.F 3-41:20%hy39-10 117 1 1 l3 l5 MartinG 1250 44 FtStart 108i.Apheleslll.MksMo 7 Jual0-423L.F 3-4 1:17% m 19-5 114 2 1 43J 4"J MartinG1 1250 51 Radio 112,Cr.vWther 118,GoldFlag 9 Jua 3-422L.F 3-4 1:17% m 3 118 3 2 22 33i MartinG 1250 58 TorchGlm 118,Emplr 118.RnGypsy 12 M«-16-42»Spt 5-8 103%sl 22 120 1 1 14 1» MartinG* 1500 ChfsBoy 115.Nani-Leail08,Cherk6 9 June 16-Spt— 5 8 ft....l08%b June 10— Spt— 1-2 ft :52%h June 7— Spt-3 4 ft l:20%h konfr.wn 9i 1 1Q Blk. h, 5, by Jamestown— Dorothy Kendle, by Wildair. •enrOWn V I 10 Breeder, R. H. Anderson. 1943 12 2 2 1 ,825 Owner, C. Troutt. Trainer, C. Troutt. ,250 1942 26 3 4 2 ,745 MaNl7-43H..w 3-4 l:16%m 37-10 116*1 3 32J 24 SkoskiA" 1250 65 Batter 116. Fealty 105. Ed M. 7 May 5-43-Spt 7-8 1:30 ft 5£ 120 1 3 2* 14 HabcrR8 1250 Aljack 117, Beamy 117. SweetStory 8 May l-43*Spt 1A 150%ft 11-5 #117 4 1 1 22 LoweW" 1200 Wicked 112.HenoLionl20.MauriceK. 8 Apr.28-43SSpt lrVl:51%ft 6 115 1 1 l2 1* LovxeW1 1200 PtLreatelll.BneysGal 106,TsLadd 7 Apr.24-432Spt 7-81:30%ft 5 110 3 5 71J 89 LemmnsH61250 SpcDrift 113.DMB.Jr. 105.CnF.iry 10 Mar25-43TO.P liVl:48%sy 15 112 2 4 74 71* LemsH3 1500 55 PanKing 118,Kokomoll3.TisDream 8 June 15— Haw— 1-2 ft.... 51%b June 11— Spt— 5 8 ft. . . .Id0%k June 4-Spt-3 8 si :43r,h I occ Tima V 1 f~I Cn- m» • y Time Maker— Karelia, by St. Henry. l-eii lime /s IV// Breeder. David N. Rust, Jr. 1943.5 0 1 S 00 Owner, H. H. Guyer. Trainer, C. J. Gamble. ,000 1942 15 0 0 4 00 Apr28-43Spt 5 81:0275ft 22-5 112 7 5 44 56 MillmanF3 1000 NmanSloat 113.TursI.inl04.Estrela 10 Mar22-431O.P MUS%ft 6 110 9 9 85i 76i McLeodG9 1000 77 QkerLad 115,Viscontvll5.SnwTrn 12 Marll-434O.P 3-41:16 m 6 112 7 4 52 64 Longdenl2 1000 63 Preco 115, Extremus ilO, LightTide 12 Mac 5-43O.P 3-41:14%sy 11 113 2 2 2J 22i AdamsJ7 1000 74 Youroff 108,Peachnolll,RovIView 12 Feb.26-433O.P 3-41:13-1 37 111 5 5 6* I*| LoTcoA2 1300 75 FItAwy 119,HriHmHariU4,FarrII 9 Dec 1-42B.M 3-4 l:13%gd23-10 |UJ 2 5 3« 34 ChockiF 1000 75 LOndee 104,Cons iptnll2.Loqleau 11 Nov:17-42sB.M 3-41:13%sy 10 106 3 2 2* 34 WdhselP 1000 78 Da break 114 Memphis 106,Seekonk 8 Nov.l4-423B.M 3-4 l:ll%ft 22 109 5 7 85 104 WdhseH* 1600 84 Gridine 107,TwoTonTyll2.M.it hup 10 June 14— Spt— 1 2 ft.... :51%h June 10— Spt— 3 8 ft :39%b June 7— Spt— 1-2 ft :51%b fou Thnrn KA JK Cn- f * by Tetrarchal— Reighthorne, by Sunreigh. VJUy Ilium iyJ | V/J Breeder, Karl Mayer. 1943.1 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. K. Mayer. Trainer, L. D. Glasser. ,000 1942 2 0 0 0 Ma ll-43 |t 5-81:03%sy 4 113 6 6 V 7 » GilpieW2 1000 FreeMiss 103.EbsFirst 106.HeelCall 8 Au?31-421Was 3-41:15 ft 11 98J 4 2 43 54 BaracyLP 1200 67 LarryS. 116.Wawfield 110.Paull.ee 9 Augl2-423Was 3-41:13%ft 84 105*5 6 6T 6" WieldrE* Allw 71 BgooMryllO.Angel HO.WintrWind 7 Sep.l6-41iHaw 1 1:15 gd 47 111 8 9 112112» PoolE 1500 48 AvReighll2.0doGirl 112,ValaBlue 12 June 12-Hav-5 3 ft....l:04%h June 16— Haw— 12 ft 49h June 7— Haw— 12 gd :56b MUIO Aul/i I nnn vrte 1 fift Br- • *• b* Balladier— Bessie Aliy by Son in Law. Lang jyne IwO Breeder. Louis B Mayer. 1943 18 1 • 2 00 Owner. A. Jung. Trainer, A. Jung. ,250 1942 35 1 3 2 ,425 Jua 3-43*Haw lrVl:49%lt 31 108*4 4 5* 611 HauerD* 1000 4H Dr. Bones HS.Pennsbr-l.Cru. -iba 12 Ma -17-43*Haw 1 1-8 2:00%m 31 1084 2 717 71* Uw*W* 1000 19 NitRder lll.Mist UootlOa.Suoosh 7 Ma 13-438Spt li5* 1:53 gd 21 107 5 3 35 3* BowmnG4 1000 BnevsGal 105.Dr.Bonesll2.E"hHour 6 MajlO-437Spt ll-81:59%sy 32 114 7 5 59 5" SchlkerA3 1000 PotLreate 117,KVsErrrlll,Koss« 7 Mas 3-434Spt 7-8 l:29-?=,ft 21 112 8 8 7» 74 HauerD2 1000 Bezique 104, Aljack 113. Mr. Smith 10 Apr26 438C.D 1 1-8 l:55%ft 191110 9 8 llll1* MrCoyJO 1000 49 Gourmet 107.AvaDelhtlll,Bi-L,gue 12 June 14 -Ha« —3 3 ft :38b June 1— Haw-3 8 gd :38b Diip vuc Snort l 5k 1 1 ft Cn- "• •• b Dueist— Sporting Pearl, by Raffles. Jrul ■« u Breeder. Clayton Morris. 1943.14 2 3 3 ,175 Owner. E. R Cowey. Trainer. E. R. Cowev. ,000 1942 23 4 3 5 ,275 Jun.15 43Haw b 2 f l:20%ft 3 116 9 8 6Bi 33 WhitingLG 1000 77 Azimth 107West Hol07.DriftSilver 11 Junll-43-Haw 6j,fl:20%ft 5 113 6 7 54 6*| WhitgL* 1000 77 Coupon 116, Batter 116, Keekee 12 Jun. 7-432Haw 6ifl:20%cd 22 108*1110 64 4*J BarneyL7 1250 75 ClvWthr 118.Chiflall0J.TmStepr 12 M 28 43 7 Haw lrVl:50%sl 5 109*3 6 J" 61* JsonP1 1250 42 SunDick 109,SgSpnerll4,SeParty 7 Ma 26 43Haw 3-41:18 hy 7 118 3 4 2* 24 WhitingL8 1250 54 Coupon 113, Gay Youth 113, PaulLee 6 Ma 19 437Haw 6Jfl:254*,m 22 113*3 3 33 33 WarrenW3 1250 51 Rejtble lll,MriceK.118,CyWthr 7 Majl7 434Haw 3-4 1:15%m 12 115*7 8 610 7" SkoskiA2 150052 Val. Dude 114, Snn Caseyll2,Owasse 9 uc Rp7iniiP X 1 ft3 B • *• by Balladier— Twenty Karat, by Golden Broom. Huc 5 IvJ Breeder. Woodvale Farm. 1943.6 1 0 0 26 Ownei. Mrs A C. Klein. Trainer. J Sainton. ,000 1942 14 2 1 1 ,760 Jua 9-432Hau 6i f l:20%ft 5 103* 6 11 811 72 BarnevL6 1000 68 Mich. Blue 110J,.SilkYarnl08,Harkim 12 Jun 1-43 "Haw 6j f l:22%gd43-10 103*4 2 3s ¥ BarnevL8 1000 64 GyYth 109.MsNtmgl08J.Courtes 11 Ma 15-432Spt 5-8 l:02%sy 6i 115 10 Lost rider. LoTurcoA5 1200 ShiryG.115,PopsRivl 120.RseBne 10 kMay3-434Spt 7-8 l:29%ft 37-10 104*6 1 1" 12J BarnevL9 1000 Aljack 113, Mr.Smith 113, Very True 10 Apr27-43Spt 5-81:03%sl 7J 107*8 8 74 843 Hauerb™ 1000 Madlv llO.PopsRival 115,.Iuliet C. 10 Apr.24 43Spt 5-8 1:02 ft 47-10 106J 8 7 7* 64 LoweW5 1250 Starwsta 110.HtvStarll4.Mchless 10 Nov 5 42-Spt 7-8 1:32 sy29 10 4111 5 2 21 43i GlwellP8 1000 D.Dallas 110.Hutokall2.M*sShowMe 10 Oit.30 42Spt 5-81:02%sy 13 112 4 3 3" 24 BrooksS 1000 HuriHomHi 115.Hutokall6.Extmus 10 June 16— Spt— 1 2 ft :53%b May 26— Spt— 12 gd :56b Dnnc Chnirp M lift Blk- »• 4 b Chance Sun— Flourish, by Pennant. UUni V-nuice m V Breeder Thomas Piatt. 1943 7 0 11 75 Owner. Mrs. Albert Sabath. Trainer. A. Swenke. 51.000 1942 6 0 2 0 10 Jun. 8-437Haw IrV l:50%ft 8* 115 10 1 2» 34 JemasNr 1000 54 Hopedle llS.SpgCheer 103»Launsgo 12 Jun 4-43Haw lrVl:54%hy 11 118 8 6 61 6" JemasN8 1000 24 Hadaboy 118.GavHo..rll3.Pur.Briar fi Ma 27-438Haw 1 1-8 2:00%sl 47-10 118 5 2 6* 64 JemasN3 1000 26 SyrnBoy 118,SgMasterll3.RoIRisk 8 Maj24 437Haw lrVl:58%hy 16 115 5 3 22 2£ ZufeltFS 2000 13 FrouFru lOS.UnhmpdlOS.Sp.Cheer 7 Mayl5 43C.D 6J f l:22%m 33 119 4 9 V* 710 JemasN» 1250 60 Lit.RdFoxl22.Ackwell 119.0ldSmey 9 M.. 13-43-C.D 3 4 1:14 ft 23 113 12 11 8s3 94 JemasN8 1000 71 Hasty Kiss 108. Zorro 112, Unquote 12 Mav 1-4.V-C.D 3-4 1:ll%ft 93 115 11 12 12"11« BushV3 Ailw 75 Bvridge 110.CmeElevnll3.Yukon 12 May 31-Haw— 3 8 m :42b May 23— Was— 3 8 si :41b May 10— CD— 3 8 gd :39b IVIIbS Mice "U-nieg Nnt-mpn 1 ft7 Br- m- 6 bX The Nut— Mabel C, by Light Brigade. J/ erceder. A. J Sackett. 1943.2 0 1 0 00 Owner. H. M. Collins. Trainer, N. H. Cantrell. ,000 1942 17 0 2 2 35 Jun. 9-43Hau 6ifl:21 ft 20 1095 I 1*P«12»« HaritosJ" 1250 66 Reztips 110.Jackorackll3.PrinlyGift 12 Jua 1-43Haw 64 f l:22%gd 50 1088 9 5«i 2* LoweW2 1000 65 GyYoth 109.Courteousl06i.Bezique 11 Oct l-427Haw l-701:45%ft 6 108 1 5 5" 6" BrooksS 1200 65 BrtHart 103,MuchoGoll4,SletIno 7 Sop22 428Haw l,Vl:48%ft b2 105* 7 2 44 54 BarneyL* 1200 58 Little Gay HO.Wonana 108,Two Ply 12 Scpl9 422Haw 6J, f l:23%sl 5 106* 3 5 42J 54 BarnevL9 1200 59 Sumralll lll.StvChrdlll.Cherko 10 Sepl2-42!Haw l,,rl:49 ft 14 5*109 1 1 1" 2J BrooksS 1200 63 V Id. Babe lOM.ewistn 112,Chicha 9 Sep 8 42-Was lil:57%sy 2 107 4 1 4 4 FieldeR" 1200 50 Obi sbo 116,Kai,Hi lll.SpanishMain 12 Jun. 5— Was— 12 si :54b May 29— Was— 3-4 si. . . -.l:18%h May 26— Was— 3-4 hy l:23h Tr»n Nnfrp ?k lft* B- 9l by "°yal Minstrel — Torpedo, by Man o War. I MUlC T* up IUJ Breeder. Crispin Oglebay. 1943.1 0 0 0 Owner. Mrs. Emu Denemark. Trainer. E. E. Russell. ,000 1942 .25 1 2 5 ,400 Jiin.l5-43!H.iw 6ifl:20%ft 46 107*4 3 914 917 WarrenW* 1000 63 Azi-muth 107. West Ho 107,DueSport 11 0 t.l7-422Haw 3-4 1:15 gd 7 116 1 6 6« 66I JemasN10 1200 66 Stanvsta 116,Bellcda 108.GldTrvst 10 ktl0-42Haw 6ifl:19%ft 9 113 2 1 34 6*1 JemasN" 1200 81 ryTrue 117.TwoPlvll3.HisHighns 12 0 t MPHn 3-41:15 si 15 108 5 4 37 58i BrooksS 1200 64 LkoutRcal 109.Fr.Missl09.Sanctity 12 Sop29-42Haw 6fl:21%gd 50 110 6 5 3-4 76i MalzanJ* 1200 69 G medUp 107,BntHpel05.LotRcal 12 Sop24-42-Haw 6 f l:19ft 56 110 3 3 764 V* MalzanJ" 1200 74 Cloak 108£.GummdUP104.HastvKiss 12 Sepl5 42Haw 6 ", f l:21%sl 15 105*5 4 81U026 HauerD 1200 48 Sa-.Nme m.GiaMblelOS.Lo.Rcal 11 SeplO 42Ha« 6ifl:22 hy 15 112 3 3 44 7" SmithFA« 1200 58 CaptnFryll2,StreBndll2,Litsme 12 June 18-Haw— 1 2 ft :51b June 13— Haw— 12 ft. .. . :51%b June 8— Haw— 12 ft :53b Strinn duiiu Rnnrl s X 1 1 ft Ch. t. 4, by Stimulus— Melodiana, by Gallant Fox. jirmg j Breeder Mr$ R A Van CMef Owner, Rosehome Stable. Trainer. B. M. Rosenheim. ,000 1942 16 115 ,325 Ott.19 42Spt 5-81:01M ft H 104*8 7 7" 66i ReevesR" 1000 HtyStr 112.Dt RVerl09.Pl.Grck 10 Sep30 42-Haw 6i f 1:20 ft U 107 11 U llinP2 BrooksS" 1200 71 Mich.Str .DhvDlasllS.Weishr 12 Sop22 42-Haw 6fl:19%ft 19-5 110 7 7 532 37t JemasN2 1200 78 MichinBlue 112,EbonFIgll2,Ga Elf 12 tDcad heat. SeplO 421Hau 6ifl:22 hy43-10 112 1 1 2h 2nn BrooksSO 1200 73 CaptnFrvll2,Liehtsmel04,Sw,tRoll 12 Aug.13 423Was 7-81:25%ft 8 106*10 3 34 44 BarnevL9 1250 78 AnelBdl67.LoutRcal 114.CtryMs 12 Aug 7 422Was 7-8 l:25%ft 9 106 2 3 34 32 NevesR7 1250 82 CrtCsel 117.AriIBirdl07.M.Bridux 12 Jul.27 422A.P 3-41:12%ft 5A 107 5 1 14 34i BrooksS 1200 82 GdGosh 110.NightLdyl07,NleSxn 12 June 13— Haw— 5-8 ft l:04h ftnviH R r X in Br. g, 5, by David B.— Miss Gray, by A. M. White. l/OVia D- Jr I l«5 Breeder. E. J. Schott. 1943.16 2 2 1 ,775 Owner. Happy Hour Farm. Trainer. R. Salvino. ,250 1942 31 3 6 9 ,440 Jun.12 43:Havv bj f l:20%ft 8 113*7 8 8" 84 DotterL3 1500 72 MarclaK. 106.LckyB.110,I.imitatin 8 Jua 7-43Haw 6ifl:21 gd 5£ 108*2 4 24 42i HauerDi 1000 76 Discusn HO.Courtes HO.CapnFry 12 Jun. 2 43"Haw 3-4 l:14%gd 17 117 10 10 ll1*!!1* BurnsG7 1550 62 JustBeans l.Isaromal.Hadatime 11 M..j28-434Havv 6ifl:22%sl 18 5 108*3 1 23 43 BarnevL8 1600 67 K.Rnder 110.W inamacl05.Feathery 6 M.. 17-434Haw 3-4 1:15%m 12 115*8 7 71* 617 BarnevL8 1500 52 Val. Dude 114.SnnvCasevll2.0v,asse 9 May 6 437Spt 7-8 1:30Vsft 14-5 fll5* 6 4 1| li BarnevL8 1500 QuickTool 103. Tenuous 112, TryFin 8 Apr28 43GSpt 7 8 l:29%ft 19 -10 0b* 4 4 ij l7 BarneyL6 1250 FltAwy 118,GmdUp 104,Sqwjne 10 Apr.24 432Spt 7-81:30%ft 6£ 105*5 4 31 2" BarnevL* 1250 SpgDrift 113.CnFurvllO.PoetLeate 10 June 16— Haw— 3-8 ft.... :364h June 6— Spt— 3-8 ft :38%h May 22— Spt— 3 8 gd. . . . :38%h Mn luu sfrpnn 1 ftA B- *• 4- b Psychic Bid— Relance, by Blarney. jnciiy 1 |JO Breeder. Thomas Piatt. 1943.12 1 1 1 ,075 Owner. S. A Kobrin. Trainer. F. Carra. ,250 . 1942 13 1 0 0 15 Jun.17 4.3Hau 1-701:47 ft 56 110* 3 6 910 914 DotterL5 1250 53 Swoosh 112. Hazel Lee 115. Allev 12 MrfSSHam 6j f 1:26 hy 17 106*4 2 46 815 JohsonP6 1050 38 JstBns 118.LteDwnll3.MsBridx 8 Mav21 -438Haw 1-70 l:55%hy 24-5 103* 5 2 34 44 JohnsonP6 1000 16 Zoroastra 105 Votum lll.Swift Sue 6 M..15 437Spt IkhSSHm 13 107*7 1 48 44 VillarditoN41200 Chattnan 116.JkVnniell6.MitStep 7 M.. 12 43-Spt 7-81:33%m 6 113 2 3 2? 32 Carter.IE6 1000 MitStep 113,CaptnFurvll8,PrTsit 7 May 8-43 Spt 7-8 1:31%sl 16 108 3 1 14 14 CarterJE3 1000 Venc. 108.Busv Josie 103.Town Lace 8 May 3 437Spt 1,J.: l:514/5ft 16 109 4 1 4 24 CarterJE8 1000 MlaBay 109,SirLivervl09,TomsLadd 8 Apr.29 437?pt 1-70 1:51 ft 90 1085 2 33 44 CarterJE6 1200 CnFurv 112.MenwhiIell2.Pcharino 8 Hir 8 43O.P 3 4 1:15 si 20I10810 3 5-41010 VhheC10 1000 66 LlcoutRscl HS.HoganllS.Appntee 11 ~June 14-Was-lm ft....l:46%h June 12— Was— 5 8 ft. . . .l:08%b June 9— Was-3 4 si l:18%b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1943061901/drf1943061901_9_5
Local Identifier: drf1943061901_9_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800