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THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Bagkaraagnt Handicap. 16010 1:11 3 11... i I1". 17273 17279 17037 LUKE, ch. c. 3 134 By Peter Quince— Amy J. J. N. Camden. ■«• 18848 ;,■:, Douglas 3-4 l:10%faat 17 188 2 1 1 1« V B otr :. B.sChoice, Bockhorn. feocbarea |*VS g 16756 16587 Saratoga 3 1 l :13 fast 7 11918 13 14 14* 14» W W T*lorl5 T.byJry, T.ot.Morng, l-Barby ■3 .;,• 18684 1405 Saratoga 8-4 l:14%good 7-6 119 l ill1 8*1 W W T*lor 6 L. Barbary, T.byJary. HighNoon HD TTT 11161 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll%faat 10 122 2 2 2 2 4«i w w Tlor S Regret Pebblea. Parti H:E 16007 Saratoga 5| f 1.-06 fast 1-2 128 1 1111 8* W W Tlor 3 "bar. Maid, D. Flower t 22399 14902 Latonia 5-8 IM fast 1-3 125 2 2 2" 21 W* "W TMor 3 Chalmere, Dr. Carmen 22319 14 c.o Douglas 5-8 r-S%fast S-5 L4 1 11 2» l1 W W T*lor 7 BrigaSlster, Climber. Dr.Carmen ien -1 21785 14184 Church* I 4i f 53 fast 2J 121 2 1 Is Is W W Tlor 8 M. liwsliy, Dr.Carmen. EdCrump mn 21© 21667 HUG Le»Rton 5-8 1:00 Rood 1 118 2 2 2 21 1* W W Tlor 8 Cli.ilniiTs. Ed Cn:mi . E. Cochran .a,, -"/. 21847 SIR JOHN JOHNSON, b. h. 10 130 By Isidor— La Tosca II. Bsverwyck Stable. :, 20973 20728 .- 22.*62 Saratoga 1-4 1:17 ato« SO 131 1 2 2 41 111S|I Loftna 11 Sopendent, L.Barbary, Grumpy :,,-, 20591 16630 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 7 I3i 5 •". 2 21 21 A SchuRrll Bockhorn. Sprite. Uncle Jimmie 10 ;-- 17771 16504 Saratoga 1 3-10 2 : :?•. -.hvy E 115 t; 7 8 8 83 8**1K Karrick 10 Star Gase. Lahore. S:m Vega 17.":.". -- 16330 Saratoga ll:39%fast 1110 114 3 2 1 1 21 4 .T r.utwcll T Hedge. Croaabun. Robt. Bradley [ov 16261 Saratoga 1 l:39%fast 3 112 111 1 1- I1 J Rutwell 7 P. Park. B.Bradley. B.ofB Mawi „r DO 16201 Saratoga 8-4 1:13 slop 11-5 127 8 4 4 5] 8*| G Byrne S Ten Point. Tranid. Adelaide T. --" 16118 Saratoga 3-4 l:llVfefaat 3 109 5 2 1 l2 WG P.yrne 7 Stromboli. Tan.Kotlona, S. Board Ird 21fi 21625 15985 Saratoga 7 -s 1 :244.-,fast 15 US 3 1 1 4 5J 416 G Pvrne 8 StromboU, H.MaJeaty, A.Expreaa ms 213 21313 13220 Charlen lm70y l:48Vimnd 5 L0 1 1 1 1 lj 2* J Kuriey 0 Repoblican, Pardner, Cs. Michael ael -I-1 21262 13139 Iliail-n 1 IS 1 :55=;.good 4 IIS 3 11 1 in 33 G Byrne 6 Lodiiel. Q M. MlUer. J. Fnrkmg ,"• °*09 W4 12861 Charlen 1 1-8 157%hvy 2J 119 3 1 1 1 l" 3- G Tlyrne 11 Ringlins: Drtwortb, Repnbliear Jia 208 20867 12883 Charlen 1 l:44%naud 31 121 2 11 1 li 2" G Byrne 8 Rlnsllns, Dartwortb. P. Hermif nif - E0394 12733 Charlen 61 f LOSgood 7-5 129 7 1 1 2J G"1G Byrne 7 Wiliiite. Carltont;.. Jo.inP.XixoD on -0: 2021 SUPERINTENDENT, b. g, 4 128 By Ogden— My Beauty F. Mannix. Jli 17477 .. Saratoga 3-4 1:11 slow 8 138 3 1 1 P Pit McTagtll LdyBarbary. Grumpy, L.Skomy ]1V 15704 " 22216 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 hvy 80 18 3 2 3 V- 3-- J McTagrt 5 Pixy, I chares, Helen Barbee t. SH -2171 Saratoga . 8 1:32 mud 18-6 88 :: 2 2 3 3 ::,r! .T MeCabey :i Reybourn, Conauag Tower 21843 Aqueduct 64 t l:20%faat 10 122 4 2 3 4j 53 T UeTag*t 7 Harry Shaw, H.Barbee, Pdarlm Ins -- 22219 21767 Belmont 3-4 st 1:11 fast 7 102 3 5 S 6 6? M Buxton 8 Pomette Blea, Hanorla, inat 22168 22* 21627 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 25 120 4 6 10 9J 11" J P.utwelln PolaHus, Vladimir. Kenmouae --- 21694 Aqueduct 3-1 20 188 7 4 6 7* . 75 T McTagt ! Ibinovi.i. Heli-nRarh. e. S.. Tack son ;on 82045 --" 16863 Saratoga 1 l:38%good 15 ins 3 fi G 6 6 8»«IA SchugT « 8trombnli. Ponch Bowl, Gainer 2191 21979 16274 Saratoga 7-8 l:25/5fast 12 105 8 8 8 8 75 8»«|A Schugr 8 II. Majesty, Magnet V. Notion- mis 20941 209 1S605 Ehnplre 1 1-1G 1:4S good 18-5 10G 4 2 3 5 G G«.T Kederis J Punch Bowl. L.Skolny. dm. Bleu ten - 20920 HANSON, ch. g. 3 130 By OddfellowJane Eyre S. L. Parsons. 28891 11:: Saratoga 1 l:43%alow 6 88 8 11 1 l|P .1 McTagrt 7 LJaamine, Montreaor. p..m Bleu , l _ S0822 K is Saratoga 3-4 l:13%slow 2J 108 1 l 1- l- t; Byrne 5 Pixy. S a Shell, Mars Caaaidy •Xj4 2C430 21670 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 8 97 3 1 1 I1 l1 P lewder 8 Iixv. Double Ragle, Hes. Prynne Oie M/ 21627 Belmont 3-4 1 :13%fast 7 116 2 11 2U 6«i J Loftus 11 Polariua, Vladimir. Fenmouae -3 22382 2T594 Aque.iuct 3-4 l:l4%fast 13-5 128 1 6 i 5 §»• J Loftus 9 Ilanovia. HelenBarbee, S.Jackson ion !2228 - joins h. lmont 5J f st l:05%slow 3 102 6 G 5 51 5s II Sumter 8 T.OthMornlaa;, T.Finn. Gtmlng ing 22018 -FENMOUSE, b. f. 3 122 By Rock Sand— Flittermouse A. Belmont. 21309 llI • Saratoga 3-4 l:15%slow 4., 119 5 2 2 2s 25 Turner 8 Coa.Tuwer, llanovi-i. Hawtborn ,,.„ -,• 21183 Saratoga 3-4 1:18 hvy 6 114 2 2 3 l1 l3 J McTagrt 7 Lady Barbary. Quartz. Grumpy I," "] 21882 21375 Saratoga 8-4 1:18 fast « ift7 8 6 6 6 $" C Turner 11 Don. Tower, Corsican, Palanquin J?- - 30947 2:74s Belmont 3-4 l:13%faat 2-5 ion 2 3 1 1= IM Turner r, Dinah Do, Lou Blue. Azylade LA 0687 Belmont 3-4 1:13%fast 1S-5 98 4 8 5 5i S-% J McKver S Etruacan. Cy Merrick, Ilarrv Jr Jr 21627 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 12 110 G 3 3 1 3J C Turner 11 Polnrlus. Vladimir. Leo Skolny 21! 21909 21171 Jamaica Ci f 1:07 fast 13-5 98 3 2 2 1J 1» J McKver 11 Plantagenet. MntstreL S ofVley ley 217 21785 21068 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 12 116 7 7 7 7 7" E Dugan 7 TothMnlng, Hanovia, Figinny r 217 21746 20828 Belmont 11:39 fast 11-5 91 2 2 2 2 21 3 P Lowder 4 Wooden Shoes. Bae. Stonehenge B -15 21562 20754 Belmont 3-4 M4%faat 11-5 98 3 I 1 1« 1» p Lowder 3 AtyUde, I.ilv Orme 03 21348 H600 Belmont 6i f l:20%good 2J 105 5 5 5 41" iH C Turner 5 TinkleBell, Dist.Shore. Sam Slick CB 312 21218 LEO SKOLNY. ch. c. 4 127 By Star Shoot— Lady Alberta R. J. Mackenzie. 2J 21042 . »62 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 slow 5 128 8 8 6 :•• PIC Gana II Snpendeat, L.Barbary. Grumpj 28978 -":. 22143 Saratoga 1 l:43%8low fi 164 7 0 7 7 7 I»W LUley 7 StarJasmlne. Montreaor, Hanson , :,"" 20309 22067 Saratoga 11:44%hvy 3J 148 2 111 1- 1- W I.illey ! II. Shaw. Ra v. Candle. Holiday ." ""; 20214 21822 Aqueduct 1 1 :38%fast 3 v r. 3 1 1 S» 5»1M Buxton 6 Hodge, Holiday. Coquette 20183 , 21627 Belmont 8-4 l:13*4faat 5 128 11 10 8 71 4=: J McCabeyll Pohuius. Vladimir. Fenmoaae , -" 20148 21533 Aqueduct 1 l:39%faat 18-6 111 1 1 1 1 lak n J McCahey 8 Harry Shaw, Uoly. Tbornhill SP 21171 Aqueduct 7-81:38 aloft 12 MB 4 4." 3 34 3= M Buxton 8 Phosphor. Pom. Bleu. Ten Point int -- 22047 21488 Aqueduct U f l:2»%slow 3-5 119 l 4 4 4 25 C Borol 4 Thornbill. Prairie. True aa Steel »,.! -"■ 20933 21272 Aqueduct GJfl:20 fast 4 108 3 IIP I2 M Buxton 4 II. Prvnne, D.Eagle, R. Martyr vi- 20879 208 20741 Douglas lm70y l:42%fast 39-10 110 2 111 33» 8» A Mott 1 S. Jasmine. B.IIenslev. R.Bdie? iP? 20S 88838 20701 Douglas 3-4 1 :ll%fast 34-5 105 3 2 3 32 31 K Lapaille 4 R. Toney. "miimers. B. Heusloy 1.y -"" 20582 BAC, ch. g, 4 132 By Cunard— Bandello A. Miller. 80478 23M Saratoga 1 l:44%mud 5 u., 1111 1" r- .1 Kutwell 5 Lb nthal. Virile, Spearhead 20438 21838 Aqueduct 1 1 :39%fast 7 20 113 ill 1 I* 1 J ButweU 5 Lahore. 8. of Valley, Talecarrier .je, W 21089 Belmont 1 l:48%faat 8-6 117 2 2 3 3 3l 3» J BntweH r. r. Thistle, Commauretta. NMIgnl .-i,t --- 22231 21007 Aqueduct 3 11:13 fast 9-18 in I 12 U Q .1 Butwell 7 Thornbill. CvMerriek. H. Junior iior 221 22199 21328 Aquedet 11-16 1:47 faat 1 8 113 1 1 1 1 I* I* J r.utwcll :: Ren Qnlnce, Un: oLigbt -- 22047 21273 Aqueduct I l:391fcfaat 3 115 112 2 li is .1 Butwell 5 HarryShaw, Thornbill. ClIITFIeld •M - 21459 2*828 Belm ml 1 13 fast 1 1 -E3 113 14 4 3 33 2: G Byrne 4 W.Shoes. Fenmouae, Stonhenge 2L 21101 20753 Belmont 1 l:39%fast 81 111 2 4 4 1 l| 1« J Butwell 8 G.M.Mnier. Astrologer, G. Fisher l„.r 203 20316 24356 Churchl 1 ll"",-low 11 110 5 4 7 7 8- s:r- .! Butwell 10 GoldcstBoy, Hocnir. StoutHearl rt 211201 20241 Jhurchl 1 l:37itfa8t 37 107 4 4 3 5 4 5" J Rutwell 7 B.s Choice. Hodge, Con. Tower r 201 20122 17992 Laurel 3-4 1 :i::%fast 42 113 11 12 12 12 12" C P*bther 12 EUa Bryaon, Briar Path. Tranid id 17551 "I POLARIUS. br. g. 3 120 By Astronomer — Her Maiesty D. Gideon. J.; 21813 Aqueduct 6-i f l:20%fast 18-5 128 3 5 5 5s 3« 0 rbtber 7 Harry Shaw. H.Barbee. Grnmpj ._, ;:. 17828 16322 21749 Belmont 1 1 88 East 1 107 4 3 3 2 r-" ::•"• c F*btber ! Thornbill. Virile, Wooden Sboea .. .-:, 21827 Belmonl 3 I 1 15 113 3 4 5 4i I1 C Fhthcr 1 ■ Vladimir. Fenmouae. Leo Skoinv l_L 15285 10-2lfi78 " Aqueduct 5-8 59 fast 11-5 112 4 3 3 2- 2" c Fbthcr B Quarts, Jfadopeep, Cy Merrick t Ei 21171 Aqueduct ::-»1:1s slop 1 114 4 1 1 l2 l3 C Fbtber 8 Chesterton, Coy, Sarsenet 21868 Jamaica 3-4 1:18 fast 10 112 8 3 3 23 421, Fbtber 7 T.othMning. Hanorla. Piclnnj 1Dy 21726 - 20468 Belmont 61 fat 1H5%rIow IS 95 2 5 G 6 6" P Lowder 6 T.othMornlng. T.Finn. GPmlng i„2 -lf .1669 MI57 PimHco 8-41:13 fast 23 97 5 3 3 5» 5 p Louder 8 Runes, Andrew, Protector - 81807 20K.3 H.deGce 6| t 1:o7jfast 3-4 107 5 1 1 1» 11 C Fbthcr 10 Singsg. U.McGiggle, Noareddin din *0I 20833 ALDEBARAN, b. g. 6 120 By Planudes— Passan R. T. Wilson. H 20499 20848 a Saratoga 3-4 1:17 -low 30 1 l-s 11 11 11 11 wwy p Ryan 11 Supendent. UBarbary. Grumpy ,pj ,- 17879 - ill ,d G E 8 1 o".,,";tst 11-20 112 5 4 3 3;J 42J J McCahey 6 Montreaor, Gino. Behunour i,K 14388 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 7 188 fi 7 7 . 7li II Wolfe 7 Sprite. S. Board, Superintendent on, HI 14214 Plmllco 3 4 1 :14/5fast 11-5 121 4 4 4 4 8] II Wolfe 7 Belamour Miramicbi. Besom 20936 11107 Plmllco 3-4 1:1." good 3-10 115 3 2 1 l1 23 H Wolfe 4 Tactics. Ren Quince. Nicetr 185 16627 14054 H.deGce 6i f l:06%fast 7-10 118 5 2 1 l1 V H Wolfe » Nana Xick. Crisco. Supreme 184 18442 HUGUENOT, b. c. 3 115 By Oddfellow— Rocheile II. T. A. Clark. 16262 2 ■:•::•: Jamaica 1 1 1« l:47%faat 16 9:, 7 G 7 7 7 7" P Lowder 7 SlumberlL. Doub.Ragle, Razzano ulo 16123 16527 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%s!ow 20 lot g 9 9 s2 V W W Tlor 11 Kaakaskh, Spun Glass. Runes s AI 16442 Saratoga 61 t 1:ol.-siow 9-5 112 4 4 3 l1 1" V W Tloiii M.Twlnkle, Planetary, Slumberer rer 213 21325 18282 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%fast 8 118 1 3 2 2- 3*1 W W Tlorl2 Broomleaf . Chiyalry, L Mquette ttr- HI 21188 16123 Saratoga 61 t l:06%fast 10 112 8 G 8 51 PWW Tlor a Montrosa. Royal Martyr. Doublet .let 210 21045 BADINAGE, ch. f. 3 118 By Cunard— Run of Luck H. H. H witt. -" 20906 ■ Saratoga 3-4 1:18 hvy 88 114 5 7 7 7 8" J McCabe 7 Fenmouae, LadyBarbary, Qnarta t 7 , • 10 Saratoga 11:44 slow 28 M81 1 11 1 11 _•- .1 McCabe 5 I.ght Wing. Ruaihi, B. Comber .• S 80438 20978 Latonia 3-4 I:lWfcslow 88 bis s G 7 71 8»»U McCabe » Grumpy. Malheur, Orange 20010 20947 Latonia lm70y l:45%slow 38 im 14 4 4 4 4-" a Mott 4 FleetabeUe, M.Casaidy. Martinoa nos CE 20896 Latonia 3-4 1:15 mud fid 1815 S 12 12 WW RobinsnlS Talebearer, Grumpy, Freeman a 22:95 072s Douglas 1 1:39 fast IM 108 2 S 1 9 18 ir-;n Stirling 12 Greville. P.. Comber, Freeman a --" 22044 20434 Douglas lmTOy l:4fi hvy 200 187 2 3 6 7 7 74 J McCabe , RoyallL. B.andStars. UncleBrvn ryn 215 20262 Churchill 3-4 l:lt%taat fid 11" 11 18 13 11 11-"M McCabe 15 SkUesKuob, W.Crown, Manners crs 215 21",7s 15182 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 87 110 11 10 11 10 102 W Obert 12 Dor. Perkins. R. Moses. Prunella ■li:, Ml 21273