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EDICT IS DISQUALIFIED AND DESTROYED. Breaks a Leg and Knocks Down Nuns Veiling. in First Race at Fort Erie. Buffalo, N. Y., July 20. Twenty yards from the finish of the first race at Fort Erie today. Edict, the favorite, broke a leg, swerved into Nuns Veiling, knocked her down, hobbled home first a neck in front of Bubaiyat, was disqualified to the favor of the Gardner gelding, and was then put out of his misery with a friendly bullet. Nuns Veiling would have won but for the accident. The crowd was larger than usually seen at the track on a Friday and the speculation was brisk. The bookmakers had no reason to complain of the break they received, as they paid off on only two favorites Pat Knebelkamp, who was denied the privileges at Latonia, had an interview with Judge Price and immediately afterwards lef t ; the track. Jockey Wishard will lie an addition to the riding material here Monday. He ,will bo In charge of Joe McLennan. James Johnson will ship the string of P. Lorril-lard to New York tomoreow.