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NOMINATIONS TO SARATOGAS STAKES. M Best of the Year from the East, West and Canada Named to Race in Them. j It is no wonder that the oilicials of the Saratoga Association expressed profound satisfaction with Hie ti. patronage awarded thorn when the entries to their latest stake list had been opened, examined and : counted. The best in the United States and Canada A have been named for its various events, and it re-suits that Saratoga racing of this year will be of the highest class possible. The meeting is always one that affords something new to stimulate curl- osity and interest. John Sanford always brings some p horses over from his Amsterdam farm that have not previously been seen in action, and never fails to r bring good ones. The New York horses meet the pick of the western horses and the Canadian horses j, and their clashing is frequently attended with unexpected results. Other opportunities always mark the meeting. For instance. Fitz Herbert and iMaskette had no engagements in common at Belmont Iark. Uravesend or Slieepshead Bay. but at Saratoga the crack colt and crack lilly of the year have frequent t By nominations to the .same stakes, and their first , meeting must excite profound interest. out .. To show what a feast for racing folks next month , is in store at Saratoga, entries to four represent- i 1, tive stakes are here given. They are the Saratoga ". Handicap, the chief event of that kind of the meet- ins; the Champlaiu ami Huron Handicaps, to both f of which Fitz Herbert and Maskette are nominated. ". the as also are the IDerhy winners Wintergreen. Olam- the bala ami 1iute; ami the Hopeful stakes, for two- " year-olds. The latter is the most valuable race of I" of the meeting and will bring out. besides those which have already run well in public, quite a num- " her of supposed excellence that are In reserve for ; this rich, stake. jj If The Saratoga Handicap of $".,000. For three-year- j, 1st olds and upward. By subscription of $.i0 each. tI Starters to pay 00 additional. Guaranteed gross ,s is value ,000, of which 00 to the second and $.500 pi to the third. Weights to be announced ten days- tI before the race. Winners of a race of the value or OI ,000 after announcement of the weights to carry j tive pounds extra. One mile and a quarter. f, Beverwyck Stable Berkeley, ch. g. 5, by Dieu- donne Carness; Sir John Johnson, b. c, 4, by Isidor La Tosca II.: George W. I.ebolt. b. g, 3, by Ben Brush Sorcery. D Chimi, I. T. Piute, ch. g, 3. by F.thelbcrt b, Yaqni; Donald Maedonald, ch. g, 3. by Sombrero Berriedale; Great Heavens, ch. c, 3, by Star Shoot c UCarrbil, J. F. Blue Book, b. h, 5, by Handsome Blue Blood. Davis. It. II. Mary Davis, b. f, 3, by Watercress Colonial. 51 Ellison, C. R. Royal Tourist, b. c, 4, by Sandring- u ham Leisure. , ,, Forsvthe. F. A. High Private, b. g, 3. by Oddfellow Commena. . r Greener. .1. G. Olambala, ch. c, 3. by Ornus Blue and White. , , s Guffnev, J. K. Alfred Noble, b. g, 4. by Garry c Hermann Kthel Pace. Ilildreth, S. ..King James, br. c, 4. by Plaudit Unsightly; Kestigouche, blk. g. 4, by Commando Dancing Water; Montgomery, ch. h. 5, by Pessara Montgomery Cooper: Joe Madden, ch. c, 3, by an- y kee Tarantella; Fitz Herbert, br. c, 3, by Ethelbert Morganatic. . V Idlebrook Stabli. Guy Fisher, b. c. 3, by Sain Appollouia. I Keene, James It. Celt. ch. c, 4. by Commando j: Maid of Erin; Hilarious, ch. c, 3, by Voter Harpsi- chord: Affliction, br. f. 3. by Meddler Heartache. l, Madden, J. E. Lady Bedford, eh. f. 3. by Ogden , Matanza; Fayette, ch. c, 3, by Ogden Saratoga j Belle. , McDowell, T. 0. Kings Daughter, b. m, 0, by j Ornament Queenlike II. Oneck Stable Fashion Plate, ch. c. 3, by Wools- j thorpe Fashionable. t Newcastle Stable Wise Mason, b. g. 3, by Sem-pronius Manola Mason. b Ryan. W. T. Effendi, br. c, 3, by Previous Hatasoo. ...... d Itespess. J. B. Wintergreen, b. c, 3, by Dick Welles Winter. v Reif, George Malthle. ch. g. 4, by Deeriug Gretchen B. Seagram, J. E. Bouquet, b. f, 4, by KInley Mack Briar Sweet. Whitney, H. P. Petticoat, b. f, 3, by Hamburg Elusive. c The Champlaln Handicap of .500. For three- I vear-olds and upward. By subscription of 5 each. j Starters to pay 0 additional. Guaranteed gross value. ,500. of which 50 to the second and 50 to the third. Weights to lie announced live days before the race. Winners after announcement of the weights to carry 5 pounds extra. One mile and i a furlong. - . Beverwyck Stable Berkeley, ch. g. ". by Dieu- 1 uoiinc-Carness; Sir John Johnson, b. c, 4, by Isidor , La Tosca II. Brandt. II. R. Angelus, br. g, 4, by Sandringham c Vespers. Bartlett, J. F. Live Wire, b. c, 4, by Handsel Mother Bunch. Belmont. August Half Sovereign, ch. f. 4, by , Hastings Souveraine. Chinu, 1". T. Piute, eh. g. 3. by Ethelbert . Yaqul; Great Heavens, ch. c, 3. by Star Shoot 1 Chapter; Donald Maedonald, ch. g, 3, by Sombrero . Berriedale. 1 Carroll, J. F. Blue Book, b. h. 5, by Handsome Blue Blood. Davis. R. n. Mary Davis, b. f, 3, by Watercress Colonial. Ellison, C. R. Royal Tourist. 1. c, 4, by Sandring- i ham Leisure. Emery. Samuel Master Robert, ch. c, 4, by Maza-gan Flocarline. Ford, W. II. Orbicular, eh. h, 0, by Smile Orbed Maiden. Forsythe, F. A. High Private, b. g, 3, by Oddfel- I low Columella". i Greener. J. G. Olambala, ch. c, 3, by Ornus Blue and White. Gaffney, J. E. -Alfred Noble, b. g, 4, by Garry I Hermann Ethel Paee. 1 Ilildreth. S. C King James, br. c. 4, by Plaudit . Unsightly: Restigoliche. blk. g. 4, by Commando Dancing Water; Montgomery, ch. h, 5. by Pessara i -Montgomery Cooper; Joe Madden, ch. e. :!, by Van- i kee Tarantella; Kltz Herbert, br. c, 3, by Ethelbert Morganatic. HelTner. E. W. Eyehright, ch. g, 5, by Rubicon -Chartreuse II. Idlebrook Stable Guy Fisher, b. c, 3. by Sain Appollouia. . 1 Keene. James It. Celt. ch. c. 4. by Commando-Maid of Erin: Affliction. . br. f, 3, by Meddler-Heartache: Maskette. br. f. 3. by Disguise Biturica. Lee, II. L. Pius and Needles, b. in. 5. by Knight : of the Thistle Sandy Bar. Madden. J. K. Lady Bedford, eh. f. 3. by Ogden Matanza; Fayette, ch. c, 3, by Ogden Saratoga Belle. McLaughlin. Mrs. James Arondack, b. f, 3. by Hastings Astoria. McDowell. T. C. Kings Daughter, b. m. C. by " Ornament Queenlike II.; Hnck, ch. g, 4, by Allan-a-Dale Miss Gussie. Oneck Stable Fashion Plate, ch. c, 3, by Wools-thorpe Fashionable. Newcastle Stable WIso Mason, b. g, 3, by Sem-pronius Manola Mason. Ryan. W. T. Effciidl, br. c. 3, by Previous Hatasoo. Respess. J. B. Wintergreen. b. c, 3, by Dick : Welles Winter; Rockcastle, b. c, 3, by Dick"WeIles s Hettie Green. Reif. .George Maltble, eh. g, 4, by Deering - Gretchen B. Seagram, J. E. Bouquet, b. f. 4, by KInley Mack : Briar Sweet; Seismic, b. c, 4. by Havoc Semloy. Schwartz. M. L. Far West, b. g, 7, by Montana - Touehe Pas. Sanford, John Mayfield. b. f, 4, bv Chuctanunda Mai; Duncraggan. ch. c, 3, by Rocktou Rock-water. Whitney, H. P. Petticoat, b. f, 3. by Hamburg Elusive. . The Huron Handicap. For three-vear-olds. By subscription of 0 each. Starters to pav 5 additional: with ,MH added, of which 00 to the sec-end and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced live days before the race. Winners after the announcement of the weights to carry live pounds extra. One mile and a sixteenth. Baker, A. Jeff Bernstein, b. g, by Orlando Lake Breeze. Babeoek, W. B. Nethermost, b. g, by Sir Dixon Olga Nethersole. Brandt, H. R. Dr. Holzberg, ch. g. by Bannock-burn Grand Shot. Cassatt. E. B. Choirmaster of Chesterbrook, b. c, bv The Bard Northmlnster. Chlnn. P. T. Piute, ch. g. by Ethelbert Yaqui; Great Heavens, ch. e. by Star Shoot Chapter; Donald Maedonald. ch. g. by Sombrero Berriedale. Clark, C. F. Turncoat, b. or br. g. by Voter Costume. Coulter. T. W. Cliff Edge. b. c, by Clifford Aranza II. Camden. J. N. Miami, b. c, by Count Schomberg Roehelle II. Chelsea Stable .Taboo, b. f, by Potentate Turca. Davis. R. II. Mary Davis, b. f. by Watercress Colonial; Yama, eh. c, by Bute Antiquity. Elkwood Park Stable Etherial, b. g. bv star Shoot Lyndall. Forsythe. F. A. High Private, b. g, by Oddfellow Commena. Greener, J. G. Olambala. ch. c, by Ornus Blue and White. Ilildreth, S. C Joe Madden, ch. c, by Yankee-Tarantella; Fitz Herbert, br. c, by Ethelbert Morganatic. Hitchcock. Jr., Thomas Clockwork, .ch. g. by Ogden Set Fast. Idlebrook Stable Guy Fisher, b. c. by Sain Ap-pollonla. Kraus. O. J. The Gardener, b. c, by Toddington La Fleur. ,. M j ti. : A p r j, t By , .. out 1, , i ". f ". the the " I" of " ; jj If j, 1st tI ,s is pi tI OI j f, D b, c 51 u r s c y V I j: l, , j j j t b d v c I j i . 1 , c , . 1 . 1 Keene, James R. Henley, ch. g. by Kingston Mintcake; Affliction, br. f, by .Meddler Heartache; Maskette. br. f. by Disguise Biturica. Madden, J. E. Lady Bedford, ch. f, by Ogden Matanza; Fayette, ch. c, by Ogden Saratoga Belle: Miss Kearney, b. f. by Plaimdes Courtplaster. McLaughlin, Mrs. James Arondack, b. f, by Hastings Astoria. . Oneck Stable Fashion Plate, ch. c, by Wools-thorpe Fashionable. Newcastle Stable Wise Mason, b. g, by Sempro-nius Manola iMason: Royal Captive, ch. f. bv Golden Maxim Mary Stuart. Ryan, W. T. Effendi, br. c, by Previous Hatasoo. Respess, .T. B. Wintergreen, b. c, by Dick Welles Winter; Rockcastle, b. c, by Dick Welles Hettie "rSchuIte, W. F. Gliding Belle, b. f, by Belles Commoner Gliding By. Sanford, John Duncraggan, ch. c. by Rockton Rockwater. Whitney, II. P. Petticoat, b. f, by Hamburg-Elusive. The Hopeful for 1000. Estimated value 0,000. subscription of 0 each, for the produce of mares covered in 1900. the only forfeit if struck by November 1. 1008. If left in after November lOOS, a further subscription of 0 each; and if left in alter May 1, 1909, a further subscription of 00 each. Starters to pay 50 additional. The Saratoga Association to add ,000. The second horse to receive ,000, the third horse ,000, and owner at time of entry of the mare producing winner ,000 out of the stakes. Colts, 122 pounds; lillies and geldings, 119 pounds. Winners two races of ,000 or one of ,000, to carry three pounds extra; of two of ,000, or one of ,000. eight pounds extra. Horses not having won ,500 allowed four pounds: of ,000. seven pounds. a mare In this stake drop her foal before the of January, 1!K7, or if she have a dead or more than one foal, or is barren, the entry of such mare void. By tiling with the Saratoga Association prior to November 1. 190S, an accepted transfer of the produce, with Its engagement in this stake, the original nominator will be released from further liability as to the engagement of the produce. Six furlongs. Agnew. Thomas P. Ed Dorgan, b. c, by Carl C. Tillie Herr. Belmont, August Dullcare, b. c, by Hastings Duicibella; Glopper, ch. c. by Hastings Glory; Star-bottle, ch. c, by Hastings Snntish. Burke, Edward Lena, br. f, by Garry Hermann Crimea. Clay, Woodford Ocean Bound, br. f. by Star Shoot Flying Ship: Flying Footsteps, b. f, by Ben Strome Flving Gold iDust. Chelsea Stable Isendnne, ch. c, by Islington Miss Laudenian; Lothario, b. c, by Orlando Elopement. Carson, Mrs. T. J. Bay colt, by Griffon Rupee. Harden, W. W. Orcus, ch. c, by Orlando Kate Pelletier. Hogan. Frank G. Captain Morris, b. c, by Ben Strome Loot; Henderson, b. c, by Griffon Daisy Chain: Placide, ch. f. by Ben Strome Epidemic. Jennings, W. B. Star Blue, ch. c, by Star Ruby Bonnie Blue- II. Keene. James .R. Degree, b. f. by Star Ruby : Optimo; Grasinere, ch. c, by iMeddler Rotha: Sweep, br. c. by Ben Brush Pink Domino. Long, G. J. Don Antonio, ch. c. by Alvescot Variora. iMadden, J. B. Hampton Court, b. c. by Galore Dorothy Hampton; Fair Louise, br. f. by Ogden Flora Pomona; Naughty Boy, br. c, by Ogden Imp; Shannon, br. c. bv Ogden Lambent; Newmarket, br. c. by Plaudit Nahuia: Big Stick, br. c. by Ogden Ondurdis; Bishop, ch. c, by Handspring-Musette; Piskaret, br. c. by Huron Dllitante. Milltown Stable Glandore, b. c, by Bryn Mawr Miss Doone. Montpelier Stable Interpose, br. c, by Meddler Heartache; Projectile, b. f. by Meddler Juntire; Candleberry, b. c, by Ben Brush Candle. Miller. J. C Bay lilly. by Fatherless Vigile; bay lilly, by Fatherless Meta Russell. McManns, James Rocky OBrien, ch. c, by Meddler Suisun. Oneck Stable Anavri, b. g. by Ben Strome Ir-vana. Odom. G. M". Follie Levy. br. f. by Golden Maxim Ridicule. OBrien. T. W. Perry Johnson, b. g, by Meddler Belle Hoyt. Payne. J. P. Chestnut colt, by Watercress Mare-chal Nell. Rainey. P. J. iRosseaus, b. g. by Ben Strome Rose Leaf; Voltaire, blk. c, by Watercress Pillow-dex. Sanford, John Chief Bartlett. b. c, by Rockton Mollv Brant; Queens Song. b. f, by Clifford Queen of Song. Sherer, J. W. Ola Griffin, b. f, by Griffon Pertinent. Sehrader. W. R. Henry McCarty, oh. c, by Hottentot Lady Burlington. Sehreiber, B. Sager. b. c, by Bannockburn Miss Marion. Whitney, H. P. Sandrian. ch. g. by Hamburg Sandria; Donegal, b. or br. g, by Irish Lad Urania. Widener. J. E. Films, ch. c, by Sir Dixon Alpena. West. G. J. Watercross, b. f, by Watercress Victoria Cross. Young, W. J. Mesmerize, ch. c, by Mesmerist Reina. Ziegler. II. M. Barleythorpe, ch. c, by Wools-thorpc Fredcrica.