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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page 31G Miles Syearol ls and upward Claiming Jan 1 00 i5 1 107 FIBSrWORTH br g B 105 105Trainer By Fireman Roseworth by WaarwortB WaarwortBBreeder Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder J B Clark Clarknt 68109 Tijuana Im70y l44 fast 14 110 6 7 nt 5 F Stevens 7 Irosity Barriskane Donatello 68042 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy IS 110 6 4 41 S l F Stevens 6 HorLerch LitFlorcncc Dolph 67932 Tijuana 1 316 207hvy 16 105 6 4 4 4J F Stevens 6 Torsida Whippet Rajah 67916 Tijuana Iin70y lt9Hmuil U 109 7 7 7 5 FJ Petzoldt 8 ILijai Silk Sox Yermak 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSifast 1 107 6 2 1 = 1J F Stevens 9 YorULassie LittleDear Argcnto 07791 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 7 106 8 7 3J 3J F Stevens l muulo Uiilryltoy IVaceKlug 67703 Tijuana 1 l43fast 1 112 9 2 11 i F Stevens 10 Starlifce San Hedron Plurality 67598 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 3 112 8 4 2l 21 F Stevens 8 Tom Craven Cafeteria Montona 67548 Tijuana 1 18 I56fa3t 173 110 G 2 2WALTER 11 21 W Pool S JudgeDavid Dora IlishOIyrapua IlishOIyrapuaBy WALTER DANT ch g 8 110 110Trainer By Harrigaa Willie T by Albert AlbertEreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Ereeder B A Jone 68106 Tijuana 1 l427sfast 3 112 1 3 31 2J D Hum S Nebraska Lad Olympiad Leta 68001 Tijuana Im70y l31mud 18 115 S 8 8G7749 7 7 D Hum 8 UillHead PeaceFlag Barskane G7749 Tijuana Im70y l4J l4Jsfast = sfast IS 112 4 6 4 = 1 55i D Hum 7 Louis KRankin Black Thoug 67678 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 113 1 6 41 4l D Hum 7 Tasentha SumSigh LManning 67492 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 1710 109 1 5 31 2i C Rails S Yermak CtlJoris EvalHargan 67435 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 63 112 2 5 lh iuk c Rails 7 Lavaga CBarktcy Fireworth 67377 Tijuana 1 11S l47fast 2110 115 1 2 21 2l D Hunt S By Right Dolph Deckhand 67339 Tijuana 1 13 l31 fast 1310 111 4 3 31 4i M Fator 7 Eugenia K Vic Dolph 67318 Tijuana 1 116 l49 fast 710 110 1 2 11 1 C Rails 8 Deckhand Caamauo CliIIoltcr CliIIoltcr3y WHIPPET b g gTrainer 115 115T 3y Broomstick Greyhound by Peter Pan PanBreeder Trainer J McCoole Owner T McCoole Breeder H P Whitney 68057 Tijuana 1 18 203 hvy 32 112 1 21 I W Pool 0 Rajah Poor Puss Charley Boy 68022 Tijuana Im70y i Uimud 7 108 4 31 3 E Fator 7 Louanna FrankFogatty Rajah Tijuana 1 216 207 hvy 2 110 3 3 21 E Petzoldt 6 Torsiils Rajah Fireworth 67875 Tijuana 1 116 l31mu l 106 S SS 21 2s A Claver 8 Briskane KrkFogarty Donatlo 67831 Tijuana InVTOy l45 ifast S 115 8 8C 01 4J A Claver I She Devil My Rose Irosity 67790 Tijuana C 115 7 6J 51 A Claver 7 Itiiekhorn She Devil Purl 07619 Tijuana Im70y I47i4fast 5 115 7 41 4 = 3 A Claver S Rcgreso WMgomy KRunkia 67360 Tijuana TijuanaTOKSIDA 1 116 l48fast 33 110 4 lh jni E Fator 6 Itejjreso Piedra Summer SigU SigUBy TOKSIDA b f 4 4Tracy 114 114J By The Finn Recession by Woolsthorpa Trainer F Tracy Owner J Barlow Breeder 3 E Kadden 68059 Tijuana lm0y l53hvy 13 10S 3 4 4 i T Wilson 6 BHead FkKogarly Barriskane 68001 Tijuana Im70y l l mud 6 108 7 C 6s T Wilson 8 BillHcad 1eaceFlag Barskane 67932 Tijuana 1 316 207hvy 10 106 1 2 i 11 T Wilson G Whippet Rajnh Fireworth G7678 Tijuana Im70y l43fast 11 103 4 G 6 1 T Wilson 7 Tascntlii SumSigh LManuing 67191 Tijuana 1 11G l34hvy 145 110 3 33a 31 31 T Wilson 6 Vic Yennat Oaamano 67056 Tijuana 1 116 l34Hhvy 3a 10S 2 2 It T Wilson 7 Ioaciicr Silex II Rhymer 17002 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 4 10S 2 3 1J 1 = T Wilson 7 Poacher John Arbor Dolph GG935 Tijuana 33 103 2 G 31 1 E Petzoldt 7 Fireworth Silex II Lola LolaBy POOR PUSS br f 3 89 89Trainsr By Dick Finnell Baaorclla by Banuockhnrn Trainsr P Clausen Owner H H Good Breeder P M Walker 68057 Tijuana 1 1S 203 hvy 3 3 3 H Howard G Whippet Rajah Charley Hoy 67979 Tijuana 1 IMGimud 4 i 23 P Hum 7 VeiiedCoIn MKmmaG SilkSox 07893 Tijuana 1 147 mud 3 3J 3 H Lons 7 Pinaqua SilrMaid SCochran 67196 Tijuana 1 l42sfast 6 90 S 5 4 = 1 5l It Long 8 MsPink SilkSox Proclamation 67394 Tijuana 3310 SO 7 5 3 U H Lons 11 TOwens Celebrate IWHper G1017 Tijuana 34 l17mud 115 103 103GS 3 3 S1 O Atwell 6 RalMaid Paqtiana ClStkins 6K917 Tijuana GS 103 mud 23 107 2 2 4 H Lone 7 SiiverMaid LyLctmid Paqnana 66115 MHghts 51 f 115 mud 35 112 1 T Wayt 6 Back Taps Frank Etb Zing 65749 MHghts 58 104 fast 3 105 1 M Fator 8 Argo Futurette Athlete GIPSY JOE b f 4 103 103Trainer By Malamont Edith C by Knight of the Thistle ThistleBreeder Trainer E W Moore Owner E W Moore Breeder R A Algor 68088 Tijuana 1 116 149 fast 14 9G 4 G3 G P Walls 8 UcklVtty WarPcnny SumSigh 68024 Tijuana TijuanaG7493 33 l045mud 13 109 3 6 43 W Pool 6 UosaAtkin StAngelina SSusie G7493 Tijuana TijuanaG7452 1 l42jfast 8 101 1 5 = 1 4 W Pool 7 CharPoy StimrSigh ColSnider G7452 Tijuana 1 l43fast 1710 103 6 3 = 15 W Pool 9 Gen Czar Lariat IJttle Gink 67357 Tijuana 1 l42ifast S 105 6 41 43 M Andson 6 DocTnbbs Prorlamatn Shore 67320 Tijuana TijuanaG72G8 1 lllfast 193 106 S 51 51 A Claver 8 Ring SilkSor Proclamation G72G8 Tijuana 51 f I07ifa3t 63 93 9 71 53 R Flynn 9 Pay Off John Jr Full Moon 67080 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 3 104 6 7 7 R Flynn 7 Joe Tar Vera Uita VauWelles 05864 Laurel 1 l43fast 41 102 2 6 5 C Taylor G Romulus Rquetta WelceStscr