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1 of DA PC MHc 4ycaroias and upward Claiming Dec 2O 101C I SI HAUL 111 5 3 110 Index Course DLst Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Startort Order of Finish CAAMANO ch chTrainer g 8 107 By Celt Cantaloupe by Hastings HastingsKnifcng Trainer L Knifcng Owner L Knifong Breeder V Garth G8103 Tijuana 34 11C frst S 107 S 11 7l J K Pctzoldtl2 View Plurality Cannorball CannorballCi G7785 Tijuana Ci f lOSfast 4 110 10 S S 7 = K Petzoldill OIIomestd MissDbnr Review 67701 Tijuana SJ f IOS = fast H 110 S 9 C S K PutzoltUl Khkwood Plunger Clearfield 67409 Tijuana 1 1S 157 fast S 10S 4 1 1J 4 = 1 II Molters 9 Drifting Aigento John Arbur 67339 Tijuana 1 18 lG4 fast 23 111 2 7 7 7 i F Seremba 7 Kimcniu 1C Vio Dolpli 67318 Tijuana 1 116 l43 ifast 12 110 4 C 4l 35A W Davis S WlurDant Dkhand ChIIoltera 67230 Tijuana Im70y l46good 9 102 3 6 CJ S J H Long 8 liigreso Poacli r Dissolute LUCKY PEARL PEARLTrainer b m 7 105 By Toddington Mrs Sawall by JJa tto ttoS Trainer J S BaMwia Owner J S Baldwin Breeder V VT Darden 67955 Tijuana 34 l137shvy 4f 103 G 7 V 4J J Ppvio 7 ShPlbyville CharSmith Thrills 67914 Tijuana 34 llCmuil 4t 103 fi S C 51 J Povic S Dclhiiuar Justltight Pretender G7785 Tijuana GJ f lOSfast 41 113 7 11 11 10 J Pevic 11 OHou siM MissDbar Iteviexr 67208 Tijuana 24 lrKslow 7 112 G 5 Fell J Iovlc 8 Ieiiievc Counthoiis Au Rsvoir S7113 Tijuana 08 l04 imud ll10f 112 1 10 10 S9i J Pevic 10 Merry Ltms itiiay Fond Ifcpo 66949 Tijuana TijuanaBESSIE 34 l16 3lop 27 115 3 3 4i 4J J Pevic 7 UFIorecce NtliShore CRobU BESSIE YOUNG ch f 4 110 By Edwin T Fryer Baby Yonng by GOT Foraaer ForaaerW Trainer J W Hunter Owner J W Hunter Breeder V E Ilantor C7745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast IOS 4 2 2s 2ll T Vilson 9 Rhymer Dora High Olympus 67675 Tijuana 1 1S l56 faat 13C 103 4 2 VI 41 H Long 9 Montona Gen Byng Pattern PatternIm70y 67570 Tijuana Im70y l477ifast 13 112 7 G D 4 J II Lee 11 Lariat Clgale Obstinate C7547 Tijuana 1 13 l5G fast 7 103 1 4 4 5i H Lone 8 I W Harper Al Wick Meteor MeteorGJ 67532 Tijuana GJ f 100 faac 112 1C3 S 3 Si U Lee 12 MyrtleA Delancey KrchNunw HOPOVER br g 7 102 By Froglegs Helen Connelly by Uncommon UncommonTrainer Trainer F Beehtelheimer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder W E Coovnr 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 22 JOT 12 10 11 11 I Hum 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitann 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 10f 110 99 9 9 F Stevens 10 Alaron Maudle Wilson Cooaibs 67576 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast IS 112 6 G 41 5 i E Petzoldll Lariat Cigale Obstinate 67452 Tijuana 1 l43rifast 16f 112 2 4 El 6 E Pctzoldt 0 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Lariat 67340 Tijuana 51 f l06fast 266 102 6 6 55 E Petzoldl HarrvD Kinclike AiinaR gina gina62CS4 62CS4 Omafca 34 l14ifast 12 115 S R Scheffel 9 DonJose Winchester LitPointcr LitPointcr621X7 621X7 Omaha 51 f l10 = islow 61 116 751 J Grubcr iO Herder LitPuintcr IlelenMijor 62549 Omaha Si f 110 good 23 113 3J J Grubcr 7 Don Jose Repent JUdgeBuiirovt 62461 Omaha 1 142 fast 6 113 47i 1 Gruber 7 RiUHend WiseJudRe IorMoas 2381 Omalia 1 142 fast 133 116 45 R Dority S North Shore Itoreas Lotta G GOVERSTEP OVERSTEP b f 4 105 By Martinet May Weasmer by Cunard CunardTrainer Trainer T Davidton Owner H E Calwell Breeder Williams Bros BrosG7744 G7744 Tijuana 34 l14 = ifast fSf 10S 6 7 7 = i 7 1 M Slghtcr 8 Virge ToraCraven NebrasLad 67574 Tijuana G f l031sfast 23f 10612 11 II3 10 1 E Petzoidt 12 Isphiim Tillotson Pluncor 16916 Tijuana 34 117 mud 2S 107 9 9 S1 S C Studer 10 North Shore Poacher It ItC5279 C5279 Hastings 34 118 fast 7 107 2 J Deford Cascade Double Van View 65252 Hastings 34 llS Sood 7 105 3J P Seremba 7 NthSliore HugoICAsher Toyon 65150 Hastings 34 llfl slop 15 107 3 J Deford 7 NorthSliore Cascade RlackSpray RlackSprayG5034 G5034 Bghouse 5i f lOSigood 9 106 1 J Deford 9 Ternette Olympiad Meteor 61781 Brhouac ImTOy llifact 43 89 8 W Dean 11 Cafeteria YkLassie T Brooks BrooksC4S29 C4S29 Htgs Ab 1 1S l54 ifast 213 93 P Creery G Deekhard KcssiuYoung Sippara SipparaMODISTE MODISTE b m 6 105 By Von Tromp Modenia by Canopus CanopusTrainer Trainer J Hamilton Owner 3 Hamilton Breeder E Cebrian CebrianC8082 C8082 Tijuana lmJy l4Sslow 4f 106 S 9 9 G Ross 11 Car LittlPtiink Point to Point 8021 Tijuana 34119 mud 358 lit 7 S 8 S 1 Mcehan 8 DonJose JarkLedi FickleFancy 67937 Tijuana 5S l03 jhvy 43f 113 6 7 7 7s s 7 5 J Median S Full Moon Count Boris Milda Milda6363G 6363G Keno 1 116 IMSVifast 112 103 MiilericU 9 Little Orphan Sippara Ardeneia ArdeneiaC34 C34 7 Reno 1 l4314fast 33 106 971 H Molters 9 MrsPnt Peerless Ono M Flute 0 Ucro 1 143 fast 2 104 Gi H Molters S CrmMtiller Xch Lad VWood VWood6S235 6S235 Reno 1 l43fast go 103 Ss Millerick 9 Pink Tenny Bobolink Sippara 63212 Reno ItnOy l47fast 75 104 7 J Mlllerick 9 Bessie Young Go On Mrs Pat Pat8S 8S 106 77i Millerick 11 Firo Miss King Medford Boy 112 By Boots and Saddle Autoline by Autolifht Autolifhtr Trainer H R Stewart Owner r G Stewart Stewart6803K Breeder M P Mattingly Jr 6803K Tijuana 5i f l13hvy 45 115 6 5 4 4J 6s W Jarrell 8 HarBnrgnyne Thrills Bacchus 67912 Tijuana 5S l04 imud 28 116 RefusecK7892 Refused AV Jarrell 11 Velvet 1laiitaseiiet Lone Pine K7892 Tijuana 34 11S mud 20 115 7 6 7 7s 7 W Gargan 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana 67828 Tijuana 21 l15 = sfast 31 115 6 659 5 9 R i W GarganlO Lewis B WCDooly P Tenny 67722 Tijuana 5S I02fa5t 21 11510 7 TV i Tsl T Rae 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K B7575 Tijuana 51 f UOSHfaat llOf 0f 115 7 E 31 21 T Rae 11 Due dc Guise Aluzon CieclyKay 67186 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 4C 112 8 85S 8 71 6 R R Cter 8 IlorI ich CicelyKiiy PliyilisK 67 ICC Tijuana 5S lC6 lC6thvy = thvy 43 115 8 8Gl 8 8 8 R R Crtcr 8 HclcnMalor Baisr Wise Judge 6G4G9 ASron Gl f l26iLslow 23 115 S S Wida S Star Banner Bashful Uranium WOOLDAY b m 6 M 110 By Smile Margaret M by Woolsthorpe Trainer E E Bushanan Owner Morris Ranch Stable Breeder C Morris 67761 Tijuana TS 1 l01ifaHt OL faMt faMtC7ri31 4 105 8 7 6 3 i E Petzoldtl Camion SanlhinC DodeAdam C7ri31 Tijuana 34 l14 l14Bfast Bfast llrEf 112 3 6 6s C C Rails 11 LManninc PeaceFlag Contriot 63831 Hthnrne 55 5 f 109 fast 8 106 2 4 4 33 E Petzoldtl2 VanWelles Jacobina Batty H 64309 Toledo Ab 31 lll lllsfast = sfast 45 106 21 C Rails 7 Kedgkk Malziirn RofPicdy 64277 Toledo 5J l f l07Vast 21 108 108TOy 2 J Majestic 9 Diulltug SanPablo BessWelch 64225 Toledo ImTOy TOy l44ifast l44ifast6S821 4lf 106 6 G Vrillimsl2 Pierrot Frank F Miss Knitcr 6S821 ilHeiRhts 34 l13faat 7f 110 3 3b 6 C 3s J Majestic 12 CollieMX McGsPk Adrance CHATTAli COUKT b g 7 107 B Chanter Wynonean trv forp n Trainer 1 Williams Owner Williams Thatcher Breeder I B Kienn 68103 Tijuana 34 116 fast ff 103 10367K29 7 6 8 71 M Milricklli Vievr Plurality Cannonball 67K29 Tijuana 54 113 fast 70 115 115C7546 5 7 C J E Dugan 9 Shcka View Cannonball C7546 Tijuana T S 102 fast Sf 109 11 11 11 10 E Petzoldtll Full Moon Klin Red Man 65256 Hastings 1 14 214good 33 110 4 H Lafferty 7 YshireRelli YIsie Bmorell 65155 Hastings 1 11G l521 slop S5 109 G1 H I fferty G Double Van Lariat Weinland 64993 Hghousu 1 149 slow 710 10 113 1 V Gargan G YorkMaid DarincRose Ixiuviiin 64901 Rghouse 1 l42 = ifast 11 116 4 ° P Martinez G Bmorell YHelish Cflace II 64174 Hastings Ab 5S 59 Tast 19 109 1 H Rowe 10 Bcnmorell KiUyHelle Vcdka 64011 Urliouse 34113 fast 9 112 112COUNSEL 5 P Martinez 8 Yorkroad Col Boyle Benmorell COUNSEL br g 9 102 By Out of Reach Consnelo n by Bradwardiae BradwardiaeNibbi Trainer G Nibbs Owner G Nibbi Breeder P T Chinn and F A AForsythe Forsythe 67573 Tijuana rJ f 109 fast 75 110 12 12 12 10 1 H Zander 12 Oen Czar Midian Review 65840 Mncuve 1 11G l52ifast 21 111 11165C93 31 J Simmons 7 Homam Ilamouall CRtunbler 65C93 Mnuve Ab 61 f 21 fast 4319 19 115 IJ C OMahy 7 Jackllealer Red Post King B 65505 Kempton 1 11C 524fast 3 112 2i C OMahy G SirCalahadll RamonalL Parol 65410 Kempton 1 116 531 fast 31 113 113C5242 2 II Gibson S Doyle John Arbor El Coronel C5242 Dorval 1 115 49 fast 111 11 101 9 E 5 55i A Sstrom 10 SMoney Brrcliff HMStcrcns 65020 Dorval 1 11C 4Slifast Sf 9 10 t 10 12 M AndsonlS SPeurll Lavas TIiUtloQueeJi 0457 KinglSd 34 iK fust 13 112 3 E Atklnsn 9 Ch A Byrne Jamima Uranium 64288 KincEd 1 11S l53 ifaat 7 115 115GLAD 31 S Boyle 8 WM Baker EdithK Capitania GLAD NEWS ch f 4 105 By Atkins Duchess Philippe by Sara Phillips Trainer G L Palmquist Owner G L Palmquist Breeder J B Lock 6G997 Tijuana ii f ll imud imudImTOy Ss H Molters 9 KWillinms C Cirkley irkley AlPortcr 3732 Iteno ItenofiSGStl ImTOy 4G fast fast5i 11 P Hum 8 oniclion Norain Dorothy fiSGStl Reno RenoT3487 5i f 08Vsfast SG 2 H Long 8 Vodka Pcwaukee Kazan T3487 Reno 1 41V fast 90 6 = II Long 9 MrsPat Iecrless One M Flnke 6 417 Rwio 34 15fast 15fast5S 94 3 i II Long 9 Bridsette SantliiaC DewField 62936 Reno 5S 027ifast 16 7 H Long 9 MayDawn SantliiaC Bridgette BridgetteII11 61150 Tijuana 51 f 09iiast 93 7 11 11 11 II11 H Long 12 Josenia Foeninn Apple Jack BELLE FLOWER b m 5 By Meelick Apple Bloom by Cayuga CayugaBreeder Traicer W Hafley Owner W Hafley Breeder G L Biackfcrd 67S70 170 Tijuana rS l03mud 32f 107 9 61 61 P Seromball TomKoacli Squasli Plantagenet Tijuana 3S 1 2 fast 40f 107 10 9 10i S6J F Sercmhall FondUope NebrahUaLad Nizam i Hastings 1 116 l52Vsgood 31 107 2 G Broadft S SenDonlan Samlliil llHargan 0 I ratings Ab TS l03slow 36 106 3 1 F SerembalO VnlIxiily Hookworm TveBells 64810 Bghouse l f lOS 4fa t 10 112 Si W Garganll WotlieWisp MHility Review C4262 Hastings Ab 5S 59fast 43 113 10 C tesidelO Col Snider EyeBright Cascade IRISH REINA b f 4 M 105 By Irish Exile Queenland II by Olieredem Trainer L L Allen Owner Allen Wilkexson Breeder L L Allen 677G4 Tijuana Wooldny5S 5S 02 ifast SOf 103 1 11 ll J10ts J Thomas 12 Cancion Santliia C Wooldny 67450 Tijuana 5S 02 fast 4f 102 9 10 10 10 M MllricklO Hnzel Dale View Delancey 67187 Tijuana 1 49hvy 182 101 1 4 7 7 ° M Milrick 7 Benecia CaveMan Norfdslist NorfdslistSS 67132 Tijuana SS 05 hvy 130 106 467 711 R Flynn 8 Toyon Jane A Anna Star Star5S 6G9M Tijuana 5S 03imud 12f 111 1 9 9110 H Molters 11 MarnZorn ArneFort CaveMan CaveMan5S 63729 Reno 5S 02 fast 19 93 6 J Millerick 8 C Cannell Glenrar Stanley H H5S 63419 Reno 5S 102 fast 15 95 S i H Long 9 W C Dooly Little One OliveD OliveD5S C3391 Reno 5S l01sfast 22 93 S Millerick 10 MadaniUurry Galway LitOne