2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09

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Onl PAPP 4 nJile 4yeai Clnimin T Dec 20 1O1G nCl KAUb iii ur DELAIICET b e 10 112 By Rock Sand Delation by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer E Valdez Owner E Valdez Breeder A Belmont Belmont6K102 6K102 Tijuana r rl l f lOSfJist 2 115 1 2 2 2J E Taplin 12 PrivatcPeat SanthiaC ThreeX G77KG Tijuana ifait 5 115 1 2 11 2 i E Taplin 11 GoUlHryan RosaAtkin PokeyB ifast 95 110 5 3 2l 21 P Martinezll Yukon Phyllis K Norfield Norfieldijuana ijuana 51 f cOSjifast 4 110 1 2 Z 3i F Stevens 11 Midian Cancion Pokey Jane JaneGJSSl GJSSl Tijuana 5S 02 fast 7 130 1 2 21 2 F Stevens 12 lobelia View Plantagenft 67532 Tijuana 51 f 09 fast 1S5 108 1 Z 2 2J W Pool 12 MyrtleA FrenchNuree Kirkwd 67450 Tijuana 5S 02 fast 4f 107 1 4 3J 3111 Moiters 10 Hazel Dale View Carl Roberts 67016 Tijuana 58 04 mud 207 11110 7 S1 8 J Carroll 10 DlWalilo CountBoris Ternette Ternette6G972 6G972 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 40 114 9 9 9 915 J Carroll 9 Itaniskane SilkSox KllalYnldo KllalYnldoPLUIIGER PLUIIGER br m 9 105 By Bea Trovato Sweet Marjoram by Dinaa Forget ForgetTrainer Trainer J Snllivan Owner 7 Sullirn Breeder J E Madden 157871 Tijuana Im70y Il9mud 3 113 6 2 3 3 C Studer 12 Sanlledron CHyng StarBanr 67787 Tijuana 1142 fast 4 109 7 3 2JJ 2 F Andsonl2 Hkamore TlieVceance Glzar GlzarG7701 G7701 Tijuana 51 f l0ifast 3i 113 3 3 21 2 F Amlsonl2 Kirkwood Caamano Clcarfield ClcarfieldC7571 C7571 Tijuana II f 1 CSifast 5 115 7 B 4 3 F An Vsonl2 Isphani Tillotson Cave Man 67393 Tijuana 34 l14Vfast 174 113 3 2 21 32 F AndsonlO ThvSevon RLOwen OUstd THRILLS b in 8 105 105Trainer By Coy Lad Aviston by Ayrshire Ayrshireofton Trainer J Crofton ofton Owner H D Gates Breeder H H Hewitt 68101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 20 105 2 1 1 11 31 W Martin 12 PIowKtee Balfonr Canvasback 68038 Tijuana 51 f l13Vshvy 11 10S 1 2 2l 2 W Martin S II Kurgoyno Bacclius JamesG 68018 Tijuana 41 f rJJimud S 100 7 6 C 4 i AV Martin 10 CUieWay TpyDimcan BRuth 6 955 Tijuana 34 l19ihvy 4f 105 2 3 3J7913 3 313 = G Rose 7 Siiflhyvilie CliarSmitli LPearl J7913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 13 109 3 5 S S G Rose S Olympiad Krmitana Sm Again 67828 Tijuana 34 llDTJfast 12 10S 4 1 61 9 J W Martin 10 Lewis B WCDooly P Tenny Tenny11C 67318 Tijuana 1 11C l49fast 12 110 2 S 6i 6 M Fator 8 WallcrDiiit Dkiiand Caamano CaamanoClfl12 67186 Tijuana Elf Clfl12 112 hvy 13 107 2 4 4 4 V Martin 8 HorLercIi CicelvlCay PliyilisK PliyilisK5S 67151 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 4 109 6 C CMISTAKE 41 3 = 3 W Martin 7 DrStson PliyllisK BlMeyeri MISTAKE ch g 7 102 102Trainer By Uncle Nethersole by Tournamcat TournamcatBrlen Trainer W OBrien Brlen Owner W OBrien Breeder Headier Miller Millern70y 68053 Tiiuana ImTOy n70y 135 hvy 13 107 1 2 61 9 F Seremhall Pteider Ciilielloiters Bacchus BacchusCl 68038 Tijuana Cl f l13Mhvy 4 115 S 6C7954 6 6 5 = 1 F J HaUer S HarPuigoyno Thrills Bacclius BaccliusS4 C7954 Tijuana S4 l17 l17shvy shvy 6 107 4 6 G 0s 1 Huru 9 JLodi Plurality Hans Topaz TopazlS 67912 Tijuana lS l04imul 7 112 4 T TG7850 7 Cl 4i D Hum 11 Velvet Plantasciiet I onc Pine PineEl G7850 Tijuana El f 111 mud 16 113 4 7 7 4J1 F SerembalO Alaon Miudlc Wilson Coombs Coombsi 67701 Tijuana Ei i f lOSifast 5 115 4 E EG7575 5 4 l R Carter 12 Kirkwood Plunger Ciamauo CiamauoSi G7575 Tijuana Si f lOD l097sfaat = ifast 9 115 9 6G7451 6 61 5 i R Carter 11 Due di Guise Jazz Alazon Alazon5S G7451 Tijuana 5S l01 I0l7afat = ifast 70 112 7 S 71 67l R Carter S RUOivpn SpUplL DdeGuise DdeGuiseEl 67298 Tijuana El f lOSifast C4 109 7 1 1AU 7 7s C1 R Carter 8 Milda Neg Klsa AU REVOIR b g 5 107 107Trainer By Luke McLukc Apmea Vlririnis br Sir Dizon Dizonser Trainer A Moser ser Owner A Moscr Breeder Keene Schorr 67954 Tijuana 34 l17 llT4jhvy shvy J3 112 S I 7 Ci C Rails 9 JIjdl Plurality Hans Topaz 67X06 Tijuana 1 14 2d9Hfast 11 110 3 4C7723 4 1 9 H Long 11 Domiiator Reydo Jolm Arbor Arbora70y C7723 Tijuana lm0y a70y l47 l47fast fast 10 112 4 6 4 1 3 II Long 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Go On 67452 Tijuana 1 l3ifast 9 112 7 I 9 S l J Thomas 9 Gipsy to Gen Czar Lariat 67338 Tijuana 1 l43t fast 4 IdS 6 4 41 3 J Thomas 9 ta Cancion Florentine 67278 Tijuana 34 lll fast 9 104 8 7 E Sl R Fljnti 9 DMorTiihbs Sheuevil Bkworm 34 l16slow 49 107 4 3 3 Z R Flynn 8 I MOVO Comt Boris Dulwood 62625 Omaha 1 116 l52tgood 1S5 105 31 B Scheffel S Horeas MarkDcnunzlo LorMosi LorMosiDOVE5HOOST DOVE5HOOST ch g 4 107 By Maintenant Dovecote l y Kingston KingstonTrainer Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable Breeder G D Widener WidenerC7853 C7853 Tijuana El f 1OS mud 413 92 7 7 71 715 H Howard 8 llarryD Incogtmncc Jolm Jr 67770 Tijuana f l f l07ifast 221 107 7 10 10 101 Stude 11 Iniocnniiep HonUtgp TubbyA 66305 Empire Ab 34 IHOrifast CO 111 9 13 15 13 C Stude 10 Nislilbt TaLlng BrtLiglits BrtLiglits6V20X 6V20X Empire Ab 34 109 fast CO 10315 10 10s 9 C Stude 13 Arrow ofGold liistVUw Djydue Djydue6551K 6551K Aqutduct 1139 fast 30 110 3 C 10 10 C Stude 11 1 rniami Ksipilic Notime NotimeC528C C528C Aqueduct Cl f l21ifast CO 102114 13 12 13 C Stude 15 SiCourt TaLing Clslijordan 65225 Aqueduct Cl f llSfast 0 104 799 10 C Stude 10 Cladtor WI 1 t her Anidalloey 64514 Saratoga 34 113 hvy CO 105 6 S f i C Studer 10 French Furze SeaMint Roulette RouletteMRS MRS PAT b f 4 105 By Sigurd Canapa by Bedeck or Campus CampusTrainer Trainer J G Can don Owner A Patterson Bleeder H H Trowtridge Trowtridge677J3 677J3 Tijuana Im70y l471 fant 11 100 3 2 il 2 = F Stevens 10 Cafeteria Au Iterolr Go On 676 67615 1 5 Tijuana El f ItOS fast 32 100 S 7 Cl Ci F Stevens 12 Rafferly SwplpII PonzaR PonzaRay 67355 Tijuana fS 1 02fast CTf IOC 7 t 9i 9 E Petaoldtll Hess Wilch Hazel Dale Klua 62733 Ueno Jm70y l477sfast 17 M 45i Millerick 9 Al Wick TomBrooks RinUavous RinUavousS 63587 Reno 34 113 fast S 92 4SJ II Long S Qiiinam Toyon Bridsette 63487 Reno 1 l43Vsfast 7 59 UK Petzsld 9 PeprlessOnc MirFlukc CallMs 63432 Reno 1 142 fast fastEl 11 52 C3 H Long 8 JiKlglit Bobolink MM ofAnscl 6331 7 Reno El f lOSlfast 7 S3 35 H Long 9 Blllackwell Cauciou Billy Joe ONWA ch g 9 107 By Dslhousie Thistledor by Eothen Trainer G Boyd Owner R Fillansl Brooder T Clyde 68039 Tijuana El f l14hvy f 110 t 7 33 G Roso 11 KajiDoll TpvDuncan Rlk Pat Patri 67976 Tijuana GS l05mud Tl 10G 3 7 3l G Rose 10 Sniia h Bacihtis Operator 67890 Tijuana S4 lSttnud 10 10S 2 6 6C7849 El C G Rose 10 DbleKyc IxmePinc MMIeWMn C7849 Tijuana El f lIOmud Tf 110 3 E E677G3 E 45J G Rose 9 Miss Dunbar Review PliyilisK 677G3 Tijuana ES l01fefHit 4T 107 11 71 C G Rose 12 Viva Ben Payiio Irene Delsa 68085 MHghta 34 119 mud 44 102 0 P Gross 7 Blue Wrack Puff Ball Rujah 65456 Kempton 34 rlSfast 8 109 2 R Hall 8 Jamima HigliOlympus TwoKycs 64480 KlneKU Ab 58 ESHfast C4 108 N Collins 9 Kmdcn DFairbauks FairLassie CLOVER DeckTrainer JTJNIA ch g 6 107 By ClOTerton Jnnl y O Deck Bitter6R104 Trainer D Blair Owner E Orr Breeder D H Bitter 6R104 Tijuana 34116 fast 10 102 6 8 Sl 7 H Zander 12 Plow Steel Bmlfonr Thrill 67926 Tijuana 6 113 8 7 6 6 P Martinezll ChoirMastcr JacSLeal Balfoat 05281 Hastings Im70y 150 fast 1710 110 3T1 J Dawson G Neb Lad Lady Small Quinsm 65187 Hastings Im70y l53vihvy 21 109 21 H Molters 7 ChMaster DesertRose NebUd 65121 Hastings Im70y l31islow S 114 4i J Dawson 6 LorJIoss NebrIad MaryFullet 65080 Hastings Im70y ltOmud 95 106 41 H Molters 8 Cobrita Ix rena Moss Cork 01998 MaryinlleTG4907 Bghouse Im70y l4SHslow 3710 109 2 H Molters 8 BYonng MonBelle MaryinlleT G4907 Bghouse 1 116 l41fast S 111 3 H Rowe 11 GrnMint MontBelle LUtleAb 64875 Bghouso Im70y l41sfast 65 111 3 H Lone 11 BerniceE MonBelle IIKAshM IIKAshMBON BON SANTE K g 7 107 By The Sharper rfflyptd by BUckstock BUckstockTrainer Trainer F Kinohart Owner F Rinehartl Breeder W E Moody 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 12t 107 8 7 10 10 B Donhuel2 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana QcyWardE2546 67851 Tijuana 41 f 56 mud 29f 112 7 7 8 74 E Donahue 8 Corncntter Kdllope QcyWard E2546 Tijuana 51 f lllV mud 25f 105 9 D Powell 10 MCT Pastime Indian Brigade Yukonr 36r Tijuana 34 l14good 32 105 9 H Jones 10 Billy Joe Plunger Yukon r r 58 l01Hfast 4110115 11 A Zelgler 12 HtieMcCarty Chrome Lantern LanternCLEARFIELD CLEARFIELD b g 7 102 By Textilo GrizeL by AIntr Trainer B B Bond Owner 3 B Bond Breeder B Smith 67870 Tijuana CS l03 mud 32f 110 U 10 10s 1011 T Rae 11 TomRoach Squash Plantagenet 67799 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 25 115 9 9 8 81 T Rae 9 MarnZorrn Nizam Pinaquana CaamanoC7616 67701 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 51 115 7 6 61 4 T Rae 12 Kirkwood Plunger Caamano C7616 GMhlebcG7575 Tijuana 51 f l091ifast 7f 110 4 S 51 4 J F Stevens 10 JParmcr Tillotson GMhlebc G7575 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 75 110 4 7 7l 6J E Petzoldtlt Due de Guise Jazz Alazon 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 34f 110 S 9 81 7 F Stevens 12 LadySmall Bookworm Oljmpd 65412 MikeG5323 Kempton Bi f l03Tsfast 9 117 6l B T Mooro 0 Theresa Hush Mike G5323 BabS4483 Kempton 5S l0l fast 31 107 7 3 F Bullman 9 Fait Accompli Crest Bab S4483 KingEd 61 f l24 fast 14 115 2 ° P Madeira 9 Wise Lady Black Pat Smite MALZAVEKA DomingoTrainer ch f 4 M 105 By Malamont Marzaveus by St Domingo Trainer E W Moore Owner E W Moore Breeder J D Sharp 67954 Tijuana 34 l17 hvy 1S5 103 9 7 8s 8 F Stevens 9 Jackledi Plurality HansTopaj 67531 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 14 103 7 5 64 4ll H Molters 11 LMnnning PcaceFlag Contriot 67205 Tijuana Elflllalow 2 1C6 12 10 8J 75i R Flynn 12 Trinket Glcnzar Make Haste 67076 Tijuana 34 121 hvy 115 105 5 4 61 5s R Flynn 12 NfdsLast ArgFort CaveMan 66914 Tijuana 58 l03 4mud 4 111 7 71 63 M Andsonll MarnZorn ArneKort CaveMan CaveManG5059 G5059 Thncliffe 1 l44Ualo 81 96 7 8 8 8 R Flynn S BccsWing FairVirginia Verity 61701 Devshire 34 l12 ifast 26 110 7 8 8 81 E Petzoldtl2 MissCaltha Pietrus Wm Oldt 4377 Toledo Ab 34 lll fast 17 104 104I 3l C Dishmon 7 It Barriskane Col Chile I 64309 Toledo Ab 34 lllifast 15 107 107STARLIKE 3 C Dishmon 7 Kedgwick Woolday RoJPicdy STARLIKE ch g 9 112 112Trainer By Star Shoot Blaketlee by Yankee YankeeDawson Trainer C Dawson Owner C Dawson DawsonC8053 Breeder I E Madden C8053 Tijuana Im70y 155 hvy E6 116 11610 10 8 11 11 W OKeefcll Ptemler ChticIIolters Baccbna 68040 Tijuana 1 l50hry 20 115 7 6 6 W OKeef 7 ThcVgeance Dissolute TagDay 67787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 6 111 12 7 71 8 H Molters 12 Hkamore Plger TheVge TheVgeauce 67703 Tijuana 1 l43Tsfapt 4 117 5 J 2 T Wilson 10 Fireworth Sanlledron Plura Plurality 67637 Tijuana ImTOy l47Hfast S3f 113 3 3 I1 21 T Wilson 8 Theresa Reydo Bacclius 67515 Tijuana 1 116 l49fast 100 115 4 3 6 5 F Smith S Slioreacres Larint Rliymer 1 l43faat 162 112 9 6 61 H Long 9 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Lariat

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800