Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09

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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9 9WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Sec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1 1920 no natter where it finished In cases where record wax made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 213 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mini runner X Gooil mod runner Fair mini runner M Maidens Apprentice ullowaucc b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 34 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Maidens MaidensClaiming Claiming Track record Feb 9 IBIS 111 6 116 Todays Wt Rec AWtHan Reformer 103 llf 3 103 723 C A Reinhart 98 114 3 10r720 bJuno 112 113 4 108X715 Little Ann 109 114 3 10 715 John Joseph JosephJosie 115 113 If 4 118 715 Josie M 110 115 3 103X710 Spectator 115 116 3 110 705 Rochanibeau 115 I 13 4 113 705 Rigger Still 107 110 3 110 705 Billy El 90 118 3 110 700 Royal Crown 3 110 700 Runetta 3 10 10j j 700 Consolation 108 118 3 105700 blirunettc Lady 108 114 4 7 113 700 Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 191S 11154 6 116 67858 Grayson 110 113 8 110X725 110X72567CS4 67CS4 liDIana IOC 111 6 100720 10072068035bAlex 68035bAlex II 113 113 4 103X715 103X71568CCG 68CCG Rolo 104 113 6 100X715 7934 Birdie G 971113 4 101X715 67963 Tlie Nephew 110 112 6 105X715 105X71567M01 67M01 Fast Trial 1001114 4 103 710 67713 Deep Sinker 103 115 4108X705 4108X70567S84 67S84 bltekab 108113 4108X70368C05 4108X705 68C05 Machiavelli 100112 5 110 703 67771 Troilus 109 112 9 110 700 67554 Kingling II 108 llCJs 10103X700 68062 bBumpcty Bumps 9S 116 4 98X700 67004 Search Light HI 11011514 7 105X700 105X700Third Third Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 9 191S 111 Jt 6 116 1166S010 6S010 Hillhousc 105 115 104X72T 68091 Erelyn Sawyer 100 114 108x720 680101 Ghost 110 114 106X715 67457 High Tea 87 117 101X71 67967 Slanderer 112 114 101 715 68071 = Sultan M 113 114 114X715 67858 Radiant 105 114 109 710 68091 Childs Play 106 113 Vi 113X710 67367 Glibella 103 113 112 705 07815 Flying Devil 107 l15u 115 700 679SG Tender Scth 110 114 Vs 113X700 113X70067S412 67S412 Rupee M 11 l15Vfe 106X700 68091 Pelion M 100 115 114 700 8071 Jupiter 101 113 114X700 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsSunbeam Sunbeam Purse PurseFnrse Fnrse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Feb 12 1916 14214 1 113 113Todays Todays Tml Horse Horse68094s Wt Rec AWtHnn 68094s RUNQUOI 101 l44s 5 1007CO 67776 bTan Son 100 l44fi 5 100X740 68070 Sea Cove 109 144 5 104X740 68072 bPenios 97 1455 4 98X735 67937 Uncle Telo 109 143 5 100X735 100X73510r 66551 Guy 10r 114 7 112X735 67937 Wapiti 106 144 5 104X735 6S0082 The Peruvian 105 151 4 98 730 730llll4r 68007 bThe Archer llll4r V4 6 100X730 68007 Orcus 103146 51000730 5100073066S53 66S53 Double Cross 109 151 4 98 7 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 12 1910 14214 4 113 67856 Xuycka 101 l47s 101 725 7256S010 6S010 Yonck 105 140 106X720 68091 Poor Sport 111X715 111X71563D311 63D311 Winner Take All 103X715 103X71567967s 67967s Irish Pat 108 145 108 715 67964 = Chiva 104 71 716E0641 6E0641 Superlum 10S 145 112X710 68064 Kent L 102 703 68064 1 A1 Stcbler 10S 143 109X705 68091 The Colonel M 104 700 67173 Buddugie M 102 700 67841 Sweet and Pretty PrettyM M 100146 101 700 7006806S 6806S Fleeting M 103 l50h 102X700 102X700Sixth Sixth Rice 1 116 Mifes MifesPnrse Pnrse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track recoid Feb 13 1913 1445 3 104 68095 = bAshland 103118 4111X72T 4111X72TG8009 G8009 High Oar 110 143 9 113X720 113X720680G7 680G7 bMountain Rose II115 145 4 10 111JJ715 67989 bAttorney IOC 147 C 111X715 67913 bOath 112 146 7 113 71 68090 bStork Pin 4 114X710 68073 bScrvice Star 105 146 6 113X710 67503 Johnny Overtcn 99 147 6 111X710 67940 On Hish 97146 C 108X710 63003 Serbian 112147 7116X70 7116X70680C5 680C5 Stanley 102143 5110X703 68074 bPlantareld 103147 7113X700 67603 Tvnnny 7 103 700 I 68074 = bExecution 107 130 4 104X700 104X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Trick record Feb 13 1913 144 3 104 67989 = bCannencita 103147 4109X723 67947 Froezy Snaezy 103 147 4 104 720 68111 KiiK Georse 111147 0 10S713 6777 Maize 108 147 6 103X713 67553 Joidan 10914C 4 10J713 68115 Scourgeinan 103 145 8 111 710 67553 bCteiteaugiiy 105 147 4 104X710 68095 bPromising Tom 109 146 5 103X710 68115 Maccbean 103149 5108703 67941 bForestierc M 104 151 6 91 703 63095 Bees Wins 104146 6105X705 68074 Grace Daugherty 95 l4 t 5 91X700 68063 Silence 101 147 5 110X700 67943 Mirse Jimmy S 103 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800