5th Race [5th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09

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Kfh 19Din DA PC Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds Claiming Feb 12 19 Din nAUt i4a io i us usNUYAKA NUYAKA ch c 3 101 By Dick Finnell Annie Williams by Lazzarone LazzaroneTrainer Trainer J W Forman Owner J W Forroan Breeder D B Knox 67856 FGrnds ImTOy l47Vtslow 18S 101 1 1 1J 1 J Corcoranl2 JQKelly Firstlllush Allurlnj 67687 FGrnds 34 l14fast 4i IIS 7 S 10 S E Pool 14 Rupee Juno Kitty Carpenter 67560 FGrnds 34 l14Vifast 5 107 1 3 21 21 F Smith 13 Stone Age Temptress Reformer ReformerG741G G741G FairGda 51 f lC9hvy GO 10610 7 7Z 7 F Smith 10 ItltieNose Anonymous PrSport PrSportC6G41 C6G41 Latonia 34 l137 fast 20 112 9 12 HI II19 F Smith 12 Wavwsarno PrcTiiTii BedaszU BedaszUG661G G661G Latonia 34 l14fast 1310 110 2 G GGG382 Gl GTJ M Garner 12 Stump Jr Lucky Run Yorick YorickGG382 GG382 Latonia 34 l135sfast 135 101 H FelG6276 Fell W Pool 11 Gofllcncr CAReinkt Procds ProcdsC6276 C6276 Latonia 34 l13 l134fast fast 16 107 1 4 4YORICK 2 2J W Pool 12 GdenCrt StoneAge GdonShaw GdonShawYORICK YORICK cr c 3 106 106Trainer By Meelick Agnes Dale by Hinsdale HinsdaleTrainer Trainer J Randolph Owner J Randolph Breeder G L Blackford 68010 FGrnds ImTOy l4Gfast 7 103 3 2 21 1 L McDottlO Ghost MarjorieWood Wrangler 67983 FGrnds 34 114 fast 10 115 2 4 4G7941 3 4 J CorcoranH Eulalia Stiltim First Pullet PulletG7941 G7941 FGrnds ImTOy l45fast 15 103 4 G 5l 51 R Doyle 12 Kennmarc Rupee AllAmcrican 67814 FGrnds 34 116 hvy 10 115 1 9 9 9 R Doyle 12 Fcrnandos Sultan Bonfire 67477 FGrnds 34 l13hvy 6 100 7 4 4G7437 Sh 2 R Doyle 11 Radiant Minnie H Josie M G7437 FGrnds 34 117 hvy 7 116 1 3 3G7343 6 6 E Pool 11 Amole Prince Tii Til Rupee G7343 Jefferson 34 l137sfast 10 109 1 6 6POOR 3i 31 E Scobie 12 FrccMarkct LcoFisher Alluring POOR SPORT b g 3 111 By Delhi Play Fair by Fair Play Trainer W A Burttschell Owner J B Sklnkcr Breeder 7 D Carr Bro 34 114 good 21 il 3 2 li 1s E SmworZll PISrown WinTAll Vanrburg 34 l149sfast 3 11011 4 31 2 E Srnwodll Childs Play Rork Admirer 67416 FairGds CS f lOS ihvy 20 10G 5 1 3 3 H ShitlSck 10 BlueXosc Anonymous Briad BriadG73G5 G73G5 Jefferson 51 f lOTfast 10 10S 1 9 9 91 H Shilllck Her Times Leslie Allie Ochs 67327 Jefferson 34 l15hvy 10 106 3 3 31 4J E Barnes fi RhipNosc Calcutta Kirk Lady 66871 Bowie 34 l147 fast 7 109 9 6 101 10 E Barnes 11 Rpgllome FortLore Caladra Caladra6G848 6G848 Bowie GJ f l21fast 3 112 3 2 I1 1 E Bell 12 Pennon Advcnturs Relphzonia RelphzoniaWIN1TER WIN1TER TAKE ALL br f 3 103 By Fair Play Free Love by Chouberski Trainer M J Hurphy Owner S Lonis Breeder P T Cilun CilunG8091 VanderburgG793G G8091 FGrnda 34 114 good 10 102 6 5 G1 3 G Mein 11 PcorSport PUrown Vanderburg G793G FGrnds 34 l14faat 30 102 9 9 G1 2 G Mein AlloOehs l idy Rose Clabella ClabellaG7710 G7710 FGrnds 34 l13fast 30 106 10 10 SI lOl G Mein 13 Leslie Elizabeth Kean Chiva ChivaGG835 GG835 Bowio 61 f l21fast 33 102 S 7 S1 Tl H ThomaslO llucado Lit Hope Adventuress AdventuressGG799 PrSportGG71G GG799 Bowie 34 llfast lOf 101 10 9 S1 G G Mein 13 LitIIope Adventuress PrSport GG71G MajorityGGG87 Pimllco 1 l42fast 9 107 1 10 lll 12 E Smwodl2 Little Hope Sea Tag Majority GGG87 Pimlico 34 114 fast 31 104 S S S 9 W MeehanlS Tassel Reap Racket RacketGG554 GG554 Laurel 34 l13Hfast 14 110 10 9 9J 9 W Kelsay 10 GcnThatcher Comixa Scribble ScribbleIRISH IRISH PAT b s 3 1G3 By BerrUldon llollie Kean by Bobbie Keaa KeaaTrainer Trainer E J Crawford Owner J J Lyons Breeder K R Howard HowardG7967 G7967 FGrnds ImTOy l44fast 20 10S 3 2 31 3 J McCoy G Goldencrest Superbum Glabella GlabellaG78G1 G78G1 FGrnds ImTOy lifig od 33 110 G 5 5s 0 J McCoy S Superbum 15chUnty AlStcbler AlStcblerG7754 G7754 FGrnds 1 IMOfast 13 104 5 7 S Si J McCoy 9 PceTiiTii Roseatell Majority MajorityS G7G85 FGrnds 1 11G 148 fast S 109 1 1G7G04 7 7 6 F Sharpe 7 Superbum Bcliliciuty Glabella GlabellaG G7G04 FGrnds ImTOy l4Gfast G 109 3 1 I1 1 J McCoy 11 diost Slanderer Mildred Ruth 755G FGrnds ImTOy l45fegood 25 102 8 2 6s 5 i J McCoy 10 Vennie Roseatell Setting Sun SunS 67482 FGrnds ImTOy 149 hvy S 109 S SCHIVA 8 G G E Smwod 8 AlStcbler MarjWood PGorda CHIVA b g 3 Hamburgr 104 104Trainer By Broomstick Baksheesh by Hamburg Trainer J C Cahn Own r J r C Cann Cann679G1 Breeder H P Whitney 679G1 FGrnds 34 lI3fast 5 104 7 7G7881 2 21 2 F Smith 12 Admirer MajorChilton Thcssaly G7881 FGrnds 1 l41fast 31 99 9 9G7710 3 4 GU Crcoranll Majority Rriand StumpJr G7710 FGrnds 31 I13fa5t 4 113 6 fi 51 31 E Pool 13 Leslie Ellibcthltcin StumpJr GG588 Latonia 5 101 4 2 2 2 J Owens 9 The Clown Kindred Supcrhum I GG481 Latonia 34 las fast 13 1W 2 3 21 21 F Smith 12 Superbum Leslie FlghtinsCook I GG1S3 l LatoniaIGGOG7 Latonia itonia 34 117 hvy 73 107 1 2 3 3 F Smith 7 Mr Lee Pequot Polite PoliteGGOC7 GGOC7 Latonia 34 l17VU vy 15 103 540 5 J F Smith G Certain BillOFlynn H IGGOG7 SUPERBUM AllowayTrainer b f 3 112 By Superman Dolly Bultman by Alloway Trainer F Wright Owner C H Knebeliamp Breeder H T Oxnard OxnardG80G4 G80G4 FGrnds ImTOy l45Vimud G3 103 G 5 11 21 G Mein G Eulalia Rriand Kent L LG79G7 G79G7 FGrnds ImTOy l41fast 1310 103 G 4 2l 2 J Crcornn G Goldcncrtst IrishPat f fG78G1 GInbclla GInbcllaG78G1 G78G1 FGrnds ImTOy l4Ciood 1310 ICG 3 2 2J 1 G Mein 8 UchlSeauty AlStcbler M MG7C85 MInnleU MInnleUG7C85 G7C85 SteblerG7556 FGrnds 1 11G 1U5 fast 2 103 7 3 1 1 L McDott 7 RchHcauty Glalieiia Al Stebler G7556 FGrnds ImTOy l45 4good 5 102 10 7 3 4i G lein 10 Vennie Roseatell Setting Sua SuaG7482 G7482 PGordaG7090 FGrnds ImTOy 149 hvy 32 101 2 4 5 Oi J Owens 8 AlStnbler MarjWood PGorda G7090 Jefferson 3J l16hvy 7 103 4 5 fi1 2 A Wilson 8 Stump Jr Vennie Setting Sua GGG30 Latonia 34 l12fast 17 103 1 7 7KENT 1 C1 R Hartonl2 l ed Arrow Jupiter Certain KENT L ch g 3 102 102Trainer By Zeus Horla by Henry cf Navarre NavarreBreeders Trainer T F Boraman Owner M Kelley Breeders White Cliborn G80G4 FGrnds lm0y 70y l16Kmud G 102 2 3 4 4 1 J McCoy G Eulalia Superbum Briand G79G4 FGrnds 34 l13fast l13fastG7817 G 104 C 9 7 3 L McDotH2 Admirer Chiva Major Chiltoa l42hvyI G7817 FGrnds 1 l42hvy 30 102 5 5 G 5 W Gourley 5 Blue Nose Amole Setting Sua I G7772 FGrnds Jupiter7S 24 113 fast fastG4751 15 105 3 7 8 7 W Gourley 9 BlucNoKc JohuQKelly Jupiter G4751 Churchill 7S l25fast l25fastj 2 f 104 It 11 10 10 II E Jonesll GrtLuck AliccBGown Dougea j G3334 Latonia 61 II DougeaII f l09hvy 18 108 9 9 4 44 A Wilson 9 Certain Victoire Leslla 63186 Latonia 34 lls lKfast faat 5 105 a 5 5 C i J Owens 5 Metric InMcmoriam ABGowa 62952 Latonia 61 ifl08hvy f l08hvy 9 108 9 8 7i 4 J Ueupel 9 SkeeziX Certain Metric JO STKHIm V C S 109 109Trainer By Golden Maxta Lily Mac by Plaudit Trainer J P Polk Owner J F Peck Breeder T M Hnrphy 6S 64 FGrnds Im70y l4SHmnd MB 3 1 6 E J D Mney C Eulalia Snpcrbum Briand 7S61 FGrnds ImTOy l Xeood 6 MO 2 X 3 E Smwod S Superbmn Bchneauty MinnieB MinnieBL 67731 PGrnds Jm70y lH5fast 8 IDS 1 L I1 11 G llcln 12 Glabclla Untried Stone Age Agei 7685 FGrnds 1116148 fast 12 106 3 i 41 4 J Owens 7 Supcrbnm BchHeauty Glabella 67482 FGrnds ImTOy 149 hvy 15 IX 4 21 l k ti McDott 8 MarjWood ItinGorda Hhouse C730G Jefferson 1 l42faat 20 110 1 7 S J Wallace 7 Vcnnle Roseate II Lady Inca 7250 Jefferson S4 l15Xfast 15 103 6 6 5 4J A Roach G Bedazzle Leslie Hillhousc 67 146 Jefferson El f 110 hvy 20 103 7 7 El B R Doyle 7 Leslie Vennie Settins Sun THE COLONEL b c 3 H SingletonC 104 By Bryn Mawr Toastrack by Singleton Trainer T Kano Owner G C Walsh Breeder H S Bordcn CS091 FGrnds 34 114 pood 12 IDS 10 8 1 7 J Wallace 11 ISpcrt IBrown WinTakcAll 67964 FGrnds 34 l13fast 20 ICO 5 8 9 S J J Wallace 12 Admirer Chiva Major Chilton 67809 FGrnda 34 l14 mud 20 104 8 8 8 61S J Wallace 8 SUararock Macbctb Kork 66507 Empire 61 f lC7fast 4 105 8 8 71 8 G W Car1110 ItafiIos Peter JJrown Kork 66303 Empire Ab 34 I10ifa3t 21 1071 7 7 41 4 1 ti Fator 11 Baffles BenWood BcsLcisbton 66193 Empire 5 f 107 fast 100 114 7 7 7 1 M MntainlO Mutiny Mazeppa Sakah 66127 Jamaica El f l051tfast 60 107 2 C 5 6 M Mountn 5 KiRel Equinoctial Pelion 65948 Jamaica 34 l12fast 100 103 1 3 4 B II Thomaa 8 Best Love Battersea Aladdin BUDDUGIE br 3 M OgdeoArthnr 102 By Berriildon Canny Miss by Ogdeo Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthnr Breeder W Garth 67173 Jefferson 34 l17hvy 8 115 1 4 6 C i A Abel G GailFord FirstRlush Blue Bird 67057 Jefferson 34 l19hvy 12 104 8 6 4J 3 A Abel 8 Admirer Yorick Koellia 66855 Bowie 7S 131 fast 20 107 10 9 Cl 6 1 M SchwtzlS Glabella JiRstep Zeus Lassie 66822 Bowie 78 128 fast 427 106 10 10 10 10 W Organ 10 Vigil Blue Hawk Osprey OspreytC C648C Laurel El f 110 fast tC 110 13 11 11 10 A Abel 14 Kshtbd Radiant Sand Pretty Pretty11C 6631 G Laurel 34 l16fast 11C 100 11 13 13 11 1 A Abel 15 Paul Micou Racquetta Papillon 66248 Laurel 34 l15fast 21 10A 8 9 6 5 J A Abel 9 Felicitous Punasain SandPrty SWEET AND PRETTY ch f 3M 101 By Berriildon Stalwart Helen by Stalwart Trainer T J Shannon Owner G Konigswald Breeder L Garth 67941 FGrnds Im70y l45fast 0 100 7 S S1 Sl J Chlmcrsl2 Kennmarc Rupee AllAmerican 67754 FGrnds 1 l4 l40fast 15 92 3 6 C1 6T1 J Chlm rs 9 PceTiiTii Rcseatell Majority 67710 FGrnds 34 l1 l13fast 15 106J12 11 12 9 J C Lang 13 Leslie Elizabeth Bean Cliiva 67602 FGrnds 34 l1 l1C7518 l15Afast 10 103 6 5 2 2l C Lang II Kndiant GMount SwcetMaraa C7518 FGrnds El f l0 l08good 15 104 6 3 6 Cl C Lang 8 Miss Meise Contour Untried 67343 Jefferson 34 l1 l15fast 25 105 5 7 C1 6 1 A Accardyl2 Free Market LeoFisher Yorick 66604 Pimlico 34 l1 l1FLEETING 17 92 5 E B1 5 1 W Martin 12 True Flier Al Boyd ElizBean FLEETING ch f 3 M 102 By Manager Waite Independence by Ballot Trainer C S Wilson Owner C S Lcmienx Breeder T C McDowell 68068 FGrnds ImTOy 143 hvy hvyC7964 30 105 3 2 Si Z J MajesticlO AllAmerican ReelFcot Bonfire C7964 FGrnds 34 l13fast l13fastC7899 30 95 12 12 12 lli J Chlmersl2 Admirer Chivn Major Chilton C7899 FGrnds 34 113 fast 100 100 4 C 6l 6 J Majestic S JQKelly Shamrk P ofOmba 66344 Latonla 34 113 fast 38 109 6 9 v 9 9li J Howard 12 RArrow MCollette PdOnilly 62599 Latonla 68 101 fast fastG2212 90 112 9 9 10 10 E Martla 10 DFlower ABGown Prestclita G2212 Churchill ES l01fast 19 112 7 7 7 W Pool S Metric Taylor Hay Wida

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800