Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09


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Fair Grounds Form Chart 1TEW ORLEANS LA THURSDAY JEBRUAEY 8 1923 Fair Grounds 1 mile Thirtyfourth day Business Mens Racing Association Whiter Meeting of 38 days Wealher clear temperature 78 Stewards Joseph A Murphy C W Hay nnd H P Conkling Judges J B Campbell and Joseph McLennan Starter William Snyder Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance TIRST RACE 38 Mile Jan 19 1922 34 2 114 Pnrso 1000 2yearolds Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 67962 RACHEL POTTER w 106 1 X XROMAN 11 Il G Mein R E Vickerman 2 31 16565 35 352l ROMAN GIRL w 114 3 3 3680G1 2l 2 I Lyke B J Brannon 4 4 18575 710 7103l 680G1 NANCY McKAY w 113 7 1 3l 3 W Kelsay C T Worthington21 3 1351 12 124i 08061 FEHRAH w 197 4 4 4i 41 H ThurberR H Shaffer 8 12 12 5 2 68061 A J BUJA w 113 5 5 5G8 5 5 J D MneyE K Bryson S 10 B 85 45 G8 61 PATSY HOWE vr 117 8 0 6 T BonhamJ A Hall 20 39 3 10 5 5S 67962 RUTH S w 110 t 1 1C8861 S 71 N Swart W H Hall 8 12 12 5 2 27s C8861 BONNIE JACK w 110 6 8 8LASTING 7s 8 J Owens C Phillips 15 20 2 S 4 LASTING LOVE w 10S 9 9 9 9 H ThomasA Morgan 20 30 30 10 6 Tima 12 24 S6 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br f by Pataud Clarice by Knight of the Thistle trained by W Davis bred by Mr R H McCarter Potter PotterWent Went to post at 213 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing RACHEL POTTER found her stride quickly set a fast pace nnd held the race safe all the way ROMAN GIRL raced in closest pursuit under a hard hand ride and always held the others safe NANCY McKAY off forwardiy tired in the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched CS061 Easter Bonnet IIS C7S35Lee Adrin 108 C79G2Jim Sanda 121 CSOC1 Homer 110 110Overweights Overweights Roman Girl 4 pounds f fOf Of t t SECOND RACE 34 Milo Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 Purse 1000 3yearolds OOJL JJL and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys O H G 1 G7709 JOSEPH BRANT WB 4 103 9 3 2l l 1 U J ChalmersH P Gardner 4662 67442AMANDA WB 6 101 7 5 56796S 5 G 31 2 R Doyle S Jones 10 15 15 6 6796S SILVER SPRINGS w 5 103 11 6 31 51 2 3 H ThurhcrC N Freeman S 12 12 5 21 07942 QUALITY w 4 99 1 4 467943s 6 7 5 4s B Harvey J S Ward 675X1 67943s ADVENTURE vr 4 1 104 5 7 41 4 4 51 E Roehm M Shields 21 3 1151 12 67751 BRIARCLIFF w 4 112 I 8 71 31 61 6 E T MooreE Lutz 7943 STAMP w 4 109 4 2 2G7684 1 2 7 7 H J BurkeJ Marino 6 8 7 21 75 75G7684 G7684 MILDRED RUTH w 3 101 3 9 10 10 10 8 J McCoy C R Miller G 8 8 3 85 85G7730 C7730 STAR TIME w 4 101 12 10 9 9 91 91 J CorcoranA Peletero 10 13 15 6 3 67731 GREY EAGLE w 8 114 2 1 8 81 8 10 A Allen F Goring Jr 39 30 30 12 6 67730THE DECISION r 10 109 13 13 11 11 11 = 111 R CostelloA Swenko 20 38 20 12 6 67478 GYPSY LIGHT w 5 106 10 12 12 12 12 12 A Wilson V H Bond 20 30 3 12 6 C 66009 KING GEORGE w 6 111 G 11 13 13 13 13 E HarbneT E Crist 50 GO 60 2 10 10Time Time 23 47 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Chuctannnda Cola by Combourg trained by L Williams bred by Mr John Sanford SanfordWent Went fo post at 233 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second nnd third the same JOSEPH BRANT a forward contender from the start raced into a good lead after entering the stretch but tired in the last eighth ai d just lasted to win AMANDA worked her way up steadily and finished fast and gaining SILVER SPRINGS was speedy and raced well in the final drive QUALITY suffered from repeated interference ADVENTURE showed speed but tired in the stretch STAMP set the early pace but quit after going a half mile mileScratched Scratched 6783G Chicken 104 Ofl O THIRD RACE 34 Mile Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 Ascot Claiming Handicap OOL JM Perse 1000 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 07985 WOLFS CRY w 4 1W 12 12G80701 1 A Wilson G Drumheller 10 12 12 5 21 G80701 HARRY B VVB G 113 47 47G8027HIDDEN 51 G 31 2 II ThurbcrW M Cain G I 6 2 1 1G8027HIDDEN G8027HIDDEN JEWEL wn 7 US 91 11 I1 I 3 L Lyke A Swenke 21 3 1351 12 12C7562 C7562 HADRIAN WB 7 112 2 3 3l 31 41 4 J D MneyJ C Ferriss 688375 68029 VALOR w 9 116 8 8 G 5 1 5 = 5l G Mein P J Lavin 3 3 1351 12 08063 PAUL MICOU w 4 101 5 5 7 4 6 6 F Sharpe W H Cooper 10 12 12 6 21 67985 RALCO w 6 109 7 4 41 7 7 7 J Owens H S Bowns 10 15 15 6 3 367860SCOLANDO 67860SCOLANDO w 4 112 6 6 81 S1 S1 S J CorcoranC Phillips 8 10 10 4 2 67860 T FRANCISCAN W410639 9999H ThomasSouthland Stable 15 15 15 6 3 3Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Honcywood Kumiss by Athcling trained by D F Cannon bred by Nevada Stock Farm FarmWent Went to post at 302 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same WOLFS CRY running in vastly improved form raced in closest pursuit from the start and under vigorous riding outfinishcd HARRY B in the final drive HARRY B began slowly but steadily improved his position and finished gamely but was in close quarters through the last sixteenth HIDDEN JEWEL set a fast early pace and tired but finished resolutely HADRIAN finished fast and showed marked improvement VALOR was unable to secure a clear course in the early running and closed up fast when clear PAUL MICOU tired THE FRANCISCAN was forced back at the start startScratched Scratched G7985 Rapid Day 112 679S3 Monastery 110 07S18JLampus 109 Qt t O FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Jan 11 1S16 137 5 106 Belmont Handicap Purse OOL JO 1200 3yearolds Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O U O I 68064 EU LALIA w 100 4 3 2l 2l 31 21 1 J ChalmersC Phillips 5 6 41 7512 67986 SETTING SUN w 117 5 5 3 3 k 2J 1 2 L Morris E 1C Bryson 233113 67817BLUE NOSE vr 122 3 1 1 1s 1i 3 3nk L Lyke Idle Hr S F Stb65 83 32 12 15 67967 GOLDENCREST iv 107 1 2 4 4 41 4i 4 E Barnes G L Blackford 677445 67881 BRUNELL w 96 G 6 5 5 5i 5J 5J A Abel Idlo Hr S F Stbt65 S3 32 12 15 1568068ALL 68068ALL AMERICAN w 105 2 4 G 6 6 G G J Owens T W OBrien 88721 88721tCoupled tCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Spanish Prince II Alice Dudley by Electioneer trained by C Phillips bred by Mr C Clay ClayWent Went to post at 326 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second nnd third driv ¬ ing EOLALIA after racing in neatest pursuit was taken back and saved until rounding the last turn then resi onded with a rush when called on and passing SETTING SUN in the last sixteenth won goins away The latter was much used in racing BLUE NOSE into defeat and tired when challenged BLUE NOSE rusbrd into the lead and displayed the most speed but tired under his impost after lead ¬ ing for threequarter GOLDENCRKST ran well and finished gamely The others were badly out ¬ paced pacedBcratched Bcratched 67817 Amole 100 67S14Fcmandos 92 OOf tf FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 Purse 1080 OOBJLi 4yearolds aad upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 thii third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt V i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 680092MAY ROBERTS w 6 97 G 4 7 Gl 31 2J Ink B Harvey W Newman 10 13 12 4 67987 = SLIPPERY ELM w 10 108 1 G Ill1 l k Il 2 E SmwodJ U Skinker 455245 67946 MAGICLVN WB S 102 4 7 G 71 5l 4 31 R Doyle S Jones 10 15 15 6 21 2168065BIFF 68065BIFF BANG WB 5 1C3 55 2 21 2l 31 4 A Abel L T Bauer 10 15 13 6 2 21 21G7734 21G7734 G7734 BRIIERLY LOVE w C 113 2 8 8 S S 7l a5 J D MneyJ McPherson 2 11535 71013 68065HERMIS KMBLE w 4 111 7 3 31 51 6 61 G J Bell C A Coyle 15 15 12 5 2 67682 M AY BODINE WB 3 106 3 1 5 3 4 51 7 J Owens R T Watts 565245 68065 TODY w 5 103 S 2 4 4 7 S 8 J Corcoran H L Crain 3 5 41 8345Time 8545 Time 24 48 114 140 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch m by Master Robert Itose Prim by Potomac trained by W J Sheehan bred by Messrs Young Gorham GorhamWent Went fo post at 353 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Fame MAY ROBKRT3 moved up steadily although losing ground by coining wide and overhauling KLIPPERY ELM in the last Kcvcnty yards outfinishcd him in a hard drive The latter showed fine Bpced in paccmaking nnd mnde a game finish MAGICIAN closed up ground and came with a rush through the lust eighth BIFF BANG tired after racing well for threequarters BROTHERLY LOVE was far back until reaching the stretch MAY BODINH was done after going fiveeighths fiveeighthsScratched Scratched 67937 Uncle Velo IDS 6S070 Sunny Girl 103 679CS Tricks 93 67D44 Archie Alexander 102 68007 Booncville 105 6SOCG Qticsada 107 107Overweights Overweights May Roberts 2 pounds Slippery Elm 1 Magician 2 CQj g K SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles March 14 1008 151 3 122 Purse 1000 3year OO A JtJ olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners U U O P S 67947 SCOURGEMAN w 8 113 7 9 71 4 21 1 1 G Mein J H Tevia Tevia08073JACK 21 1S51S573 710 08073JACK FAIRMAN WB 4 33 S 4 1 I1 11 2 21 W Fronk S N Holman HolmanC8072 4 t 51 7 71A C8072 WAR PRIZE w 7 113 92 S 91 51 41 31 E SmwodF Peyton 15 68073 FOKNOVO vB 5 116J10 5 21 21 3l 31 4 L Lyke W J Kramer 6 19 8 3 85 67968 PIRATE McGEE w G 10S 4 10 10 10 10 6l 5 W GourleyL W Johnsoi 8 3 7 21 75 68073 = BUXOM w 4 10G G 7 0 6s 51 G A Abel W II Fizer Fizer67730A 67730A N AKIN w 11 10S 2 6 3 3 41 71 71 E Uoehm M Shields 68066 CITATION vv 4 106 3 8 S Si S Si J Wallace F Farrar 29 12 5 21 CSOSIENCRINITE 3 5 7 7 9 9 J CorcoranC Nr Freeman 10 12 12 5 G7984 JACOBEAN w 5 103 1 1 4 5 i 9 10 10 R Doyle S Jones 15 20 15 6 3 3Time Time 24 48 113 140 154 Track f wt wtWinner Winner B g by Stanhope 1L Salamis by Scusaticn trained by J II Tcvis bred by Mrs L A Livingston LivingstonWent Went to post at 416 At po t 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SCOtJRGKMAN suddenly improved moved up with a rush after going the first quarter and raced by JACK FAIRMAN with case in the last eighth JACK FAIRMAN showed the most early speed and raced gamely through the stretch WAR PRIZE closed a big gap and cane with a rush in the stretch FORNOVO tired after reaching the last eighth PIRATE McGEK and BUXOM were going fast at the end A N AKIN quit badly badlyScratched Scratched U79G8 Sataua 103 6S073 Farewell Taps 101 GS093 Uermoden 9G G7S19 Harvey Saiarr 103 103Overweights Overweights Fornovo 3U pounds Qt g SEVENTH RACE 1 18 ililes March 14 1905 151 3 122 Purse 1000 3year OO A JLO olds upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horse AWtPPSt VI Vs sir Kin Joekeys Owner O H O P S 68074 TOPMAST W 4 ICG 4 5 51 5 4 1 1 B Harvey W M Cain 3 3 1151525 1151525G78401 G78401 MIRACLE MAN wn 4 101 621 = Ill 2 2 A Abel D L Richards 344 S3 43 4308073llOODY 08073llOODY WB 5 108 5 7 61 6 5 51 G 3 33 G Mein W V Casey S 15 12 5 21 21C8067 C8067 GEN CADORNA w G 118 S 4 4 4l 2 Z 31 4 O G BreningG Oddo 46621 46621G7989BERMONT 46621G7989BERMONT G7989BERMONT w 3 111 7 3 2 2l 31 4 5 J Corcoran Hamilton Stable 3 4 1351 12 12G7649 G7649 PIT w 10 10S 3 8 8 8 8 61 6 J D MneyJ Phillips 8 15 12 G 21 21G8073 G8073 HWARD BOUND WB 8 103 1 6 7 7 6 7 711 J Wallace F J Douglass 13 15 15 6 3 67820 ANNA GALLUP w 6 9J 2 1 3i 3 7l S 8 R CostelloA Swenke 30 30 25 10 5 5Time Time 25 49 114 141 155 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Pennant Golden Rod by All Gold trained by J B Partridge bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 442 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second aad third driv ¬ ing TOPMAST began somewhat slowly but closed a gap In the last quarter and raced into a long lend In the last sixteenth MIRACLE MAN showed the most speed from the start but tired In the last eighth MOODY came with a rush through the stretch GEN CADORNA gave way in the last quarter UKRMONT was done after going rrll for threequarters ANNA GALLUP showed speed but quit quitScratchod Scratchod 67968BoUter IBS C80G6Rep 113 C79C3 Hutchison 108 67989 Consort 111 6SOCG Kebo 188 OS074 Commander US

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800