4th Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09

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Ah RAPE Mile and TO Yard Sunbeam Purse 21yearolds and upward fill nMUC Allowances Feb 12 1 1O 143 15 4 113 113RUNQUOI RUNQUOI ch h 5 100 By Hunnymcde Ponrqnoi by St r Sheet Trainer G M Johnson Owner L Kay Brooder A B Bprocfcela 68094 AmerlcanBoyG8029 FGrnds 1 316 200good G 109 6 2 Ik 2 J Wallace G Knntoche Episode AmerlcanBoy G8029 RockG796G FGrnds 1 116 llTfast 20 102 3 2 2 2JJ Wallace G Valor Gem Cap Rock G796G ServitorG7775 FGrnds ImTOy l44 fast 15 106 3 4 6 7 1 C Lang 8 Louis A Rama Servitor OlynthuaGG726 G7775 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 8 105 4 5 41 4 C Lang 5 AmerinRoy Servitor Olynthua GG726 LadyABtoGG684 DadcPrk 1 18 152 fast 4 103 3 1 3l 3 E Petzoldt G Radio United Verde LadyABto GG684 UnitedVerdG6C15 DadePrk 1 l39J fast 3 101 1 1 3 T Burns 7 LyAstor Isosceles UnitedVerd G6C15 UltraGG553 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast S 9 1 1 1 1 1 J CorcoranlO Sway Cap Rock Plus Ultra GG553 GeorgetUG6482 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 7 109 4 1 1 2 F Smith 8 ParMaid BlarStonc GeorgetU G6482 Latonia 1 18 l521 fast 61 102 511 6J J Heupel 10 Lady Astor Baigncur Radio RadioTAN TAN SON ch g 5 100 By Aeronaut Tan by St Leonards II Trainer J B Partridge Owaer W M Cain Breeder J W Bean G7776 FGrnds 1 316 20 fast 6 103 4 1 H 2l R Doyle 8 Fantoche Sagamk WalnutHall 67711 FGrnda 1 116 l46fast 41 106 2 2 2 5 1 J CTrcoran 7 Wynnewood Servitor R Rool G7501 FGrnds 1 11G l4s good 41 110 4 1 1 1 R Doyle 7 SlipElm Lampus Zone dAnne G7252 Jefferson 1 l41 ifaat ifaatGG293 4 113 1 5 41 3 J Owens 8 St Donanl Tody Tulane GG293 Toledo Ab 34 109 fast 7 105 5 4 41 41 E Petzoldt 5 BRay FlibbtyglDftet MJiimb G5G92 Hthorne 1 l43i fast fastSEA 2 111 2 2 25 21 E Petzoldt 6 Kuklur Brother John Citizen SEA COVE b e 5 104 By Seahorse U Sylvan Dell by Oddfellow Trainer J W May Owner H M Howard Breeder J T Gwathmey CHenryG8030 C8070 FGrnds 34 l13hvy 85 107 3 1 21 2 J F Murphy 7 TipWitchet HarryB CHenry G8030 FGrnds InYTOy l44ifast 165 110 1 1 1 2l F Murphy 7 Servitor RamVin Fannie Bean BeanGG621 GG621 Pimlico 1 116 l43 l43sfast sfast 2S 103 11 6 101 HJ E Bell 12 Oppman CopUemon TlicAImr TlicAImr6G307 6G307 Empire ImTOy 146 fast 920 102 2 1 1 1 E Bell 5 SeaMint ScothChicf Armistie 01805 Jamaica 1 116 l4Tfast 3 117 6 2 1 4 J C Kummer 0 Episode Rumnioi Carnarvon 61521 Jamaica 1 116 l4Smud 45 117 3 2 2 21 E Sando 4 Wynnewood RoscUill Henry J JDEMOS DEMOS ch c 4 93 By Uncle Last Cherry by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer J H Buscher Owner F De Latoux Breeder W B Miller MillerG8072 G8072 FGrnds 1 18 l57hvy 10 111 5 1 41 4 J J CrcoranlO Ettahc Escarpolette Ballotcar 67813 FGrnds 1 1S l57mud 1710 97 3 1 Il 1 J Crcoran 9 Austral SFrank Wadss Last Last67G93 67G93 FGrnds Im70y l46fast 115 96 6 1 I1 1 J Crcoranl2 Wylie Buxom Gen Cadorna CadornaG7582 G7582 FGrnda 34 114 fast 6 103 6 6 4 2 J Crcoranll Locarno Twopair Bengali 67442 FGrnds 1 116 l53 = hvy 3 93 4 2 5 4 1 W Fronk 9 AmSoldier Ballybell Amanda j G6968 Jefferson Im70y 146 last 41 98 3 6 5i G i J Corcoran G GrassTree BlucUrush Ogarite GGG42 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 17 98 8 9 10i 911 j Corcoranll Ilyanpom Sam Rch Wickford GGG17 Latonia Im70y 144 fast 29 97 5 6 9f 911 J CorcoranlO Tulane Louauna Tulalip UNCLE VELO b g 5 100 By Uncle Velocity by Henry of Navarre NavarreTrainer Trainer K McGarrey Owner B McGaivey Breeder H P Headley 67937 FGrnds ImTOy l44fast 15 106 2 5 4 4 J Wallace G Servitor Episode Canyon 67521 FGrnda 1 116 l48good 15 107 8 7 8l S l J Owens 11 CoDawn Rnmkin AmcrHoy 67328 Jefferson 1 18 157 hvy 166 105 4 6 41 4 J Owens 5 Eastcside CoDawn Woodtrap 67254 Jefferson ImTOy l46Jifast 7 104 3 4 31 553 R Doyla 8 CoDawn ABoyll BiUylSarto 66969 Jefferson 1 1S l52J4fast 2 106 3 3 4 4 J Owens G Wapiti Fsntoche BlarnStoa 06929 Jefferson 1 l39fast 5 106 1 2 3 3 J Owena 7 Wynnewcnd Sway Citation 66714 DadePrk 1 116 l45 fast 7 102 3 1 I1 Gl J Owens 8 Normal Eleanor S Dimples GUY ch g 7 118 By Leonid Belle nankin by Handball HandballTrainer Trainer J P Phillips Owner T P Phillips Breeder W McLcmore McLcmoreG6551 G6551 Latonia 1 316 l57fast 8 105 8 6 2 2i J Owens 9 Firebrd Rockminter CliTre 65812 Lutonia ImTOy l43 Tast 6 107 5 4 4 4 E Fator G DrCIark Rocknistcr LMadcap 05735 Latoala 1 116 l45 fast 166 114 5 2 3 6 J Zoeller 8 Rouleau UtedVerde ChcrTre 65310 Woodne 1 14 205Vsfast 28 102 7 1 U 21 C Lang 8 Extcrmitor BofWhite Bifacct 65208 Thcliffe 1 18 l53good 31 115 4 3 3J 4i J Chlmers G Fair Gain Stoto Yorkist 64983 BabyMinC455G Tancllffe 1 l3Sfast 75 116 4 5 3 3 W Lilley 8 PairGain GoDawn BabyMin C455G Devshire 1 116 l44sfast 86 120 2 2 2 2 D Stirling G Merriraac CRiossom BunKuck 64306 Windsor 1 1S l51fast 166 112 3 6 6 C E Ambrse C Grace Mayers Firebrand Radi WAPITI ch c 5 104 By Harmonicon Catacomb II by Ladas LadasTrainer Trainer J McFherson Owner J McPherson Breeder W H CW 67937 FGrnds ImTOy l44i fast 166 109 G G 5s G B Pool 6 Servitor Episode Canyon 07733 FGrnds ImTOy l43fast 2 105 4 2 31 5J1 E Pool S LouisA JackllareJr Fantoche 07648 FaniieBeaaG7585 FGrnds 1 1S 153 fast 21 109 3 1 1i 2i E Pool 5 IrishKisa Ramkin FaniieBeaa G7585 FGrVnda 1 18 l53Hfaat 73 109 4 1 21 4J J Crcoran 5 Ck oDawn FanHcan IrhKis IrhKisG7520 G7520 FGrnds ImTOy l45good 4 103 9 8 8l S L McDott 9 RlarieyStone Calcutta Colando 67091 Jefferson lllG l4Shvy 41 107 4 2 3l 3 J Owens G Despair Easlcside Duke John JohnC6969 C6969 Jefferson 1 18 l52fast 3 104 1 1 1 I1 J Corcoran G Fnntoche BlarStonc UncVelo UncVelo6G553 6G553 Latonia 1 1S l52fast E6 101 8 6 8 84 J Kederis 8 ParMaid Runquoi RIarnStona 66161 Latonia 34 113 fast 50f 95 10 9 71 7l R Blaudaul2 AMay JSRrdon DrUicUmaa THE PERUVIAN ch c 4 98 98Trainer By Hesperus Rural Delivery by Mortlake MortlakeOddo Trainer C Houbre Owner G Oddo Breeder A K Macomber 68008 FGrnds 1 116 l4Tfast 105 105G7898 5 3 2 2k G Mein 7 Winconne Devon te StDonard G7898 FGrnda 34 l13fast 7 1CS 3 3 11 1 G Mein 11 Fluff Hobby Allen Jago 67241 Jefferson 34 l15good 5 118 118G7174 4 3 3 4J L Lyke 9 SllCombs LAmmie Serv Star G7174 Jefferson 34 l16hvy 12 1CS 1 7 7l 51 J Crcoran 8 GoldenFloss Kirnli PromisTom PromisTomG 67089 Jefferson ImTOy 149 hvy G 106 1 5 71 7 R Doyla 10 HmisKemble Ogaritc GrsTrea 66970 Jefferson 34 l1475fast 12 112 112GG931 5 i 4 21 G Babin 12 PMicou Younced GenCadorna GG931 Jefferson 51 f l07fast 30 1G7 1 1GG509 10 10 10 10ts E Zorn 10 Ircc Welles Splicity GrnGold GG509 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 12 107 S 5 5 43 G Babin S TheAlmoner GoodTirae Shaffer 66373 Empire 1 142 fast 20 115 115THE 3 5 7l 8 J McCoy 11 Nightboat Ballot Mark Consort THE ARCHER b g G 100 By Uncle Busy Lass by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer F H Smith Owner F H Smith Breeder H P Headley 68007 FGrnds ImTOy l44fast 10 108 5 5 4 3 J D Mney G Gem Episode Canyon G7945 FGrnda ImTOy l43fast CO 1111 6 4 4i 4 1 J Bell G Fantoche Wynnewood CapRock G7683 FGrnda 1 11G 147 fast 20 115 4 6 6 6 F Sharps G Parader AmericanUoy Colando G7646 FGrnda 34 l137Jfast S 110 9 8 S 8l J Bell 9 LEffare Sunny Girl Fame G1215 Bowie 1 143 fast 1310 108 4 3 3 4 1 L Coney fi StAllan TMcTagt GdeCausa 61148 Bowie 1 l42 fast 115 103 2 3 3 3 L Coney 4 Lunetta SlipElm KsChampa G1009 Bowie 34 116 mud 39 110 7 7 71 6 L Cones 8 Kof tHther Exodus Mercury ORCUS ch g 5 100 By Trojan Oi Ogress by Eon Trainer C A Applegat Owner C A Appeate Breeder J T Gwainmey 68007 FGrnds ImTOy l44fast 20 111 1 3 510 u17 G Mein G Jem Episode The Archer 67937 FGrnds ImTOy l44Hfast 8 1071 3 4 G 6 G Babin G Servitor Episode Canyon 67732 FGrnds 34 113 rant 5 110 5 4 31 3J G Babin 7 Colando SunnyGirl MkOranga 67 625 FGrnda 34 l13 fast 20 115 6 5 6l G J G Eabin 12 Valor Green Gold Rapid Day G75G2 FGrnda 34 l13fcfast 10 111 6 7 7i 7 J G Babin 13 Louis A Rapid Day Mom 67251 Jefferson 34 lli = 6iast 4 121 3 1 1 1 1 G Babin 12 Kirklevgton MRoberts TrtuU DOUBLE CBOSS ch g 4 98 By Superman Olevia by Ornus OrnusTrainer Trainer G E Hall Owner G E Hall Breeder H T Oxnard 06853 Bowie 1 316 201fast Sf 101 G G G 7 J Callahan 9 War Mask Despair Yorkist Yorkist6G804 6G804 Bowie ImTOy l4Sfast 23 109 14 14 141 11 E Scobie 15 CopDemon IlIoPdncr Servitor 66688 Pimlico 1 116 147 fast 1110 110 8 3 21 2 E Barnes 8 Muwrcoron ScotYct Montnlvo 66647 SlipElm6G595 Pimlico 1 116 14G fast 32 107 6 7 4l 4 i E Barnes 10 TButtons 1asSwain SlipElm 6G595 Pimlico 1 18 l31fast 15 10S 3 4 4 4i E Barnes 1 Comic Song Emotion Trevelyan 66492 Laurel 1 116 l4Sfast 6 107 1 3 1 li E Barnes 8 King John Cromwell Dresden DresdenC6423 C6423 Laurel 1 116 149 fast 12 110 7 5 4l I W Kelsay 10 Kins John Due ue Moray Moco

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800