3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-09

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3rd RACE rtyearoIdH 5 117 and Claiming March 27 GEN FarandoleTrainer BYNG br g 7 113 By Brununel Florida Rose bby Farandole Trainer J S McDaniel Owner 7 S McD niel Breeder H McCarren Jr G7871 Tijuana ImTOy l49mud Cl 115 3 3 2l 23J B Pctzoldtl2 Sanlledron Plunger StarBanr 67806 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 209fastG7675 41 110 9 10 6 6 C Rails 11 Dominator Reydo John Arbor G7675 Tijuana 1 1S l5G l5Grast rast 4 110 3 S 41 231 E Petzoidt 9 Montonn Pattern Bessie Yonnj 67471 Tijuana 1 18 l56fast 4 110 3 10 73 T 3 C Rails 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 67409 Tijuana 1 18 157 fast fastG7243 165 108 1 9 S3 Ti II Long 9 Drifting Argento John Arbor G7243 Tijuana lm0y l47fast 5 108 2 8 61 2n c Rails 12 WGMcCtk Obstato W Judge 67153 Tijuana 1 18 20l7 hvy 89 106 2 3 Sl 33 J Schaffer 7 Dolph Judge David Silex II 67033 Tijuana Im70y 131 hvy 105 105 4 4 54 5 J Schaffer 7 Barriskane Yermnk JohnArbor G5152 Hastings ImTOy l50slop 215 107 107LITTLE 1s H Molters 7 Circulate MFuller Rllarrisan LITTLE DEAR b g 5 113 113Trainer By Olambal Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Wiselyr Trainer J S Baldwin Owner r T Harris HarrisG7978 Breeder R T Wilson G7978 Tijuana 1 14 2l5mud 2 115 3 3 3 3 2 W Gargan 8 LoneFine Tawascntha Veteraa 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSfast 13 105 3 6 41 S l M Andson 9 Fireworth YorkLassie Argeato GG918 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud I 113 4 f 5J 3i J Pevic 7 MistressPolly Dora My I jddbi 66574 Akron Ab 1 1S l554fast 6 101 101GC540 6 1 J Pevic 9 Puzzle Le Blenet Drifting GC540 Akron ImTOy l50fast 1 110 3 J Pevic 7 Cavalier MelbaPolly Ptender 66472 Akron 1 l47islow 21 106 106G6370 21 J Pevic 7 Wilt Soon Reveler Wodan G6370 Akron 1 116 l52 fast 95 110 lh J Pevic G Pierrot Montperri Reveler G6267 Akron ImTOy l44ifast 3310 97 97TAWASENTHA 1 J Pevic C Blondel FrkShannon Silex II TAWASENTHA ch m 5 111 111Trainer 7 Vulcain Bolle of Arcadia by Plaudit PlauditBreeder Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring 681 05 Tijuana 1 l43fast 9 103 1 1G8041 61 E l G Cooper 9 Don Jose Miss Emma G BaJay G8041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 7 111 6 6G7978 3 3 G Cooper 10 NKBeal PlSteet Plurality G7978 Tijuana 1 11 215mud C 10J 5 2 3 J Tliomas S Lone Pine Little Dear Vetcnui 67928 Tijuana ImTOy l537shvy 4 110 5 41 6 1 C Rails 8 San Iledron Lariat Hackamore 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 185 101 2 Si Es H Long S Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrTi 67791 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 31 102 1 1G77G7 41 6 J H Long 9 Dnnatello CIiMeyBoy Fireworth G77G7 Tijuana ImTOy l44ifast C3 105 5 7 7li G Cooper 7 JohnSReardon Sernpis Bastille 67678 Tijuana ImTOy l457ifast 18 110 2 2G7642 I 2 H Long 7 SumSigh LMnnning WnlDaiU G7642 Tijuana Cl f 103 fast llf 10S 8 71 65i F Stevens 9 PhroneWard Icon DarkAges DORA br m 5 By Rook View Carolyn B by Lamplighter Trainer M Hnnley Owner Hanley Cisler Breeder J D Carr Ero 68053 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 4si 4 i H Molters 11 Ptender Chtiellolters Barchu 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 4 106 C 8 8P7745 6s 4 E Petzoldtl2 Fickle Fancy View Krmitana P7745 Tijuana 1 1S l57jfast f 108 6 3 3G7G74 31 33 E Petzoidt 9 Rhymer BesYounjr HOlympu G7G74 Tijuana 1 18 l56 l56sfast sfast 9 10S 6 8 8G7G18 61 44 H Petzoidt 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate G7G18 Tijuana 1 1S l58fast 4 113 7 3 E 6 J E Taplin 8 Swenson Al Wick Tag Day 7548 Tijuana 1 18 l56fast 9 113 2 1 3s 3J E Taplin 8 JgeDavid Firewth H Olympus 67471 Tijuana 1 18 l56fast 19 113 I 5 Sl 83 E Taplin 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 67318 Tijuana 1 116 l49Hfast ISf 113 7 5 33 51 S Smith S WaltcrDant Dkiiand Caamans 67244 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 4f 113 7 9 9BACCHUS S3 4 S Smith 10 UttleOrphan Reydo Deckhand DeckhandBy BACCHUS b g 3 M 92 92Trainer By Zeus Annie Singleton by Sincletc = Trainer H Farrell Owner H Farrell FarrellG8053 Breeder White Cliborn G8053 Tijuana lm0y 155 hvy 95 99 9 11 71 3J C Rails 11 Pretender Curiatiellolters Dorm 68038 Tijuana Ei f l13Vshvy 45 100 8 1 16797G Ei Zl W Pool 8 HarBurgoyne Tlirills JainesO 6797G Tijuana 5S l05Tsmud 41 100 9 4 41 2 D Hurn 10 Squash Onwa Operator 67849 Tijuana Di f l10mud 41 103 9 S 83 Sl A Claver 9 MissDunbar Review PliyllisK 67743 Tijuana ES l02fast 3110 110 6 3 2 25 J Glass 11 IrisGirl ElmerW SmileAsaia El f l09Vkfast 16 97 12 12 12 12 10el P Walls 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flauie C7G37 Tijuana ImTOy l47 ifast 4 OT 5 7 C CSHENANDOAH Cl 4 1 C Rails S Theresa Starlike Reydo ReydoBy SHENANDOAH ch r 6 113 113Trainer By Sea King Blue Grass by Ksmburx Trainer J Crofton Otraer H D Cates Breeder J E Maddsn 68053 Tijuana Im70y 155 hvy 20f 104 11 10 9 7 G Rose 11 Ptender Chtiellolters Bacchi 68019 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud 47 108 7 6 7 7JO G Rose 7 Lewis B Cabin Creek Rhymer 67926 Tijuana 34 llShvy 34f 103 10 10 10 10G7723 913 G Rose 11 ChoirMastcr JackLedi Balfonr G7723 Tijuana ImTOy l4THfast 24f 113 7 C CJ1 6i G Rose 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Au Rcvoli 07675 Tijuana 1 1S lE6 ifast 7 110 9 6 71 71G7C3G 71 7JJ G Rose 9 Montona Gen Byng Pattern G7C3G Tijuana lm7Cy 149 fast 30f 110 B 9 7 71 51 G Rose 10 GMuchlebh SnSea PTcnnjr 67576 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 9f 112 9 7 7 Cl G Rose 11 lariat Cigale Obstinate 67453 Tijuana 1 l42fast 6Sf 112 11 9 6 6PLURALITY 6 1 G Rose 11 WiscJudge TomCraven Flaae FlaaeBy PLURALITY b c 4 103 By Pluvious Farewell by Oisiry OisiryBreeder Trainer T Johnston Owner 7 Johnston Breeder T W 0 Brien BrienEl G8103 Tijuana 31 116 fast 41 112 5 El 2 E Fator 12 View Cannonball Obstinate 68041 Tijuana ImTOy 134 hvy 8 108 1 1Sf 4 4 E Fator 10 NKBeal PlSteel Tawasentk 07954 Tijuana 34 l17ihvy Sf 107 3 21 2i E Fator 9 JackLedi HansTopaz YouBet 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 44 112 1 61 6 E Fator S Delliimar JustRiffht Pretende 67703 Tijuana 1 l43fast 13 112 3 4a 4J1 E Fator 10 Fireworth Starlike San Uedron 67617 Tijuana El f l09fast 19f 112 8 10 1 Cl E Fator 11 Midian Cancion Deluncey 07574 Tijuana El f lOSfast 139 112 8 8 S S1 IhmgcrS1 Tsi E Fator 12 Ispham Tillotson Ihmgcr 66083 MHghts 34 119 mud 7 102 S1 M Garrett 7 VanDresr FwclITaps SkSoz GG022 MHghts ImTOy l53ihvy 6 1 J Allen 8 AmSoidier Boonoville Rhymer DEHRA b m 10 By Sir Huon Rosemcado by St Gatien Trainer G Bassett ett Owner Bassett It Dawson Breeder G J Long 68082 Tijuana ImTOy y l49Hslow l49HslowG8041 if 105 9 9 7J 63 W Dean 11 Car LittleCink Point to Point Pointly G8041 Tijuana ImTOy ly 154 hvy 2of 106 10 6 Cll 5 5z z W Dean 10 NKBeal PlStcel Tawasentha 67834 Tijuana 1 14 4 2OSsfast 2OSsfastG7318 2OSsfastG7318 C3C SS 8 S S 7 = W Dean 9 Fireworth YorkLassie LltDear LltDear1C G7318 Tijuana 1 11G 1C l49fast ISf 110 8 8 8 S3 W Dean S WalterDant Dkiiand Caamane Caamaney 67167 Tijuana ImTOy y Argemof l56Hihvy 3Tf 103 5 6 Cl 531 W Dean S Poacher Drifting Argemo 67035 Tijuana 1 f 112 hvy 100 114 9 9 9 Si F Anuson 9 Count Boris Jerry Chrome 1319 Tijuana 1 l44V fast Ef 111 1 S S II Long 11 Quiiiam Mex Carcicn 61195 Tijuana 1 l41V fast 24 103 3 7 7l 7 C Rails 8 Tconibeola Go On Toyon DAL WOOD br g 8 113 By Dalbousie Brynwood by Bryn Mawr MawrMoore Trainer W H Moore Owner J Moore Breeder T Ci a ay G8082 Tijuana ImTOy y l49V slow CS 1P7 2 7 4 4 = 1 R Ioe 11 Car LittlcCink Point to 1oint G792G Tijuana 4 llS5ihvy 34f 1C3 9 9l 813 R Lee 11 ClmlrMastir JarkLedi Ualfour G7892 Tijuana 4 118 mud 15f 104 5 12 9s 9 R Ivie 12 Fickle Fancy View Krmitana Krmitanay G7871 Tijuana ImTOy y l49mud ISf 113 10 9 10s 10 P Hurn 12 Ran lledrou Gen Bynir Plunger 67787 Tijuana 1 167C3 1 TheVseancS 142 fast 3Tf 106 1 11 IO1 10 R Lee 12 Hkaniore Plger TheVseanc 67C3 Tijuana ES ESG7547 S l01fast 60 107 S 11 S3 T R Lee 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsa DelsaS G7547 Tijuana 1 1S S l56 fast 91 110 567 7i R Iee S IWIIarpcr AlWick Meteor 67452 Tijuana 1 l43fast IGf 112 1 9 E1 7s W Martin 9 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Lariat 67337 Tijuana 1 1TAG 1 143 fast 34f 103 8 7 61 3 1 R Lee 11 Baisy OIlie Wood Argcnto TAG DAY br g 4 M 108 By Ke lon Fair Annie by Hawkswiek Trailer A Binney 3y Owner A Bianny Breeder Thorncliffe Stable StableIlr30shvy 63010 Tijuana 1 Ilr30shvy 47 106 5 SG7S71 C 33 3 E Donhue 7 TVgeance Dissolute Fignrafn Fignrafny G7S71 Tijuana ImTOy y l4Jmud 113 110 J 8 8 Si S II Zander 12 San Hedrou Jen Bynjr Plunge 67806 Tijuana 1 14 4 209 ifast 34f 103 Cr7G18 C 8 9 S3 II Zander 11 Dominator Kcvdo John Arbor ArborS r7G18 Tijuana 1 1S S l5S fast 149 103 3 3 4 41 351 JI Zander 8 Svcn on Al Wick Steve Stevey 67 24 3 Tijuana Im70y y IMTOifast lOf 103 S SG7187 9 11 H 9 l II Zander 12 WGMCtk GItjns Obstinate G7187 Tijuana 1 IMO l435 hvy C3 100 7 7G707G 7 7 C 3 II Zander 7 Benecia CaveMan NorfordsLast G707G Tijuana 31 1 121 hvy 2710f 103 7 7G5935 7 10 93 9 H Zander 12 NfdsLast ArgFort CaveMam G5935 Mneuve Ab 34 4 123 hvy 17 103 103ADELINE 510 A Sstrom G KinsB Key Eutiis Margaret N ADELINE L ch m 9 111 By Rapid Water Mae Erwin by Banquo II Trainer Z E McGregor Owner waer Z E McGregor Breeder J R Hensley 68040 Tijuana 1 l50 hvy 15 TagDajr7f 309 2 7 7 7i D Hum 7 TheVgeance Dissolute TagDajr G795G Tijuana 1 11 11G5G26 1S 202vihvy 7f 110 8 7 7s T C Rails S Ponza Ray Lewis B Railblrd G5G26 Omaha 1 1H 11G 14S fast 21 109 4 J W Mnders 7 DofWrath Barskane FAgaln 65426 Omaha 1 11 11G5379 116 l52 slow 2 112 C5 W Mnders R NKBeal Florentine MarLewli G5379 Omaha 1 140 fast 10 112 41 R Spicer 4 Penwell Coffield WMtgomry WMtgomryIS G5373 Omaha 1 140 fast IS 112 4 L Herring G Lciilcve IxapFrog CathMarne MIKE DALY br g 9 113 By David Tenny Dewine by Green Owner J Dana Danaf8106 Breeder S S Eakle f8106 Tijuana 1 lM2fast 51 112 7 S 7 = 1 71 M Slghter 8 Neb Lad Walt Dant Olympiad 03623 Reno 1 l42fast 9 111 4J S Smith 7 YorkLassie CasCrown NcbLad G3525 Reno 1 l43faat 4310 113 Gsl S Smith 9 Kotolink Ardcncia CastleCrowu G33GO Reno 5 102 6Ji M Garrett 8 Striker Norain Al Wick 63225 Reno Im70i 12 103 C W Miller 7 Weinland Madrono TBrccks 63022 Reno 1 l42 fast 193 108 63 W Miller 8 Dora Col Snider Arsento 61388 Tijuana In InG13G5 1m 143 fast 10 112 7 1 C 55i P Caron 9 Kenward HotFoot CustleCrowa CustleCrowaC G13G5 Tijuana 1 1 1G1289 1S lD6 fast C 115 7 9 6s 3 H Jones 10 KourGroen Prophecy Swensou SwensouH G1289 Tijuana 1 1 12 23I fast H 93 T 7 E3 6 i J Thomas 7 Rouen Audrey K Missoula CORK b g 8 113 By Harrigan Flarncy by Graenan Trainer J T Strito Ovner Stxito Valenttee Breeder B A Jones C7806 Tijuana 1 14 209last 27 110 2 2 81 713 J Shaffer 11 Dominator Rcvdo John Arbor ArborG7G18 G7G18 Tijuana 1 1S IrSSHfast 14 116 2 S 7 7 i T Wilson 8 Swenson Al AVick Tag Day 07548 Tijuana 1 1S l56Xfast 26 115 G 6 t T Wilson 8 Judge David Fireworth Dora DoraG7338 G7338 Tijuana 1 l43Vtfast I9t 113 S 7 7 i T Wilson 9 Icta Cancion Au Rcvoir 07277 DriftingJ72J3 Tijuana 1 1S ISoXfaat 20 113 10 T 7 7 T Wilson 10 Madae F Judge David Drifting J72J3 Tijuana Im70y lM7fast 10 113 12 7 71 T l T Wilson 12 WGMcCtock GByns Obnata ObnataG7077 G7077 Tijuana ImTOy l fchvy n 108 B 9 9 S T Wilson 9 Rlhird LltOrphan HnnsTonaa HnnsTonaaG7051 G7051 Tijuana CI l3Q4 luqr IB Hi 7 7 7 7t T Wilson 7 Ilarry Kimono Ella Wuluo QoBtiniiLHl on tenth pace

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020901/drf1923020901_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923020901_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800