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Twenty Years Ago Today Chief Turf Events of February 9 1903 Racing at New Orleans Newport and Ingle C D Randolph has declined an offer for McChesneys dam Mancla Mason by Top Gal ¬ lant Katherine M which will be bred by him to Lamplighter The colors of Sidney Paget who will have a racing stable of his own this year although identified with J B Haggin will be orange white braid and cap The announcement that Milton Henry h decided to withdraw his suit against the French Jockey Club is taken to mean that Henry ex ¬ pects tobe reinstated at an early date The American jockey has evidently concluded to submit his case to the commission of promi ¬ nent French turfmen which is considering the application of Johnny Reiff to be restored to good standing If Reiff gets a license it is believed that Henry will be equally successful successfulGorman Gorman Bauer the Cincinnati turfmen are said to have offered Talbot Brothers of Paris Ky 6500 for the fouryearold chest ¬ nut filly Wainamoinen by The Commoner Matilda They ask J8000 for her but it is likely the trade will go on a sort of compro ¬ mise as it is believed the Cincinnati firm will go up to 7500 for the filly fillyYoung Young Redfern is progressing nicely Last Friday night the doctor attending him thought that brain fever might set in and ordered ice bags kept on his head Under this treatment the boy improved and is now doing well It will be a week or ten days before he is able to be around The stewards of the Jockey Club held meeting last Friday afternoon at the Windsor Arcade August Belmont Andrew Miller F K Sturgis and J B Bradford were present It was announced that licenses had been granted to Nash Turner and J Ranch the jockeys who have gone to France to ride for W K Vanderbilt this year The granting of these licenses was only a matter of form but it was necessary before the boys could receive licenses from the French Jockey Club ClubKilmarnock Kilmarnock may be raced again The great horse is now pronounced sound and is looking in prime condition Upon the arrival of Kilmarnock Invader Ballyhoo Bey and Yankee in Kentucky last fall it was an ¬ nounced that they were to be retired to the stud But the advertisement of the La Belle stallions makes no mention of their being on the farm and it is now stated that these horses which represent a cost of 75000 to Mr W C Whitney are to be raced in their old colors Invader is also considered sound but Yankee is on the doubtful list and Bally hoo Beys infirmity is well pronounced Kil marnook has the appearance in him yet of a Brooklyn or Suburban Handicap race