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Workout Index to Fair Grounds Entries Below will be found the index of the pre ¬ vious workouts of horses entered in the vari ¬ ous races for Friday FLBST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming 175 John Joseph 162 Juno 163 Billy El 51 Runetta 173 Spectator 17G Consolation 1G8 Josio M 174 Brunotto Lady 172 Reformer 177 Eiggrr Still 177 Rochzmbean 175 Littlo Ann 171 Royal Crown 167 C A Roinhart SECOND RACE S4 Kile 3yearolds and up ward Claiming 1S8 Troilus 163 The Nephew 175 Deep Sinker 177 Birdie G 175 Kinclinj IL 176 Eumpety Bumps 178 Alex H 170 Machiavelli 170 Diana 163 Fast Trial 1CS Graysoa 167 Searchlight LH 178 Rckab RckabTHIRD 171 Rolo Rolo3ycirolds THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3ycirolds Claim 173 Flying Devil 173 Radianf 177 Tender Setb 174 Ghost 178 Glabella 17G High Tea 163 Rupco 170 Sultan 167 Slanderer 177 Childs Play 177 Pelion 170 Evelyn Sawyer 174 Jupiter 163 Hillhous FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards y yolds olds and upward Allowances 173 Guy 174 Tho Archer 178 TTsclo Vel 176 Domes 175 Rnniuoi 169 Sea Cove 178 Tha Peruvian 163 Orcus 178 Wapiti 175 Double Cross 178 Tan Son SonFIFTH FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds 3yearoldsClaiming Claiming 177 Suporbum 1G7 Winner Tako All 170 Irish Pat 176 Kent L 169 The Colonel 176 Al Stobler 177 Budduggio 170 Chiva 177 Sweet acd Pretty 172 Fleeting 1C2 Nuyaka SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4ycarolds and up ¬ ward Claiming 174 Serbian 171 Attorney 165 Plantarede 1G9 Stanley 170 Service Star 177 Execution 174 Ashland 1GD Gath 175 Tyranny 172 Johnny Ovcrton 170 Stock Pin 173 Mountain Roso H 174 High Gear 177 On High HighSEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and andupward upward Claiming 178 Scourjeman 164 Promising Tom 173 Jacobean 17G Freczy Sneery 150 Kins Georga 176 Forostiqrro 178 Chatoaugay 178 Carmoncit 170 Grace Daugherty 177 Jordan 177 Bea Wins 177 Maxse Jinuny