Mike Dwyers Happiest Day: Incident in Career of One of Americas Most Popular Turfmen of Twenty Years Ago., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12


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MIKEDWYERSHAPPIESTDAY Incident in Career of One of Amer ¬ icas Most Popular Turfmen of Twenty Years Ago Many are the stories told about the Dwycr Bros two of the most widely known and popular turfmen on the American turf twen ¬ ty years or so ago Here is an interesting narrative concerning Michael F In the center of the Blue Grass rtglon there is a very old scholastic institution much older than Vassar or the other much talkedof colleges of the present day it 53 called Nazareth Academy and is conducted tinder the auspices of the Sisters of St Joseph of Kentucky In the early 90s two young niecss of the late Samuel P Lancas ¬ ter the noted Kentucky breeder attended this academy academyA A handsome filly by the famous Wagner had been foaled at the Lancaster farm some months before and one day when the little girls came home their uncle told them they could name Ihe youngster which already was their particular pet They selected many names such as Sunshine Springtime Ap ¬ ple Blossom Rainbow and others of the kind they thought beautiful but all these were returned with the information that they had already been taken takenLet Let us call her Cleophus said one of the girls Sister Cleophus was the mother superior of the academy The name was sent on and the filly was registered When the good sisters heard that the name of their superioress had been given to a horse they were thoroughly shocked and the two little girls who had innocently offended them went around with tearstained faces facesWhen When the filly was two years old her run ¬ ning qualities were purchased by Michael P Dwyer for 4000 and he heard the story of how she received her name and the trouble it had brought upon the girls If Cleophua turns out as I expect she will said he to Mr Lancaster I will square things with the sisters sistersThe The mother superior had to make a jour ¬ ney to New York every year to report to the head of the order in that city and while en one of these trips she saw in a studio a magnificent statue of St Joseph The price was 1000 and the little sister never could save up enough money to buy it Many times she prayed that something might happen which would enable her to bring this St Joseph to her academy in the Kentucky hills hillsIn In the meantime the filly which was named after her was being discussed by turfmen near and far Her trial work was sensa ¬ tional What the other famous Wagner mara Imp was later on Cleophus was as a two yearold In the Debutante Stakes at Louis ¬ ville she met Suisun the pride of California and finished in front Then came the match race between this great pair of fillies and Cleophus with Simms up again defeated Suisun SuisunMike Mike Dwyer has celebrated many turf vic ¬ tories but he never was happier than the night after this race True to his word ha sent a check to the mother superior of Nazareth and little Sister Cleophus although it was not time for her regular trip to New York went there at once and brought back the statue of St Joseph upon which her heart had been set for years

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_12_2
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_12_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800