7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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7th RAPE 5S 2T1I 3yearoldM Claiming Mar 2O 1920 B PAISLEY ch g 3 112 Bv Honeywood Busy Bee by First Tenor TenorBreeder Trainer L H Tryon Owner X L Allen Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67894 Tijuana 58101 mud 7M IIS 1 1 1s 1 C Rails 7 JackBauer CarlosKnrlque Tule TuleTijuana Tijuana 1 141 fast 35 107 1 1 1 I2 R Carter G Tassel Bowsprit Sir Leonid LeonidC7677 C7677 Tijuana 1 11G l45ifast 27 92 1 1 11 2 1 M Garrett 8 Adonis Alleden Bastille BastilleG7599 G7599 Tijuana 1 l43fast 175 9S 3 2 1J 4i C Rails 7 Rebuke llalu Black Betty 67397 Tijuana 34 l13 ifast 3 117 3 1 1 2 R Carter 7 loelii1 CtrIosMnrkue Delante Delante67SOI 67SOI Tijuana 58 lCOfast 910 104 4 2 21 31 R Carter 0 Toclla J MotorCop Adonis AdonisG7039 G7039 Tijuana 5S l02livy 13 112 3 1 1 1 R Carter G VosEnrique DTerpin M Bunch BunchCG951 CG951 Tijuana SI f 103 slop 1910 99 4 1 11 1 C Rails 5 Motor Cop Delante Dr Corbett 65554 Omaha 5S l00 fast 12 120 4 1 M Slghter 5 CarlosBnrlqne Delnnte JoellaJ JoellaJC4460 C4460 Saratoga 51 f l05sfast 60 112 4 6 7 7 R Carter 8 Enchantt BhtTomorw Aladn 63593 Empire 51 f l07 fast 21 114 732 3 i R Carter 7 PetHrown ThrSqiiare CorkElm 63323 Empire 51 f lOSsIow I 5 113 2 1 U 1 R Carter 10 Daniel Lady Inez True Flier FlierITNIGHTHOOD ITNIGHTHOOD DisguiseTrainer h g 3 103 By Theo Cook Cowl by Disguise Trainer J AV Healey Owner A C Bostwiek Breeder Xalapa Farm 67832 Tijuana 34 I12Vsfast 910 92 3 1 I1 1 H Lone S ca Cola Dr Corbett Settle SettleG7789 G7789 Tijuana 58 59fast CS 93 7 6 6i 41 J Thomas 7 MolorCop Krewer Dr Corbett 67358 Tijuana 34 l12 iast 2710 112 6 3 3l o i J Thomas 7 Delante CKnriqne Mart Bunch 66618 Pimlico 61 f 107 fast IS 103 2 1 l 1 M Fator 9 Tassel ESawyer Peter Brown Brown6C486 6C486 Papillon6G282 Laurel 51 f 110 fast 8 115 6 1 1 Il D Stirling 14 Radiant S and Pretty Papillon 6G282 Laurel 34 l147sfast 3 115 5 1 21 4 i C Kummer G SogAroon RoxiYetn TMinute 66221 Laurel 51 l0914fast 10 115 2 1 l k 4 i C Kummer G VsmbnrR SogAroon Drnidllill 65815 laurel 51 f 107 fast 19 115 9 9 9 9 C Lang 9 BcttrrTimrn Moorrnker MyOvvn 65299 HdeGce 58 lOOHfaat 21 116 Left at post C KummerlS Carol Scribble Blue Peter PeterJOELLA JOELLA J b f 3 110 By Setb Pickaninny by Cesarion CesarionTrainer Trainer H Tnllett Owner Tarn OShanter Stable Breeder B A Joae 68107 Tijuana 51 f l0 fast 14 101 1 2 3l 3l AV Pool 7 Ten Buttons Dolores Coca Cola 47 Tijuana 1141 fast 3 107 2 3 4 6 1 E Petzoldt Paisley Tassel Bowsprit 67578 Tijuana 34113 fast 2 97 2 5 G 5 i C Rails S BrilRay Lucky But ton CoffioM 67474 Tijuana 1 l40Vifast 2110 100 2 3 21 2 C Rails 7 JiniDaisy JSRrdon RAVgflJ 67397 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 21 113 4 5 4 1 C Rails 7 lu Uv CarlosKuriquc Delanta 67301 Tijuana 58 l00 = ifast 41 95 1 3 31 I AV Pool G Motor Cop Paisley Adonis 6975 Tijuana 58 l02hvy 115 108 1 1 11 1 M Fator G CosEnrique DTerpin MBnnck G6936 Tijuana 5 f lOS hvy 2 97 4 2 2 1 C Rails Hirry I Roiuiilns Loch Leven 65554 Omaha 58 l00 ifast 13 112 31 H TulU Tullett 5 Carlos Enrique Dulante Paisley PaisleyBy I TransvaalI ROYAI MAID blk f 3 110 By Transvaal Broken Promise by Kin James JamesBreeder I Trainer G Mayberry Owner E Murray Breeder Korris AValden 168151 Tijuana 51 f l09 mud 25 IOS 7 6 3 3 = 1 P Walls 8 Harry Carlos Enrique Reap 67917 Tijuana 51 ii f l093mud 4 4J 105 6 6 6h 7 C Rails 8 Nnhoiir TubbyA BBIackwell 67622 Tijuana 34 l14fast l14fastG7578 lit 101 3 1 Il 1s P Walls 11 Poacher El Roble MollieBarne G7578 Tijuana 34 113 fast fastK017 183 83 100 6 6 8 S1 P AValla S BrilRay LnckyBiuton Coffield K017 Tijuana 34 l17mud l17mudGG998 8 110 1 1 Il 11 G Buel Pinaqiiana Cl Stocking BKent GG998 Tijuana 5S lOCinud lOCinud6G750 2 112 5 6 3 3 C Buel S MBunch Peace tli SirLeonld 6G750 DadePrk 51 f l10V mud mudGG724 12 113 1 2 2 21 J D Mney 9 Gold Billows GailFord Mamoa GG724 DadePrk 61 f lOSKfast lOSKfast6G694 32 107 1 4 6 611 H Gray 7 Lily M Put and Take Bedazzle 6G694 DadePrk 51 f 107 fast 30 110 1 2 31 3s H Gray 9 Bedazzle Golden Billows Zing ENDIVE b f 3 106 By Honeywood Envoy by Hcnilworth Trainer J D Heard Owner G H Abbott Breeder Nevada Stock Farm G8169 Tijuana 34 lWHhvy 10 107 4 3 I1 1 AV Martin 7 BrlanKent Bowsprit NorHoney NorHoney5S 68127 Tijuana 5S l01Vifast 146 101 4 3 31 31 P AValls 9 Aryanna DarkAgcs SLAnselina 67660 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 22 10 7 6 5J 37 F Andson 7 Brian Kent Fabcr Miss Edna 67472 Tijuana 58102 fast 40f 303 4 6 41 3 i F Stevens 11 Doibtful El Roble Peace Flag 67135 Tijuana 51 f lllihvy 466 102 7 6 61 7 M Andson 9 Blick Deer PeircFIig Krippen 66998 Tijuana 58 lC3mud 17 114 8 8 71 7 J Metcair S MBunch PcaceFIag Roy Maid Maidbr BLACK MONKEY br c 3 101 101Trainer By Black Toney Bit of a Devil by Helmet HelmetDwell Trainer D Howell Dwell Owner D Ho well Breeder A B Hancock 681G9 Tijuana 34 l19ihvy 11 104 5 5 5 651 T AAMIson 7 Endive Brian Kent Bowsprit 155 Tijuana 51 f lOSsmud 33 S3 5 4 6 = 6 P Hum 8 Kinplike TubbyA C Barthell 99 Tijuana 51 f lOSVifast 2f 94 8 8 6 51 H Long 9 MarnZorrn Nizam Pinaquana 65700 MHghts 5S l02ifast 2710 103 C i F Moore 7 Athanna Love Bird Futiirette 64961 Belmt 51 f MC l06 fast 10 102 3 2 41 5 2 J Callahtin 9 SunDolI Bvlphriza ThrKquar 64784 Blmt 51 f MC l07 sloii 6 113 4 6 6 6 C II Miner G PDonna DandDrakes PBrown 62292 Belmont CS at 3S imud 4 107 3 3 3 4 J Callahan S NHainpe Brilliance Anonyma AnonymaCEDRIC CEDRIC b c 3 M 100 By Theo Cook Neva AV by Rcy del Sierra SierraTrainer Trainer C Kirschbaum Owner J H Crane Breeders Hildreth k Sinclair SinclairG8043 G8043 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 48 101 6 6 C 6 P Walls i Sernpis Reap Lavinia LaviniaG7894 G7894 Tijuana 58 101 mud 46 105 G 6 65 6 E Petzoldt 7 Paisley JkBaiier CarEnriq CarEnriqEL EL ROBLE ch c 3 M 100 By Honeywood Pepperwood by Eddie Jones JonesTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder McKeon Christenson ChristensonG8043 G8043 Tijuana 5i f lllhvy 7 101 4 6 6s 5 D Hum G Serapis Reap Lavinia 67875 Tijuana 1 116 l51mud 13 91 3 5 5l 6 P Hurn 8 Briskane Wliippit FkFosarty 67770 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 41 90 9 8 6 5 AV Martin 11 Incoennntp HonIGgc TubbyA TubbyA67G40 67G40 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 21 106 4 3 3J 2J E Fator 8 Reap Faber I idy Ixoniil 67622 Tijuana 34 lHfast S 103 7 3 3 3 = i D Hum 11 Royal Maid Poacher M Baraea 67513 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 31 110 222 2 = 1 R Carter S Bowsprit LyLeonid MissEdp 67472 Tijuana 58102 fast 1 112 3 2 21 2J E Dugan 11 Doubtful Endive Peace Flag 67376 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 52 112 5 2 2 2l B Uugan 10 Athanna SirLeonid Miss Edna

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800