Oil Man In Fine Form: Captures Saturdays Main Race at the Mexican Track.; Defeats Georgie, Be Frank and Other Good Ones--Endive Scores Luckily in Best Finish of Afternoon., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12


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OIL MAN IN FINE FORM Captures Saturdays Main Race at the Mexican Track Defeats Georgle Be Frank and Other Good GoodOnes Ones Endire Scores Luckily In Best BestFinish Finish of Afternoon SAN DIEGO Cal February 11 Tele ¬ graph wires last night were ticking off a fast story It reaches far and wide for Oil Man was a good horse in victory Saturday in the feature at Tijuana at threequarters of a mile Perchance the story will find the ear of Gusher Bill Rowe that spec ¬ tacular figure of the petroleum world and erstwhile owner of a racing stable When he ran horses Oil Man was one of his pets petsThere There was a lot of money in horseflesh parading to the post in this race There was class and distinction The parade included Be Frank winner of the rich Coffroth Han ¬ dicap two seasons back for George P Fuller under the staid red and black of Col R L Kaker of Kentucky was Georgie quite some horse when fit Then there was Due de Morny that son of King James a runner with references at one time and Planet was also included includedNot Not only did they bet money on this race but they seem to dig it up from forgotten sources It was Georgie to be made first choice in the early betting and then of a sud ¬ den it became Oil Man The latter ruled a strong favorite at post time This was not only here but in all parts of the country and it was reported that there was a world of comeback to the track on him And try as would the talent none seemed able to find a horse to split Oil Man and Georgie This worked to the advantage of those who had the temerity to place a bet on AVild Flower to be in the money moneyGEORGIE GEORGIE VIRTUALLY LEFT LEFTAs As to the race it was Oil Man from start to finish The start had been marred by Georgie refusing to break with the others and when the field was well on its way then that horse elected to run It looked as if the task was a hopeless one but jockey Pool on Georgie sent the big horse after his field Making up a world of ground he eventually finished in fourth place and really ran a remarkable race from where he began The contest proved an easy vic ¬ tory for Oil Man who led by a wide margin throughout In his wake followed Wild Flower which was driven out to withstand the belated rush of Be Frank The latter showed a corking effort under handling none too strong and the fact that he pulled up without a lame step would signify that he will have to be reckoned with in the future in distance races O the others that started Planet ran exceedingly well for the first time out He had speed in abundance but tired in the final eighth as if short and in need of the race Continued on twelfth pace OIL MAN IN FINE FORM Continued from first page A warmthgiving sun tempered by a gentle breeze from the ocean describes the weather conditions at Tijuana The track had dried out somewhat but was still heavy and the wise riders steered a wide course to select the best going The attendance was up to the standard The racing as a whole was spirited with three nose finishes the out ¬ standing incidents of the afternoon afternoonThe The sport opened with a race for twoyear olds at three and onehalf furlongs In this Golden Lad a pleasing looking son of Gold Enamel Smiling Maiden was made the at ¬ tempted medium of a killing He was backed from 8 to 1 down to 75 on the strength of some speedy trials and so strong was his backing that he almost usurped the position f favorite in the machines from the Allen Wilkerson entry which consisted of Miss Leggo and Irish Buzzer Early bad racing Suck killed Golden Lads chances and while he was in difficulty Miss Leggo raced into the lead and kept it to win by an open length over her stablemate Irish Buzzer which in turn was second by a nose from Josephine Newell NewellThe The best finish of the day came in the fifth race a sprint of threequarters mile in which Endive scored a lucky victory over Brian Kent and Bowsprit The latter was in re ¬ ceipt of much bumping by Norford Honey while making his run in the stretch and it undoubtedly cost him the race racePhilanderer Philanderer the heavily backed favorite in the seventh had only an inch to spare over San Hedron at the finish for after leading from the rise of the barrier he tired suddenly a few yards from the wire and only the energetic riding of jockey Martin kept him going long enough to save first money moneySan San Hedron was pounds the best He was away slowly and coming from far back he just failed to get up in an extremely close finish finishAgain Again in the concluding event the best horse had to be contented with second money Tiiis was Neg which was ridden by the novice rider L Armstrong The lad got the horse away in the first flight and rode him capably until it came to a drive It was then that Neg suffered as Armstrong was a hindrance to him instead of an assistance The winner turned up in Choir Master which under the strong handling of jockey Molters got up to win by an eyelash Neg was sec ¬ ond while Kimono was pressing them hard at the finish finishAn An important shipment of thoroughbreds detrained at Tijuana Saturday completing their journey from New Orleans Prince Tii Tii and Bon Ho mine were unloaded at the track platform along with the horse Dare The first two named were purchased at New Orleans by J H McKee for the Meadowbrook Stable and will be campaigned in the stake features in which they have been entered They came in charge of Steven Judge who reported that they shipped in excellent fash ¬ ion ionHaving Having passed into the ownership of Henry Trowbridge the horse Trusty is now in good standing and probably soon will he seen in the races Trusty has been an absentee for a year having been the property of a per ¬ son not in good standing According to the Tijuana stewards the ruling against A D Harrison in whose name he last ran re ¬ mains in force forceAmong Among the visitors at the track Saturday was Charlie Hughes one of the most suc ¬ cessful and notable trainers on the American turf Mr Hughes like others complimented president James W Coffroth on the splendid character of the racing at Tijuana He plans to spend a lengthy holiday here hereHon Hon John F Hart provincial treasurer of British Columbia who has been touring and golfing in Southern California was an ¬ other notable that visited Tijuana yesterday yesterdayJ J McGinn added Philanderer to his string when he claimed him out of the seventh race for 900

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800