6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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oil DA PC Mile and 4O Yard tyearolds and upward Owner Handi DUI nAUE cap Xo track record ABADANE b p 8 92 92Trainer By Xabonl II Alby by Rabelais RabelaisBred Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Bred in France by V de Fontarce 68086 Tijuana 51 f l06ifast i10 US 3 1 I1 11 P Martinez KriilRay CccaCola DrCorbett 68058 Tijuana 1 l46thvy 63 91 7 4 3s 1i H Long 9 TMaid Buckhnll TBnttons 67804 Tijuana Im70y IM fast 2110 116 15 10 41 3 T Kuel IB Simnylnntl Coffleld Tassel 67494 Tijuana 34 l12fast 21 116 4 4 2l 21 C Duel I Lion dOr LkyButton Krewer 67412 Tijuana 5S r9 4fast 6 US 10 9 7 51 C Pucl 10 Lion dOr MotorCop L Button 67321 Tijuana 34 l12faat 25 113 5 3 U 1 C Buel G Lkylliuton Ccffield BlkBetty 67281 Tijuana 34 l13Tsfast 32 114 6 5 31 2 C Buel 8 Feylance Drlohnson JSRdon 66711 DadePrk 34112 fast 13 110 4 3 3GGG01 21 1 = J D Mney 5 Brilliant Hay Tuscola AtieMay GGG01 Latonia 34 lllTfast 32 112 5 E 2l 1 J D Mney S DrIIickaian Ablaze SirTKean 66445 Lalonia 34 lHHfast 31 106 7 G GSTTNNYLAND 5 3 J Ovens 11 Make Lp Be Good White Star StarBy STTNNYLAND ch E 8 83 83Trainer By Sunflower II Fair Anna by Mocanna MocannaBred Trainer H TJnna Ownsr Bronx Stable Bred in England by J P Sheather 67801 Tijuana Im70y l42sifast 7 SS G 1 16772G 1 1 = C Rails 11 Cnffield Ahiidisuc Tassel 6772G Tijuana 5 f 106 fast 154 100 6 5 56G703 6 441 J Thomas S Krewer MotorCop BrillinntRay 6G703 Pimlico 1 1S lV4fas t 85 115 6 1 16G473 2 41 E OTrien 8 XqrthWales Hiionoc Daikuorse 6G473 Empire Im70y l46jfast 6 114 3 4 46G375 41 3i E Martz 10 Mawrcoron Iepliorn Niglitboat 6G375 Empire Im70y l46 fast 4 10G 3 5 5G5G01 3l Il E Bell 7 IkyAnlone TRolICall P Wale G5G01 Aqueduct 1 l 8 = fast 5 106 5 5 6 4 A McLhlin C Canyon Quesadi Overtake 65329 Aqueduct 1 l2 ifast 163 101 2 2 2 21 E OBrien 7 Orcus llnntry Mizar 65195 Belmont 1 116 l4Vifast 135 110 5 5 5 31 L Ens or 5 I cliorn Overtake Mizar 64 786 Belmont 1 116 l47 islop 41 107 4 3 2l 2 J McCoy C Goaltr Trevelyan Timbrel REBUKE blk c 4 4Trainer 90 By Dick Finnell The Scold by Meddler Meddlerbr Trainer H HcDanicl Own br J K L Ross Breeder J D Carr Bre 67599 Tijuana 1 l40fast 25 113 2 31 1 A Claver 7 Haiti Black Betty Paisley Paisley1J 67434 Tijuana TijuanaCG623 1 1S l52 fast 1110 113 3 1J 4 A Claver 7 TailorMaid Supercargo Adonis AdonisG CG623 Pimlico Pimlico6G490 1 14 204fast 204fastIm70y 41 104 4 G 5 II Thomas i Oceanic Nttlna Hpphaistos HpphaistosI1 6G490 Laurel LaurelGG388 Im70y l43 = ifast ifastIm70y 21 100 1 I1 3 E Emwod G On AVatch Fairway Paul Jones GG388 Laurel LaurelGG28G Im70y l14 ifast 4 101 1 1G 1 Il E Smwod G Fairway Bun Buck MayUouse MayUouse3l GG28G Laurel 1 l40fast G 107 1 3l 3i E Smwod S ComicSong Fairway Champlaiti ChamplaitiSj 63172 Lanrel 1 14 204 ifast 11 100 3 3El Sj 411 C Lans Bunting Nednn Athelstan AthelstanI1 65819 Laurel El 106 1 I1 1J E Smwod 5 CaptAlcock TSergeant Blazes BlazesBy TEN BUTTOKS b m 5 85 85Trainer By Tea Point Buttonhole by Slalwirt SlalwirtBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B IrwJn Breeder A L Asts G8107 Tijuana 51 f lC6Vifast 8G 113 5 56i 21 U D Hum 7 Dolores Joollu J Coca Cola C8038 Tiiuana 1 l46Hhvy 6i S3 3 2h 4s P Hurn 9 Absdane TiorJlaid Bkhonill 67931 Tijuana 1 14 Cllrihvy 45 115 1 s 6 l Hurn N Hulii itiickhorntl Tailor Maid 67874 Tijuana 1 116 l 4 ICG 1 I1 I1 D Hurn 6 Carabo8se PkboruII EIudian 67789 Tijuana ES rs fast 1710 110 4 4S4 7 51 D Hurn 7 MotorCop Krewer Dr Corbett C7 05 Tijuana S4 l12faat 75 IOS 3 1 11 J Thomas 7 Settle Messhies Cath Marconi 67GG2 Tijuana 58 59Hfast 72 103 6 61 Ci T Thomas 8 Frylaniv Judge Pryor Krewer 6G647 Pimlico 1 115 146 fast J310 103 3 ItJ W Martin 10 PasSwain SlipElu DblCioss 66593 Pimlico 1 l29fcfast 155 105 2 2Im70y 1 1s E Bell 12 Jacques HPardner May House 66207 laurel Im70y l44ftfast 7 110 3 2l 3 C Lang 8 Clansman Dresden Goaler 66038 Laurel 1 l42Vsslop 2 113 5 2 2 J Thomas 7 Mol Barnes Moco Maryld Belle 65491 HdeGce Im70y l46ifast El 101 S 2 2i 22 G Breung 10 Servitor BelUolar Sundial II IIBy tDlsqualified tDlsqualifiedSERAPIS SERAPIS b h 5 89 89Trainer By Sweep Little Rock by Trap Rock Trainer C J Casey Owner C N Daniel Breeder E F Simms Simms1J 68013 Tijuana 51 f lll = ihvy 86 119 1 1 1G7H95 1J I1 C Rails G Reap Iavinm Black Deer G7H95 Tijuana 1144 mud 6114 5 6s 7 E Dugan 8 CManoii ifcirins Bowsprit f7804 Tijuana Im70y 1 livifast 13 112 6 6 6C77C7 101 H4 E Dugan 1 Minnyland Ciffield Abadane C77C7 Tijuuna Im70y IMi fast 9 113 4 I1 2 E DuRan 7 JSIcardon Bastille E Indian 6772G Tijuana TijuanaC7GG2 51 f 106 fast 21 SS 8 6s 6 AV Martin 8 Krewer MotCop Brilliant Ray C7GG2 Tijuana 5S 59 fast 166 93 7 7S 7 61 W Martin S Key lance Judge Pryor Krewer 65947 Jamaica M f 103 fast S 106 5 512j 3 53 A SchnKr Iliillubaloo Dolores Muskaliiga 63297 Fort Erie 11C l4C ifat 12j 108 0 0S 6 5 i L McDott i CniyCablcR Cote dOr Mercuil 63192 FortErie 34 l12ifaat S 107 C 3 3 L McDott 5 Clio Clio Lion dOr Diomtd JOHN S REARDON b h 5 5Trainer 105 By Ormondale Antnlla by Planudes PlanudesE Trainer J G Bussey Owner AV AVGS058 E Nestlehouse Breeder J E Madden GS058 Tiiuana 1 l46 6hvy 12 100 4 G 7 7 J W Pool 9 Abndanc TlorMaid Pkhornll 67874 Tijuuna 1 116 l3tmud 2 112 3 2 41 5 E Fator C TButUns CVbosxi Bkhornll 67767 Tijuana Im70y l44Xfast 1 113 1 1 1 1 E Fator 7 Serapis Itastiile Hist Indian 67474 Tijuana 1 IMOitfaat 7 104 4 2 3H 3i E Pctzoldt 7 JlmDainj JoclliJ RAAMngficld 67281 Tijuana 34 IMS fast IS 105 744 4rl M Andson 8 IVylance Abiidune DrJohnsoa 66349 Latonia 1 l2S ifaat 31 103 11 11 11 11 A Roach 12 Estrro Billy Star Sway 66219 Latonia Jm70y 14S hvy 10 10GC1G1 103 2 2 21 41 W Pool S Yoshiini Easteside Mauoevre GC1G1 Latonia 34 113 fast 1S5 1S5660G2 1C6 1 2 1 21 AV Pool 12 AunMay DrIIickinan MakeUp 660G2 Latonia S4 l15Vhvy 10 101 2 4 51 41 AV Pool 8 AuntieMay ElmcrK WhlteStar 65913 Latonia S4 l12ifast 2110 101 2 2 1 21 W Pool 7 Whites tar AmitluMay ElnierK

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800