5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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PA PET c I3 FHrlomtm Hyearolds and upward Claiming Jane 28 nAlrU 1 1G 105 1G 3 118 FULL MOOX blk m 5 103 103Trainer By Dick Finnell Caller Ou y Oddfellow OddfellowBreeder Trainer A W Kraft Owner J McGinn Breeder McB Mo re C8151 Tijuana 51 f lC9 inucl M 105 5 57S 61 6 M Milrick 8 HarryD CarlosEnriqne RMaid CS687 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 7S 10S 5 5 = 51 M MilricKlO FlorDcen llorlnga CStocklng C8668 Tijuana 5S l04vrhvy 34 99 2 6 M Milrick 8 KinKlite HGeorge DrJohnson 67957 Tijuana 58 1 03vihvy 11 IDS 1 I1 I1 M Milrick S Count Boris Milda NebrasLnd C7933 Tijuana 58104 hvy 4 106 3 3 CJ E 1etzbldtll FHope Philanderer ConntBorls G78S3 Tijuana 51 t 1 07 fast 19 111 9 8 = 1 61 P Seremball Tulc PhroneWard FIoreeDeen G7805 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 5 10S S 61 C1 F Seremball 1ay Off Vibrate Noonbour 67679 Tijuana 8 101 fast 135 106 9 95S CJ 31 H Long 11 Angela Joe Tag Pay Off 67639 Tijuana TijuanaHILDA 5S l01 ifast 1310 108 2 1 11 M Milrick 7 Milda Alajah F G Corley CorleyBy HILDA br m 7 108 108Creech By Jack Atkin Armildi by Eryn Mawr MawrBreeder Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeder C C Patrick 08041 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 3 104 3 35S 5 55 AV Martin 7 Joe Tag Jack Ledi Ollle Wood 67957 Tijuana 5S ItOJHhvy 3 108 7 75S 2l 32 F Stevens 8 FnllMoon Conntltoris NebLnd 67918 Tijuana 5S l03rimud 5 106 7 76S 4l 6 G Rose 8 HazelDalo StJcyll DdeGuise ia iaC7639 6S l03ttmud 13 108 5 2 2 = 1 W Martin 10 Corncutr Count lions N Shore C7639 Tijuana 58 l01 ifast 2310 108 2 21 21 C Rails 7 FnllMoon Alnjnli FGCorley C7396 Tijuana 51 f ItfTifast 15 107 3 4 351 W Martin 7 ColMntr Col Snider Cncuttcr 67298 Tijuana 61 f lOS7ifast 21 109 2 1 H AV Pool S Neg Elga lariat 67246 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 61 109 5 31 3s W Martin 8 AskJessic JocBlair DincgGirl 671C8 Tijuana 58106 hvy 32 111 1 3 441 W Martin 7 Kimono Ella Waldo Toyon LITTLE POINTER ch m 5 106 By Heno Stiletto by Star Shoot ShootOwnsr Trainer F Bcchtelheimer Ownsr Sunflower Stable Breeder Belair Stud 68172 Tijuana 24 119 hvy 15 110 3 5 f S J H Zander 9 Choir Master NCR Kimono 68084 Tijuana 58 102 Rood 13 10S 1 2 21 H Zander 9 FondHope Keg HarryBnrroyne HarryBnrroyne5S 67933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy It 111 7 5 9 9 D Hum 11 Fdllcpe Philanderer FallMoon 67896 Tijuana TijuanaG77C9 61 f l05 = imud 7 110 4 4 4J 41 D Hum S Corncutter N Shore EycBrieht G77C9 Tijuana 58 l01fast 17 109 2 4 3 4J H Long 8 HazelDnle R L Owen Ncg Ncg5S 67643 Tijuana 5S l01fast 61 IOS 1 3 41 3 i H Long 7 Mfiower HiltoriA StanlejIT 67274 Tijuana 51 f lCS fast 61 IOS 1 2 I 1 H Long 7 HRudder ThirtySeven DJose 67279 Tijuana TijuanaDON 58 l01ifast 7 111 2 5 5 53 H Lone HiltonA llazelDale B Welch DON JOSE ch f 8 8E By Ballot Micaela by Watercress Trainer C E Groves Owner C E Groves Breeder J 0 G H Keene 08165 Tijuana 1 l43fast SI SI5S 112 C 1 V 1 W Pool 9 MisoEmmaG Balsy Figuration G8084 Tijuana 5S 102 good 165 110 874 65S W Pool 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 68021 Tijuana 34 119 mud 65 655S 110 2 2 1 U AV Pool 8 Jack Lodi Fickle Fancy Baisy G7999 Tijuana 5S l03Tnud 2 116 6 6 6 3 1 D Hum 7 Careen Cicely Kay Velvet 67872 Tijuana 58 l03 imud 21 115 1 4 5 = 13 C ThpsonlO Cornoiitter Milda Count Boris C7X01 Tijuana 1 f l07 ifast 31 115 432 31 C Thpson 10 Due ucGuise Theresa HnMajor 34 l14V fast 13 135S 115 7 4 41 4 1 D Harn 10 Purl Horace Lerch It 67G79 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 28 286S 113 U 11 11 J0 l U Moltersll Angela Joe Tag Full Moon 7 Tijuana 6S 101 fast 10 113 4 4 S 3i H Molters 7 Settle Corncutlcr Klmcno YUKON ch g t 115 115Trainer By Deutschland lady Vera by Woolsthorpe Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm FarmC 68044 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 7 113 1 C CJ W Gargan 7 Joe Tag Jack Ledi Ollie Wood 8000 Tijuana 5S l041smud 195 116 3 1s I1 E Dugan 10 PlowStcel liilJyJoc Veni Rita 67927 Tijuana lm0y l52hvy 14 115 1 C 91 11 W Garganll Horl rtli NhShore Pltageiiet 67918 Tijuana 5S l03 = imud 21 113 4 5 5 4l W Gargan 8 HazelDale StleyH DdeGuise 67802 Tijuana 51 f l071 fast 17 110 4 3 41 31 E PetxoIdtlO lobelia Ioaclier July Fly 67722 Tijuana TijuanaC7658 5S lC2 lC2tfast tfast 6 115 3 1 1 U W Garganll Dfltncey Phyllis K Norfield C7658 Tijuana 5S l01fast 710 116 4 10 10 101S J Singtonl Melchoir Nnliour Gallierry GallierryBy TOM CRAVEN b g 4 113 113Trainer By Magneto lakelet by Orlando Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Irby679GO Breeder C Ciy 679GO Tijuana 24 l16 ihvv 7f 107 3 6 6679IG 6 7i 0 Rails 9 LitFlorce UGeorse BBlackl 679IG Tijuana Im70y l49Hmud 41 100 8 8 8G7855 8 M Wood S Rajah Silk Sox Ycrmak G7855 Tijuana 51 f lC8rsinud 93 95 8 S 8 8 M AVood 8 Kinplike TubbyA C llarthell 67744 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 116 115 C 3 21 2 T Hum 8 Virgc Nehr Lad Philanderer 67598 Tijuana ImTCv 14S fast 3 107 7 1 1 1 B Pelzoldt S riieworth Cafelerin Mrntona 67493 Tijuana 1 l42fast 6f 105 2 2 4 Gl 3 Rails 7 CharlJoy SumrSish ColSiiidet 67453 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 2 112 6 1 1 21 U Hum 11 Wise Judge Flame Cigale CICELY KAY b m 6 113 By Robert Kay Siss Lee by Oddfellow Trainer J Crawford Owner R Parton Breeder W S Payne 68054 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy S 113 1 4 45S 4 41 T Wilson 11 CMaater OUomcsfd TRoach 67999 Tijuana 5S l05mud 15 114 2 3 35S 2J 2l T Wilson 7 Careen Don Jose Velvet 67911 Tijuana 5S 101 mud 22 114 3 2 25S 2S II T Wilson 14 You 15ft Car L Gentry 67KG9 Tijuana 5S lCCHmud 113 109 2 4 S 3 W Martin 12 Careen Zainer Ecielda C7702 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 16 113 1 6 4 4 T Wilson 11 St Angelina RosaAtkin Coombs G7575 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 40 113 1 4 4 4si T Wilson II Due de Gnlse Jazz Alazon 67451 Tijuana 58 l02fast 2Sf 114 2 4 45S 4J SJ T Wilson 9 Celebrate Theresa Limerick 67129 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 13 113 11 5 91 S T AVilson 1 IxidySmall UooVirorm Olympd C7227 Tijuana 5S I0 good I9f 114 6 61 7 F J Bakcrll Aniknssin Tcnnilee IWHper G718G Tijuana 61 f 112 hvy 23 109 1 2 21 T Wilson 8 llor Lenh Phyllis K Thrills ThrillsBy KAFFERTY b j g 9 115 By Harrigan Picaninny by Cesarion Trainer F Karmet Owner F Mannet Breeder B A Jones JonesC 68020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 1SC 110 5 C 7J W Martin 7 VRita Midian G Muchlebach 68000 Tijuana 5S l04Kmud 10 111 S 7 81 7J E PetzoldtlO Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe 67897 Tijuana 51 f lC9mud 23 113 9 9 81 Si T Rae 9 DdeGuise FdHopc CountBoris 67743 Tijuana 34 lllfa t 10 113 7 8 51 i H Long 9 VanWilles CabinCrk Poacher 67615 Tijuana 5 f lC9ifast 116 113 5 5 5al 51 1 J Pevic 12 SwpUpII Ponzaltay PhyllisK 67574 Tijuana al t lOS fast 10 113 10 10 105S 9 9 i T Rae 12 Ispliain Tillolson Plunger 67432 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 14 113 7 10 10Ab 10 10 T Rae 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela AngelaI1 GG537 Akron Ab 5S 101 fast 4 106 I1 J Pevic S GdFugli Lyllarsan Stkailer 6G470 Akron 61 f l26 slow 2 115 2 T Rae 7 Old Red Pretender Minnie H 66401 Akron AkronPLANTAGENET 61 f l2SH nud 9 113 1 T Rae 7 StarIannr RAngle WarFos WarFosBy PLANTAGENET b g 11 118 By Ogaen Mamie Worth by St Georxe GeorxeBreeder Trainer A Jones Owner A Jones Breeder J E Madden 68171 Tijuana 34 llS ihvy 24f 112 6 S 9 91 R Bauer 12 Piiilander SanHedran I ewisB 68055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 22 110 4 C CIm70y 61 63 H Howard 8 Jack Ledi Billy Joe Conichon 67998 Tijuana Im70y 154 mud 11 IOS 1 1 1Im70y 1 1 H Howard 8 Cabin Creek Red Man Rillbird C 27 Tijuana Im70y l52hvy 23 107 5 3 3 311 II Howardll IIorLerrh NorthSlioie Veteran 67912 Tijuana 58 l imud 4 111 3 3 2 21 H Long 11 Velvet Lone Pine Mistake 67870 Tijuana 133 111 3 T 1 3 H Long 11 Tom Roach Squash MUs Edna 07721 Tijuana 9 IOS 9 7 41 J Thomas 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 67617 Tijuana 51 f 1 v fast 19 113 7 7 1 T Wilson 11 Midian Cnncion Delancey 67597 Tijuana TijuanaCAtJNZEL 6S 102 fast 6J 4 1 H Long 12 Lobelia Delancey View ViewBy CAtJNZEL br f 4 111 By Cunard Zelda by Pestecost PestecostBreeder Trainer F Brooks Owner K 1 Baker Baker5S Breeder R H Sanford SanfordT5 68126 Tijuana 5S l0fiist 135 114 3 7 75i T5 8 D Hurn 9 SifcSnsie LyBrbon Dane Girl 07996 Tijuana 5i f lUimud 2719 100 1 3 1 H W Pool 11 TheVengeance CharSmlth Car 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 3 105 5 2 41 C Rails f Delhimar JustRight Pretender 67721 Tijuana 61 f lC9tfast 4 103 S 6l 51 AV Pool 12 Pjopliecy Nonsuit Flame 67642 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast lit 100 3 71 W Pool 9 Phrcne Ward Icon Dark Ages 67516 Tijuana S 102 fast 43 110 1 8 S W Pool S PhroncWard Iloringa Pay Off 67414 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 133 101 6 8 8 W Pool 8 Joe Blair Pay Off Corncutter

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800