4th Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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4th RACE 5 12 Furloncpx 1yearoldx and upward Claiming June 28 191G 1O5 15 S 118 MIDIAN b h 6 113 113D By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Strome StromeBreeder Trainer J D Rice Owner J Rice Breeder R F Carmaa 68655 Tijuana 5 f 113 hvy 9 113 6 4 3 4 1 II Zander 8 Jack Led Billy Joe Conichon 63020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 113 2 2 2l 2 H Zander 7 VeraRita GMuehlebh TRoach G8000 Tjjuana 58 l04 mud 52 119 1 138f 6 6 5 3 D Hum 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe 67933 Tijuana 58 104 hvy 38f 116 9 9 Sl 71 T Rae 11 Fdllopc Philanderer FullMoon G7896 Tijuana 51 f i09mud 43 118 8 8 7s 5Ji T Rae 8 Corncutter NShore EyeBnght 67872 Tijuana 58 l03Vmud 13 118 6 6 P np T Rae 10 Corncutter Milda Count Boris 67802 Tijuana 51 f l 7fast 12 118 3 6 6l 8T E Dugan 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon 67673 Tijuana 5S l01fast 14 113 4 6 6 53 E Petzoldt 9 RLOwen Lvnieve IJuc deGulso C7617 Tijuana 51 f l09faat 4 1 U H Moltera 11 Cancion Delancey Pokey Jane 7ANESSA WELLES ch m 8 113 By Dick Welles Vanessa by BolvWere BolvWereTrainer Trainer J J Quinlan Ownr Quinlan Heicel Breeder T Piatt 67833 Tijuana 5j f 107 fast 45 116 6 10 10 8 M Garrett 11 Tule PhroneWard FiorccDecn 07 743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 165 116 1 3 31 13 M Garrett 9 Cabin Crk Poacher Pretender 67621 Tijuana 1 l44fast 4 112 6 2 6 73 M Garrett 11 PceFlag Procination GeuCzar 67470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 75 111 211 lzl M Garrett 10 View Plantagenet Red Man 67299 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 4 109 4 6 6 53 M Garrett 7 Galway ThirtySvn Al Porter 67247 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 10 109 3 5 4 4 M Garrett 8 Herder Horace Lercli Neg NegC7080 C7080 Tijuana 61 f 112 bvy 7 112 4 4 41 3 M Garrett 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Tennilee TennileeCG949 CG949 Tijuana 34 l16 sop 3 113 6 5 51 5S3 R Carter 7 UFlorence NtliShore CRobts 8 114 2 4 4 31 M Garrett G HonGoorge DancGIrl Angela FTJEBLO cb g 6 By Rockton Oriska by Clifford CliffordBreeder Trainer W Leeds Owner Leeds Mills Breeder J Sanford C8148 Tijuana 1 l47s nud 32 113 1 1 15S 1 1s A Claver G Olympiad Jack Ledi Alazon 68085 Tijuana 5S l01fefast 3110 115 4 3 3 2 A Claver 8 Philander QuinWard StanH G8023 Tijuana 34 l18mud 215 115 4 2 3 3 C Rails G ClockStockJag Philanderer Nes 68003 Tijuana 58 l03mud 6 118 7 9 95S 9 S E Dugan 9 BBIackwell Cncutter BPrince G7805 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 6 113 4 4 4h 4i C Rails 11 Pay Off Vibrate Noonhour 67725 Tijuana 34 l13fast 215 115 4 4 8 S11 E Taplin 8 Silk Sox Herder Uarriskane 67579 Tijuana 41 f 54fast 8 117 4 3 4 4 = 3 B Fator 8 Settle Sister Susie PhroneWard 67475 Tijuana 34 I14fa3t 8 120 1 4 4 3i C Rails 7 Mannikiu II Herder John Jr VIEW b g 9 By McGec Parkview by Hamburg HamburgBreeder Trainer F Risk Owner H L James Breeder C W Moore j C8103 Tijuana 34 116 fast 2 112 3 2 2 1 D Hum 12 Plurality Cannonball Obstinate G7926 Tijuana 34 l18nvy 3 113 3 3 U 4 R Flynn 11 Choir Master JackLedi Balfour G7892 Tijuana 34 118 mud S5 107 3 4 4 2 F Stevens 12 Fickle Fancy Ermitana Dora G7829 Tijuana 34 115 fast 5 115 2 1 1 2 C Thpson 9 Sheka Cannonball EmWeller 67786 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 9 115 1 2l 6 C Thpson 11 GolUBryan Delancey RosaAtkin G7G57 Tijuana 5S lni Sfast 175 116 6 7 81 7 i F Serembal2 Pewaukee Shfka Fickle Fancy G7G38 Tijuana 58 l01fast 52 110 1 3 5 75J F Seremba S Barriskane Ct Boris H Rudder 67597 Tijuana 58 102 fast 3 110 7 4 Sl 351 E Petzoldtl2 Lobelia Delancey Plantagenet 67470 Tijuana 34 l147ifast 4 108 3 2 2 2i E PetzoldtlO Van Welles Pltagenet RMan RAG DOLL b f 3 M By Theo Cook The Doll by St Amsnt AmsntMcNamee Trainer J McNamee Owner Smith Manahan Breeder Theo Ccok 68171 Tijuana 34 llShvy 24f 93 12 10 101 11 M Garrett 12 Philander Sanlledron LewisB G8039 Tijuana 51 f l144hvy 27C 98 6 1 1 1 M Garrett 11 Onwa Tempy Duncan BlackPat G8018 Tijuana 41 f 59mud Cf 96 9 10 91 o i M Garrett 10 ClheWay TliyDuncan BRuth BRuth5S 67976 Tijuana 5S lOS7smud 26 9010 6 6i 71 J Thomas 10 Squash Bacchus Onwa 67827 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 1 92 10 9 71 7 W Martin 12 Norflcld NorUoncy QuncupIL G7336 Tijuana 34 l16faat 33 9111 11 12 11 J Thomas 12 Nizam Norfield Glenzar G7319 Tijuana 51 f l09jfast 7 107 7 C C 6 J Thomas 7 SirLeonid PeaceFlag N Honey Honey5S GG917 Tijuana 5S 103 mud 53 108 7 7 7 7 T Rae 7 SilverMaid Lyi Lyionid onid Paquana G4060 Delmier DelmierROSA 41 f l00 4hvy 11 IC3 6 J Thomas 8 SsLemon MchLad Miss Flora ROSA ATKIN br m 5 5M 108 By Jack Atkia Montrosa by Plaudit PlauditOwner Trainer R M Eollenbeck Owner R H Hollenbeck Breeder R T Wilson G8024 Tijuana 58 l04mud 135 111 2 1 1 = 1 13 G Rose 6 StAngelina SisSusie GIpsyJoe 67982 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud mud5S 11 108 4 4 5 5 E Petzoldt G DdeGuise BillyJoe Hazel Dale G7929 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 5 111 2 1 21 21 B Petzoldtll MKmG Pinnquana UcnMajor 67848 Tijuana 51 f l10mud 910 108 2 1 11 1 G Rose 8 Olympiad JolIySailor Ptender 6778G Tijuana fl f lOS ifast 45 108 3 3 3 31 C Rails 11 GoldBryan Delancey Pokoy B G7702 Tijuana 5 f 1OS fast 1710 103 4 1 2 21 G Rose 11 StAngelinT Coombs Cicely Kay W7659 Tijuana 58 1 01Bfast 1 103 3 3 21 2 J Thomas 10 LyBrbon CaveMan Pinaquana U739G Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 32 107 2 2 21 4s E Petzoldt I LolJIalt CulSuider Cncutter SHELBYVTLLE b c 4 108 108Trainer By Watervaie Miss Metcalf by Aldington AldingtonBreeder Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale ManaleG7997 Breeder S K Nichols G7997 Tijuana Im70y l53mud 41 103 3 21 4 R Flynn 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Bcnccin G7955 Tijuana 34 l19 hvy 1 107 7 2 2i P Stevens 7 CharSmith Thrills Luccy Pearl 07622 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 101 6 1 1G7430 71 Csl K Stevens 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Roble G7430 Tijuana 58 l01fast 3 107 2 2 2i E Petzoldt 9 Stanley StylishMiss Melchoir 67262 Tijuana 34 l147sfast 95 105 1 3 3 M Fator 10 NebrLad TomCraven LitGink 64997 Behouse 34 116 slow 6 107 31 P Hum 7 ColBoyle FIorRcan HGeorse 64871 Bghouse 13 165 I1 P Hum 8 SraH Maggie Ringleader Jeriy 64778 Brhouse S4 lI4fast 10 112 53 F Seremba 6 CapClover FlorDeen NHarper C4431 Hastings 41 100 4 3 H Lonjf 7 JUuuerd Mllerimn Donatella G4267 Hastings 34 l16Kfast 6 99 41 T Wilson G Mabel Itule Bittern Jerry JerryBy RED HAN ch g 9 115 115Trainer By Abe Frank Alma Gardia by Rancocai RancocaiBreeder Trainer A White Owner B White WhiteC7B98 Breeder J F Newman C7B98 Tijuana ImTOy 154 mud IS 115 7 7G7927 4 3s B Dugan 8 Pltagenet CabCreek Railbird G7927 Tijuana Im70y l52Shvy 12 1J5 3 4 5J C Thpson 11 HorLcrcii NhShore Pltagenet 67896 Tijuana 51 f lOI mud Clf 115 1 1G7800 6l 673 C Rails S Corncuttcr NShore EyeBright G7800 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 11 113 3 3G7672 3i 3 P Marlines S Philandcr Ella Waldo Shacre G7672 Tijuana 58 102 fast 20 117 8 9k 7 j T Wilson 11 FondUope NehraskaLad Nizam 07546 Tijuana 58 102 fast 29 117 S 8 31 P Martinezll Full Moon Kling Norfield 67470 Tijuana 34 l14Tifast 113 113 G Gi 41 4 i C Rails 10 VanWclIes View Plantagenet i 51 f 1OS fast 4 111 5 5 5s T Wilson G F G Corley Neg Kimoio 67188 Tijuana 51 f l12r hvy 1710 114 6 51 2 T Wilson 9 Herder July Fly DrStevenwt 67 152 Tijuana 6S 103 hvy 2710 109 3 2 = 1 = 1 T Wilson S Blgludian Olympiad Billy Joe JoeBy HELEN MAJOR ch f 4 111 111Dwyer By Harrican Mazonia by Mazagaa MazagaaBreeder Trainer P Dwyer Owner E J Looper Breeder B A Tones 68000 Tijuana 58 l01imud 12 107 7 10 105S 9 S11 R Flynn 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy J e 61929 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 14C 113 4 3 4 41 C Rails 11 MKmG RosaAtkin Pinaquana G7801 Tijuana 51 f l07 l07sfast = sfast CO 105 3 5 5l 4s H Long 10 Due dcGuise Theresa Don Jose U7G38 Tijuana 58 l01sfast 95 110 6 5 41 6 E Fator K Barriskane CtBoris II Rudder 67297 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 31 33 H Long 7 H Rudder O Wood Ermitana G71G6 Tijuana 58 lOChvy 193 101 1 15S 1 I1 H Long 8 Baisy WIscJiidge Miss Dunbac 67113 Tijuana 5S l044mud ll10f 109 3 3 G l T Wilson 10 Merry Lass Baisy Fond Hope G7019 Tijuana 58 l03tnud 15 111 3 3Ab 2 2 T Wilson 9 Pueblo GdieRose BlcheMeycrs G5189 Hslings Ab 58 l01Hhvy 85 112 1 B McEwen S NickKlein LadySmall Ermitana ErmitanaBy NORFIELD ch c cTrainer 3 100 100Linnell By Enfleld Horm O OBreeder Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie Stable Breeder 8 S Erkle G7996 Tijuana 51 f llisimud 51 104 8 5 6 5 1 F Stevens 11 Caunzcl ThcVengcance C Smith 67827 Tijuana 41 f C4 4fast il 104 1 1 11 lfl F Stevens 12 NHoney Quccncup II USmllo G7722 Tijuana 58 1 02fast 35 100 7 4 41 43 G Roso 11 Yukon Delanwy Phyllis K 67617 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 17 94 5 3 35S 41 S i H Long 11 Midian Cancion Delanrey 67546 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 42 93 5 2 2l 4 W Martin 11 Full Moon Kling Red Man B7490 Tijuana 58 l02faat 20 94 6 1 U 31 W Martin 10 Vera Rita Tillotson PoXeyJane 67433 Tijuana 51 f l08Vifaat 29 104 3 3 34 4 H Lons 7 Bowsprit LLeonid Peace Flag 67336 Tijuana 34 l16Kfast 21 2 H Long 12 Nizam lilcuzur Three X

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800