4th Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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yiiL Dipc 1 Mile T S 3rcCandless Imperial Potentate Cap yearold fill nAUC and upward Handicap Jan 11 1O1O 1 T 45 5 1OG CRACK O DAWN ch h 5 107 107Trainer By The Manager Shuck H by J an Bereaud Trainer T E Crist Owner T E Crist Breeder W C Goodloe 67966 FGrnds ImTOy l44 fast 6 110 1 2 2G7880 2s 5 = 1 E Pool S Louis A Rama Servitor G7880 FGrnds 1 116 l46fast 41 115 4 2 2G7711 6 614 E Scobie 7 Loui A Wynnewood Episode G7711 FGrnds 1 116 l46Vsfast 4 115 4 5 5G7585 o 4 E Scobie 7 Wynnewood Servitor R Rools G7585 FGrnda 1 1S l53fast 31 116 3 2 2G7521 11 1 E Scobie 5 Fanniellean IrishKiss Wapiti G7521 FGrnds 1 116 IMS Kood 41 118 1 1 1G7385 11 I1 E Scobie 11 Ramkin AmeiicanHoy Servitor G7385 Jefferson 1 116 l fast 3 105 4 1 1G7328 1 1 G Mein 9 Servitor IteigiiQun Bridesman G7328 Jefferson 1 1S 157 hvy 6 113 2 2 2G7254 V 21 E Scobie 5 Eastcside Woodtrap TJncleVelo G7254 Jefferson ImTOy l46fast 15 106 1 1 1GG957 Il lk E Scobie S AItoyll KBarton RMountain GG957 Jefferson lmTOyl43fast 5 111 1 5 5LIGHTER C o R MoCrnn 5 ItkyMountain Arispa Servitor ServitorBy LIGHTER b c 4 M 105 105Trainer By Negofol Luck Stnck by Rock Sand Trainer O E Fons Owner W Daniel DanielC815G Breeder A Belmont C815G FGrnds 1 116 149 mud 30 951 6 5 5C0935 5s 5J J Crcoran G Servitor CopDemon AmerBoy C0935 Havana ImSOy l435sEood 25 110 5 2 2C0370 31 3 M Garner G Lady Astor Qucsada Leghorn C0370 FairGrounds 1 l3S ifast 125 106 5 5 5LADY 4 3 M Garner 6 ByGosh BallotMark ComicSonf ComicSonfBy LADY INEZ b f 3 93 93Trainer By King James Aerophane by Arizona Trainer W Baird Owner M L Mahler Breeder H T Oxnard 68153 FGrnda 34 l145mud 41 101 8 S 7l 6 B Harvey 8 Shamrock Body Guard Yennie 67306 Jefferson 1 l12fist 1110 110 7 4 3 3J C l iis 7 Vennie Itoseatell IrishPat 67130 Jefferson 1 IMSmud 21 103 3 1 1G6618 11 I4 C Lang G Stump Jr Lady Myra Calcutta G6618 Pimlico 51 f 07 fast 3110 113 S 9 SI S1 J Callahan 9 Knichthtl Tassel EvelSawycr 66405 Empire Ab 34 ll good S3 105 4 4 4G6188 21 1i L McAtee G PetcrUron Homesttch OCorra G6188 Empire Ab 34 10 fast 1C5 107 6 6 6G5943 G5 53 E Kumrner 8 Pofrmbria It Wood Virgiuius G5943 Jamaica Dl f 06fast 3 105 9 6 4 I1 E Martz 9 DsDghter Rork DiamndDick 65562 Aquedct 7S 2G5fast 6 104 4 3 21 1J J Callahan G Virsinius Relphrizonia Hoy 65429 Aaucduct 5S 59jfast 12 lOi 7 5 5COLANDO 0 41 J Callahan 9 Relphrizonia Adventurs Sequel SequelBy COLANDO b g 4 101 101Trainer By Colin Virginia Nunn by Gold Heels HeelsBreeder Trainer C Fhillips Owner C Fhillins FhillinsG8154 Breeder McLean Beuforti G8154 FGrnds 31 114 mud 20 104 3 4 4C8112 4 4 J Owens 4 HidJewel HarryR Centimeter C8112 FGrnds 34 12 ifast 10 112 6 S SG78GO S Sl J Corcoran 9 WolfsCry Harrylt HidnJewel G78GO FGrnda 1 40 40sgood sgood 31 J06 5 5SI 1 1G781G 1 = Si C Lang 8 Olrnthus Plucky Cap Rock G781G FGrnda 34 15rihvy SI 103 1 5 4 4VJ C Lang 7 Monastery Last Effort Colando 17732 FGrnds 34 13 fast 4 110 1 3 1 Il C Lang 7 Sunny Girl Orcus MockOrange G7C83 FGrnds 1 116 47 fast 7 106 3 1 21 3si C Lang 9 Parader American Roy Episode 6760G FGriwJs ImTOy 45fast 8 105 1 2 5 6 J Wallace G RlaryStone Parader LEffare G7520 FGrnds ImTOy l45 = fiEOod 20 101 4 1 21 3s J Wallace 9 RlaryStone Calcutta ComSong CALCUTTA ch c 3 98 98Trainer By Colin Jamma by Delhi DelhiBreeder Trainer G R Allen Owner G R Allen AllenG8153 Breeder G Starr G8153 FGrnds 34 l14 mud 41 114 2 5 5G7901 4 43 J Owens 8 Shamrock Body Guard Vennlo G7901 FGrnda 1 l3Sirast 12 96 5 S SG7817 S S J Crcoran 8 Utstlil SirThKean IrishKiss G7817 FGrnds 1 l42ihvy 3 117 3 4 4G7584 41 4 J Crcoran a IJItie Nose Ainolc Settins Sun G7584 FGrmla 1 l40fast 2 116 1 4 4G7520 41 2 E Pool 5 PceTiiTii BetTimcs Itostell G7520 FGrnda ImTOy l455sgood 6 99 2 3 3G7418 4J 2 W Fronk 9 KlaryHtone Coiando ComSons G7418 FairGds 1 116 l50 hvy 12 93 t 1 1 Il J Crcoranin SThsKoan Maximsc Olynthus 67327 Jefferson 34 l15 hvy v 7 102 4 3 4l 2nk J Crcoran 5 ISIueXose Kirklidy Poor Sport 67 130 Jefferson 1 IMS mud 5 109 G 5 41 45J J Cprcoran G Lndylnez Stump Jr LadyMyra 67090 Jefferson 34 inGrihvy 25 103 6 7 76G588 GS 6l W Fronlc S Stump Jr Supcrhum Vennie 6G588 Latonia 1 l39Jsfast 5 101 3 1 1VENND2 4 5 L McDott 9 The Clown Chiva Kindred KindredBy VENND2 b c 3 88 By Colonel Vennie Princess Kathleen by Sain Trainer J D Adkins Owner Kirkfield Stable Breeder J B Bes G8153 FGrnds 34 l14 mud 10 114 43 43G802G 32 31 W Kelsay 8 Shamrock UodyGuard Calcutta G802G FGrnds 34 l14 fast 10 104 15 15C7772 54 43 J Owen 9 JQKelly Anvmous MChiUon MChiUonG C7772 FGrnda 34 113 fast 10 112 6 G GG7732 7 S1 I Morris 9 IMueNose JohnQ Kelly Jupiter G7732 FGrnda 34 113 fast 13 104 7 5 5G7C5G 51 3J1 L McDott Tolando Sunny Girl Orcus G7C5G FGrnda ImTOy IiioHgood S 103 4 3 3G7440 21 1 II ThomaslO iXseatell SetgSun Supcrbum G7440 FGrnda 1 l45hvy 83 103 4 3 3G730G 3 3 J Owens G Sev Sun PunGorda SpHawk G730G Jefferson 1 l42jfast 133 1M 2 2 lh I1 J Owena 7 Roseate II Lady Inez Irish Pat 67239 Jefferson 34 113 good 5 110 5 5 5G714G 3 21 J Owena G Anyrnous RockSalt Blue Nose G714G Jefferson 51 f 110 hvy 13C 110 1 3 3FERNANDOS 21 2l J OwenJ 7 Leslie Setting Sun Hillhouse HillhouseBy FERNANDOS br f 3 93 By Cruzados Fernanda by Rey cl Santa Anita Trainer F M Smith Owner L J Kcatinir Breeder Miss A M Baldwin C8155 FGrnds 1 l40imud 500 00 S7 2 4 5 5 D Jones U STKean TWitchet CoDawn 67814 FGrnds 34 116 hvy 8 110 7 3 1 1 L McDot12 Sultan Uonfire Rupee 07687 FGrnds 20 111 8 7 9k 10 J CrcoranlS JQKelly FirstlUuuh Alluring G7K84 FGrnds 1 l40fast 20 21 4 5 5 5 J Chlmers 0 PceTiiTii Calcutta IletTimes G7555 FGrnda 34 l13 igood 13 90 10 10 101 10 J CrcoranlS May llodino Alex II Spass G7437 FGrnda 34 117 hvy 7 113 4 2 31 5 L Morris 11 Amole Prince Til Tli Rupee G7145 Jefferson 58 l04hvy 8 luG 1 2 2 2 A Wilson 9 IVrmarw llegiim Gohl Mount G7107 Jefferson 1 f 109 good 12 115 2 4 51 5 L Ensor 9 Majority GoIdMouut FirstlUnsh G70G9 Jefferson 61 f l127thvy 10 103 5 4 21 2 A Wilson 11 Ukase Leo Fisher High Speed

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800