Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS MONDAY FEBRUARY 12 12WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK SLOW The figures under the heading Bee in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Raring starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Superior mini runner X Good mud runner J Fair mini runner M Maidens Apprentice cllowance b Itllnkera Dixie Junior Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Allowances Track record Jan 19 1922 34 2 114 114Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Ree AWtHan 67934 See Donovan 117 35 113 725 67877 Edna V 114 35f 113 720 68089 Idle Thoughts M119 33 33G80895 106X715 G80895 Reply M 114 36 106 715 6S004 Itlotter 1171 3T 116 715 67962 Jim Sanda 115 36 113715 68061 Easter Bonnet 114 35 110X710 68110s Roman Cirl M 114 36 106 710 678771 lllatk Gold 11 35 11G70T 67962 Kiwanah M 114 36 10G703 67623 Will Land 1IG 700 68089 Anne M 114 37 IOC 703 67877 Mike Morrisscy M10C 3S 109 700 Blue Monday Second Race 34 Mile Tursc 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 1116796S2 G 11C 6796S2 Granny Lee 10 112 11267393s 6 99X723 67393s bFluff 108113 5 111X720 67963 bllurgoyne 110 112 1126S0052 C 109X715 6S0052 Black Hackle 10Sjl13 C 109 7ir 67942 = Ina Kay 108 113 11 106X715 67522 bUelen Atkin 107 112 8 99X715 67943 Babylonian 112 114 6 104X710 68062 Hysteria 10 113 4 102X710 67836 bArdilo 10S l16Vfh 6 109X705 67681 bGalela 98 114 4 1020705 65005 Cockroach 109 113 7 112700 677032 bGondolier M 115 114 4 107 70D 67362 Propaganda 109 113 7 109X700 67815 Sweet Mania 101 115 3 90 700 Third Race 34 KUe KUeGeorgia Georgia Claiming Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 67837 bSagamore 110112 6 6106X725 106X 106X67S79 67S79 Sfwell Combs 110 111 8 107x1 107X720 68112 bHadrian 113 113112 112 7 7113X1 7113X715 7113X715Monastery 113X715 67985 Monastery II 115 115112 I 112 5 113 113X715 113X715High X 67689 High Cost 110 110 8 112X71Golden 112X715 68063 = Golden Floss Ill 113 7 107X715 107X715Orcus 68007 Orcus 105 l Sfc 5 10S07IO 10S07IOJames James F OHaral04 113 5 108 710 710Ralco Ralco 107112 G 112X705 112X705Archie Archie Alexander 109 112 7 100X703 68135 Poor Sport Ill 114 3 101X705 68093 bK n i g h t of the theHeather Heather 113 112 K 109X700 67938 Majority 112113 3 104 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileJ J S McCandless Imperial Potentate Cup Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapTrack Track mrord Jan 11 1915137 5 IOC 68155 CRACK 0 DAWN 103 138 5 107 750 7506815G 6815G Lighter M 106 138 4 105 740 68153 Lady Inez 110 143 3 93X40 63154 Colundo 106141 4 11MX735 11MX7356S153 6S153 Calcutta 96 141 3 98X735 68153 Vennie 105 142 3 96 730 68155 Fernandos 921143 3 93X725 93X725Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record March 14 1918 151 3 122 68114 Magician 110154 8 8107X725 8107X725680C5 680C5 = Devonitc 109 155 4 106720 68115 Fflrnovo 102 153 5 99X715 99X715C811 C811 bWar Prize 101152 7 7107X715 7107X715681S61 681S61 Serbian 103154 7 7112X715 112X715 68008 bThc Lamb 100150 6 6107X715 107X715 68008 Hello Paidner 105 153 1536815SbIIepeater 6 10rxT15 6815SbIIepeater 107 153 6 107X710 67503 Johnny Overton 105 152 6 104X710 68009 Scottish Chief 110 154 5 107X700 67988 bAilliro 103 156 5 107XTOO 68157 Day Lilly 5 102X700 68009 bTulunc 9G 153 4 150X700 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Purse 1000 3vearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track jecord Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 66882 bTribrine 105J11G 5 105X721 C8U5 A N Akin 101147 11 1O10720 68074 lrtVho Cares 102147 0101X715 631163 bMocdy 111148 5 109X715 63073 bSt Germain 100147 6 1C9X15 1C9X156E062 6E062 Tingling 114 147 5 108X715 108X715680S5 680S5 bWaukcag 107 147 9 108X710 67442 Lc Gaulois 99147 6 108 710 71067S6S 67S6S Tricks 99149 4101X710 68074 bPlantarede 103 147 7 1HX700 68074 Commander 115148 7 109X7CO 68006 Transient 107150 6108X700 67589 Pitter Patter 103149 C IOC 700 70068131s 68131s Royal Crown M 3 91 700 700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 l4t 3 104 1046809S 6809S = bAshlind 108 148 4 106X725 680661 Rep 106 115 5 10GX720 68095 Hickory 103 103119 119 4 4106X715 106X715 68115 bBuxom 96 148 4 101X715 68158 bCantilercr 114 146 7 108X715 108X7156S069 6S069 bRagazza 112 112201b 201b 6 94X710 68152 Spugs Ill 14S 5 109X710 68132 bRckab 1101150 4 107X710 6796S LSatana 105 148 6 106X710 678401 My Rosie 94 148 4 94 710 68158 Anna Gallup Gallup6E074 100 149 8 MX705 6E074 Pastoral 02l52m 4 S9JOa 6E066 bKebo 103 1 48 8 1B6X700 68095 bHermoden M 9S 150 4 94X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800