3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12

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Orrl DA PC 4 Mile Syenpolds and nptvard Clalnilncr Dec O 1O1U 31 U nMULl 111 25 3 11O DANCING GIRL cb m 7 113 113Trainer By Olaxnbala Dancinj Wavo by Top Gallant GallantBreeder Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert Breeder J D Nest C8126 Tijuana 5S l01fast 7 116 C 4 4 31 E Fator 9 SisSusie LyBourbon NHarper 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 6 105 1 a 2 2 E Fator S Pclamatn CabCrk TVgnce C7511 Tijuana 58 102 fast 8 110 6 5 6 4i E Fator 8 HazelDalc ItLOwcn FullMoun 67342 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 26 112 7 6 5 5 E Fator 7 Pueblo HamiltonA Corncutter G7246 Tijuana 58 101 fast 18 109 6 5 41 4 E Fator 8 Ask Jessie Joe Blair Milda 67210 Tijuana 34 l16Hslow 11 108 7 6 6 6 E Fator S Bill Head Cafeteria Romulus 67021 Tijuana Cl f lOlttmud 41 111 5 6 6 6T1 M Fator 7 Kenward NcrtbTowcr Tennilea GALLOTTBERRT b g 5 5Trainer 115 By Galatine Kate Kittleberry by Cerasus CerasusH Trainer H E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder J E Seagram G81S4 Tijuana 58 l02fast 5 113 4 3 25 2 M Andson 11 BabeRuth TDuncan FrNursc 67722 Tijuana 58 l02fast 13 113 11 11 Si S T Wilson 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K 67672 Tijuana 8 102 fast 17 114 9 6 7l SJ3 1 Fletcher 11 Fondllopc NebraskaLad Nizam G7658 Tijuana 58 l01fast 9 112 11 6 3 3 I Fletcher 12 Melchoir Noonhour Elga G7595 Tijuana 58 l02ifast 2 313 7 4 4 4 M Andsonl2 Pliilandercr Viva Bacchus 67211 Tijuana 34 116 slow 260 106 4 6 6 5 1 M Andson 7 Pueblo John Jr Madge K 07051 Tijuana 58 l01V hvy 122 114 6 5 6 6 M Andson 7 Harry D Kimono Ella Waldo 65934 afaeuve ImSOy l58hvy 12 112 Pulled up H Gibson 7 BrdvZew Satinmore FandWer G5791 Mneuve Ab 34 l17fast 5 116 3 W Smith G FlyingFord Broadview Dormai BILLY GIBSON ch c 3 3Buxton 101 By Everest Lily Trayne iy BradwarfllM BradwarfllMC Trainer 0 Buxton Owner Huadley710f C Buxton Breeder A E Huadley 68172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 710f 103 7 S 61 53 P Walls 9 Choir Master Neg Kimono G7805 Tijuana 58 101 fast 12 101 9 8 71 7 M Andsonll Pay Off Vibrate Noouhour 6G8G3 Bowie 1 145 fast SeaTag5f 10 106 4 6 61 5 E Kummer 8 Dks andDkes Pennon SeaTag G6G87 Pimlico 34 114 last 5f 101 13 13 111 11 3 G rreungla Iassel Reap Racket G6285 Laurel 34 l13fast 32 105 7 5 4s 21 B Marielli 8 Sea Tag Radiant Snsiana G6138 Laurel 51 f l09BOod 7 105 5 5 55 41 E Smwod 8 Hilihotise BeTrueman PrSport GG037 Laurel 341162tslop 13 105 6 2 21 3 1 C Lang 9 Hoy Noon Glide St Angelina G5362 Laurel 34 l15fast llf 110 9 7 7l 61 M Buxton 11 Noon Glide Faith W Rosie U NELLIE HARPER b f 4 119 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Peep oDay Trainer oDayTrainer T Davidson Owneer H Calwell Breeder B A Jones JonesC8126 C8126 Tijuana 5S l01fast 49 114 7 6J 41 M Slghter 9 SisJJusie LyBrbon Dane Girl GirlG7831 G7831 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 23f 102 1 6 S 8 M Garrett 9 She Devil My Roue Irosity 65283 Hastings 1 12 238 fast 45 102 21 W Miller 9 Sample Prince Direct Laggan 65154 OlympiadG503G Hastings 1 l4 14slop 4 119 2 J Deford G Sample BcssieYoung Olympiad G503G KEhouse 1 142 goud 11 114 4 J Deford 5 Tulalip Sample Capt Clover 64908 Bghouse 1 18 155 fast 6 117 3 J Deford G Tulalip HaUVright CaptCiover LITTLE GINi b g 10 10McPbcrson 115 By lira Payne La Poeta by Honduras HondurasJ Trainer J McPbcrson Owner OwnerIm70y J McFarlane Breeder Lawrsnce Comstcci CS082 Tijuana Im70y l49slow 9 118 4 1 11 2 E Dugan 11 Car Point to Point Dalwood 67955 Tijuana 34 l19hvy 9 113 4 2 6 6 B Parke 7 Shelbys ille CharSmith Thrills 67745 Tijuana 1 18 1 57tast 3 116 3 6 9 9 E Taylor 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora G7G74 Tijuana 1 1S l 6 fast 8 110 5 2 3 21 F Stevens 9 Al Wick Obstinate Dora G7548 Tijuana 1 18 l5CHfast 14 10 4 4 5 7 E Petroldl 8 Judge David Firewortb Dora 67515 Tijuana 1 11C l43Kfast 13 115 7 S 8 S R Carter 8 Shoreacres Lariat Rhymer DOVESROOST ch g 4 112 By Maiatenant Dovecots by Kinrt n nKredr Owner G Mackey Kredr 6 B Widener WidenerU G8145 Tijuana 31 119 mud U 107 4 5 5i 5T1 J SingtonlO ClovcrJunia Plunger AuRcvoir G7853 Tijuana 5i f 1OS mud 415 02 7 7 71 7 H Howard 8 HarryD Incognance John Jr G7770 Tijuana 51 f Ir7rifast 221 1OT 7 10 10 10 C Studcr Jl nro = nnncc HontGge TubbyA GG305 Empire Ab 34 l10T5fast 60 BrtLightsCO 111 9 13 15 15 C Studcr 10 Nightbt TaLing BrtLights 6G208 Empire Ab 34 109 fast CO 1031 5 10 10 9 C Studer 13 Arrow ofGold EtiPtView Daydue G5518 Aqueduct 1 133 fast fast6528G 33 110 3 6 10 10 C Studer 10 Trajanus Squire Notime 6528G Aqueduct 61 f 21faHt ClghjordanCO 60 102114 13 12 13 C Studer 15 SrCourt TaLlng Clghjordan 05225 Aqueduct 61 f l19fast CO 104 7 9 9l 10 C Studer 10 Gladtor WHlher Amdalloey 64514 Saratoga 34 113 hvy 60 106 6 8 S S C Studer 10 French Furze SeaMint Roulett HOPOVER br g 7 110 By Frogleg Helen Connelly by Uncommon UncommonTrainer Trainer f Bechtelheimer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder W E Coovnr 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 22 107 12 10 11 11 D Horn 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 srud lOf 110 9 9 9 9 F Stevens 10 Alazon Maudie Wilson Coombs CoombsG757G G757G Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 18 112 6 G 41 5 J E Petzold ll Lnriat Cigale Obstinate 67452 Tijuana 1 l43rsfast IGf 112 2 4 51 6s E Petzoldt 9 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Lariat 67340 Tijuana 5 f l Xoifast 206 102 6 6 5 51S E Pctzoldl G HarrvD Kinslike AnnaKogina AnnaKogina62C84 62C84 Omaha 34 l14 fast 12 115 B Scheffel 9 DonJose Winchester LitPointer 2587 Omaha 51 f l10tislow 61 116 7i J Gruber 10 Herder LILPointer UelnnMnJor 62549 Omaha 51 f 110 good 23 115 3l J Gruber 7 Don Jose Repeat judgeBuilrow judgeBuilrowG24G1 G24G1 Omaha 1 142 fast 6 115 4J J Gruber 7 BillHead WiseJudge LorMoss 62381 Omaha 1 142 fast 155 116 4 R Dority S North Shore Boreas Lotta G GREVIEW REVIEW b g 6 115 By Dentschland Alice Gary by Trappean TrappeanTrainer Trainer J T Strife Owner Strite Valentine Breeder Nevada Stock Fana 68125 Tijuana 58 102 fast 9 113 7 S 6 41 T Wilson 12 SGtlcman J Cpbell UPoIit 67977 Tijuana 58 l04imud TO 116 7 5 5 3i T Wilson 9 Zainer Tabloid American Maid 67913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 2 116 6 7 51 4 T Wilson 8 Olympiad Ermitana Sin Again 67849 Tijuana 51 f lW mud S 115 5 3 2 21 T Wilson 9 MissDunbar PhyllisK Onwn 67785 Tijuana 51 f l08fast 7 110 4 2 24 3k C Rails 11 OHomesfd MIssDbar Tillttn 67659 Tijuana K 116 10 10 10 10 T Wilson 10 LyBrbon RosaAtkin CaveMan 67573 TUuan 51 f 109 faat 16 115 2 1 1 3i T Wilson 12 Gen Csar Midian Glenzar GLAD NEWS cb f 4 4Trainer 105 By Atkins Duchess Philippe by Sam Phillip PhillipG Trainer G L Palmquist Owner G L Palmqnist Breeder J R Locks G8144 Tijuana 34 119 mud 106 3 1 2 2 H Long 9 BelleFIower BcssieYonns Jan 66997 Tijuana 51 f lllsmud 107 8 8 8 8IJ H Moiters 9 KWilliams CBarkley AlPorter 32 Reno RenotilJGSO ImTOy 146 fast I1 P Hum 8 Conichon Norain Dorothy tilJGSO Reno 21 H Long 8 Vodka Pewaukee Kazan 63487 Reno 1 l43V fast 90 6 H Long 9 MrsPat Peerless One M Fluke 63417 Reno 34 l15sfast 94 3 J H Long 9 Bridgette SanthiaC DewFieM 62936 Reno 5S l02fast 95 7 H Longr 9 MayDawn SanthiaC Bridgette 01150 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 93 7 11 11 11 H Long 12 Josenia Focnian Apple Jack AtTREVOIR b g 5 110 110Moser By Lake McLnke Ames Virginia by Sir JMsofc Trainer A Moser Owner A Moser Breeder Keene Schorr 68145 Tijuana 34 119 mud 44 107 5 7 41 3 H Zander 10 CloverJunia Plunger Thrills 67954 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 13 112 S 8 7 Gl C Rails 9 JLcdi Plurality Uans Topai G7806 Tijuana 1 14 2C94fast 11 110 3 3ImTOy 4 61 91 H Long 11 Dominator Reyde John Arbor 67723 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 10 112 4 5 4J 3 H Long 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Go tti 67452 Tijuana 1 l43fast 9 112 7 8 9 9 1 J Thomas 9 Gipsy Joe Gen Czar Lariat 67338 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 4 108 6 4 4s 3 J Thomas 9 Leta Cancion Florentine G7278 Tijuana 34 l14Hfast 9 104 S 7 5s 3 R Flynn 9 DtorTubbs SheDevil Bkworm 67208 Tijuana TijuanaFLAME 34 l16V slow 49 107 4 3 3i 35 R Flynn SLtnieve Count Boris Dalwood FLAME ch m 113 By Charles Edward Flicker by Eerwentwater EerwentwaterChristopher Trainer C Irby Owner P G G5S Christopher Breeder Estate of W Hendris G8060 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 28 100 8 S 8 8 C Rails 8 Kglikc HonGeorge DrJolmn 67803 Tijuana 1 116 l47sfast 34 96 1 1 11 2 O Rails 8 PrceDitect SuraSigh Itolsterer 67721 Tijuana 61 f l09fast 5 5Im70y 112 4 4 53 3J F ChvettalU Prophecy Nonsuit Plantagenet G7619 Tijuana Im70y l47lifast 23 100 4 6 7 7J C Rails S Regreso WMgomy KRankin P7552 Tijuana 58101 fast 92 106 7 8 8 7 1 M Wood 8 Honest George Hazel Dale It G7453 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 3 110 2 2 3ii 31 C Rails II Wise Judge T Craven Cigale 67278 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 6 112 6 C 71 7 1 C Rails 9 DtorTubbs SheDevil AuRevoic 67229 Tijuana 34 115 good 13 105 7 7 7 7 0 Rails 7 BBIackwell MolBarncs Rnjah CG430 Toledo ToledoVETERAN 1 116 l501sslow 1710 107 1 2 41 710 M Fator 9 OldChap Haudfull DottasBest VETERAN b g 7 118 By His Majesty Nectary by Dinneforf DinneforfCrofton Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Bred in England by J J Parkinson 67978 Tijuana 1 11 2lCsmud 145 113 8 5 4s 4 G Rose 8 LonePine LitDear Tawasentha TawasenthaIm70y 07927 Tijuana Im70y l52shvy Sf 11011 8 5 4 G Rose 11 HorLerch NhShore Pltapcnot G7745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast 2310 113 8 8 7 5 i W Martin 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora DoraImTOy 67678 Tijuana ImTOy l15fast 14 113 6 5 7 7 1 W Martin 7 Tasentha SumSigh LManning 67475 Tijuana 34 l14i fast 173 119 Left at the postG Rose 7 Mannikin II Herder Pueblo 66624 Pimlico 1 18 l53fast 195f 185 3 14 141 15 G Breungir FySneezy MayUouse NWales 66424 Laurel 1 18 l567sfast llf 108 13 13 13 139 W Martin 13Cimron WStger TCkmcnder 66104 Laurel LaurelTHRILLS 1 116 152 good 8f 107 11 13 13 13 W Martin 13 Phalaris CurtEvcnts LadsLove THRILLS b m 8 108 108Crofton By Coy Lad Avistoa by Ayrshire AyrshireBreeder Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder H H Hewitt C8145 Tijuana 34 119 mud S 106 3 2 4 G Rose 10 CloverJunia Plunger AuRcvoir 68104 Tijuana 34 116 fast 20 105 2 11 31 W Martin 12 PlowSteel Balfour Canvasback 68038 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 11 108 1 2l 2l W Martin 8 H Burgoyne Bacchus JamcsCJ G8018 Tijuana 41 f 594mud 594mud34119Hhvy 8 106 7 74f 6i 4 J W Martin 10 CtlieWay TpyDuncan ItUuth 6955 Tijuana 34119Hhvy 4f 105 2 31 3 G Rose 7 Shelhyville CharSmith LPearl C7913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 13 109 3 8 8 G Rose 8 Olympiad Ermitana Sm Again 67828 Tijuana 34 lI5 = 5fast 12 108 4 61 9 1 W Martin 10 Lewis B WCDooly P Tenny G7318 Tijuana 1 116 l49 fast 12 110 2 6 6l M Fator 8 WalterDaut Dkhand Caamano G7186 Tijuana TijuanaRIFLE 51 f 112 hvy 13 107 2 41 41 Tff Martin 8 HorLerch CicelyKay PhyllisK PhyllisKBy RIFLE ch g 8 By TJncle Fleur do Marie by Meddler MeddlerBreeders Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeders J 0 G H Keene KeeneS G8002 Tijuana 34 l17imud 7 115 3 S S S50 D Hum 8 Incognance John Jr Delhitnar G7873 Tijuana 34 ins mud 135 113 3 S 10 10 P MartinezlO MEmmaG Nliour MolBarnes 62685 Omaha 1 141 fast 6 107 3 J Sington 8 LeapFrog Mildred MarcellaBoy 62623 Omaha 1 142 good 41 106 3s D Hum G Franklin Manicure WMtgorny 624GO Omaha 1 1S l335 fast 4 114 S W Mnders 8 Wdie Mtgomy Frklin DolpU G2339 Omaha 25 102 4 D Hum 0 Money Motor Cop Ikey T C1208 Tijuana 1 116 I47l4fast 13 107 1 31 4 J D Hum 8 Mulciber KRankin MankinIL C1117 Tijuana 1 1S l54 = ifast 2910 107 2 11 2 D Hum 7 Bobby Alien Belario Gath

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021201/drf1923021201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800