Sun Brae By Inches: Triumphs Over Mountain Lassie After Hard Fought Contest.; Lt. Wm. J. Murray Establishes Record Mutuel Pay Off Price in Cuban Racing., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-12


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SUN BRAE BY INCHES Triumphs Over Mountain Lassie After Hard Fought Contest Lt Win J Murray Establishes EstablishesRecord Record Mutuel Pay Off Price Pricein in Cuban Racing1 HAVANA Cuba February 11 The fourth race under claiming conditions at five and a half furlongs overshadowed the other attrac ¬ tions in point of importance at Oriental Park this afternoon In it were named some oC the best sprinters here Among them were Sun Brae and Mountain Lassie It was an exciting contest with a desperate drive in which the favorite Sun Brae just managed to get up in the final strides to beat Moun ¬ tain Lassie by the smallest of margins The latter went around the others with a rush at the top of the stretch and in taking the lead interfered with Sun Brae causing Burns to pull up Sun Brae when called on fin ¬ ished with splendid courage and outgamed the mare when the final test came cameThe The first race on the card filled so well that it was split into three parts and run as the first three races In the opener Lt Wm J Murray beat John Spolm by a length and a half The winner paid a record amount for Cuba in the mutuel pool the hold ¬ ers of 52 tickets received a return of 69G50 on the investment investmentChincoteague Chincoteague came from behind in the sec ¬ ond after making a wide turn into the home ¬ stretch closed with great speed and won going away at the end by a couple of lengths from Machine Gunner The latter closed big gap in the last quarter quarterBlaise Blaise fought it out with Whispering in the stretch in the third race and proved the gamer at the end winning by three parts of a length lengthTOP TOP RUNG NARROWLY NARROWLYAfter After taking a commanding lead entering the homestretch Top Rung tired but just last ¬ ed long enough to beat the fast closing Dainty Lady in the fifth A nose separated the pair at the finish Assumption was taken wide all the way or probably would have won wonSwiftcricket Swiftcricket running for the first time in the colors of its new owner Senor Chao made a runaway of the sixth race winning in a gallop four lengths from the favorite Miss Rankin The winner was ridden by Austin McLaughlin McLaughlinThe The horses belonging to Dr Ricardo Dolz including Putting Green Chappera Mata hambre and Bally have been sent to Artemi za Farm to be turned out until next fall Bally will be mated to a number of the Dolz mares at the farm farmWalter Walter Carter acting for the Caimito Stable sold the twoyearold Cubanbred filly Claro de Luna to Frank Delbarrio at private terms This filly is by Blazeaway Moon ¬ stone and has been showing much promise in her morning gallops gallopsCHINAMAN CHINAMAN OWNER WINNER WINNERP P Hinphy sold the fouryearold Swift cricket to the Cuban sportsman J Chao The horse ran under the colors of its new owner in the sixth race today Senor Chao contemplates shipping a stable which includes American Legion from here to Porto Rico at the conclusion of the Havana meeting meetingAmong Among the recently arrived tourists who took in the racing today were J A Moore vicepresident of the American Fuel Com ¬ pany and his wife of New York Dr J F Raub of Monro Wis George M Burns of St Louis Herman R Zoff owner of Luna Park in Cleveland John A Kloepfer a banker of Buffalo N Y George A Breaux vicepresident of the milling firm of Ballard Ballard at Louisville Ky George W Shoemaker of Allentown Pa William J Eldridge of Philadelphia Mr and Mrs IT M Comer Mr and Mrs J P Eldridge of New York J C Mtisser E B Cantrell of San Francisco Matt Hiltan a prominent attorney of Louisville Ky headed a party of Ken ¬ tucky visitors including Mr and Mrs Terold Everback Mr and Mrs E G Isaacs and Mr and Mrs W W Lewis and daughter daughterThere There were many prominent northern bank ¬ ers in the clubhouse this afternoon Several of the officials of the National City Bank of New York with their wives were at a luncheon luncheonGeneral General Crowder and his assistant Colonel Shutan were visitors at the clubhouse as was also James Giles a New York manufac ¬ turer

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