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Latest Training Operations 212 : HAWTHORNE RACE TRACK. Aug. 16. Todays training gallops here included the f following : 3IARTJIORNE RACE TRACK. . AVeather cloudy; track slow; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. -., . : 202-Com. MeMkin 38 191-King Tut 39 211-Fretwell 39 liM-Boekd Pncess 40 207-Gail Ford 43 Half Mile. : 200-Bo McMillen ..50 207-Lcster Rector ."7 . 191-Bes. Leighton r,li 138-l.itlle Celt . . .51! 20S-Berniee Harrar ."3 210-M. Denunzio ..55 20S-Boot King 59 209-Miss Dinah ..." 210-Cinnamon 5S 209-Put and Take .52 210-GIasgow 59 208-ltoeking 53 204- Joellu J 53 . Five-Eighths Milo. 209- Bit o Iloney 1:11 Laddie Buck. 1:07 207-Brilliant 1:10 207-My Dream ..1:03 187-Corto V.OHYr, 208-No Lady ...1:08 210- Dixic Dick ..1:10 209-Outcast 1:04 207-Fifty-Fifty ..1:10 210-Parader 1:05 and 170-IIitrump 1:05 210-Itcck Hther 1:00 20-i-Halki 1:11 203-Spods 1:11 205- IW 1:05 200-S. of Vleasurel :ll ICeaolani 1:00 310-AV. II. Pea reel: 09 210- Leslic 1:07 209-AVrangler ... 1:1-1 205-I.ou. "Vagncr.l:07 Three-Quarters Milo. 211- BchManager 1:25 210-Prince Til Tiil:25 20S-CIever Seth .1:24 207 -Pomlerosa ...1:22 20-Crescent 1:23 211-ltound Kobin 1:21 20S-DustalKut ..1:19 207-Kamkin .....1:23 211-Diversity ...1:24 209-Sec.Thoughts 1:19 20t5-Glanmore ...1:23 210-Scamper ....1:21 205-Gee 1:23 209-Setting Sun.. 1:23 209-Isa ma u 1:20 209-S. and Prettyl:22 209- Lilv M 1:20 209-TayIor Hay.. 1:20 207- Miss Cerina .1:24 204-AVireless 1:18 210- Miss Fortune. 1:21 One Mile. 208- Begonia 1:18 Metrimac ...l:4fand 209- Lavecn 1:48 208-Stone Age ...1:48 208-Licge 1:52 Rockland Princess was only breezing. My Dream showed a good trial. Hitrump and Parader worked together. Taylor Hay and Lily M. worked on even terms. Dustabout is improving. Wireless worked handily. Laveen and Begonia worked on even terms. Merrimac was doing his best. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., Aug. IS. Todays training gallops here included the following : SARATOGA SPRINGS. AVeather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. Amier 30 207-Bobbed Bandit 35 204-BastilIe 35 203-Lady Bcrrilldon 30 210-Battle Field ..:iJ7.-. 20S-Ianic 30 210-Candy Kid 30 20S-Suowdrop 39 Half Mile. 203-Bright Steel ...53 Marconi 50 203- BHssful 50 210-O.C.IIutch;nson 50 195-Billy Todd 49 200-Pique 53 ISt-Crosswiso 50 170-Quantraiu ....49 207-trumple 50 210-Sun lal 49 49 207-Senor 48 207-Eaglet 4S 210-Snob II. .. 47 492-Flivver 5J 210-Turf Idol 53 204- Faith 49 108-Voltaic 51 205- Grace Troxler .51 ISO-White Wash ..49 210-Gus B 4S 105-AVitchbrooiu ...51 202-HenryM.Dietz 49 Five-Eiehths Milo. : 202-Almedr.l .1:04 200-Oowah 1:03 i Beauval 1:03 207-Polo Star ...1:03 207-Donjack 1:04 207-Peanuts 1:02 210-Franconi.i ...1:01 207-Polyanthus ..1:01 1 210-DickAVtgtoii 1:01 210-Koekstoiie. ...1:01 210-Chink 1:01 20fi-Bo.ler 1:05 i 210-Bill Winfrey 1:02 187-ltcpulse 1:02 - 210-Arcady 1:01 210-SnperIette ...1:04 210-Carnation ...1:01 20S-Sun ITathor 1:05 207-Cup o Tea ..1:01 210-Stirrnp dp 1:01 207-Dugout 1:02 207-Sweet Grass 1:07 211-Epinard 1:03 202-Single Foot . .1:02 I lOli-Kleetir.gM ts 1:03 207-Sennaelierib .1:01 t lSS-Kearnaught .1:03 211-Stanipede ...1:02 r 210-Finn Lag ...1:03 205-Theo Fay ...1:04 i ltiS-Goodwill 1:03 205-Theo Bed ...1:04 ,. 190-Caffne.v Lass 1:03 204-The Spa 1:02 1 210-Hedge Fence 1:02 210-Trip Lightly 1:01 212-IIeckler 1:02 200-Teton 1:02 - 170-IIeartiBroom 1:01 194-Thunderbolt .1:01 207-Kit Carson 1:03 210-Vanity Fair .1:03 : 202-LipIandcr ...1:01 211-Wish I AVinl:05 202- Limb Belle 1:07 AVhito Lights 1:01 211-I.cgation 1:02 210-AVamp.v: 1:03 210- Liwless 1:01 19S-AVine .Tug .". .1:01 MonS Meg ;.. 1:05 198-AVurfare ...,1:t2 207-MomentilIii ..1:02 21 1-Whoa Kimna 1:02 190-MarthaMrtin 1:02 203-Zephrctta ...1:03 19G-MastcrCrump 1:02 Three-Q."uarters Mile, 211 - Billy Warren 1:23 202-.I. Marne 111.1:10 20S-Bnckbone ...1:13 203-J.MarrOneII. 1:18 207- By Ilisself ..1:19 210-Ladkiu 1:18 210- Blind Plav .1:15 199-Maclean 1:10 ; 198- Byc Bye ...1:17 210-Malt 1 :1S 200-Blue and Bed. 1:17 207-Mas. Charlie. 1:10 211- Comie Artist -l.:10 208-Mirador 1:15 20S-Col. Labold 1:17 200-Miss Star ...1:15 203- Chesterbrook 1:15 207-Noah 1:19 210-Coue 1:10 210-OId Slip 1:U 208- Donges 1:13 210-Pas Seul. 1:14 210-Kxit 1:10 210-Bural Koute 1:10 199- Extreme 1:15 210-Swingalons ..1:19 198-Elvina 1:18 201-Sunayr .1:23 202-Flagship 1:19 20S-Sombre ..1:20 210-Fliivanna ...1:17 211-Swope ,1:10 207-Calleon 1:13 Star Lore ...1:15 210-Cold Bug 1:17 173-Sunsard 1:19 207- Coldpiece ...1:19 210-Sunny Man .1:19 205-1. Sweeney .1:10 191 -Trappran ...1:15 210-Infinite 1:17 190-Vineynrd ...1:10 210-Intrepid 1:20 205-Yan.Princess 1:15 133-.Ierobam ...1:21 Seven-Eighths Mile. 190-Brice 1:30 210-Modo 1:30 210-Ciaigtiiorr.e .1:31 202-Ohone 1:31 200- I.ady Belle ..1:31 207-Polycarp 1:30 204- Liurano 1:2S 200-Skirniish ....1:34 210-Mon. Morningl:30 One Mile. 208- Broomfield ..1:44. 210-May Party ..1:44 210-Cave Woman. 1:40 210-Mungo 1:44 212- Delmor 1:42 20S-Polo Iround. .1:42 207-Day Trap ...1:47 207-Ited AVine ..1:45 20S Delysia 1:44 210-Sarazen 1:45 210-Kiichantment 1:41 210-Sea Pirate ..1:49 210-H. Priestess 1:40 208-Vulnard 1:44 207-Iniliate l:4t Bobbed Bandit showed good speed. Gus It., is training well. Snob II., showed a good flash of speed. Laplander and Rockstone were on even 1 terms. Franconia worked well. Trip Lightly was not fully extended. Chink worked handily. Arcady and Carnation worked handily together. Cup o Tea and Hearth Broom worked in company. Swope and Comic Artist had an easy trial, together. Backbone worked well. Pas Seul worked handily. Sunsard and Sunny Man galloped easily in company. Blind Play was well in hand. Laurano could have worked faster. Enchantment and Initiate worked on even terms. Polo Ground is in good condition. Epinard worked in a satisfactory manner. AVINDSOR, Ont., Aug. 1C Todays training gallops here included the following: DEVONSHIRE PARK. AVeather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 207- Bona Fide 37 191-Miss Checkers.. 35 209-Deputy 37 210-Xight Shade... 37 209- Jim Kenney....37 272-Plymouth Kck.40 208- Mary Maxim... 37 209-Baffles 40 83-Mizar 43 191-SaIvo 38 Half Mile. 208-Bogart 49 209-Midnight Sories49 20S-lr. OMara.. .51 207-Pest ...50 210- Delhi Oirl 51 210-Scarlet Bugler.53 210-Frank C, 48 189-Traymore 50 Five -Eighths Milo. 153-C. T. Worthnl01 208-I.eonard G 107 109-Chloe D 103 210-Toppanite 101 Flight 101 One Mile. 210-Best Tal 143 C. T. AVorthington acts like a good colt. Toppanite and Flight worked together. Mary Maxim is fresh and ready. Bogart is rounding to nicely. Night Shade is as good as she can be. Bona Fide never was better. Miss Checkers is a fast filly. Best Pal was only galloping. Franks G. acts and looks good.