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Daily Racing Form Handicaps HAWTHORNE The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Chicago, 111., August 16, 1924. 1 H. Oots and C. E. and J. Hamilton entry, Promising Laura, Headache. 2 GEE, Glentilt, Miss Fortune. 3 Lady Fox, Fretwell, Rock Heather. 4 Dr. Hickman, Quinc eGarden, The Runt. 5 Humble, Mary Ellen O., Kit. 6 Sagamook, Hoy, Margaret Ware. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1 Hessana, Promising Laura, Acceleration, Headache. 2 Lugs, Glentilt. Harold K., May Buddy. 3 Lady Fox, Fretwell, Climax. Cypreme. 4 DR. HICKMAN, Quince Garden, The Runt, Miss Cerina, 5 Liege, Impossible, Humble, Jimson. C The Foreigner, Merrimac, Sagamook, Hoy. Chicago Handicap. 1 HESSANA, Helen Carter, Promising Laura, Acceleration. 2 Glentilt, Crescent, Gee, Brian Kent 3 Lady Fox, Cypreme, Climax, Rock Heather. 4 Brunswick, The Runt, Dr. Hickman, Quince Garden. 5 Impossible, Jimson, Kit, Liege. 6 Merrimac, Sagamook, Hoy, Royal Duck. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Promising Laura, Hessanna, Acceleration, Unguentine. 2 Gee, Miss Fortune, May Buddy, Lugs. 3 Stake Me, Fretwell, Rock Heather, Cli max. 4 Brunswick, Dr. Hickman, Quince Garden, The Runt 5 Leige, Jimson, Kit, Impossible. G MARGARET WARE, Hoy, Sagamook, Merrimac. Observers Handicap. 1 Promising Laura, Hessana, Acceleration, Helen Carter. 2 Glentilt, Miss Fortune, Brian Kent, Harold K. 3 Cypreme. Lady Fox. Fretwell, Climax. 4 DR. HICKMAN, Brunswick, The Runt, Quince Garden. 5 Liege, Impossible, Jimson, Kit. 6 Merrimac, Dorius, Sagamook, Margaret Ware. Conscnsns of Handicaps. 1 Hessana, Promising Laura, Acceleration, Helen Carter. 2 Gee, Glentilt, Lugs, Miss Fortune. 3 Lady Fox, Stake Me, Cypreme, Fretwell. 4 DR. HICKMAN, Brunswick, Quince Gar den, The Runt 5 Liege, Humble, Impossible, Jimson. G Merrimac, Sagamook, The Foreigner, Margaret Ware. SARATOGA The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Saratoga Springs, N. Y., August 1C, 1924. 1 Finland, Volante, Nina. 2 Stockmar, Bachelors Kiss, Graylettte. 3 Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Lady Belle. 4 RIVAL, Rigel. Dry Moon. 5 Apprehension, Spic and Span, Initiate. 6 Volante, Sennacherib, Arno. C. J. Connors. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Edisto, Chink, Hidalgo, Faddist 2 Graylette, Charlton, Cooncan, Chopsticks. 3 LADY BELLE, Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Leopardness. 4 Rival, Missionary, Rigel, Wellfinder. 5 Pepp, Spic and Span, Resolution, Huon Pine. 6 Marcellus, The Bat Arno, Rockstone. Chicago Handicap. 1 Edisto, Chink, Hidalgo, Senor. 2 Cooncan, Charlton, Stockmar, Graylette. 3 Lady Belle, Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Elvina. 4 Donges, Banter, Dry Moon, Rival. 5 INITIATE, Apprehension, Pepp, Plough Boy. C Arno, Mirador, Silver Fox, "Volante. Cincinnatl Handicap. 1 Edisto, Hidalgo, Adrianople, Mark Over. 2 Cooncan, Graylette, Charlton, Chopsticks. 3 Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Lady Belle, Leopardess. 4 Donges, Rival, Banter, Missionary. 5 Plough Boy, Resolution, Initiate, Appre hension. 6 MARCELLUS, The Bat, Adrianople, Arno. Observers Handicap. 1 Edisto, Hidalgo, Finland, Faddist 2 Graylette, Cooncan, Charlton, Stockmar. 5 Lady Belle, Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Leopardess. 4 Donges, Rival, Banter, Rigel. 5 APPREHENSION, Plough Boy, Initiate, Spic and Span. 6 Arno, Marcellus, Despot, The Bat Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Edisto, Finland, Hidalgo, Chink. 2 Graylette, Cooncan, Stockmar, Charlton. 3 LADY BELLE, Anna Marrone II., Miss Star, Leopardess. 4 Donges, Rival, Rigel, Dry Moon. 5 Apprehension, Pepp, Initiate, Plough Boy. C Marcellus, Volante, Arno, The Bat. COLUMBUS Tho horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Columbus, Ohio, August 16, 1924. - 1 Rosita, Katie Dear, Bobs Hope. 2 Benita, Hole Card, Dulcy Lou. 3 COL. PAT, Babylonian, Cloportc. 4 Kendall, Elizabeth Bean, Lady Tiptoe. 5 Tister, Hence, Double Shot. G Crystal Ford, Jou Jou, Elusive. 7 Drummohd, Restful, Briarcliff. F. H. Sproule. New York Handicap. 1 Rosita, Bobs Hope, McCadden, Kalio Dear. 2 Hole Card, Benita, Delia Robia, Dulcy Lou. 3 Col. Pat, Clearfield, Babylonian, Cloportc. 4 Elizabeth Bean, Tex, Lottie Loraine, Lady Tiptoe. 5 Hence, Conscript, Carajo, Double Shot C Jou Jou, Elusive, Crystal Ford, Grass Maid. 7 HERCULES, Drummond, Montillo, Red. Cliicagro Handicap. 1 McCadden, Rosita, Wrackanna, Bobs Hope. 2 Dulcy Lou, Julia Lee, Benita, Delia Robia. 3 Col. Pat, Cloporte, Babylonian, Pay Off. 4 Lady Tiptoe, Elizabeth Bean, Lottie, Lo raine, Castlereagh. 5 CONSCRIPT, Hence, Tister, Bessie Hope. G Grass Maid, Crystal Ford, Elusive, Jou Jou. 7 Red, Drummond, Briarcliff, Montillo. Cincinnati Handicap. 1 Bobs Hope, Rosita, Nans Fortune, Katio Dear. 2 Hole Card, Benita, Dulcy Lou, Julia Lee. 3 Col. Pat, Babylonian, Clearfield, Cloporte. 4 Tex, Castlereagh, Kendall, Elizabeth Bean. 5 HENCE, Tister, Conscript, Bessie Hope. C Crystal Ford, Elusive, Jou Jou, Grass Maid. 7 Hercules, Briarcliff, Red, Drummond. Observers Handicap. 1 Rosita, McCadden, Bobs Hope, Katio Dear. 2 Benita, Delia Robia, Hole Card, Dulcy Lou. 3 Col. Pat, Pay Off, Babylonian, Cloporte. 4 Castlereagh, Tex, Elizabeth Bean, Rock Court 5 HENCE, Conscript, Tister, Double Shot G Elusive, Grass Maid, Crystal Ford, Jou Jou. 7 Hercules, Drummond, Briarcliff, Red. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Rosita, McCadden, Bobs Hope, Katie Dear. 2 Benita, Hole Card, Dulcy Lou, Delia Robia. 3 COL. PAT, Babylonian, Cloporte, Clear field. 4 Kendall, Elizabeth Bean, Lady Tiptoe, Castlereagh. 5 Hence, Tister, Conscript, Double Shot 6 Crystal Ford, Jou Jou, Grass Maid, Elu sive. 7 Hercules, Drummond, Red, Briarcliff.