Healey Busy Trainer, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-24


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HEALEY BUSY TRAINER MONTREAL, Que., June 22— Thomas J. IK-alt y, head trainer of the big Wilson-Salmon establishment, is a busy man and quite a traveler tlie.-e days. lie left here for N« v York Monday Bight to return this morning and Thursday n;glit he left for Aqueduct to attend the rates on Friday and will be back at Blue Bonnets on Saturday to s.i.llle Display for the Windsor Hotel Cap. Horses in this st.iMe will start in three important engagements on Saturday. Black lii-nioiid will carry the Salmon colors in the running of the Ohio State lK-rhy to be run at Bstfnbti Igc Park. Display will fill the en-BBgMsMsst in the Windsor 11 -til tip at Bine Bonnets the same day, while African will represent EC T. Wilson, Jr., in the running of the Latonia Derby on that day. Jockey B. Schaefer Daves for Cleveland Thursday ■sight to ride Black Diamond, while Leonard go,-s to Cincinnati to ride African. The best n 1 r obtainable will be secured to ride Display in his race here. II. -aley has dodded to rest up the division of the stable he has in Canada and they will remain at Blue Bon-jiets until the return of the races to Dorval. A .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062401/drf1929062401_20_2
Local Identifier: drf1929062401_20_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800