May Revive Coney Island: Rumor of Summer Meeting There Heard After Gathering of Cincinnati Stockholders., Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-24


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MAY REVIVE CONEY ISLAND Rnmor of Summer Meeting There Heard After Gathering of Cincinnati Stockholders. LATONIA, Ky., June 22.— Reports of an attempt to revive racing at the Coney Island track, near Cincinnati, following the close of the Latonia meeting, became widespread here, following a session of the Coney Island Jockey Club stockholders held Friday afternoon at a Cincinnati hotel. This meeting was attended by practically all of the many Cin-cinnatians holding stock In the venture and by outside interests as well. No official announcement regarding the clubs plans was obtainable, yet it was reliably reported that plans for a summer meeting are being considered. It is understood that club officials are certain that a contribution system, in which patrons may share in the earnings of the horses is lawful under the Ohio code and this system is being considered for the proposed meeting. A season of eighteen or nineteen days is contemplated, the length of the meeting depending on later developments. Officials of Hamilton County, in which the Coney Island track is situated, today warned that they are prepared to enforce the state laws against gambling in case such is attempted at the track.

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Local Identifier: drf1929062401_24_5
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