untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-24


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Lmm 111 m f m H ll 4 m mMm nlB °d on a" Newsstands Price, H I II I I A A fl H H I 1 H H DAILY SERVICK WIRB: Sold on All Newsstands Price, BANNER DAY MONDAY— Probable 0 to GET THE NEW ISSUE Dont fail to get Mondays Daily Serrice Wire. We expect the absolute limit. Tbia horse Go at once to your nearest dealer and get the new issue of Dodda Tnrf Weekly. This edition Is ■*» t*** working like a streak and Monday is the day that the stable ia going to cat him loose. complete with the latest news from all racing centers, best bets at all tracks, commission horses, ays- --.... _._. TU|. «Aiir»rr a e tem horses, speed boraes. In fact erery bit of newa that ia of interest to racing followers will be found I tKMo rOR IHIo WIRE— TKTviiiuvs vuvv rimif- Remit at once and get this super release. Dont wait until results are published. Cornea TBSTERDAY 8 FREE CODE. ,„,„ nmt wbo WTe M g.t.rt.,.. Big Winner. Subscribe at once. | ■ fl ■ MONDAYS FREE CODE: ISrown "" Brutus *~ i.«»™TO,-™.«* THE RING PUBLISHING CO. V I fl I CI lA/ iX¥ 3S South Dearborn Street Suite 412 Chicago, III. Bare you been following these Free Codes? If you hare then yon know what they hare been doing. "" »— — . — — — — ■be key to these Free Codes will be found on page 2 of the new issue. C»iisiimimiiimi,i,,„i„i.i,.„„„„„„mi,.„,,„,„„m,m„„.A TODAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK— China-47-54. I This one comes from our chief docker snd he tells us that everything is set and ready and no mis- mW f 9* "BIV M takes will be made. Hop aboard for a real bet. I M M I 1 * M * a? YESTERDAYS 1929.sh00 FREE SPECIAL: ■*■/ /l/l|tMf la#wyt--«i MM V « « •* .Swf .*% Frank Hawley W°My KT? nT 8.42, Won Uncovers Night Riding wT J I Read about efforts of crooks to render favorites at New York unfit for their -.___ s engagements by having a heavy man sit on the animals back in the stable on the ANOTHER ».,__,,__ 00 SPECIAL ««,-.«.... TODAY | "Eht before the race. This is told in "Night Riders Suspected," by Hal ONeil. in tne June 22 issue Of Thia horse comes to on exceptionally well recommended and we look for him to romp home an easy | Winner. Make It your business to get this release today. We are going to a large expense in obtain- 1 anMaa an « v _ _ tog this Information and clients can show their appreciation by taking advantage of the proposition below. J Umf I I MM M * * I specal offer: I Weekly Racing dmae To all those who subscribe for six weeks issues of this publication for we will gire free aix J •a-ecotire 00 Special.. Subscribe at once. I Qn Sa|e at A„ NeWSStandS NOW DODDS TURF WEEKLY I PRICE— rKll,fc— TWENTY-FIVE I WLN I Y-MVt OfcN CENTS I 5 SI E. C0HGRE88 ST. BUTTE 310 CHICAGO, H.L. i I m - MANY OTHER INTERESTING FEATURES ABOUT RACING AT ALL TRACKS I ARE INCLUDED IN THE CURRENT ISSUE OP THE GUIDE Braxted Bros. FOLLOW HOTS?"rTCH AND " ET? Fol,rn,er- known to race followers as "Fredy" while he was handicapper 202 Broadwav Room 1*518 MAUI Ynrir PJtu I • *uz Droaaway, KOOITI IOIO New TOrK I «wlty for the Chicago Evening American for a number of years, is now in charge of the £U,?DE S "Horses to Watch Department." Besides his n ,- Tr riAii i l-vur unncrc -- j experience as handicapper, fflaj V UMIL.Y I VYU nUKOCO ?di I PoIImer Fredy has a wide acquaintance among owners, trainers and riders, and [ this is of great assistance to him in keeping posted on conditions of hundreds of The Most Sensational Record in the History of the American Turf. Read! Bead] | worses in training at all tracks. BIG LIMIT PARLAY GOES MONDAY— SUBSCRIBE J TWO FREE CODE SERVICES THAT WIN 9W Do Not Miss Mondays Big Probable Limit Parlay "Ff j CARMAC Out of town clients wiring their money Sunday will receive the parlay Sunday by fast telegram. | Americas Greatest Expert Those wiring their money Monday will receive tbe parlay Monday by fast telegram. Service released • CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY* to everybody the very aame day they subscribe. i , , — n -«. ■ ~. . _ _. * * | LATONIA — Six-18-33. SATURDAYS TWO-HORSE PARLAY: | Miss Rosedale, 0.04, Won sTSi5iSrD"T W"l Iff 1 Aja ja vir I For Code Buy Issue of June 22 JL 1 wUIA tl/Xv/w till i llClfflvja AaW« If SATURDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL.: If yon want to receive honest, legitimate tnrf information, subscribe to this office. We otate f ,. I twfktt TWENTY-TWO two t-rrw OTJT nv OF ™ d» THE t a cm r.....,v «.-«,-. .„„ _ v. ■othing bnt facta. Oar word ia our bond. Subscribe today. Dont wait until tomorrow. Tb« day I LAST THIRTY-ONE HAYE WOK J joo miss la tbe day you lose. ? _MaBilaaHaMB,H,B1IHHJ | a-BIG PROBABLE LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY -1 I If; 11 W% ft « 1 Adveriisrd two lior«e parlay released to all out-of-town clients immediately. Prompt and coorteons j WW mfwlfl V m ml ■ I II V m Mill tl W* | HONESTY— TRUTHFULNESS— A SQUARE DEAL TO EVERYBODY I WORLDS GREATEST RACING WEEKLY That Haa Been, and Alway. Will Be. Onr Motto j SUBSCRIPTION RATES: There Is no double meaning, no half truth, no false note in any statement appearing In this i . One Month, .26; Six Months, ; One Year, f 1*. Price per Copy, Twenty-five Cents advertisement. i | 506 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE * CHICAGO, ILL. ■-SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR THIS BIG PARLAY-8 ll -— An nooest, aquare and fair deal is aMin d all our clients. Everybody Is treated alike. No partiality. — sasanwawjaaii »■— — — ,— m— aw 4iacrimination. Bona fide, legitimate turf information. No guesswork or handicapping. Remit 1929.sh via ., ___ Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised two horses. B*- DAILY— TWO HORSES— DAILY -** 10-1 PARLAY 10 1 Everybody receives tbe same two horses. Our parlaya are released to clients at 10 a. as. each JL k*W JL Y Vt/YDE* JL LF J anorning by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Remit $." and receive todays big parlay. MS X W1KL BRAXTED BROTHERS, 202 Broadway, Room 1518, New York City GOES SATURDAY, JUNE 29 DONT MISS IT , On June 29th next Saturday, we will have another special wire parlay which should be a - TWO-HORSE ••WIN" parlay, which will be wired to all subscril*rs. Our price for this informa- tion is only and we believe that the parlny IMCaTiD Wli A TI/IVT SHOULD WIN AND PAY AT LEAST 10-1 ■ I 1 W I ■ J% I «/■ * IIS m I wl In faet so s,,re *re ,ve th,t we W1" have two winners at fair odd*, if the rarlar wc wire 11 W M X. M MX %. A W M lm. ■ l#l 7°n do,s uot frt,ve a winner and lAY 10 to 1 at least, we mil mail jou GALLOPS WKKK1A " w •* • mU um ■"• • "in GALLOPS PARLATf PAGE and instructions, for four weeks, and wire you GAIWiPS a- .. , . . . regular Saturday DOUBLE WIRE PARLAYS for Saturday. July 6th. FREE. D r» x i aa i»il • • „ • ror the Business or rrotessional Man Who Is Interested in Increasing Act «jukkiy to get your auueription to us in time. Don t miss tiiis special pariay. vou Hie Inpnma Can SPn 1 your BUDStiption to ua either by mail or wire but, in either care, SEND TOUR AD-IS iMUUIlie DRESS. Just send and say: "For your Special 10-1 Parlay, by wire " NOT JUST A TIP-NOT GUESSWORK-NOT A SYSTEM GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. tout information of a distinctive quality far superior to anything heretofore placed before Same name, same addresa for years We do not issue daily sheets cr "tips" of any kind for the public. Inv slments occur but seldom, and only wh. n ALL CONDITIONS AUK RIGHT. Ml- thro°Sh newsdealers. Dont get "stung. WK RECEIVE MAIL. To those -.ho aiiurt -ciate the UNUSUAL this information will prove a literal GOLD *~ " — — JkflNK. Kurtlier cofJoV ntinl details will be disclosed to those myelins my requirements. ____________ TERMS — Winnings of a 0 Straight Bet — " iv/v*i /t t un* n a» m»n «* . «».« m. p. russell DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES ,000 to ,000 1111 CAPITOL III ILDING CHICAGO, ILL. Play bones that riGURE to win. Accurate bandl- can be made playing the horses with only capping is simple when yon know bow. There ts 5 starting capital. MY NEW RACING oo excuae for any one not knowing bow to handicap. SYSTKM picked 95 winners during April ■ — — — — anannaai — — — aaanawai anwananaai — awasss Vul* particulars IRKK — no strines attached. Secure and 165 winners during May. Also 62 win- vour free copy of "Iick Your Own Winners." Learn ning parlays. This wonderful new Racing to haudicap. and be a winner. Write TODAY. System cm be had FREE. Write me ; its CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPHS HANDICAPPERS ARE SUPREME 1M07 clixto* wmmt lttsxa™. ohio SfcH willKp! .... Dayton, Ky.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062401/drf1929062401_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062401_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800