untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-27


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A few drops A —every night, after every workout, after every race— will keep your 1 horse from feeling strain or stiff- mi ness — will waril off lameness mS SAVE «the* HORSE treatment t hr only rrnifily of itM kind ever sold with a signed, bona-tide Ruaranlre to end "liniki-n down", filled, •tprained and bowed tendons, spavin, curb, splint and all serious ankle hock, hip or shoulder lame- _ ne«s. Horse works during treatment. SFjHP57 ! R ! K h inptom hook— an encyclo- V-yKjf f pcuia oi horse doctoring, the result tyjff I ofour.J7years*discoveriesandexpe- taps i rience wilh*Save-The-Horse Treat- jml f mrnt." Tells how to diagnose and wf /. end lameness. Write for it. ■ II TKOV CHEMICAL CO. L JQ ~ 389 State St. Binghamton, N. Y. m. I $."».. "9 a hot lie, with signed ;;uar- K I antre. »n to your druggist for t 1 S:ive-The-IIorse Treatment. If ho C I li.i-ml it he can get it from hii job- I I bcr almost o«rr night— maybr only M e" a day*s delay in getting horse back M*»**and in form. Or, write or telegraph us «B»» collect anil we will fill your order WtiSJH same day received. "s "PAY AFTER YOU WIN" YOU WANT WINNERS, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK OUB Our CONNECTIONS at the race tracks SERVICE gives as an opportunity to furnish you with honest, dependable information that wins. Our releases are for RELIABLE PLAYERS only. A trial will convince yon that we do release winners. fIF SENSATIONAL SUPER-SPECIAL GOES TODAY GET DOWN ON THIS ONE AND WIN YOURSELF PLENTY City clients, call at office early, before going to race track. Out-of-town clients, phone us station-to-station for full particulars. Office open 9 to 3. B. C. R. SERVICE ROOM 904. 10 N. CLARK 8TREET Telephones: Dearborn 3447-7544; CHICAGO, ILL. IMiiiii nmmruiui PUBLISHED WEEKLY— A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS LIBERTY PARLAY SERVICE DAILY ALWAYS A WINNER YESTERDAYS PARLAY: TOMBEREAU 0.74, Won GOVERNOR SETH ..0.46, Won Our parlays are advertised in these columns daily, the same two horses released to all clients regardless of the results. DONT MISS TODAYS LIMIT PARLAY Connections advise us that the two horses in onr parlay today should win easily aud pay plenty price. Wire for this parlay today. City clients call. TODAYS FREE CODE: FAIRMOUNT— Flush -22 -22. Will be just like taking candy from a baby, and allow us to tell you your layer will pay you off plenty on this FREE CODE. Liberty Turf Guide Earle BIdg-., Room 315. 52nd St. and Broadway New York City. TURF TOPICS Sold on all newsstands, the copy. YESTERDAYS CLCB HOUSE SPECIAL: AGINCOURT 5.48, Won TODAYS CLOB HOUSE SPECIAL: Should pay 5 to and should win easy. Terms for This Lonjr Shot Special Are YESTERDAYS SUPER FREE CODE: BLANC SEING $ 8.92, Won MONDAYS SUPER FREE CODE MINERVUS 4.18, Won For Super Free Codes, see page 6. TODAYS SUPER FREE CODE: LATONIA— Lake - Canoe - Paddle. TODAYS "CHICK" MacMANUS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON— Ford -22 -20. TURF TOPICS PUBLISHING CO. St. Dennis Building lltfc St. and Broadway Suite 323, New York City * The Racing * Commissioner PUBLISHED WEEKLY— J2 AT ALL STANDS YESTERDAYS PRIVATE CODE: LAHOR 1.08, Won MONDAYS PRIVATE CODE: PASSALOXO 3.92, Won TODAYS PRIVATE CODE: WASHINGTON— Roof -14 -12. For private codes, see page 6. TUESDAYS PARLAY: T. S. JORDAN 1.7$, Woi TYPHOON 6.00, Won GET TODAYS LIMIT PARLAY Again we have two prepared horses ready for all followers today. We predict two easy wins and when parlayed should show the limit in price. Wire for this parlay. City clients call. Immediate service. TODAYS FREE CODE: LATONIA— Brown -8-15 -15 -21. COMMISSION PUBLISHING CO. 709 Broadway New York City ,000 TO ,000 can be made playing the horses with only 5 starting capital. MY NEW RACINCr SYSTEM picked !»5 winners during April and 1C5 winners during May. Also 62 winning parlays paying 8 to 80 to 1. This wonderful System can be had FREE. Write me; its worth a stamp ! RICH WILLIS Dayton, Ky.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062701/drf1929062701_20_11
Local Identifier: drf1929062701_20_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800