untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-27


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B. HEWITT and SONS 3 wmTehv DAILY— STRICTLY TWO HORSES— DAILY M M 1/1/ |1f| 1% I I I Strictly Two Horses Each Day Released to Each and Every One of Cor Subscribers fl H I I I ■ I I L III ■ ill S These two horses are advertised in this publication win or lose. Honest, legitimate turf information. and snm yesterdays strictly two horses: Vand 9 aW" Daily— Strictly Two Horses Daily -« LAD Y BUYER. . .38, .18, 2nd BK|- % Stnrtly Two Horse. Each Day Released to Each and Every On. of SIR HARRY Lost! r* * ■* »•-*"- ... « , . --— SbwrWIONAI. TURF INFORMATION. Subscribe today for winners. Winning parlaya daily. j-k u i- r«k • We AuVertlSe Ulir HOrSeS tVery Day Win Or LOSe Subscribe. No waiting for my service. No delay. Service every single day of the week. Monday to Saturday. Telegrams sent out-of-town clients early each morning. Not one minutes delay Honesty Is the Best Policy — That Has Been, and Always Will Be, Our Motto in rendering service to clients regardless of whether they are in the city or out of town. ■*- BIG PROBABLE LIMIT PARLAY TODAY ~W YESTERDAY, ANOTHER BIG PARLAY— BIG PARLAY GOES TODAY ADVERTISED PARLAY WIRED ALL CLIENTS PROMPTLY SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE! SUBSCRIBE! SubfXTil* today. Dont miss this big parlay. Two real good things. Both horses should Win easily and pay big odds. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: ■P* Wire Immediately for Todays Parlay *M I? 1 1? *L d* 1 O A A ¥17 We want everybody to get in on todays parlay. Cash a big bet on these two horses. io tlie limit— rfllTTllllf1 Q aP /I V illTl ■ nT Y I ■ I I W sflfl 3HT CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS *M A Dont go to the race track today nr.li«s you receive our big parlay at Washington Tark. Both II R— L 1 1 ■ If.. ■Ml _ — g j-t ,- borws should win uncxtendod. Positively no favorites. ■ Jk I If I |T | III III WW all 1 1 l«Wf ft UII »■*- Big Getaway Parlay Goes Saturday at Washington Park -1 ■,""™M ▼* Our information at Washington Park is without equal. Were to 00 day could not yon pay a you ...... — _ ... u-„« ,. 1,/u- rwr»i»i.*iv .„™;.-,,„ ♦»,« ♦— v«~,~. to« ■ ..# ♦„„,- .» ... _ 2 _ .., isvery ikiuj i-oMtiveiy receives the same two horses. No exceptions — out of town, as ». well city. * *„ .• ■ £ *i_i mm- * * -.»_ • **• i i I as Vt receive tbe information released from this office. Our connections operate with this office exclusively. " jems—no partiality, no discrimination DAILY-STRICTLY TWO HORSES- DAILY BIG LIMIT PARLAY TODAY-PROBABLE 0- Te,eBrapb- °Ur NeW Y°rk °ffiCe fr°m 9 to 5 » " " » ■• Teleamssent" wriyeeachUiUorn[ng0,,Ul ADVERTISED PARLAY RELEASED TO EVERYBODY IMMEDIATELY-NO WAITING ___ -,-, ■ , ... . j r - . « — m m - Subscribe today. Two big probable winners. No favorites. Bona fide information. 3 Th.„ .- a Legitimate and Reputable Turf Agency ~Wk _ . and r and J 1»"™ „ M m „ „ DO NOT MISS TODAYS BIG PROBABLE WIN PARLAY Duly * Registered Under the Laws of the State of New York, County of New York t.„ . ,_., — - M , , ,. , _ ... , , . Do fail not for to subscribe Thursday s big win parlay. Positively released to each and every subscribing Dont wait. Dont hesitate. person today. n ■ iruiiTi- a rssvsir* nsst n j »-- bh a* a* ■ B. HEWITT and SONS, 200 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York City | TWO BIG PROBABLE WINNERS Positively released to all out-of-town, as well as city clients the minute they subscribe. No waiting; PAY 1VIF AFTFR YOU WIN W TERMS, DAILY— NO OTHER CHARGES WHATEVER -** JTm JLTjIJLJ ill k lilt k / J If Ul * M. WIRE 15 either by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive toe advertised two horses by 1 return wire. Wire Me the Winnings of After This Horse Wins on ..... , _ . s „_, „ nM „, WM. KELLY, 200 Broadway, * Rooms 816-818, New York C ty y SATURDAY, JUNE 29, AT DEVONSHIRE RACE TRACK J Across the River from Detroit — *— I expect to get a good price on this horse and a very easy winner. If you like to win a ESTABLISHED IN 1914 — 8TILI IN THE SAME PLACE bet. here is your chance. Just wire or write me your correct name and street address. _ I am at the track every morning clocking the workouts, and I sure do get some real , m—mamm ■ ™ | Wi W r| .asas™ [ 0 _ 0 good thinps. I will have another koo 1 bet later on an l some long priced winners. i L .aJI ■■■• a ssss LV m aW »s1 - aW.— — aB _ JOHNMcCABE JtlClW. V 111118113.11 UN SHELBY STREET DETROIT, MICn. asWaasstflA WW • W • • ssstaWi JsV *W ■Wll|M|M M — - - — REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE CITT Of NEW TORE pBBBMaaWMB«IIHBH| mWBSWSLmmmmnKtBr POSITIVELY NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER FIRM IN THIS LINE i »L aWkaaV!asl svEaWFtsfFSSSj WJ STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY M Mil il lw,w-ff5lMllil» fltBStwIwaTOaJ IMPORTANT NOTICE— READ CAREFULLY mK/KKtbtaammmatmtUtKmwtmmimMmamwMKKm Sg1 i «. .ii Newsstands SI C war1 "- Christian, do hereby promise to give en li und every perron snbscribing to my pervice, 1476 the adv,r,ised parlay the very same day their money arrives. Western subscribers receive tbe adver- Broadway Room 1118 New York City Seld Oa All Newsstands— Price, Used parlay one honr after their money arrives by fast rush telegrams by either Western Union or ■I I £ - »|1 1 Postal Telegraph. The two horses I release each day are positively the only horses I release. This YESTERDAYS DAILY 8KRVKB WIRE: il6W 1SSU6 UllI 1 OfldV ■ an honest, truthful statement. Signed EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN. W% _ J »1 •_ YESTERDAYS STRICTLY AND ONLY TWO HORSES, RELEASED TO ALL MY SUBSCRIBERS: I OllUnC S ldVOriie WINNERS Ol folLrsJouio.it tie country vj-- f[ CO A Qd WwM have their layers on the run. Instead of paving a fill II If II HX I I fill WW fill ftfe sM ,T Jk Jk U "r bookmaker off daily, they are laughing In •ft" M UMJ U/sssal j*jJ+ If Vll *9 * %Jm M. A YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: II Jf I ■*!* 1 /* 1 /* 117 Wn„ -Z3«=:w:iiwi-wM% 6.16, Won WW U SATURDAYS FREE CODE: , . „, J „ „ „ „ DEDICATE $ 8.28, Won Tuesday a Strictly Two Horseaj Saturdays Strictly Two Dorses: That, tbe kind of horses released from this afflce. FRIDAYS FREE CODE: VANDAL .86, Won TONY JOE 5.00, WOll •at The Ring. Daily Service wire every day. GOLDEN COLNA «.«, Wo. M|Q MINT Lost GENERAL GRANT. $ 9.06, Won TERMS FOR THIS pi-St. «-I* UDl,cd ■* *- ho™ ™ v***™* tb* °°» •— » r» to ■• ■ ■ 0w 7° •» «— »-««»»»»»» ■ **■» m ■ ■««*s» winners released in tbe past two months. Show me another tarf informant in tbe business with a VIRF*. " ODe 0t tb* b* "t iDvestn,eDte *f t,,e season goes record like this. "" """ ™" TODAY-PROBABLE 0- LIMIT WIN PARLAY-TODAY M »5 .t once for tbi. big re*.... Don t ml This racer has been brought np to tbe best We expect 0 to on todays horse, so make It conditions of its career, and a spot made to order Both horses starting today have been specially prepared jnst for these two particular races. Both -,-, bB-jn-Mj »„ tPt it Subscribe now has be*"n found today. This horse should go to h®""8** will have two crack riders up, and the money has been carefully placed away from the track * the front, stay there and win pulled up by three or to in«"»re ▼ery big odds. Never before in my career was I surer than todays two horses winning aa four lengths. As for the price, the easily as their riders see fit. Be sure and go the very limit on todays release and play both borws TODAY S FREE CODE: in a win parlay, to win only. KTJTUEL RETURN SHOULD BE FOUR NUMBERS WASHINGTON-Viking-38-16. Western sul*cribers, go to yonr nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire for Here It Is— Go Strong: todays strictly and only two-horse parlay. Be sure to play both horses in a win parlay to win only. THF RINn TODAYS FREE CODE: Address 1 ""■ IV11IVJ LAT0NIAWim-l»-21 16-5. EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING CO. ■ B»iM *« « mm* rac- 132 Nassau Street. Suites 216-17-18 New York. N. Y. i.u Km ii« nhtliLi at your newsdealers, and tt South Dearborn Street Suite 412 Chicago, HI. see page 2 for key to this code, for we have every OFFICE OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. DAILY reason to believe this will bring our FREE CODE **■ = RECORD CD TO A HIGHER NUMBER OF WIN- ~ ~~ ~ NERS. the Livest and Safest Betting « 7S g W*V Sj rJllb II IC •cri,,ing to our klay service Proposition of the Year at daily. latonia. pribay. «tnx M Another Parlay Goes Today j Earle ■?_»■*■« Bld§» Broadway r. i at 52nd ■»*» a as St., mi New York, N. Y. 1 have personally watched the m ret, careful t0 ltUTae, th,t ,re in gpots mad4 lQ order and preparation of FRIDAYS "GOOD THING," and connections advise that these two horses par- tm—m—m—mmm—m—mmmm connections are ABSOLlTELY CONFIDENT of tbe toed bl0llld s,«w %-%. www.m.w a -m a wm w _ , , Immediate service to every client. Wire *£ *° for OT %Jl/ ORlVI A. m* A ¥ rVT awc-esKful result o this transaction. Every con- thil pa,.]. citv cUenU| all YY VJI Vv3/llN ceival.le angle has been taken care of and we expect BATING REVIEW PUBLISHING _ tetter than CO. — — — — — — — _— --— — _— 5 TO 1 Boom ,,18» 147 Hn » lway New York City I will wire you this RELIABLE INFORMATION Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction," and the only horse advised, won easily at rood •a your SINCERE PROMISE to remit promptly g" _.___. CL. A T* £ WT 1 1 odds. It is repretable that we were unable to announce this event in these columns yester- after the race, the winnings of only a «5 straight VirCCIl OflCCt 1 1TT WCCKlV da - Jur followers, however, were advised to take full advantage. AMERICAS GREATEST TURF WEEKLY bill keene bla*c »55».!— .s* w- rlarvey I ransaction i oday ~ ** •aw Ml WEST WEST UTK UTH STREET RTSFFT NEWPORT. srrnrpnwT KY. W MONDAYS FREE CODE: POMPON *Sl.Mf Won »"= ! „—„.„. MtWmMmkm FWWm OtMU If esjot rations for a long-awaited good thing have just been completed and same will npf TDaCT CCPDCTC UtHlCAIL » gS, Won takt place to»lay. This horse should lead his field all the way. Kxcellcnt odds are expected. I IJfxi/ r*A, -rm t 1**. I »J roDA s FREE CODE: Those subscribing should do so with absolute confidence, knowing that everything possible *mram ***** w.a a m* LATONIA — George 15-34. has been done to make this transaction a success. Sold Oa AD News. tand— Price. SI Yfc*lKKDAYS PARLAY: MKD LFA|EHTKH1AYSrI1EEC0DK:«A. ............ Ts7„. SSIfJSSJ.lHl?*8 8.88, Won Our subscription fee is UM. in advance, by telegraph or in person, as we cannot KBD LKAIHfeH l fo.«w, Won GOVERNOR SKTH Won ijl0.46, render the service we do for less. ■ llSVawJ ■?■ uSuffuL laws. TEEMS-J5 FOR A WIN PARLAY tire secrets _ ,wct jmmt tlre wekkly Telephone Numbers: Columbus 2415. 2422. 2428. 6760. 0995 »M Soath Wabash Ato., Suite 310 Chicago. HI. "• Ccurt St " Hoom 1803 Brooklyn, N. Y. . Free Phone Results, Call n iMuyJS ?VatjwirM,T *"" -~ " r r 9SSA nki nnJi " SUBSCRIBE FOR MONTHLY FORM BOOK AND INSURE DELIVERY WKj.Ii vvaDasii 741417 iuui LAioNiA-ljune-16-7-19-11. 1 » — — *-- -«. ..

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062701/drf1929062701_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062701_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800