Devonshire Park Opening: Inaugural at Windsor Track Eagerly Awaited by Race Fans of Border Cities., Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-27


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DEVONSHIRE PARK OPENING Inaugural at Windsor Track Eagerly Awaited by Race Fans of Border Cities. WINDSOR, Out.. June 26.— Never has a racing course had a more promising prospect than has Devonshire Park, which inaugurates the Windsor racing season Thursday. Racegoers in Windsor and vicinity have been eagerly awaiting the opening and a crowd that should tax the capacity of this beautiful racing plant is confidently expected. The magnificence of this track and its ornate club house has had an especial appeal to the elite of the border cities, and the membership of the club house embraces most of the prominent and social element of the two cities and adjacent territory. Reservation for boxes have been pouring in and it is quite likely that the supply will not be equal to the demand. Most of the reservations are for the entire meeting. An immense amount of work has been accomplished since the close of last season and it is a pleasing picture that Devonshire Park now presents, with hundreds of rosebushes that extend all along the outside rail for practically the entire length of the stretch. The Western Racing Association is also the home of a nine-hole golf course laid out through the centerfield and at the head of the home stretch, while spacious fairways behind the back stretch give a picturesque setting. Horses have been pouring in from all sections of the country, many shipping from Omaha, while hundreds have arrived from Bainbridge Park, which recently closed, besides those that have been racing in Toronto during the spring season. Racing secretary M. N. Macfarlan has arranged a program for the opening day that is on a par with the best that has been -of fered in Canada this year. For the opening days sport the Disabled Veterans Handicap, one mile, is the headliner, attracting an evenly matched field of seven, of which two named : Jack Haskell and Jack Alexander — will be sporting silks for the first time this year in Canada. Among the others that are scheduled to go in this feature are Beau of the West, from the Seagram Stable, winner of several handicaps last season over this track ; Lion Hearted, victor in the Prince of Wales Plate at Thorncliffe, and Strongheart, Grier of Spain and Wellet, complete the field. For a secondary feature there is the C. M. Hall Speed Purse, five and a half furlongs, that brings together a good field of sprinters. The other five races have entry lists that are sure to result in spirited racing, while an also-eligible list has been required in the second, third and last races, with no less than forty-four excluded from these three contests. The first race each day will be called to the post at 2 oclock Eastern Standard Time, thus affording racegoers from Detroit a chance to be home at an early hour.

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Local Identifier: drf1929062701_24_4
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