Shipping To Arlington, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-27


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SHIPPING TO ARLINGTON LATONIA, Ky.. June 26.— Terry OMallory was scheduled to leave here tonight with a dozen of the Audley Farm horses for Arlington Park. The shipment will be headed ly Nellie Custis, an intended starter in the f7,500 added American National Handicap, the opening day stake attraction at that course. At the termination of the local meeting Kay Spence will transfer the others of the stable to the same track. A. "Jack" Baker is leaving here Thursday •With a division of the R. S. Clark stable th it will include Wisdom, another candidate for Arlingtons Monday stake, anil Howard Wells is taking Illegitimate to participate in the same event. Illegitimate is scheduled to leave on Friday. Others of the Howard Oots racers are going along with Illegitimate. *

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Local Identifier: drf1929062701_24_2
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