untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-27


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jockey _____rTV5Y7YTVS_____ Johnny Merimee HIIIllllKW DAILY ONE M ff vB-tHai ■■ H H Yesterdays Merimee Release: H MM k ym HI I • H| ■ Agincourt, 5.48, Won ■JUULHyAJSAuAl ,, . . . _. __ . . . Sold on All Newsstands Price, t* If t I miss i one day, J then I always come back the next, and _- that is the reason that players should get these releases each and every day. II? f TVTI7D 0 t 117 1 MM IT DC I WIMMITDC I WIININlKo! WUNNlKo! mnnLKd! D. M . D , T j IflCT If I Plfl 111 P A llPlPaflQaf I Ofl/IV The new issue ,s Just chockful of horses that are going to win the first time they let JL/12L lllVl 1111S/ AlA/lsfAO/ A VtlW. J them run, and you cannot afford to miss it When you buy Dodds Turf Weekly you are buying a booklet that is compiled by the highest paid trackmen in the country. This issue "■ replete with news that to of Yital interest *° p,ayere thr «ehout the country. We expect the absolute limit on todays Merimee release. Dont be asleep when this horse wakes up. He has been kept under cover for FV y wi «| f ■ if » f a long time and today is the day he goes for the money. Pay no atten- 1 1 1 Afl T Foil |A .AT TnP NbP1A7 BQQIIbP » tion to the past performances on this horse. Just get this release and 1/UU I ld.il III vJCl lllC liCff IvOUv • get a limit play down. And play to win only. There will be no mis- __ __ __ __ - Get the new issue before it is sold out. The remarkable results of the Free Codes hae t «i t LuKCS liiaue. caused a tremendous demand for this issue, so readers are warned to get thie new issue at . once. Tour dealer has it. Ask for Dodds Turf Weekly. .-., _• ii x **• r a. e i. i x • -x ■ City chents, call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your remit- tance by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. yesterdays free code: JOHNNY MERIMEE ¥ 1 180 West Washington Street, Suite 1000 Chicago, III. | Jf wlT a-ataa1-taa* * OFFICE OPEN 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. J. J. DESMOND 1.06, Won — A DAY — Tuesdays ran CODE: __, __ , _ ,_ _, , SALONA 5.44, Won x World s Leading Turf Informant . _ . -_i - - -- ■•_____«- -_~ and Free Code: Mondays Saturdays Free Code: WT LEADS IK WIKHERB. SEKVICE AND QUALITY— 37 YEARS ACTIVE EXPERIENCE -*_ SIXTY 0.18, Won BROWN BRUTUS. .0.16, Won You have subscribed to tbe rest— now snbscribe FOR THE BEST. "Do business with people on xsr k„„ --- - _____ _ — We released —.--,, — .--- — .: ~_ »„ * _„ •• nave many, many more winners, too numerous to mention. The above is tte square." just andn idea of what the f0]]owers 0f Dodds Turf Weekly arc getting. You, too, can get __■» The Longest Run Advertisement in These Columns V the benefit of these releases by getting a copy of Dodds Turf Weekly at once. Play thes» — — and Free Codes every daj. The key to the eode will be found on page 2. The Reason Is — Because It la the BEST — Ask Any Player | TODAYS FREE CODE: ■TRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY RELEASED TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF MY SUBSCRIBERS . .. .»,__»■ • ■_•**—-._,_. ~_ ,»_. __ . .. WASHINGTON — lndia-34-26. lose. Honest, it .,-...,•, legitimate turf information. __- These two horses are advertised in this publiiaticu wiii or YESTERDAYS FREE 00 SPECIAL: HOUSES: " YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO trrTombereau, 0.74, Wona WcfAtm Pi-ii-ircc irUncie Boot, _•_-_£_ Y " eoiern 1 rillCebb Did any handicupper select ettlier of those two rior« »T Did they pick them to run 1, 2, 3? Well, _!__ B _f_l _f_l aT _T1L_ TF Just look at the charts. Doesnt that -l.pt -al of the caliber of my information? _L| _L # ft I K I 111 Tuesdays Strictly Two Mondays Strictly Two Horses: I C C C a_l_Lf __| TCKO. KO 1IFSTKR 7.04, Wo« GOTHAM f 9.7«, Won |% ■ / # # W ■■II SALONA 11.44, Won PASSALONG 3.92, Won |J I 11 I if J II I VI Saturdays Two Horses: Fridays Two Horsea: *aT s w a ■ a a iamsa* BLACKWOOD 0.18, Woa BROWN BRUTUS 0.16, Won ■ f •3HKNOH1S KHAN 3.22, Wo. BOUA .04, Won TUESDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL: COLONEL BELL 8.22, Won CHICAGO PLAYERS— NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS . J. „ - - — Mondays 00 Free Special: Saturdays 00 Free Special: "" " bretw!n0,ie,r0.t,,e "" POMPON 1.04, Won FRANK HAWLEY. .8.42, Won I na»e assigned a staff of clerks to handle out-of-town subscriptions exclusively, so that all those _ asji ffc W «f V V m 9 wirinB their money will receive the advertised parlay within an hour, regardless of in what part of il-kXL*. CP L aflfl la: «• -** , %. C - I Anotner jjduu rre6 jpecial * «»m »«« «r« r -v vr A • v«r V «VVMM« HOME8T, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATIOH. MO GTJESSWOHK, »0 HANDICAPPING Tbe name is known from coast to coast as one of the most reputable and honorable turf men. A Todays 00 Special comes exceptionally well recommended and we want all readers clean record and an honest reputation. Tbe bcrses 1 release are the horses I advertise. i to take advantage of this big release. This horse is absolutely FREE. There Is no strings attached to the offer below. We want to show you what we can do. Read our J. J. DESMOND sterling proposition: 1123 BROADWAY, SUITE 310 HEW YORK CITY 9 _ - g g — Special Offer k m T y To all those who subscribe for six weeks issues of this publication for we will f-r" " »» Mk lk I H f eT~ "~~"Tk give free six consecutive 00 Specials. Subscribe at once, l-*r A 7 I —4 DODDS TURF WEEKLY •aL JL A kla Jk 31 E. Congress St. Suite 310 Chicago, III. " Now Combined with Americas Home Run Parlay King - - Win or prices or small, my two horses are advertised in this publication evory day. B BNta%aaaaaaa a l sssl «imT 5Tlf F SECOND ONE WINS— THIRD TODAY LOOKS GOOD iYEEILY lllllllimi HOME RUN PARLAY: Bbf-montanaro 6.16, Won-i« Of I I "V RACING GUIDE __v_ »T- AGINCOURT 5.48, Won -*B DILL I tfUjyL.A ITKSDAYS FIRST HOME RUNT PARLAY: z£fLE££ 1/ WC/CXvT "mr ~—"mr COLONEL BKLI 8.82, Won SALONA 5.44, Won ■ jJT 3BT*Genuine, Legitimate Information From the Tracks"VQ WJT W W W W Jy £% worlds greatest racing weekly TODAYS HOME RUN-SINK THE BOOKS iVlllLiLl Y O NOW ON SALE ITAGAIN EXPECT AT LEAST 50 FOR IS -*■ • ■•■ TWO GREAT FREE INFORMA- *and±x«m± frri7 onnv m ino Another jSliS Win tion services JSr **f?%and * M.KK KELLYS CODE FOR THURSDAY: CAR.MACS CODE HOUSES | 1 Jm mMrr* AaUEDUCT-P-30-13-26-8. Always Winner on a Flat IMay jj J!C3.ClT • P«?J,KW£V#. •* a jaZ%£. IIT# ,. . , CARMACS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: *«-»*«» Fx . J W£2andyj£M!wand3ZA lit/ A new book with t new co :e published ever „T.„„T„„.«„ „ .„ „, aV- CSanda-Tv_««V»SlVSK*,r=, mii laTB . ,, ,, WASHINGTON— Sn-42-21. ™ o,l. H t BatfeaBCS -|Kfr.ik 3r- , ■ Mi A Thursday. Price, one dollar. 1 «9 H VTVwBwTrVr J CARMACS WEDNESDAY RELEASE: oes GUILDER 29-20 Wo" fei/ *"d b — d""- - *""- 11 r. V*V • "I BjnB tr ~~g rm vvm mL/ 1V1 °ne H°rse a ay Selected by Americas Friday WT William Burke Kelly asa powell TERMS — Only Daily and Nothing Else But Name and Address u east congress street Th« ■*■ Wh0 catches Them out of bm |w -w- CHICAGO, ILL. ASA POWEIJ/S RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: Akr ™ aa# * AQUEDUCT— Eight-9-45. 6 Varick Street. Suite 1001 New York City ASA rowKIXs Wednesday release: due to incrkaskd i.isinkss new office will, r.K rkadv in few days SPORT DRESS 5.72, Won _______________________________■ :_;m: _m::: Weekly Racing Guide the racing pioneer — -u— ___ 1476 BROADWAY Room 1022 HEW YORK CITY **M S* „V ,".,". .* , „V i", diiw Au.n»/»A w -rirrninii r -..- _*m-mm« BUY THE CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH PRICE 15 _- CENTS t* Bale at News Stand. 91 a Copy. Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Xfedaya Jfrw Ioilf: FAIRMOUHT — 123. On Sale at All Newsstands lmmmmmmm mmmmm*mimmmmmmm0m+andandmimm* *m+mmmmmmmmmmmi*iandandtm0im »m Se* paje eleven. Price, Twenty-five Centa

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1929062701/drf1929062701_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1929062701_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800