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READY TO WORK ON TRACK Good Weather Aids in Preparing Exposition Park Course for Training Gallops. AURORA. 111., April 3. With present weather conditions continuing for the next day or two, Tim Smith, the local track superintendent, promises to have a first class track by Monday. The snow of recent date has all melted and, with the weather to assist. Smith will be able to start working the track soon. R. Levine, who raced a stable over the1 Chicago tracks several years ago, has come back to try his hand again and has purchased two two-year-olds. They have been turned over to ex-jockey Raymond White to train. Mr. Levine has a filly, by Supremus, which he is very enthusiastic over, also a colt by Tryster. The stable of H. Coelitz, in charge of trainer F. Veysey, was an arrival from Agua Caliente. In addition to the older horses, this stable has been augmented by the addition of a half dozen two-year-olds. Quite a number of shipments are reported on the way from the different winter tracks and, after looking over the application list, the local track will not be in want of a good class of horses, as the management has taken the pains to pass on all applications.