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LEADING WINNERS OF 1930 Warm Stable Heads Owners List Because of Victorians Agua Caliente Handicap Victory. The triumphant horse and the winning owner in the Agua Caliente Handicap, naturally, dominate the lists of money winners at this stage of the year. The winter meetings having passed into history, it is. interesting to note the sums of money won by the horses and owners who took part in those meetings, and thereby gained a running start on their rivals for money winning honors during the year. Xames heretofore strange to winter compilations head the thirty leading money winning owners, the leader being the Warm Stable of Silas Mason and A. W. Hangor, and the second owner on the list being the Kancocas Stable, property of Harry F. Sinclair of Xew York. The Warm Stable is the leader because Victorian upheld the prestige of the East in the Agua Caliente Handicap, winning during his stay at the : border track the sum of 9,225, amply repaying his owners for shipping him across the continent. The Warm Stable is also credited with two victories at Xew Orleans, which raised their winter total to 00,SOO, an excellent start with the greater part of the year and most of the richest stakes yet to be decided. Donnay and Zida combined to place the Kancocas Stable in second place. Donnay is third among the money winning horses, being headed by the Kancocas-bred Greyola, which Raoul Walsh purchased just prior to the Agua Caliente Derby, which she won. The Derby was worth 9,200 to the winning owner, and Mr. Walsh, therefore, took third place among the owners, just a few dollars separating him from the Alio Carrodlo Stable, which won 9,075 through the prowess of Alexander Pantages. The latter won the Agua Caliente Cup Handicap and finished" second to Victorian in the Agua Caliente Handicap. Siskin, first of the get of Epinard to race in America, started .twice at the border track and won twice, one of his victories coming in the Agua Caliente Futurity. Baron Long is fifth among the owners with 4,275. The Reichert brothers, owners of Brown Wisdom and My Dandy, follow Mr. Long with 1,S15. Michigan Boy, winner of the Louisiana Derby, is next to Alexander Pantages among the horses. The following are the owners who have won the largest amount of money for the first three months of 1930: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Arat. Warm Stable 4 0 1 0O.S0O Kancocas Stable 19 9 11 30,300 Walsh, IS 1 0 0 29,203 Long, I.aron 32 21 12 24,275 Iteichert, W. C. and K. W. 17 8 5 21.S15 Alio Carrodlo Stable 10 17 10 29 075 Nevada Stock Faun Stable... 11 5 12 18,780 Watson, Miss 15 18 10 19 17,475 Knebelkanii and Morris 20 5 9 17.325 . Irwin, Mrs. C. I! 20 10 21 18.075 Collins, G 13 7 10 17,182 Wentzsl, A. AV 7 3 3 15.S91 Pollard, Mr. It 12 7 It 10,3C2 Tarn, A. G 15 13 5 14.875 ISaroni, A. A 1! 20 15 10,700 I.a I.rae Stable 17 12 10 14 300 Ii.-dwell, II. G 17 12 20 12.750 Whitney, II. 1 13 7 12 12,725 Mikel, W., and Son 13 15 9 12.030 Chinn, 1. T 13 15 14 12.515 Widener. G. D ..13 7 7 12,272 Hatch, II. C 10 5 11 10.235 Miller, II. W 13 10 3 11.010 Ellis, J. C .. 8 15 9 11,550- Keuter, Mrs. 1 12 10 12 11.145 Smallman, J. U. 10 17 10 10.9S5 Loiter, J 10 2 4 10,92!. Paradise Stock Farm Stable.. 9 IS 19 10 907 Parsons, Mrs.: J. A 14 S 5 11.950 Pontius, JV L 4 1 0 13,993 " - The following are the horses which won the largest amounts of money during the first three months of 1930 : Horse. 1st. 2.1. 3d. Amt. Victorian ...2 O O 9,225 Greyola 4 0 0 31,45 Donnay 4 O 2 21.070 Siskin 2 0 0 11.0SO Alexander Pantages 3 2 2 20.950 Titus 1 0 2 10,151 My Dandy 4 10 10.4S5 Uluniu 4 2 2 9,070 High Score....... 7 0 0 7.470 Golden Prince 1.0 2 0.S90 Gun Ko.val 4 4 0 0.220 Paul llun.van 2 1 0 . 5,710 SethsHope 0 5 2 0.425 Zida 4 1 1 5.330 Xicodenius 0 2 3 5.002 Kingsport ..: 5 1 0 5.050 Patricia Marian 1 0 1 4 S70 Michigan Hoy . . 4 10 13.995 IJack Howe. 3 2 3 4.040 Stars and liars .- 5 1 1 4,500 High Foot. 2 0 1 4.455 Kapid Transit 5 2 1 4.417 t Molasses .lane 1 3 0 4.3S0 Torch 5 5 4 4,250 15y Iroduct 2 2 3 4 125 Scimitar 1 - 3 4,025 Prince dAmour 2 0 O 4.175 Vander lcol 3 0 0 4,4V liad Xews ISob 3 3 0 4,550 Wirt G. ISownian 3 2 4 4,000