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AT BOWIE FIRST KACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming, Purse ,200. 1:30 P. M. Horse. Wt. Code. Horse. Wt. Code. Morley, 115 1 Francis St L., 103... 11 Rosatina, 105 2 Charioteer. 113 12 Thrilbi. 110 3 Wandering Gold, 115.13 Kwen Lun, 115 4 Star, 115..... 14 Newton. 113. 5 Sea Myrtle, 103 15 Giant Stride, 115.... 0 Tricky Colonel. 115... 1G Guffle, 115 7 Little Imp, 113 17 Trnpland, 110 8 Oleman Biver, 115... 18 Behave Cash. 113.... 9 Princess Henry, 110. .19 Night Bell, 110 10 Chickweed, 110... 20 SECOND HACE 1-2 Mile. Prospect P:e. 2-year-olds. Purse ,200. 2:00 P. M. Justiciary, 113 1 Smear, 112 9 Bobby Folsoni, 109... 2 Farr, 115 10 Play Em, 115 3 Kensington, 112 11 High Day, 112 4 Brig, 112 12 Irince Zeus, 113 5 Airliner, 112 13 Schooner. 115 G Vnnder Fool, 122.... 14 Donie, 118 7 Redivius, 112 15 Westerner, 112 8 Dunfern, 112 16 THIRD RACE 3-4. Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Pursa ,200. 2:30 P. M. Tempter, 113.... 1 The Maple, 118 9 Graeeland, 113... 2 Comic Artist. 113 10 Les Rozeux, 11S 3 Thestylis, 113 11 Doctor Fred, 113 4 Fire Belle, 103 12 Dreana Lee, 108 5 Busty Sammy, 113... 13 Sambo G., 113 G Mrie Blnche II., 113.14 Apostle, 113 7 Grab Bar. H3 13 Nae Breeks, 113 8 Tin Hat, 113 10 The Doctor, 113 17 Prince Bulbo, 113 19 Fair Argument, 113.. 18 Hazel Gumberts, 113.20 FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aspirant Purse. 3-year-olds. Pursa ,200. 3:00 P. M. Wicker, 110. 1 Rod Rack, 111 5 Flossine, 10G 2 Iridescent. Ill G Betty Beau, 106 3 Zublena, 106 7 Irish Polly, 110 4 FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse ,200. 3:30 P. M. Wdolorac. 110 1 Mary McNeil, 105 G Fair "old, 100 2 Laurie, 105 7 Gndalong. 115 3 Bounding Deep, 110.. 8 Nealon Kay, 110 4 West Wind, 113 9 Aimont, 113 5 Blazing Cinch, 108... 10 SIXTH. RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming; Purse ,200. 4:00 P. M. Belmona, 100 1 Bill Seth, 112 G Aregal, 111.. 2 Maxivn, 105 7 Dublin Show, 110 3 Ruby Keller, 110 8 Rejuvenation, 110.... 4 Hearington, 110...... 9 Billy Baughn, 108 5 Fair Bill, 105 10 SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Purse ,200. 4:30 P. M. Mulatto, 107 1 Lena M.. 102; 11 San de Oro. 112 2 Fair Girl, 102 12 Signola, 102 3 Leonardeau, 107 13 Chattahoochee. 102. 4 Blanco. 102 14 Alita Allen, 102 . 5 Bond Slaw, 107 .15 dimming L., 112 G Vernon. 112 1G Judge Caverly, 112.. 7 Turkeys Neck, 107.. 17 Sunspec, 102 8 Fenlight, 107 IS Wrack Maid. 102 9 Potent. 112 19 Prude II., 107 10 H;gh Life-, 107 20