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I AURORA TURF NOTES f S 0 AURORA, 111., April 29. Charles L. Trimble, who Avill serve as one of the board of stewards at Exposition Park, arrived from Miami recently. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Trimble Avill depart for western Canada, Avhere he has been engaged to manage seA-eral of the smaller tracks. Johnny Daniels, who rode for E. R. Bradley several years ago, is in the employ of C. D. Iryor, Avho has a stable at Aurora. Jim Farley, Avell known docker, has been engaged to broadcast the running of the races from Exposition Park. The many freinds of Fred Crafton, popular auditor at Aurora, will be pleased to know that he is on the job again. Crafton spent the winter months in the hospital, but is feeling fit again. The speedy sprinter Gibbons suffered- a leg injury after being galloped yesterday and may be lost to racing for some time. John Morrissey, accompanied by his bride, arrived from Lexington recently. Young Morrissey will assist his father, Harry Mor-rissey, Avith the starting at Exposition Park. The large string of C. B. Irwin made the long trip from Tanforan in good shape. Jockey Willie Moran, Avho will pilot the Irwin horses, is considered the outstanding QeAelopment of the western Avinter racing season. Jocksy Jack Parmalee has arriAed at Aurora but his mounts will likely be limited as increasing weight has made it almost impossible for him to ride at less than 115 pounds.