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PARI-MUTUEL IN PRANCE PARIS, France, April 29. In the course of the discussion on the budget the French Senate passed an interesting provision, authorizing the organization of the pari-mutuel in other places as well as on race courses. Hitherto it has been impossible to place a bet in accordance with the provisions of the laws regulating betting, without actually going to the race course to do so. Several senators protested vehemently that to pass such a clause would be tantamount to turning all Paris into one gigantic betting booth, and urged that, the provision should be deleted from the budget. - Others, however, including M. Cheron, former minister of finance, pointed out that in any case people would bet, whether they did so illegally through bookmakers or legally through the pari-mutuel. That being so, it was preferable that French agriculture should benefit by the profits from the pari-mutuel allotted to it.