untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1931-05-12


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■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " ■ i , r For Sale at All Newsstands, 35 Cents £■ II I ■Mill I f I ™ B1 |l hX£*™£L~.JM. ATrlA With I IC hlTAYAT All I lOUC srajjss: c* d OC I llC If 1111 U«j L V CI Y 1 Cll l/d Y o Yesterdays Free Code: J J Ol IR FANCY V-fwIX. r-Vllv I Our business is turf speculation on a large scale. We operate at a tremendous expense in order to safeguard our own turf CI C. Qg WON investments. We maintain a thoroughly equipped organization, including confidential men who do nothing else but make and main- «piu.JU, TY vyii tajn connections for us at all tracks at all times. Naturally, the information obtained costs us big money. Saturdays Free Code: During the past few years we have been releasing information to the public daily, with the strict understanding that no money ALLENFERN 9.92, WON is to be played at the tracks. We will accept more clients only on the same basis. If all clients place away from the tracks no harm Fridays Free Code: can De done. As our own investment is the big end of our business, we could not afford to jeopardize our track connections. POR"i"rrnS URFAM 64 WON By distributing information it increases our income. That is why we do it. We will accept only reliable people, who are only . . . , to° Slad to Pav f°r bona fide information. This is strictly business with us. T „ j ,u m i I out break ail records with sensaUonai am to my WE WANT ?100 OF YOUR PROFITS EACH WEEK. All we ask you to play is a win parlay each day for ten days on the players iret ! ottered u " such iT sensational " .• i winning • ° information f,J ".e w*re for fJOTHTNP two horses we wire you at 8:30 a. m. YOU MUST BE AHEAD AT LEAST 00 AT THE END OF TEN DAYS OR YOU OWE US the small suni of 35 cents for six days. My motto is Remember, you must live up to your agreement, as we dont want any welching. We have had that experience before, to one tree Code daily and o make sure it is give Wire name and address with 0 for your share of the eKpenses and to show you mean business. You deduct this 0 from a good one. My past winners should conwnce tor you Qur ghare at end — ten dayg Fagt rugh telegrams wfl, be sent every subscriber immediately. No delays whatsoever. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES RELEASED TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER: Todavs Free Code- AURORA— Tower-14-22 Here is . horse, folks, that you really can go the T IB M m *Bk Vfl £ L H 7 - — been kept under and I am I * JBj _ fcj 5T| f* T ■" T% /l " »/%r gfJjW- the result will never be in doubt. Take my advice and JL JL CJlJL JlCVJL AVJLVJI K V* %1J anda4 mT m% .-J + T ▼ V#JLJL " make it your business to get Clocker N. Rogers Turf W • Weekly and decipher todays Free Code. It will surely PTI W W £* 4* rff 4 *M % rV V *W 7 Win and pay the limit. If your newsdealer fl _ MT flQk I ■■" ■" 1 1 I ■T-4l I mm/ ■■B out, of my special offer. Wire for BJ.JlV.I %,_,# § «. BJJ M JL t//* T T A JL ten issues of Clocker N. Rogers Turf Weekly, which I 7 ■ will mail to you in a plain, sealed envelope each and Saturdays Strictly Two Horses: Fridays Strictly Two Horses: even - BURNING UP $ 7.14, WON ROBINA SETH 6.72, WON pIJBLISH,NG co 1674 BroSwaMfuUe 36 New York City ALLENFERN 9.92, WON MERIDIANESE 4.28, WON THE ABOVE HORSES WERE POSITIVELY THE ONLY HORSES RELEASED TO OUR CLIENTS TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY 50 TO 0 to Western Subscribers: Go to your nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and remit 0 and we will wire you each day AURORA PARLAY TODAY for ten davs- A11 wires will be sent by fast rush telegrams. No delays whatsoever. Address. RELIABLE TURF SYNDICATE T. M. FERGUSON 152 West 42nd Street, Suite 1125 New York City ____—__-— ________________ OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M. Pay After You Win IWttL A PROFIT OF 00 A WEEK WILL 00 WINNINGS A WEEK n » rrinnir ir/nn ON DAILY INVESTMENT SATISFY YOU? SATISFY Ylll Ufl 1 lUl 1 1 l/U NOW WE MEAN THIS, AND WE DONT WANT ANY WELCHING AT • THE END OF THE WEEK jg WIN FIRST— PAY LATER ~Wg We will supply the necessary information it you will do your share by playing a win parlay each day for six days on the two horses we wire you at 9 oclock every morn- • ¥»*rfc/*k ¥"»•—* twtt1 r% l Tl A l r t 11 ing. We send you fast, rush telegrams, either by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. IMlOlV 1 AIN - I Head. 1 1118 Ad iaretully We want twenty 20 per cent of your profits to be telegraphed to us at the end of six checks, had them before -_ dajs-no as we Every day for six consecutive days we will wire you a two-horse parlay. We want * * In order for us to get in on these good things we have to pay heavily In addition day to k win rf each * You Df course, make a bigger bet if you so We have to maintain a crew of CJPCkewto Confirm tfai tafOBMtiOM we get, because we *egire wa*t JJ We winnings at the end of your six-day service YOU have large sums of our own involved in these transactions. money MUST HOWEVER. BE A WINNER OF AT LEAST 00. OTHERWISE YOU ARE We have a very fine class of players on our books, and we want more like them NQ OBLIGATION TO PAY ME. In other words, if you are a winner of 00 at Certainly there must be plenty more who would be pleased to us and be satisfied with J you join d $ are a winner of 00. you their share of the winnings such as we handle is very rare, because of formation are gend ug % however, you are ahead only 00, you POSITIVELY OWE the enormous amount of money required to produce it. us tsjotHING * We have no objections to you playing more than , so you can make more money for yourself— but treat us right, as far as our share is concerned. YESTERDAYS TWO-HORSE PARLAY: When we advertised last December we found quite a few welchers among those answering our advertisement, who kept all the winnings instead of paying us our share. FW1 1 _ ff*f A £ ¥17 We realize it is quite a temptation to some piople, who have never made considerable I VOtlO/AIInAllr Nt W l tk W AH monoy not to send us our share of the winnings, especially when it runs into big money. I I /illNI r|||Jr||l •IJiT" •#!# f W III I It will pay you to be fair with us because, as you build up a bankroll, you can play more * * IWIwVVIIIIVlIij %jfbm MtXJKJy 1 f vll money and make more for yourself. YESTERDAYS ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED TO ALL OUR CLIENTS: III I i i C dll 1 i*A III 85fe;.v/".::r.:;;:r.v?5S;M« W ® Won Saturdays Only Two Horses Released: Thursdays Only Two Horses Released: Remember that we release strictly two horses a day never more. No extras, no ALLENFERN 9.92, WON ED REESE 2.54, WON sPecials COME ON $ 8.74, WON SIR JOHN K 5.90, WON "JFJIS JXJktEli trU3tworlhy and can aPPreciate the meaninand of Fridays Only Two Horses Released: Wednesdays Only Two Horses Released: robina seth 6.72, won homer L 5.08, won t Wire Immediately to Act as Security -PB THISTLE VIC .98, WON REJUVENATION . . . .$ 8.96, WON Remit five dollars immediately via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. This THHAY 4Jft TO *R1 I Ift/IIT AI1M PARI AY amount is to act as a deposit or security and may be deducted from our share at the 1 KJUJ I «pOU lJ «pl L. 11 Vll 1 WirN rJt.Li/ I end of your week. As soon as your is received, you will receive the advertised two Under no circumstances miss todays big win parlay. Be sure to play both horses in horses for six consecutive days. Immediate and courteous service is assured to every- a win parlay, to win only. body. Please play fair, boys. Remember, you are dealing with an honorable and rep- Provided with and meet will do business with you are square us your obligations we t w horseman. My New York office open every day from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. you week after week. Telegraph now with your name and address as a token of your * *■ * willingness to do your share and help towards the expense involved. We are anxious to P tx w%w M* | f A fj/f start you immediately. Dont hesitate. Subscribe immediately and be convinced. *-«• "• Dl LNVJiiAlVl Fast, rush telegrams sent every subscriber today. Connections with the shrewdest -J 45 West "" 41 St Street Room 306 New York City operators signed for the entire Churchill Downs and Aurora meetings. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO • PARAMOUNT TURF BUREAU A TWO-DOLLAR PARLAYSKLNG CONSECUTIVE WINNERS 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 1612 NEW YORK CITY 3,072,201,333,240,484,557.26 waSblSlTl Appearing in 257 Newspapers Throughout the Entire World on May 30 and June 2, 1930 This firm Registered by the County Clerk of the City of New York. H% ■■k ■ | ■ _ = = — = 5 . H. rxllNlw w 1 ¥ A ¥ l***T*l Vs-xBr;LlEVE IT OR NOT Hr%##%f%i ZA lMniXrTHE amount a two- I A IPirA/f/ CIA / •* v% I ■ ltS s and* IllVf I m+*4+ Til - ■fcf#r DOLLAR PARLAY dSBl ywq ___ .Mill linhii,* I ll ill I m V W V A mlllvJi BpgwouLD have paid, || 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. wf» r %coNAcurfi eY"ONEfe, jk *jtjQk. Above was the result of the last "Harvey Transaction" advised by this office. It 1 li|. -20f.333.240.48A. ■ I the kH Wfl *W must always be remembered that we never reease more than one horse. KPi#,, Vu„. ///////MW 7pRiCEDeST PRJJftjESBWMfck HARVEY TRANSACTION TODAY JJIy%0tSSS Subscription, 00, in Advance, by Telegraph or in Person Tf Jllf QiOA Cfi Wnn OHCPAH This transaction has been given every possible protection against loss, and the odds J[ f dHol/vllllvlllf " wLd Jt»tJO« if Ull should be long. 1 7 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428. 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 J JJjV So.oZ S5.04 ZlKl ~ I AT II Ul /~* I K I A r WA KI/rTI Terms to All Old Clients, as Well as New — Daily 3 NOTHING IN ADVANUtl! strictly two horses daily " ose desrn5 l° ?et in on the smartest information available to the racing public, may wire via -k,,r» n ni «w r m it e r-rn no JUST BET ON OUR PARLAY DAILY FOR US Western Union or Postal Telegraph for todays parlay. City clients unable to call in person may PHONE YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BRYANT 9 7952 8078. OUR FANCY 6.96, WON TAKE OFF 1.60, WON address all communications to Please Remit Promptly All Money Due Us _ * K- WKj "" BROADWAY *°°MS "»■"» "» TOM °™ JUST WIRE YOUR CORRECT NAME AND ADDRESS All those wishing a more personal service, send your phone number or call _ Dayton Publishing Co., 147 W. 42d St. Suite 1016 New York City vnlCagO Daily 1 ele graph fxphone results— call wabash Tooo On Sale At All Newsstands

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1931051201/drf1931051201_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1931051201_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800