Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1931-05-12

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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES I CHURCHILL DOWNS I TUESDAY, MAY 12 — •* JW Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1930 — .33 "**tt Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weatliei Bareaa and as at press time Indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK MUDDY Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 3:00 p. m. 1st Churchill Hyacinth Purse. Purse ,200. 2-Year-Olds. Maidens. _, «-., Fillies. Special Weights. Ruddy Light, June 2, % Mile 1923— :59— 2— 112. Index Post Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 585882 8 Fluent 116.. 58731= 10 Chu Chu 116.. 58663= 13 Supreme Lady. 116X 586633 11 Spanish Flirt.. 116X 587333 16 Playing 116.. 58588 1 Prefer 116.. 2 Sally Irene 116.. 58588 3 Leila Lee 116.. 4 Rara Avis 116. . 58631 5 French Wench. 116.. 58733= 6 Scotland Blues. 116. . 586313 7 Princess A. A. 116. . 9 Play around ... 116. . 58370 12 Rosa W 116.. Index Post ,-Bcst at Distance— , Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 58338 14 Meddlesome Miss 116.. 15 Smiling Moon.. 116.. 58663 17 Triassic 116.. 18 Ball Dress.... 116.. 58424 19 Flying Sixty. . . 116. . 58663 20 Anita Ormont. 116X Warm Stable and A. Hanger entry — French Wench. Supreme Lady. Audley Farm entry — Triassic. Ball Dress. H. P. Headley entry— Prefer. Chu Chu. O. H. Berz entry — Rara Avis, Scotland Blues. Log Cabin Stud and B. Combs entry — Meddlesome Miss, Smiling Moon. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Suuerior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or , 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dig Time Tr. Odds Wt St. ?iStr Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Fluent 1 1 fl Br. f, 2 M, by Sweep— Bushwater. by The Commoner. Last work- 129 5 8 109" Trainer. B. B. Williams. Owner, E. Bucker. May 5 31C.D 4$ I :53% ft" 72 116 5 1 1* 2" DePmaR1* Maid 12 PtersDreamll6,Marceletll6,Preferll6 Man27 3rStJ f :55% ft 12 109 8 10 1013 10" PascumaA9 300011 DarkVictory 110, Red Vest 105,Howee 116 Mar.16 31St J £ :37 ft 81 115 5 3* 3* HornF8 Maid 12 JtaSheikll5,DarkCeItll8,IrishPearl 115 Mar 6 31=Mia a 1 :33% ft 19 lOf 115 6 4=5 31* LandoItC13 2500 13 BadAxe 118,Maligned 115,AllStakes 118 Man 3 31=Mia a f :33% hy 26 114 10 95i 9T1 LandoItC8 3500 13 Galap,nll4,DkThornll4,J,staShade 114 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 5 0 1 2 $ 335 Chu Chll 1 1 fi Ch. f, 2 M. by Sir Barton— Cho Cho. by Jack Atkin. Last work- 126 3 8 40ft Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headey. Mav 9-31*C.b 4£ f :53%ft 7-2 116 2 2 2= 2* MeyerC5 Maid 12 AtSunrisell6,ShrLady 116,CnTime 116 May 2-31CD 4£ f :54% ft 2i 116 8 2 24 2=1 GroosP6 Maid 10 Mat.Girl 116,Sc.Bluesll6,L.Superr 116 Apr.24 31=Lex 4£ f :55% gd 7-5 116 8 3 3=1 33 GroosP* 2500 9 Fl.oWhitell6,TopsieH. lll.RosaW 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— * 1931 record.. 3 0 2 1 $ 450 Supreme Lady "1 "1 f Br- • 2 M, by Supremus — Lady Dorothy, by Helmet. Last work- 131 3 8 39%sy Trainer, J. 8. Middleton. Owner, Warm Stable. May 7 31C.D 4£ f :56 hy 20 116 5 6 5ci 21 FinnertyR" 2500 12 PiousAnnll6.SphFlirtll6,SrLady 116 May 4-31*C.D 4L f .53% ft 70 110 12 12 1215 11" FnertyR2 Allw 12 I Say 113. Pirogue 115, Ellen D. 113 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 200 Spanish Flirt 1 1 Z B. f, 2 M. by Spanish Prince II.— Flirt, hy Hanbridge. Last work- 131—3 8 -39sy Trainer, F. P. Letellier. Owner, F. P. Letellier. May 7-31C.D m :56"hy 5-2 116 8 4 21 3*1 SmithJ3 2500 12 PusAnnll6.SemeLadyll6,SrLady 116 Mav 5 31C.D 4£ f :53% ft 39 10 116 9 6 5s 5s RussellK10 Maid 12 PtersDreamll6.Fluentll6,Mrcelet 116 Feb.17 31F.G 1 :37% hy 91 116 5 4 2" 2" FronkW2 Allw 12 Wataugall9,TulaneLs 116,Col.Belle 116 , Stiirts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 3 0 1 1 $ 250 Playing 1 1 fi Br. f, 2 M, by Messenger — Devils Garden, by Colin. Last work- ]25 5 8 102%" Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Mav 9-31CD 4i f :53% ft 41-10 107 3 2 21 3« HuffN4 2500 12 Allenfernll0,ScotdBluesl07,Elkhart 110 Jan27-31=.Mia :23% ft 19-20e 115 5 31 2 AmbroseE" Maid 11 PlumRun 115,Cholla 115,DontBlush 115 Jan.l9 31=Mia | :22% ft 29-10 115 5 21 lAmbroseE1 3000 12 SunPleasure 118,Chinkee 118,Even 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 3 0 2 1 $ 400 Prefer 1 1 fi B. f, 2 M, by Supremus — Selective, by Brown Prince II. Last work: 129—5 8.1:02%" IX V Trainer, W. W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headley. Mav 5-31C.D 4i f :53% ft 11-5 116 2 3 433 4Li GroosP4 Maid 12 PtersDreamll6.Fluentll6,Mrcelet 116 Apr.27 31=Lex 4£ f :55 si 6 11610 4 4:1 25 GroosP10 Maid 12 ImaHighonell6,Lonellll6,SunBony 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 recoid.. 2 0 1 0 $ 100 Sally Irene 1 "1 Ch. f, 2 M, by Paul Weidel— Blemished, by Olambala. Last work: 124—3 8. :37%« HO Trainer, J. J. Greely. Owner, T. E. Nash. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Leila Lee 1 1 fi Ch. f. 2 M. by Lee O. Cotner — Emancipation, hy McKinley. Last work- 109 12 -48%ft Trainer. B. W. Collins. Owner, Collins and Hardy. May 5 31C.D 4J f :53%ft 42 116 6 9 12" 12" ChhamR" Maid 12 PtersDreamll6,Fluentll6,Mrcelet 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , 1931 record.. 1 Rara lis 1 1 fi Iln- f 2 M ty Transmute — Gold Mine, by Woolsthorpe. IIO Trainer. B. J. Durnell. Owner, O. P. Bosse. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , French WeUCh 1 1 K B. f, 2 M. by Epinard — The Wench, by Son-in-Law. Trainer, J. S. Middleton. Owner, A. Hanger. Last work- 120 3 8 -36=Kft May 6-313C.b A 2 i :54%ft 9 5 110 2 3 351 6« FnertyR1 Allw 7 MaMaterll3,SansCoinllO,PssA.A. 110 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record.. 1 Scotland Blues 1 1 £ Ch. f, I M, by Captain Alcock — Blue Paradise, by Helmet. . . . -za .toizsI i J-O Trainer, B. J. Durnell. Owner, O. H. Berz. Maya9-31*CD: 4i f 53*14 ft " 10 107 4 1 l1 25 LandoItC5 2500 12 Allenfern 110, Playing 107, Elkhart 110 May 2 31C D 4£ f :54% ft 36 116 4 3 31 3=3 ODnellS4 Maid 10 Mat.Girl 116.ChuChu 116,L.Superiorll6 Man5 313A.C i :43 ft 62 116 7 9 6" 6" TuckcrM9 1000 12 Cadydid 108,Gallinettall5,WildBella 07 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record.. 3 0 1 1 $ 300 PrinceSS A. A. "1 1 £ "" • M hy °n P* Grier — Superanna, by Superman, IAD N. K. Beal. J. Leiter. Last work-*122— 3 8 372-ft " Trainer, Owner, May 6 313C.D 44 f 54% ft 13 110 5 4 5 35 SmithJ3 Allw 7 MaMaterll3,SansCoinllO,SgeMaid 110 May 4-313C D 44 f :53% ft 21 5f 110 5 10 9" 9" SmithJ* Allw 12 I Say 113. Pirogue 115, Ellen D. 113 Fcb.17 31F.G I :37% hy 11 116 2 2 4! 54J Anderson.V" Allw 12 Watgall9,SpishFlirt 116,TulaneL,sll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record . . 3 0 0 J $ 100 Pla around 1 1 f Ofc. f, I M, by Blind Play— Auntie Em. by Tea Caddy. Last work- 130 12. :49*/isI J-J.U Trainer, J. B Partridge. Owner, Valley Lake Stable. , — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — ItOSft W. 1 1 C Ch. f, 2 M, by Sweep On — Remily, by Transvaal. Last work- 111—12 56m i-JL U Trainer, W. Wilkerson. Jr. Owner, Mrs. B. J. Wilkerson. Apr27 31=Lex 44 f 55* d 14 116 3 2 5 714 SkyrmM Maid 12 Ima Highone 116,Prefcr 116,Lonell 116 Apn24 31=Lex 44 f :55% gd 12 116 5 12* 431 SkyrmM8 2500 9 Fl.oWhitell6,TpsieH.lll,ChuChu 116 Apt21-312Lex 4 :49% sy 29 116 2 2 44 7«1 Hoffman K4 Maid 12 EllcnD.116,L.Superiorll6,P,ssNancyll6 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 3 Meddlesome 3IisS 1 1 R B. f. 2 M, hy American Flag— Meddlesome II.. by Meddler. 1 L O Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, Log Cabin Stud Stable. Last w ork ■ 126—1 2 49ft Apr25 316Lex 44 f :53%ft 26e 109 9 9 9M 9=° LeBlancN* Allw 9 PcssIvrell2,EllenD.112,PssNancy 109 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 1 Smiling Mnnil lift B. f, 2 M, by Bire aux — Larmes — Over the Moon, by Brocm- Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, L. B. Combs. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Triassic 11? B. f, 2 M. by Bright Knight — Triad, hy Star Shoot. Last work- 129 12 -50ft -1 -»-O Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. May 7-31C.D 44 f :56"hy 49 116 11 12 ll18 11" SchutteH10 2500 12 PusAnnll6.SemeLadyll6,Sp.Flirt 116 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record . . 1 Ball DreSS 1 1 CZ B. f. 2 M. by Dress Parade — Masquerade, by Disguise. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Farm Stable. Last work- 119— 3 8 39ft . — Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — Flyillff Sixty 1 1 K Br. f, 2 M, by Flying Ebony— Five Sixty, by Black Toney. A J. D Trainer. C. Van Dusen. Owner, H. P. Gardner. Last work- 118—3 8 -392/-ft Apr29 31=Lex 44 f :55% ft 21-10 113 2 3 4=1 6*1 FronkW* 4000 10 OhDavell6.Trtonell6.P,cessDthy 113 Apr23 31=Lex 44 f :55% gd 8 110 7 4 341 4» PoolE" 4000 10 B.Beansll3,M.Mater 113,This.Telee 110 ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won— 1931 record.. 2 Anita Ormont 1 1 £ Ch. f, 2 M, by Ormont— Anita K., by General Boberts. AID Trainer, W. Lewis. Owner. W. F. Axton. Last work- 119 1 2 -501 May 7-31C.b 44 f :56" hy" lOf 111* 1 2 34 533 NealE= 2500 12 PusAnnll6.SemeLadyll6,Sp.Flirt 116 May 5-31C.D 44 f :53% ft 34 116 4 8 9° 893 NealE* Maid 12 P,tersDreamll6.Fluentll6.Mrcelet 116 Mar9 31Hav 4 :43 ft 21 104 9 7 41 4 NealE" 1000 12 Kneehigh 110,Campingll2,LaReoyu 110 Man 6 31Hav 4 :484i si 2 107 4 2 2* 25 NealE" 1200 12 MiladyW,dl09,G,dF*unel06,GlOrmtll2 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. ■ Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 6 0 1 0 $ 125 2nd Churchill purse ,200. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Dis-7/8 Mile tinction, May 21, 1921—1:231/5—4—110. NOTE — Claiming price, ,000. 3-year-olds. 105 pounds; older, 113 pounds. Winners since May 1, 3 pounds extra. No apprentice allowance. Index l*o st Bestat iunce Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AjreToday Price 58541 13 Holiday ...Sar 115 1:27 5 116X 4000 58698 11 Port Harlem... 5 111X 4000 58634= 1 Royal Son 6 113X 4000 58305 8 St. Jim 4 113X4000 58732 9 Hot Shot.. CD 113 1:25% 5 113X 4000 58632 15 Chene ....CD 105 l:29%sy 3 100X 4000 58698= 2 Quiver 4 108. . 4000 54814 3 Tommy Boy... 3 105.. 4000 Index Post ,-Best at Distance— Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt Time Ao»T«aj Price. 58630 4 Gun Fire. .L.F 112 1:27% 3 105. . 4000 58732 5 Annie Ree 3 103X 4000 58666 6 Roy 5 113X4000 58698* 7 Laila Wild 3 100X4000 55041 10 Star Play 4 113.. 4000 12 Enthroned M 3 105. . 4000 54998 14 Hornpipe .Was 103 1:25 4 113. . 4000 57512 16 One Long Hop. 4 113* 4000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. ®Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or *, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. »iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company Holiday 1 1 CI h. h, 6. by High Time — Humanity, by Voter. Last work- 129 3 4 l-16%ft J-J. O Trainer, L. Campion. Owner, W. J. Ziegler, Jr. May 4-312Pim | 1:13% ft 7-2 121 4 5 2* l1 EllisG5 250011 Encounter HO.Sturdy 121, Clemence 111 Apr.27 31=Pim | 1:13% ft 6 117 8 6 7™ 8" SmithFC6 250010 HackyH. 127,BattlingOn 117.0 : .Sis 112 Apt23 clHdG 1 1:13% gd 26 113 7 6 5 5*1 AmoIdG4 4000 9 LittIeGyP103, HackyH.117. Scatter 111 Apr20 313HdG i 1:13 ft 71 113 4 2 31 46 ArnoIdG1 4000 8 Blimp 108,ChloBoyll8,CnColleUor 113 Aprl3 31=HdG g 1:13% ft 41 115 3 2 2* 461 EllisG6 400010 Scatter 110, RockDunlLS.Portc.line 110 Apr8 31=Bow % 1:14% m 17-5 113 3 3 541 781 EllisG4 4000 7 Promethsl21,HackyH.116,Evvtime 116 Api2 314Bow 1 1:15 hy 23 5 115 6 4 3i 3=1 EllisG 3500 8 Evytimell9,EIiz.Bollal09,MakeHtell5 Aug.6 30Sar 1 1:39% ft 7 112 4 10 IT* 11=! KsingerC 3000 12 Frumper 104,ValourII. 115,Rc ode 1031 , Starts. 1st. i? id .-I. Won— , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. W.m.-, , Last year.. 8 0 1 0 $ - 200 1931 record.. 7 10 1 ,100 Port Harlem 111* B. m, 6, by The Porter: — Harlem Lass, by Broomstick. Last work- 126 3 4 1 -16ft •■■ * ■**- Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, Mrs F. A. Carreaud. Mav 8-31=C.b I 1:12% gd 19-10 113 2 1 l4 l5 CorbettC3 3500 12 Quiverl08,LailaWildl05,PcessPeggy 105 Apr25 31Lex fc 1:10 ft 7 10 108 2 1 1* 1* CorbettC4 4000 6 BterTwtstl05.Cazanoval03.R.Lady 113 Febll315Mia 1:12% ft 81 111 2 11 1* CorbettC* 3000 5 Princetonll2,Wacket 108J,Begorra 117 Feh6 31*Mia a 1:12% ft 15 112 2 2 2 331 CorbettC4 3500 6 Prometsll8,GracsGift 115,Typhon 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 3 0 1 0 $ 250 1931 record .. 9 4 0 2 ,275 Royal Son "I lO Cn- S. 6, by Manager Waite — Kingi Daughter, by Ornament. Last work- 131 5 8 105sy **** Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner. Valley Lake Stable. May 6-316C.D" 1 1:49% sy 47-10 113 1 2 2* 24 MarcumJ2 4000 4 Blot 113,LuckvDan 116,Promotion 113 Feb.17 315F.G 1£ 1:55% hy 16 107 5 5 5U 5" SmithJ4 Stks 5 JmyMoran 112,PlBunyanll6,Storml08 Feb.l5 315F.G 1,1:46% ft 47 10 105 1 2 4=1 66J JamesE5 Allw 7 Titus 103, Sister Zoe 102. Skirl 112 Febl4 316F.G i 1:13 ft 18 110 2 6 6»* 651 MarcumJ" Allw 7 Zoom 108,AllUpset 108,PaulBunyan 108 Feh7 315F.G 1£ 1:52% ft 19 107 7 7 8° 891 JonesJM3 Stks 11 Storml05.YkeeDdle 103,SterZoe99i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 34 10 3 3 0,518 1931 record .. 11 0 2 0 $ 433 St. Jim "I "% O B- C 4 Dy 3im Gaffney— St. Theresa, by Marathon. Last work: 130— 3 4.1 :19%sl J-I O Trainer. B. J. Durnell. Owner, O. H. Berz. Apr24 31Lex fc 1:10% gd 6-5 116 15 2" 1= ODnellS0 2500 10 Black Imp 105,Film HO.WaterLad 112 Apr22 317Lex fc 1:13 hy 18-5 116 4 5 l1 1=1 ODnellS 3000 7 Estinll5,Greenwaldl08,ThistleDuke 107 Mar8 31=A.C 5£ f 1:0b 60ft 41 110 6 6 6*1 6=1 TrivettD* 1500 8 Gracelandl09.ShtPricel08,PtaReal 112 Mar.4 314A.C 11:12 40ft 16-5 110 7 5 5=* 4=» JonesR1 1500 12 ShaPearlOO.OuiMsieur 115,Gracerdl07 Feh27 314A.C 31:1130ft 21 117 5 7 871 84 ODonnHS4 2750 9 Morheart99,Bolodorall5,M Baggage 110 Feb.2131BA.C 31:12.20ft 8* 115 5 2 2" 1 ODonellS" 2000 12 Irfaneh 102, Livery 110, The Dago 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 4 10 ,195 1931 record .. 14 3 11 ,100 Hot Shot 1 1 Q B. g, 6, by Tryster— Select Shot, by Star Shoot. Last work: 128—3 8. :40%sl J ± ° Trainer. W. W. Taylor. Owner. H. P. Headley. May9 31=CD 31:12 ft 11 118 4 2 34 8" MeyerC6 5000 11 JnLafittell8,Nifty 108,DoubleHeart 118 May 5-31C.D 3 1:1!?% ft 17 112 112* ll9 MeyerC8 400012 Fiddlerll2.Kn.Comderll2.Typhoon 107 Apr29 314Lex fc 1:09% ft 9 112 3 5 55 516 GroosP1 Allw 5 B.Mdowsll2,MkyCIoud HO.Manta 113 Apr22 316Lex fc 1:12% hy 17-5 115 1 5 5,tt 5= GroosP4 Allw 5 B.Cometl05,MkyCloudllO,Dmster 108i Oct22 30=Lat 3 1:11% ft 8 118 1 2 3* 471 GielloniE* 6700 7 Willa 104, Lady Fingerc 107 Skirl 108 Octl8 30=Lat 3 1:12% ft 21 115 111 11 GielloniE8 5000 8 Illegitimate 107 Retort 110 Oesel 112 Octll30*CD |1:25% ft 6 113 4 1 1* 1* GielloniE1 5200 9 B.Charltonl03,Dr.Parshl08,Retort 111 Oct 8-30*CD 3 1:14% si 17-20 114 2 1 21 3*1 ReddingJ* 5700 4 Retort 111, High Score 108 Oct6 30!CD 31:12 ft 91 115 3 1 31 361 ReddingJ Allw 8 Justinian 107, Willa 104, Ellice 103 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 33 8 9 9 1,055 1931 record .. 4 Chene 1 OO B. f, 3, by Dis Done— Acorn, by Peter Pan. Last work: 128— 7-8. . .l:32sl *"" Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. Whitney. May 6-314CD 1 1:27% sy 18-5 100 3 6 410 4T1 JamesE Allw 8 BestManll2,TheMongol 105.IrishM. 100 Jan.31314F.G 1 1:39% ft 33-10 106 6 4 3 2s RussellK8 Allw 6 MeanGirllOl.BrsMkeyllO DyJny 110 Jan.l0 314F.G 3 1:12% ft 3 114 9 6 761 9" RussellK" Stks 9 Sp,ishPlayll6,I.Dreamer lll.Hvman 114 J»n. 1-3PF.G 2l:13,4 ft 4-6 107 8 6 43 I" RussellK d Beproofl02i.SpsliPlayllO.DyJolinny 114 A Dec.l5-303J.P 31:13i4ft 7-10 105 1 2 1 1 JamesE* 7 BrightCoinct lOO.Zaila 107.JimmieL. 108 A Dec.l2-30 J.P 21:15 m 11-5 100 1 4 V 1°» JamesE* 6 Bob Rogers 111, Chianti 115, Timon 113 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, Last year.. 16 3 5 4 ,550 1931 record. . 4 110 ,050 Quiver 10$ 3. f, 4, hy Colonel Vennie— Lady Delhi, hy Delhi. XvO Trainer, H. Forrest. Owner, J. B. Bespess. May 8-31:CD 3 1:12% gd 8if 108 9 2 24 25 SauterJ" 350012 P.Harlemll3,LlaVildl05,PcsPeggy 105 Nov.l0-30cLat 1T0 1:43% ft 21-10 100 4 4 4" 4« JamesE6 Allw 6 Negopoli 107,SilvcrCord 103 Silvery 100 Nov. 6 305Lat l" 1:43% ft 8 5 100 2 6 3= 44 JamesE2 Allw 7 BrkwdlOS.RledStckinglOS.Rueful 106 Ko» l-304Lat IjJj l:45%ft 8-5 102 3 3 24 2" JamesE* 7 Negopoli lOS.Dr.ParrislillO.Chcellor 113 O Oct21-30*Lat 1"«1:43 ft 11-5 100 2 4 21 1*1 JamesE 5 Fiddler 112. Chelys 101, Workless 108 C Octl4-30«C.D 1:13 ft 19-10 108 2 3 1 1 1 1 KtsingerC 7 MissMamielOl.PerjurylOl.NetitPbleslOO O Aug 9-305Lat 1J 2:05 ft 20 116 6 6 6*1 6 GoolerW* S Ban rBrlght 116,Manta 116,AIcibiadcsl30 S , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -v Last year.. 13 6 2 1 ,945 1931 record .. 1 0 1 0 $ 200 Tommy Boy 1 fK B. c, 3, by High Time— Hock Pocket, by Ogden. Last work: 129—3 4.1:17%" *VO Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, Dixiana. Oct25-30=Lrl 11:41 ft 19-10 117 3 5 7* 88 SchaeferL4 4400 11 Knsingtonl07.Biirgool08.Jl King 115 Octll 30Lrl 3 1:13 ft 21 116 2 2 P 1" SchaeferL0 5000 11 GayBird 108.Burgoo 108.Dunfern 110 SepL29-30-HdG 2 l:14%ft 19-10 116 2 1 1 1 ColtilettiFn 12 Bonnie Bard 112,Fervid lll.Fly Uuy 107 O 826-30HdG 2 I:" » 47-10 114 13 1 1 l| CollettiF* 15 Brains 114, Mouthpiece 111, Bronco 109 O Sep. 4-30"Bel 5Jfwc l:06%gd 30 117 15 13 lOUO*! CollettlF" 15 Conscience 117,Magnifico 117, Robot 117 M A1»23-30"Sar 11:00 ft 20 114 11 12 10 °10 CoriettiF* 17 ThaU 110,YellowFlagll2,FollovTlirull4 M , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , , Starti. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won -. Last year.. 6 3 0 0 $ 2,800 Gull Fire 10 Ch" ° 3 by CamPfire— Munition, hy McGee. Last work: 125—3 4.1:16%" J-VU Trainer, R. Goose. Owner, M. May. May 6 31=CD 3 1:12% ft 74 112 1 12 12" 12=° YeltonR4 5000 12 HomerL.107.Elj slum 112.Bda Gift 107 0.4 30.0 3 1:11% ft 32 100 1 6 610 6»1 JamesE7 Allw 7 Cayuga 115,ChiieySwpl07,Currcnt 108 Sep20 30=L.F 3 1:13% ft 21 107 6 1 ll l1 JamesE4 3000 12 MissCheyncHM.GdJcnlO? Allcgrto 105 6ep.ll-30:,L.F I 1 :2514ft 20f 112 2 2 33J 6;i yeitonR» 12 Uprhtm. WaterPortlOl.FljgCtikee 110 O Bep. 6-30»L.F ll:26%ft 74 112 4 1 2 8 YeltonR 12 Ttalizgl.RnlngGirl lOJ.AusflitzlOC O Sep 4-30 »L.F 2 1:16%sl 58f 115 5 5 12"12" TeltonR* 12 Sisterilary 112.Farr 107.WaterPort 107 C Aus25-30:L.F 51fl:06%ft 31 113 1 4 61 671 YeltonR1 » Fly-gCherokeell3, Upright 115,Fudge 113 C , Staits. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -, Last year.. 20 3 11 ,000 1931 record .. 1 Annie Ree 10 Ch- f 3 ty Sir Barton— Fair Fbantom, by Light Brigade. Last work: 124— 3 8... :35" J-vO Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, Audley Fa-m Stable. May9 31=CD 31:12 ft 34 107 7 5 9= 912 SchutteH" 500011 JnLafittell8,Niftv 108,DoubleHeart 118 Ma 7 31=CD 31:17 hy 6 105 2 2 21 ll SchutteH12 Maid 12 SilverLake 110,DeWct HO.Stokesia 107 Aug4 30Lat 31:15 ft 42 11510 6 67* 6!» SchutteH" Maid 12 BaggeMaidll5.Squall 115 Su"arlandll5 Jul.28 30*Lat 3 1:14% ft 111 107 12 11 11= 11== SchutteH* Allw 12 BusyMonchll5,DrkMaidli2,BaSiel 112 , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won - Last year.. 2 1931 record-. 2 10 0 ,150 Roy IIO Ch t- 5- hy King Gorin— Mine TTeur*. by Ballot. Lost sjsak: 12b— 33 36%fl I **« Trainer. W. Crurrp. Owner. J. W. Pamsh. Ma 731V D 6fU8 hy 14 109 7 7 5* 5* PoolE* Allw 7 F!itv.svl09.RavBladesl08.Ss a.Bars 114 Mj :?1VP I B Iff I I ~JFoolE« Stks 9 BareellollO.R. JulianlOo.Plavtime 108J Apc25 31le LI 10% ft 29 10 113 3 5 -IS llliM— IT Allw I MurkvCloudlOS.FreshetlOl.Kshaw 105 OctJt-Vl.ji -H155 hy 19? Ill 4 4 -14 4* McCovJ4 6200 6 Chip 109.Herrick 112. Sandv Shore 114 0*10- -145% ft ! IM 7 3 24 1 SchutteH* 3200 9 HonieJ-esl09.RiftRffl03.Pt oPUv 106 tvUMbi 11.42%hy 9 111 3 5 5* 9* FronkW4 Allw 7 CaltRoper 117.Herrick 106.Donnay 104 t Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3ri. Won . , Start*. l t. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1931 record.. 3 Laila Wild 1 00 Br f- 3 ty Bi r Blale— ■asiaasj Te«- b? Te» Caddy. La : auk. US— 5 I 14K%a* Trainer. T. 1. Pierce. Owner. Gorham Bros. May 0-3TC.D |102%ed 1 10510 ? H 3; RoseM* 5500 12 P.HjrIemll3.QuivorlOii.PrincsPeseyl05 Kjv 5ol"D 11 33% ft 28 110 9 5 5J * Yeltor.R* AiU 12 CousinJollO.TonLimitllO.LlaWild 110 Ape" clLox to HIS si « 105 1 4 44 1« ■Wsasf1 4000 5 CherrvMa103.J.Wachs 108.BuboIa 100 AbsjBSVLm I h 1 S0% hv 23 1.1 4 3 I" 7* YcltonR* Stks 9 Plumage i21.LadvDeanl21.Th.Billie 121 AssjSvSTLu fclOl ft 30 112 4 4 5* 41 FronkW1 Allw 11 Gosling 112.Plumage U2.M.irvCobb 112 fcd730nHF k 1144 si 35 119 1 2 2* 3* YeltonR1 Stks 8 Plumaeell9.BlueLawl22.RevWte 119 Nov 3 30JLat J 1:12s* ft 34 102 6 7 74 74 ArnoldG 5200 8 Skirl 113. Coots 121. Cheers 116 Start*. 1st. 2aO. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last .10 I 1 2 $ UN 1931 record .5 1 0 1 $ 750 Star Plaj 1 1 9 B. *. 4. by Playfellow— Hildred. by Peep o- Day. Last stars:: 131—12 -;.-,-v J. 1 O Trainer. K. L. Stiver*. Owner. B. L. Stiver*. RkSJCLm !and 1:45% ft 14 .OS 4 5 6* 6" iroiecS1 4000 7 Notopoli HO.ChacellorllS.Eil Weir 111 0Mt2*3rlal ljlooSsl 9 108 4 1 2" 2l LipiecS* 220G 7 DoubleO 110.p-rt oPIavll2.Griffin 112 t*»Wjl iV 1.4o ft IS m 4 1? 3-* LipiecS1 I El-Weir 10$.Maohetell2.Th:stleStarll2 C fc*n WCll l Vl«Sft 13 Dl « I 4s 5i McAulfeD* SGotoit 100. Port o Play lOS.Woodlot HOC S: r:s. 1st. 2nd. ML Won.—, St.irts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. Lass, rear. ..3 a 2 4 5 4 ,111 Enthroned 1 A" B. c. 3 OK, hy Upset — M:ss Winks, by Jim Gaffney. I - i.- . "- -• | • ; =% 1 JO Trainer. B. W. ColUns. Owner. B. W. Collins. ."■- . ; -i W;r. -, Start-. M L:i. M, Woa.-v Hompipf 1 1 Q 3. c. 4. by Cnintey — Balance, by Babelais. | ... |2| _-... - tjMfcfl I 1 tJ Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. H. M. Woolf. foe 3 3 il02%ft 31 105 6 5 54 54 RichardA Allw 6 JackHowe 110. FairvRing 107. Je-n 112 OktltSFlfa | v 10 99 2 1 2* 2U RichardA* Allw 5 TontoRock 105.BattleAsl04.Chicago 105 Oct. 4-a *Haw Jl:12»*ft 3 105 -* $ l*i 6* LevelE1 • mttM *" :- A:rH*.SirT.-nieSr . A laWnH i ~ci:4 ft 1 11! » I 1 3i KtstngerC S Lahor 11U Chatford 116. Charon 110 C s ?s Is-. 2nd. Xr-i. Won.—» , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won , Las- | -car .19 3 5 3 $ S. 5-5 One Lona Hop 11 Br *■ *- CJ Amenc*D Ace— Tea Box. by Tea Caddy. 1 v_: | J not ■■- HO Iraiset. J. T. Taylor. Cwcer. Mrs. E. L. Swikard. Mat - ;--- 17 113101010* 3*t TurnerC1 120012CashPla113.LaDtelle 105.BlueJhn 112 i 1 •_- S Zi 23 113 7 6 6** 6 TurnerC* 1500 10 M Ramsey 108.CashPlayll3.BnMaid 113 F-ti 3 y.Y G 1 1 11% ft 31 ■ 15 3 3 o»i 11!T TumerC* 1500 12 B Shan-onl05.B.nashl03.Knockabt 105 FsWtJUOPJ P 3113Sft 3 IM 7 1 V V TumerCT 1500 12 PtiLouisel06,SamColell4.Va?abond 114 Haiti III —J. 3rl. W I Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— v Las ye-r. 19 1 1 1 % ST5 1931 record .. 3 3rd Churchill Purse ,200. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Ruddy Light, 58 Mile June 2. 1923— :59— 2— 112. NOTE — Claiming price. 000: if for less. 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,500. Weish: 117 pounds. Non-winners since May 1 maiden races excepted, allowed 3 pounds: maidens. 5 pounds. I- i . — BestatDlsian-e- W!. C!i;n Kf I ■ florse Track Wc Time. AseTnay Prire i Fos... 112X 5000 - 5c :: ■ : ?.:.-... ■■ :■■•- 9501* : A*Mi Post.... 114X 5000 ::: 5000 580 2 Unencumbere-i. 114.. 5000 .n.. . ~ t 5000 i i !.. 104.. 5000 1 3 Kikore iM .. 109.. 5000 - v ... 109.. 5000 Index Post ,-Be t at Distance-. Wt. Claim N P m Horse. T-a.-k Wt. Time. AgeTo.1ay Price 53697 7 Etiwanda |M. 109. . 5000 58665 9 Epidemic Ml. 112. . 5000 58629 10*Thunderstone 104.. 5000 58699 12*Princess Italia M 101.. 5000 58733 14 Duranzo M.. 109. . 5000 IS itr McGee Ml 109.. 5000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1. 1930. =sFair mud runner Good mud runner. GSuDerior mud runner. Brackets .. won last start: figures ■ or J. 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: » rn Bag T "me Tr Old. n • 5: %Wtt Fin Jockey P. P CI Pee Sts. Best Company Prince F«I 119 ■» •» * by Prince Pal— Lady Fox. by Xoss Fox. - - 11— Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner. Oakland Farm Stable, Ita ■ 1 ■ 53%"ft 6 IJo 3 3 2i 1* MeadeD* 4000 12 MannersllS.ElkhartllO.InnP.ur.ner 110 K» iZ.- :• -~ : 53% ft C 113 1 4 5S 6"! MeadeD1 Allw 12 Frdckin.StarDncrllS.AdbePst 115 ¥ii~- :"*ct J "i r49% ft 21 10815 i 0% 4l R.eM* Aliw 12 BterB«ansll5,Manners 107.Suntica 111 Hkl2-3: St i 1 3b3* ft 49 10 108 4 34 3* SniderA* Allw 9 B*terBeansl21.DarkCeItl06,Galapan 109 Mar 7 ""-"M i a| JoS ft 1" 115 5 5*i 6§ llMUjIt* Allw 10 Mannersllli.DonRedll8.SunPrsure 115 Kac " T ••" • 1 1 3 sy 15-5 113 3 2» 1* SniderA* 4050 12 Manners 110. Siberia 117. LouisO 1134 Fab2: :1!" 2 1 34 hv 1" Ifl 5 7* 5*» TaylorW* Maid 14 HarsonllS.Frederk llS.BdnMint 118 , j-:§ Is* Snd. Srd. Woa « $ Start*. 1-t. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1931 record. .9202$ 1,845 Ha tv PMb IOS B. f, 2. by Polymeiian — Indiscretion, by TTncle. .. 125—1 2 •%" -IvCJ Tri.rer. C. Van Onsen. Owner. Dixiana. - ":: ;: 19 112 4 6 5* 3* FronkW11 4300 11 PersDrmll.MemdumlOg.EllenD.ll Apt!" - : 56»ssl 24 113 2 1 2* 3"i FronkW* 3000 10 Pirogue HO.OurGrief HO.RedVest 113 ArrJL;.l: 50% ■ 145 112* 3 1 1* 1* FronkW* 2500 11 SctldMsllO.DomntStrlOS.PrevcelH Apc3 ::L.= i I -: ■-. : 13-10*116 5 3 3i 3* FronkW* Maid 12 M,aMaterll6,I.Highonell6,TopicH. 116 , 5~:-». ::. 2nl. 3rl. W J= -, . Start*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 4 1 0 3 % 850 Adobe Post 11-1 Ca. f. 2. by Cherokee — Ruth 3.. by Iron Cros* XL ;._•- 1 1 * Trainer. G. Land Owner. Enebelkamp Jc Morris. ":.!-. :: - ; 115 7 5 4 31 LandoltC* Alhv 12 Frederickll3.StarDancerll3.Telhco 110 Arr - BIB 4 53 *S ft 41 10 113 5 3 3:i 2i LandoltC Stks 9 Proteu5ll3.D.Romirol23.IndnRunrll5 kzcll B la -"- I c-i-s si B : 115 4 2 2* li LacdoltC Allw 3 Proteus 115.Pr.Tommyll0.Pr. Ascot 110 Apeli T1:L«T • -: ;: 7 112 2 3 14 11 ImilMC* Allw 9 5Dancerll2.D.Romiroll8,Bl*Vest 110 HarlZ:1;? 3j f Mm ft 4» 116 8 3 6«i 64LandoltC* Allw 11 LorneS 113,StarDcer 116,PssJu!ep 113 IUk27-31*JP 3j f 42*6 si 27 115 7 7 5 2* McCovJ* All* 12 Proteusl22.Tniemanll5.0Ch,rycote 115 FjcI: SI I P 3: f :42Hft27 10 113 16 6* 6*i FronkW1 AHw 12 PFthdH.MnaMfrlll.ObstteGI 114 Star?*. 1st. 2ci. 3ri. Woa , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd- Wod.-, 1931 record. .14 3 2 4 J 2,975 "Manner* 11"? " B. c. 2. by Lordly ICanners — Bulah Stone, by Vandersrift. *■** - Mr, B. B. TTUliams. Owner. C. C. Van Keter. V*. . 113 6 2 li 2" DePrr.aR:» 4000 12 Pnnc»Foxl08.Elkht HO.In. Runner 110 IU13-31*St.J j 4"rS ft 3 107 2 1 1" 2» Pas uma." Allw 12 BterBean«115,S"tica lll.PrceFox 108i Ka="T::. 1 i :*-.:-. c. 111! 5 34 1 BirkeJFT* Alhtr 10 DonRedll3.SunPrsurell5,H?erson 115 Karl Kft *9 15 H 5 P 8* laistf 3"50 12 PnncFox 113,Siberia 117,LouisO. 113i . - ■: W - - , HUM. liit. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v 1331 record .4 1 3 0 $ 1,220 Unllf-nnibt-red 1 1 B g 2 by Sweep On — Blo» Jeans b7 Helmet. L L-t Trainer. J. 8. K;ddl*ton. Owner. 8. H. Stone. Hw 1 1 D *±f :7t-::l:lJ 116 4 1 1» P ? V BOO 1 1 M - • ■ 116.CaptainT 116 JCy -1 II C D i; ; V- : - ! -*i ri F- - Vlaid 11 Cathop 116,W:ie Talk 116,Prepare 116 , -. — i. ::. ZrA. Z:i W a — , Mart*, l*r 2r;l. rjrd. Won.-, 1331 record . 2 1 0 1 $ 1,000 Little CoQsin "I 0 B f. 2, by Snprjmas — Littla Biec«, by Uncle. A I/O Traiaer. B. J. Hsmell. Owner, O. Ben. - li li: 112 I 3 J: . : Lar.doItC* ir//j II PrsDrfarr 112.MemduiT,109.H.PolIvll2 Kx 8-lA C i i"/. ■•-. 1 11 ;. " PI ;4 TrivettD 15B0 3 Tach 108.BabyBane iOO.Padrone 111 : V. :: -•• 11710 I P f OTDmwBP lT/jPreeVoItalOB.BabyBanlOeBalEle 113 fcfcl43PAX | 35.90hy P115 4 P 2 j .r.r.e:.5: 27X1 3 Mi«5threlll,P-nceVatal09,BaIEIe 309 , Start*, la*. 2nd. *r«- Wo«. y Mart*. l«t. 2nd. rd Win 1331 rmmI 10 1 3 0 $ 325 Ontafo 1 f| 1 B s, a Mi, by X.dway— ScotU, by Ze-3i. [ , AV-* *.- L J-.r.*. Owner, L. Jon»s w Son. f** 9alall , - l%,Mannors 113,Flkhart 110 -■■ • t Start*. I*t. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.- I0S1 record . 1 Juliror** 1 lQ E .. a 00, b7 Johren — Pnnceas Amo, by Spanish Prince 11. .:, LJiJ Trainer. T. P. Kayes. Owner, T. P. Hayes. / tikpt 208 ::i " I P" ~ : *-:.v a* 1 4*Mwrwi11fi,rrdrrtilTi,ri Tn—ijUfl y- It | -:1 OHOH1 I * RtmdnP 2500 10 Rummy 111, f :: 5. Adrian 110 . 2b4. 2*4. W ■•■ - , Marts, lat. 3*4 Mi vTtaV-* wear*. . 2 Qri*-t r 1 f»Q - 2 * 7 tJpt— P*l7fujnda, 07 P».ter Pan. !"•«/ as* L Z Haaaat. Owner. H. M. Wvjlf. " 7 ~l ■ JOy 5; Etthart 110 k* • • W 9* Mm 12 ft -iM.vivPn 115 , I / Itart* . -.: M, Won-, . 2 Ltiwanda 1 ftCi aV ft * ■ If aWgW Kmrht— DismiM, by 0?-!»n l/«7 -, , .,, . 12~ --,,•,■-.• I K. apraca. r. •; V • ::-.;::,:. •; i - . • h "■.■.: .■■. .■ ■■;..■.: ::i . ikHlj.CrabaarlK , 2M. iff. V , .-.i-v lat 2ML 2rd. Won.-, YA r*orl.. 1 J hj/frmie 1 1 O Cfc. «. I K, / i". . 7 H/tir — Cactn* Qo».em, by ri.rrt Bock. --ir 124— **« • W "«« .x«t*«», Jr. Owner, Mm. B. J. Wilk«r»o*. V. | ::. ",. .;., :.f Allwll T» 110,Fred*rickllS,P.Hotur 112 » .- *t 4f 54% ft II : i 2 . ■ P :...* IfaiO 12 BwlaO UOPrJacaAatai ltt,Ttlka 130 Aarr.1! , V/*ii« 5* .161010 y* flf»»Laa«WtC,» Matf 11 P.Hot*purll6,B,rW.»tell6.0»yPrc*116 Aacl»Sl*Lrx , -H N IM H3 7 7 r/| 5*i McCoyr A«w 8S«ph.ttllO.Adrif. WjandkflCUka 110 / Start*. It. »M. f4 Wtms KtarU. J«t. 2nd. 3rd. Won-, 1331 sjajp. ,4 0 1 0 I IV Thnndertonp 1 A/1 Ch c- • M- by Thunderer— Grace of Ogden. by Ogden. Last work 1:4— 3 3 SBi AUi Trainer. A. D. Steele. Owner, C. C. at Q. T. Hieatt. Mv 6 31C.D 41 f :53*i"ft 8i 111* 3 8 54 5§ NealE* 2500 12 ln,cumb,dll6.Mintonll6.0urFancy 115 Apc29 31:Lex 41 f 55H ft 9 116 3 5 5* 2* ChhamR1 4000 10 OhDavell6.P,ssD,thyll3.MksFox 113 Apr25 315I.ex 41 f ?4S tt 9f 116 11 6 54 6*i LennieW,» 2500 12 PrinceReno 116, Coletown 116,Lojo 116 Apr21 31Lex 1 :49H sy 47 113 9 9 8U 6U Lenr.ieW* 2500 10 Rummy 111, Red Vest 113, Adrian 110 . St.irts. 1st. -ud. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .4 0 1 0 | 100 PrillCOSS Italia I A1 Br. f, 2 X, by Sunierence — Tuscan Maiden, by Erlegh. !«_. „or . IQI 3 -39*rft *"l Trainer, N. K. Beal. Owner, J. Loiter. L S31C.D 4 1 f -64" ?d 79 105*6 8 6,# 54 JamesE1 4000 11 PYsDreamll2.Memduml09.HPoll 112 Apc2T 31"Lex 41 f :55 si 9 116 2 7 7" 6,! SmithJ* Maid 12 Ima Highone 116.Prefor 116,Lonell 116 Apr22 31*Lex 1 150% m 18 110 2 11 10» 7»i SmithJ* 2500 11 rTtvPlvll.ScTdMsllO.DomtStrlOb Feb. 9 31F G | :55*S ft 20 112 2 7 74 7* AndrsonA1" 2000 12 Cloiradoll8.AdelaideN.115,Trueman 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. ?rd. Won.-» , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-s 1931 record.. 4 DlirnilCO 1 AA Br. g. a M. by Coventry — Marie Augusta, by Jack Atkin. J. U «7 Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, F. A. Carreaud. 9 31*C.D U f :53Sft 74 110 9 10 7» T1! Corbet tC1 2500 12 AllenfernllO,ScotrdBluesl07.Playingl07 Mar 7 31Mia a | 33% ft 44e 118 3 94 10"i CorbettC1 Allw 10 Mannersllli.DonRedll8,SunPrsure 115 Mar 2 31sMia a | :34=s sy 24 108 11 ll* 10" CorbettC* 3750 12 Prince Fox 113,Manners HO.Siberia 117 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. ffou.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 3 Master 3IcGee 1 AQ Ch. g, 2 M by Star Master— McGees Pink, by McGee. L.i-t work: 119 3 3... :36ft *vv Trainer. B. Goose. Owner, Laffoon and Yeiser. , Marts, l*t. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woo.- 4th Churchill Rose ,s,and Handicap. Purse ,500. 3-Year-Olds and % Mile Upward. Distinction, May 30, 1922—1 :11— 5— 122. lain Post Best at Distance— , Wt. Claim Xo. P..s Horse Track Wt. Time. ApeToday Pric* 535-51 2 CAYUGA .L.F 112 101% 6 116X 58700 1 Barrido .. .CD 108 1:11% 3 107.. Index Post -Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim No Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Prlc* 58551 3 Brown Wisdom Haw 120 101% 6 116X tBest times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. xGood mud runner. SSuperior mud runner. Brackets . won last start; figures * or 2nd of 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: thite t rs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. »4Sti Fin. Jockey P. P CI Pee. Sts. Best Company CaVQua * -I £» B. g, 6. by Trojan — Wawbeek, by Bockton. Last warlr 18 5 8 1-03— si Trainer, J. R. Moody. Ownei, Shady Brook Stable, Mav 4-31.0 i 102% ft 11-5 112 111* 1* FnertvR* Hdcp 7 Footmarkl00.PansvWalkerll2,Nifty 103 Apa8 315Lex fc 1KJ9H ft 13-5 116 5 3 54 64 FinnertvR* Stks 8 Tannery 112,ThistleAnn 108,Manta 108 SovllSCPLat 3 l:ll«s ft 3 113 1 1 l1 1* FinnertvR* Hdcp 6 Willa 101, Manta 104,TrueBluePal 941 Nov 4 305Lat I 1:125 ft 21 5 115 6 14* 54 FinnertvR* Stks 9 SfkMarket 105,Mantal06,LyFingersl03 0.4 300 3 iiiaj. ft 61 115 3 2 11 1* FinnertyR* Allw 7 C.Sweepll2.Current 108,ThistIeAnn 105 Sep.13 MF 3 101% ft 61 110 5 2 54 5"1 NealP1 Allw 5 Tantivvll2, L Fingersl04,H.Locust 104 Sepi 9 304L.F J 1:11 ft 5 109 2 1 11 3" NealP1 Hdcp 5 Tantiwl04,ClubHousell3,Nusakan 106 Sep.2 30 L.F 3 1:14% m 1-2 110 4 1 21 34 NealP1 Hdcp 4 CIubHousell2, EllicelOl, Nusaken 108 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v Last year. .16 5 2 3 1,619 1931 record. .2100$ 1,500 Barrido 107 Br c • by Sweep — Noowa. by Meddler. Last work- 131—12. Ksr -*■ U I Trainer. L. Campion. Owner, W. Ziegler. Jr. May 3 3rC.D 3 1:11*5 gd21-10 108 2 1 14 M ArnoldG1 Allw 6 StkMarketll2.Elvsml07,DkFr:try 112 Ma 1312Pim 3 102% ft 23-10 115 111 1* EllisG5 Allw 12 Aveneer 110, MvBroom 115.Ameha 110 Apr28 315Pim 3 1:11% ft 16e 107 3 2 3» 54 ArnoldG Stks 10 Ladrll7.HappyScot 117.R.V.Vmklel07 ApiSlHdG 3 102% ft 11 10311 2 21 21 ArnoldG1 Hdcp 5 Panetianl08.Siskin 117.GoldenPrincell2 Apc22 3PHdG 31:13 ft 17 10 113 2 12 23 EIlisG Allw 7 DVsLadll3,By PassII.lll,Pickmeupl08 AprI3 3rHdG 3 1:12% ft 5 100 3 2 5" 5" DaintvF* Allw 6 H.Toddvll2,T.Hthen 122,PgsPridel05 Apd5-3PHdG 3 101% ft 8el02 8 6 8» 84 DaintvF1 Stks 11 Balko 126. Panetian 103, Sea Fox 95 Ape 9 31Bow 51 f 1:08% gd 61 110 2 1 1* ll EIlisG1 Hdcp 6 HpvScot 126.Reproof 105.NoJOyce 103 Apc4 3PBov 11.26%gd 15e 110 113* 34 ArnoldG* Stks 9 Mynheer 118,General A.116,Gigantic 114 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. ,- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 2 1931 record. .10 3 2 1 ,025 Brown Wisdom 1 1 fi B. g-, 6. by Brown Prince II.— Prodigy, by Light Brigade. Last work: 129—3 4 1 15%ft L ±J Trainer. W. C- Reichert. Owner. W. C. and E. W. Reichert. May 4 3PC.D 3 102% ft 71 119 5 7 711 714 SmithJ1 Hdcp 7 Cavugall2.Footmarkl00.PyWalker 112 Sep 9 30*L.F 3 1:11 ft 1 123 4 5 5* 5" Hasaty* Hdcp 5 Tantivy 104,CIubHouse 113,Cayuga 109 Auand30 304L.F 31:11 ftl7-10el25 9 5 54 44 FisherH10 Stks 12 PvWa!kerl07,Princetonl06,C.House 113 Aue23 304Haw 3 1:11% ft 7-5 120 5 4 41 1* KnightM4 Hdcp 7 Current lll.ClubHouse 116,Uluniu 109 Au?16-30*Haw 11:50 ft31-10el22 6 5 11" 1215 GarnerW1* Hdcp 13 L.Bdctl04.MvDdyll8,UnconGd 102 Augl3 3C4faw 11:44% ft 3 4e 124 3 1 11 2» GarnerW4 Hdcp 6 Martinique 105i.Islam 103 Cog-Air 101 Aug 9 SOHfaw 1 1:45 gd 21 5e 117 2 11* 1* GarnerW* Hdcp 13 LyBdct 103,MyDdvll6,PlByan 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won - Last year.. 24 9 4 3 3,590 1931 record. . 1 5th Churchill pUrse ,200. 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. Twenty Grand, 1 Mile 0ct- 16 1930—1:36—2—122. NOTE — Claiming price. ,000. Weight, 115 pounds. Non-winners since May 1 allowed 5 pound3. Index Post ,-Bestat Distance— , Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 58700 7 Elvsium 110X5000 586671 5 Half Dav..C.D 110 l:42%h 110X 5000 58630 3*Homer L 110.. 5000 53632* 2 Irish Maiden.. F.G 103 1:41% 105X5000 53698 4*Scotch Made... 100. . 5000 53732 10 Fan- CD 105 1:39 110X 5000 Index Post r-Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Prlc* 58630 1 Outburst ..Ld 109 1:41% 105X5000 58630 6*Busy Monarch. 105.. 5000 53630 8 Jolly Dolle.... HOX 5000 58503 9 Harvest Sun.. M 110.. 5000 58700 ll*Try It 105X 5000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or », 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Cr*. Die. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. ;Str. F n. Jockey P.P. CI. Pee. St*. Beat Company Elysinm 110 B. c, a, by Dia Done— Eden, by Whisk Broom IX. Last work- 124 3 4 114%" -11.V/ Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, C. V. Whitney. May 3-31*C.D 1:11% gd 51 107 4 3 34 34 RussellK1 Allw 6 Barridol08.StkMarkct 112,DkEntryll2 May 6-3PC.D 3 1:12% ft 7 2 112 10 5 3* 2* RussellK 5000 12 HomerL 107,BdayGiftl07,B.Monchl07 Febl5 3rFG 3 1:13% ft 7» 108 5 7 6*» 6** RussellK Allw 8 BurgoollS.PssPoxidelOS.GtinEvn 106 Octll30*C.D J 1:26% ft 9 11C 6 7 8" 94 RussellK1 Allw 10 DonLeonll9,BackLo-116,BkComet 112 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won-, , Starts. 1st. 2nfl. 3rd. Won — , Last year.. 9 3 1 1 $ 3.800 1931 record.. 3 0 1 1 | 350 Half Da J 110 Ch. g, 3. by John P. Grier— Noontime, by All Oold. Last work- 121—12 -50t ■*■ J. V/ Trainer, C. Howard. Owner, C. Howard. K*/741A:j 1 1:42% hy 27-10 110 2 3 3* 2» FronkW1 3500 8 S.Prestol05,GettinEvenll0,W.Drop 107 Apc24-3PHdG 31:13 ft 21 10 113*3 6 54 441 MeadeD4 4000 12 SirB ronl05,Quorumll2,Phntasime 105 Apcl5 314fdG 3 1:13% ft 19-10 114 2 4 2* 1» EabyJ" 4000 10 Prirr,linl03.R.Antlopel07.Dc,gMackl07 Marfl-Mia 3 1:11% ft 7 5 113 3 6 51 5:* TinkerH 5750 6 Kengtnl04,Occurcel05,Wth,proof 110 Mat 2 31Mia 1 1:42% sy 10 108 2 2 2 2* KtsineerC* Allw 4 SpshPlay 120,GeneralA 116 GayBird 108 Fehl9 31Mia |103% si 2710 110 4 2 2* 1* EabyJ4 Allw 9 Sil.Beautyl05,NjoycellO Albazano 1111 Feb.16 31Mia 3112 ft 61 102 5 4 3 3i RenickS* 5000 6 GeneralA 96,Okaybee 115,Chlo Boy 109 , Starts. Jit. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Startn. lxt. 2nd. :!r l. Won -. Last year.. 10 1 3 1 ,400 1931 record .. 11 3 2 2 ,025 Homer L. 110 B • 3 hy 8un Fla*_ Wildwood. by Matter Robert. I , | v..rV.- 130— 1 2 56«1 •1--,-,- Trainer, M. Shield*. Owner, J. Manch. May6 31C.D 3 112% ft 61 107* 3 1 1* 1* MeadeD* 5000 12 Flysimnll2,BdavGiftl07,B MonarchlOT Oct24-30*Haw 3 1:13% ft 6 113 5 4 V 7 N .,II- Allw OBstiflaU 113,Civollai;108,BsMoi.keylll M.nifJHiw 1 115% Iky 3e 113 8 7 7" 5* La****attC* Allw 8CampPrince 113,SistprMaryllQ,TryItll3 a*Haw 3i-i3%«d 5e 113 « « V* 9% Baafarslfli 7 DsaAtraialll.OpPrtai -n:t %% iinry iioa Ott 2-»Haw il:12»4ft 14-5 112 2 1 2* fr* LandoltC4 9 Ifnllt.ciK-lOS.Kfi-MariinifjH.BonfM 113 A , Itsrts. Ut.. 2nd. M. W.n— 4 , .Starts. ] t. 2nd. Srd. Won -v Last year.. 15 2 2 1 | 2.300 lJ31 record. . 1 100 ,150 Irish Maiden 1 Oi Ch. f, 3, by Jim Oaffney— Veiled Colleen, by The Fins. La I wmki 1Z 7, , J7%*l 1V" Trainer, B. 3. Michcll. Owner, B. 8. Michell. Ms/6-314C.D J127%sjr 8 100 4 4 V toMniilf Allw 6 BasOtaallt Tb*M*acal 106 CJmsm 100 Feb 5-31F.G 3 1:13% ft 81 110 2 7 74 V KaasG4 Allw STarzan.P-ceDAmourllb Sap Sky 101 11:39% ft 12 103 1 3 5 5**IUssCi* Allw 6 Mirh iirl 101 Chcnel06 BrsMoatuf 110 tmM-tl*r.Q ll:3r%fl It Ml U It M*|UM BaasO*1 14 St slsbPla/lls.As*ArDml*l B8,Garllcl0T I lb r» i:4T/iKd.-a M m I 6 2 i» OaaaaaW* UatartUi ioh. Ckalty no. Khsrasaa --".s .; jiii.THft rA in 5 « *l 2" Cfeaa***W o nsraa*s*190.OssjayJasjaayll7.8eattl*lM A ss I H*TW ! i i3%ft n-M i« 2 i I i« CaaaaaW* •Pstrtlta U*.MyKMtJ m. CapMlts 108 a , Start*. 1*». 2nd. 3rd. Won - , St..rtn. 1st 2nd || 1 Win - Last year.. 17 3 C 1 IUH MB raaarO. . 4 0 0 1 $ YR BfHtfj Made 1 00 B* l 3l hf Bintin«— BrUtow Maid, by Bt. Hock. I j | LJJ Trainer, H. Oooie. Owner, R. Oooio. U, B J1*C D i 1:12% «:d 41 W 5 4 11* ll« BMaatV 1600 12 PAHaa USatvar 108 UsasWOi 103 V/ll / |U3% It 10 107 7 9 9" 9«»Jam«K Allw !J i:rcall., U«i.l,,||..Mfl lOToi.I imit 113 V«4/Lat 1T* 144% ft 14 100 4 1 3* 41 JasatfE1 4200 12 U4agBoH 107,AIIM,1I112TI,«-Dukc 108 •■ ■:,t I I l*%«d 1CJ 110 2 2 1» JamcaK* ■■ 2, |3 l,orj..rl 1 1| l-.nnn. aafl*Sl I.. l.advKay 110 O 0*U*-tlKXO 6ifl.22 ft 9 115 2 7 *, P% JameaK 12 Tapl*anri.|ir..NI«K,l|1Tl Ifl II. -adKlratllS U *%13-»«L.F |ll3*Aft 21 IM 7 I l» «» Jam«*E» g Inlla»tHir,.r..lrMU.l.l i:, ini.-tm .,.„ Ul A t.VrV Uci «i f 1 -0» ft 6f IM I 1 21 »» McCr-anC 12 CalnDoIll lsVr*SSSPtffg] 1 »,Q dl-.-t IIS M , HtarU. 1«». 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, «— Htarta. l»t 2nd art V.,n -. Iat year.. 7 10 1$ 1,000 1931 record.. 1 FfllT 110 B. c. S, by Kai-Sang— Stardrift, by North Star m. Last work: 128—12... 52£ 1 J-J-U Trainer, F. Wright. Owner. Mrt. H. E. Thomas. May 9 3PC.D 21:12 ft 88 f 112 10 11 11" 10" Thibod.xH4 500011 J*nLafittell8,Nifty 108,DoubleHeart 118 May 4 314C.D 1 1:37"% ft 107 105 2 7 7" 78 RoseM7 AHw 8 This.Fyrnl07,BarHunterllO,Kadiakll2 Mar.l6 314St.J 31:15 ft 40 90 8 8 5*1 451 CooperR* 3500 8 CckRobinlOO.Fervid 115,JustBelievel02 Feb27 314Mia $ 1:12% ft 27 106 5 6 5" 5" ThibodxH4 2500 8 F.CherokeellO,Mortime 115,Mix.Tea 110 Feb23 314Mia 3 1:12% ft 123 10610 10 10" 89* ThibodxH4 2500 10 Ramus 115, Mortime 115, Oslo 110 Feb20 316Mia 3 1:16 hy 61 105 5 5 53* 413 ThibodxH 4000 5 Mynheer 118, The Gen 110, Traitor 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 22 2 14 ,650 1931 record. . 6 0 0 0 $ 60 Ollt burst 10 B. f, 3, by Messenger— Brocatelle, by Radium. Last work: 124—3 8... 36ft *V« Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, C. H. Trotter. May 6-3rC.D ] 1:12% ft 20 107 11 11 101 99 LegnonC2 5000 12 HomerL.107,Elysium 112,BdayGift 107 Manl7 31St.J 11:45 ft 19-10 113 5 3 3i 2* LegnonC3 Allw 6 Ba]thasarllO,CkRobinll5,BlueLaw 113 Fe-h.26 314Mia ljV 1:46% gd23 10 110 4 4 3* 2" BurkeJH3 3750 5 Kensington 107,Batty 114,NoseGay 100 Feh21312Mia l70 1:43% gd 2 110 5 4 34 1* AmbroseE3 3500 7 SanPresto 111, Fervid 111, Upsweep 114 Febl4-316Mia 1A 1:45% ft 5* 105 4 3 3» 3i LongJ4 3500 6 Batty lll,Kensington 105,BlueLaw 110 , Starts. 1st. nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 9 2 1 l J 2.300 1931 record . 8 12 2 ,195 BUS Monarch 10 Ch* C 3 by Busy American— Lady Delhi, by Delhi. Last work: 130— lm.l:45%sl IV/t-l Trainer, H. Forrest. Owner, J. B. Bespess. May 6 31=C.D i 1:12% ft 55 107* 4 4 5«i 451 SauterJ8 5000 12 HomerL.107,Elysium 112,BdayGift 107 Sep.l6-305Lex fc 1:14% hy 6 113 5 7 98i 9° McCoyJ4 Allw 10 Blue.IohnllJnMill 113,AerlPrcc 113 Aug. 9-303Lat 3 1:14 ft 6-5 117 1 1 2" 3 GoolerW1 4700 10 JneysEndllO,Overlayl09i,SkyHak 105 Jul. 2S-303Lat J l:14%ft 9-5 115 2 1 1» 1" GoolerW 12 DarkMaidll2,Bagiel 112,ThistleBilliell2 A Jul.:C-30Lat 3 1:14%ft 6-6 116 1 1 1» 1" GoolerW1* 11 TownLimit 113.WitcliWay 113,HiIee 113 M Jull-SOLat 5Jfl:08 ft 8-5 116 5 3 2 21 GoocrW 10 BobsPlayllG.SwiftPal 116,Strkolite 11« M Jul. 16-30*Lat 6jfl:08«4ft 11-5 115 2 3»* 2 J RussellK* 12 ChokoloskeellS.ChiefJobn lla.Norias 115 M , Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts, let. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 10 2 3 1 ,500 1931 record .. 1 Jolly Dolle 110 B. c, 3, by Selira— Thaka 6., by Huon. Last work- 131—3 4 124sy ■»*" Trainer, R. P. Brooks. Owner, Mrs. R. P. Brooks. May 6 3PC.D | 1:12% ft 20f 112 6 9 912 881 EdwardsC1 5000 12 HomerL.107,Elysium 112,BdayGift 107 Nov. 7-30*Lat I 1:13% ft 26 1101110 641 54 FisherH2 2400 12 Ttalizingll0,Cazanoval02,HryFrk 112 Nov3-302Lat l70 1:45% ft 49-10 110 4 2 2"1 lk FisherH3 2000 12 Tr.BluePal 110,WirnJ.110,SnyBasil 105 Oct29-302Lat | l:17%sl 5 115 8 6 66J 43 MooneyJD* 12 Bimbo 112, AllGirls 107, RuthMarie 112 C Oct24-30=Lat 31:14 ft 140 104 7 2 4:J 51 GoolerW* 12 HillsbghlOS.HryFrkmi.SonOSwp 103 A Octl5-30 C.D 3 1:13%ft 9 111 7 4 83 5el Cheat mR« 12 Kenashaw 108,Magic Flute 111, Bully 111 C Oct 9-30;C.D 31:14%gd 6J 110 9 11 ll» 80 EdwardsC 12 TheMongol llo.WestVginialOo.Bully 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Last year.. 6 1 0 0 $ 900 1931 record.. 1 Harvest Sun 110 B. c, 3 M, by Sun Pal— La Recolte, by Meddler. Last work- 131 — 12 54%sy AxU Trainer, W. Covington. Owner, W. Covington. May 2 314C.D 6i f 1:17% ft 127f 110 11 9 105 93 MeyerC11 Allw 11 Pittsburgrll5,SphPlayll5,DonLeonll5 Nov.12 305Lat % 1:14% m 37 10215 5 5" 514 SchutteH1 Hdcp 5 BkComet 106,DorisJeanllO,BackLogll5 Nov. 8-30Lat l70 1:45% ft 12 112 5 6 6M 614 HardyL4 Maid 12 T.B.Pal 112,TTrHayJr.ll2,S.OSwepll2 Oct28-30Lat 3 1:18 si SJ 115 10 9 4 J 4J LegnonC" 12 KyBill llo.JayWalkr 113,PrtyPnyll2 M Octl8-30Lat 31:14V4ft 30f 115 12 9 751 62i LegnonC 12 MagcFIutell5,BenBlairll5,PsPeggyll2 II Octll-30C.D 1:27 ft 12 115 11 8 11"11" MooneyJD 11 KtsCall 115,JayWkerll5,SonO SwpllS A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 16 1931 record .. 1 Trj It 10 Bk * 3 by Iryster— Kit- by EsC0Da- Last work: 131—3 8... :40s M-"0 Trainer, J. Lowe. Owner, J. Lowe. May 8 314C.D % 1:11% gd 38 106 5 6 612 510 FinnertyR0 Allw 6 Barridol08,StkMarket 112,EIysium 107 Oct28 304Haw 3 1:12% gd 2 112 1 5 43 21 CorbettC4 Hdcp 5 DoiisJeanll4,RedChili 107,DdyDan 95 Oct22 303Haw 3 1:12% ft 91 109 4 6 Grl VI PrgrassA1 Allw 7 DonAIvol09,SisrMaryl03,R.Chili 106 Octl7-304Haw 31:13%hy 8 113 7 6 4» 3 LeylandJ 8 CanipPrincell3,SisterMaryll0,K*alii 108 A OcLlO-304Haw 31:13%gd 11 113 7 7 6T 441 De PesoG* 7 DonAlvarolll,CpPrincell3,Sis.Mary 110 A Oct 6-30Haw 3 l:13%ft 4* 114 3 3 23 1» CorbettC* 12 JIePowerll4,Ch,yFlitll4,WleLegs 114 M Bejx-SOHaw 3 1:13sft 6i 115 2 4 4« 33J CorbettC11 12 BrsMonkeyll5,WteLegsll5,BIkBullll5 M e*P.17-30 L,F 31:14 ft 26 115 11 10 ll»n0*» FinnertyR* 12 Hoper,ldlir»,RolRoguell5,RlRuffin 115 A Bep.l3-302L.F 31:12%ft 67 106 6 11 101* 810 NealP* 12 Boiling 108, Albazano 109. Bonfleld 109 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 9 2 1 2 $ 2.400 1931 record. . 1 6th Churchill Tria| purse Purse . 3-Year-Olds. Allowances. 1 1-16 Miles Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. Index Post ,-Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Timp. AgeToday Price 58701s 1 Sweep All. Bow 121 1:46% 115.. 587013 6 Pittsburgher .. 115.. 58701 2 Spanish Play. . F.G 102 1:47% 115X Index Post ,-Best at Distance-, Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 58701 4 Prince DAmour F.G 105 1:46% 112.. 586322 5 The Mongol... 112X 58632 3 Major Lanphier M 107.. Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ©Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or 2nd or 3rd last start; *apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Sweep AH 1 1 FT B. c, 3, ty Sweep — Nettie Hastings, by Hastings. Last work: 125— lm l-41%ft *•*•! Trainer, C. Van Dusen. Owner, Dixiana. May8 315C.D 1 1:38% gd 51 115 5 8 521 2» PoolE2 Allw 10 B.Hovvdyll5,Pittsberlll,Span.Play 115 May 2-314C.D 6Hl:17%ft 51 115 1 6 6e 6* FronkW* Allw 11 Pittsburgrll5,SphPlayll5,Dor.Leonll5 Apr24 315Lex l:o 1:43% gd 1-2 115 3 2 3 45 FronkW8 Allw 6 Ptsbgrlll,Baromtrl09£,B.Hntrlll Nov29 304Bow 1 A 1:46% ft 2-5e 121 2 3? li WkmanR* Stks 6 HappyScot 122,Hibala 109,Tambour 112 Nov.21303Bow 3 1:11 ft 9-10 111 1 1 11 Tl ColtilettiF" Allw 12 Magnificoll5,JohnF.110,DnlinsLad 113 No«14-305Pim l1Jsl:47%m 24-5 105 4 1 1" 2i PichonL4 Stks 5 Mate 125,TtyGrand 125,SurfBrd 122 Nov 8 30JPim | 1:12 ft 6 113 3 2 11 2 ColtilettiF1 Hdcp 7 Ladder 112, Voila 103, Hibala 112 Nov6 30«Pim 1 1:13% si 5 111 6 5 6«i 6" ColtilettiF1 Allw 8 Avalon 112, Pennate 109, Khorasanll5 Aug22-306Sar 5 f 1:06% ft 21116 6 8 88i 10" ColtilettiF8 Allw 12 Opponent 120,Pennate 116, Knowltonl20 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Last year.. 7 3 2 0 |15,000 1931 rece . 3 0 1 0 $ 350 Pittsburgher 11 B. c, S, by In Memoriam— Wistaria, by Ballot. Last work: 131—12. :52%sy •*■ J. U Trainer. J. H. Moody. Owner, Shady Brook Farm Stable. May 8-3PC.D 1 1:38% gd31-10 111 6 3 T 31 CorbettC5 Allw 10 B.Howdyll5,SwpAll 115,Span. Play 115 May2 314C.D 62Lfl:17%ft 12 115 4 2 l1 V CorbettC1 Allw 11 SphPlayll5,DonLeonll5,Bl.Bowboyll5 Apr24 315Lex l70 1:43% gd 9 111 2 1 V 11 CorbettC4 Allw 6 BarometrlOgi.BarHntrlll.SpAll 115 Apr20-31sLex fc 1:10% sy 5 113 4 5 591 4" PooF1 Allw 6 LgBoltll6,R.Water 113,BckTyrone 113 Aug28 SfPL.F 54 f 1:05% ft 51 115 2 4 3s 3"! CorbettC Allw 8 Rusty 115, Oswego 115, Porternesia 115 Aug25-30,L.F 54 f 1:05% ft 5 104 3 5 45 47i CorbettC4 Allw 8 Voltagrnl07J,DorisJnl07,F*rMissic 105 Aug 2-304A.P 3.1:11% ft 21 114 8 9 81U 81 LeylandJ5 Stks 12 Insco 116,Hyman 116,BarHunter 116 JuL29-30»A.P 54 f 1:06% ft 13 10 115 6 3 2 25 LeylandJ5 Allw 6 Bathorse 115,BerTwist HO.LaSalle 112 JuI.25 304A.P 54 f 1:05% ft 5 115 1 6 431 If Ley land J8 Allw 13 Upright 112,DnAlvroll5,BdayGiftllO tDisqualified. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -» Last year. .13 12 3 J 2.050 1931 record. . 4 2 0 1 ,200 Spanish Play 11 B. g, 3, by Spanish Prince II.— Anna Horton, by Wrack. Last work: 131—1-2. :52%sy *** Trainer, G. Land. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. May8 315C.D 1 1:38% gd 51 115 7 6 421 421 LandoltC1 Allw 10 B.Howdyll5,SwpAll 115 Pittsbuer 111 May 2 314C.D 64 f 1:17% ft 91 115 3 3 21 21 LandoltC4 Allw 11 Pittsburrll5,DonLeonll5,Bl.Boboyll5 Mar.l4 315J.P 11:51% ft 12-5 120 5 2 2* 1" LandoltC Stks 11 Pr.DAmrl20,A.Ardel 107,Mich Girl 111 Mar7-31=Mia 1 1:51% ft 6-5 118 4 11? LandoltC8 Stks 9 LngBolt llS.MynhrllS.BoysHowdyllS Man 2-31=Mia 1 1:42% sy 8 5 120 1112 l4 LandoltC Allw 4 HalfDay 108,GeneralA.116 GayBird 108 Febl4-315F.G 1A 1:46% ft 8-5 120 5 3 52» 76UonesL Stks 12 PceDAmrlOMganGirl 108 FyGylOo , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 2 2 0 0 ,800 1931 record. .11 6 2 1 6,965 Prince DAmonr 119 Gr c« 3 by Royal Canopy— Exalted Kuler, by Superman. Last work: 131—3 8. :36%sy J-X-i Trainer. N. K. Beal. Owner. J. Leiter. May 8-315C.D 1 1:38% gd 26 111 2 1 9s! 9" JamesE10 Allw 10 B.Howdyll5,SwpAll 115 Pittsbuer 111 May 2-3rC.D 1 ft 1:44% ft 61 10113 2 35 512 JamesE3 Stks 9 Bargelloll0,R. Julianl05,Playtime 1084 Mar.14 -31M.P li 1:51% ft 22-5 120 3 11*? JamesE8 Stks 11 SphPlayl20,A.Ardel 107 Mich Girl 111 Mar 7 31M.P lA 1:47 gd31-10 112 1111 1" JamesE8 Allw 7 Burgool07,BlackFool 101,BrssMkeyll2 Feb.l4 315F.G 11:46% ft 32 105 4 1 lJ 1* JamesE8 Stks 12 MichiganGirl 108,FlyGuy 106 Garlic 108 Feb.5 314F.G 1:13% ftl3-20e 115 4 1 21 22 AndersonA8 Allw 8 Tarzanl07,SapphireSky 101,Civollag 106 / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won — Last year.. 4 2 0 0 J 4.175 1931 record. . 9 2 2 0 ,070 The Mongol 119 B. c, 3, by Sir Martin— Yellow Jacket, by Hourless. Last work: 130—3 4 117%sy ■*• * Trainer, W. Beed. Owner, Hamburg Place. May 6-31.0 Il:27%sy 71e 105 7 5 2° 21 McCoyJ2 Allw 8 BostManll2, IrishMaidenlOO Chcne 100 May 4-314C.D 1 1:37% ft 26 105 6 6 66i 64 McCoyJ8 Allw 8 This.Fyrnl07,BarHunterll0,Kadiakll2 Nov.l7-30IHF | 1:04 si 21 10 112 6 4 431 1 McAulfeD5 2500 10 ThderNphl07,Dquri 107Wdeleenl09 Oct20 303Lat a 1:13% ft 44 110 6 8 91 85 McAulfeD1 4700 12 Lerosl05,Ridgevw HO.LitningBolt 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — Last year.. 8 2 0 0 ,600 1931 record .. 2 0 1 0 $ 225 Major Lanphier 107 Ch. c, 3 M, by American Flag— Sun Disc, by Sundridge. Last work: 129— lm .1:44%« -*-v • Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, F. and C. Xe Bus. May 6-314C.D J 1:27% sy 61e 105 6 8 712 5*1 FnertyR" Allw 8 BestManll2,TheMongol 105 IrishM 100 Apr24 315Lex 1" 1:43% gd 61 108 5 3 58J 58 AllenCE Allw 6 Ptsbgrlll,Baromtrl094,B.Hntrlll Octl8 SOLrl 1 1:39% ft 22 5 108 4 4 23 21 GarnerM" Allw 9 D.Heroll3,R.V.Winklel08 Polydors 115 Oct 9 304Lrl 1:12% ft 15 105 4 5 421 41 WattersE8 Allw 8 Penatell2,RaHorusl09,R.V.Winkle 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 4 0 1 0 $ 300 1931 record. . 2 7th Churchill Purse . 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. 1 1-16 Miles Lady Madcap, May 24, 1922—1:44—4—113. NOTE— Claiming price, ,000. Non-winners since April 17. 3-year-olds, 108 pounds; older, 115 pounds. Non-winners since April 1 allowed 3 pounds. No apprentice allowance. Indei Post /-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 58510 1 Bogan ....Lex 110 1:46% 6 112X 2000 58668 10 Flo ONeill. L.F 100 1:45% 4 107X 2000 584302 19 Hiram Kelly. . . Lex 112 1:46% 5 112. . 2000 58734 16 Jeff ONeill... Haw 107 1:47 5 112X 2000 57681 12 Florida Gold... Bbg 107 1:47% 7 112X 2000 58375 13 Dorita ... .Mia 101 1:46% 4 107X2000 58635 2 Dodgson ..Mia 114 1:47% 6 112X 2000 58668 3 Draha Lex 108 1:48 5 107. . 2000 580272 4 Star LassieC.D 100 1:47% 4 107X 2000 587023 5 Buffer M.Lex 107 1:48 4 112.. 2000 55206 6 United Orby M 3 105X 2000 Index Post Bestat Distance-* Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Pric« 58703 7 The Southerner Lat 110 1:47% 6 112X2000 58734 8 Padona ...CD 110 1:51% 7 112X2000 55071 9 Royal Manager L.F 117 1:47% 6112.. 2000 55225 20 Miss Lee... L.F 104 1:47 6 107 X 2000 58737 11 Respond ...Mia 118 1:48 6 112X 2000 58593 14 Loretta B..Lat 105 1:47 4 107X 2000 58734 15 Whisk Arrow. . Lat 102 1:48% 6 107X2000 55158 17 Adalor T. M 3 108. . 2000 58543 18 Phantasime M Pirn 103 1:48% 3 100X2000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1930. *Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. ®Suoerior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures ■ or ■, 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce Sts. Best Company „ 1 1 Q B. g, 6, by Trojan— Salvestra. by Watervale. **« Trainer, J. Howard Owner. F. A. Carreaud. i . l niu 1 0l24sv Mavl 3lTD 1A 1 45% ft 81 115 4 3 51 68i CorbettC 2500 10 Disturb 115, Chum 115, Irene T. 110 E25314Lex lAl-45% ft 3 110 2 4 01 81 CorbettC4 2500 9 F.Rosalind 103,E.ofWickll3,Y.Toy 110 W8 31*Lex 1A 147 ft 17-20 112 2 1 1 2! CorbettC 250010 ScletBrigadell2,Bufferl07,Sh.Prunel07 Mar7 31Mia 3 1-12% ft 18 5 118 112 24 CorbettC* 2500 1C EstinllS.Stupdous 108,MissRsedalel03 FfehlJSMia 1 112% ft 14 5 116 3 3 8» 7" CorbettC 2500 I Fkinsll3,SctBgade 113.BV.Wka 112 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Won.. -—- "Starts. , St.,rts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Last year.. 11 4 3 0 ,019 1931 record .. 9 2 2 0 $ 1./50 PI n»oill t AT Ck.- f, 4, by Desperate Desmond— Hermoso, by Alvescot. no U neilJ 1 fj / Trainer, J. J. Flanigan. Owner, J. F. ONeill. May7 3PCD 1A~I 51% hy*" 16 1085 9 10 10" 101U AllenCE8 2000 10 Workless 115,S.Pass 112,B.Thun,ler 112 May 4-316C D lA 145% ft 66 100* 5 6 5" 5" NealE4 3500 8 Lucky Dan 105, Blot 110. Vesta 105 Novl4-30Lat 1A 1 :52% hy 19 110 10 6 631 53 GevingL* 1800 12 lnteriorllO,W.Princessl08,MyLava 1071 Novll30Lat 1 A 1-47 ft 71 108 4 8 9" 1023 McCoyJ11 2200 11 B Impl07,C.Beacr.llO,ByeSumm* r 1061 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 23 3 4 1 ,500 1931 record .. 2 Hi run Iicllv 1 1 O ch "• "• by Pandion— Oronge, by Nimbua. i ! l 111— lm 1 -502/ gd J- * « Trainer, J. Kederis. Owner, W. B. Herring. Ap9 3PLex 1U52 ft 27 10 112 6 2 21 2l FronkW 2500 9 Ttonianll5,Greenwaldl08.MilePlay 112 Anr-SPLex 1A 148% gd 71 115 7 4 3a 21 FronkW" 2500 7 VermiculitellO.B.Imp 115,HTnDean 110 ADd8 314Lex lAi:46%ft 61 112 7 5 44 4«1 PoolE5 2500 7 B.aWeel03,Crashll2,El ofWarwick 112 Nov 8 30Lat li 1-53 ft 5 112 6 4 32i 41 RussellK* 2200 8 Watergpl09,StrmSignal 104,Burlapll5 Sov6 30Lat 1A 1:58% ft 6 112 3 5 31 2" RussellK4 1800 12 CallPlay 107,Vandal 104, HoldFast 104 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 17 4 5 4 ,400 1931 record .. 3 0 2 0 $ 219 Tpff ONpiI 1 1 O B. g, 6, by Courtship — Helma 8., by Cesarion. J. . i?l_7 4 1 10ft J-IZ Trainer, W. I. Kohn. Owner, C. A. Bidencope. MswWrtD lA147%ft 51 112 3 4 7" 610 F.sherH9 200012 LadyWittl02,S.BrigadellO,H.Storm 110 May 7-31:C D 1A 1:50% hy 24-5 112-3 4 451 3 AllenCE1 2000 9 FitMissionll2,MilePIayll2.BostAcc 106 May 2-317C D 1A 146% ft 42f 110* 5 12" 4i PottsO6 2500 11 DarkSeall5,Stupends 105,Bellsmithll6 Man28-313StJ 1A 151% ft 13 105*4 4 421 42J AllenR1 1000 12 Amstdaml08,HdRockl05,Sanction 110 Mar.27 313St J l70 148 ft 5f 103* 7 11 11" 11" CallahanH10 1500 12 Lagrangelll.Donau 106,StocaMaje 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 22 2 2 3 ,625 1931 record. .20 0 2 3 $ 670 Florida Gold 11*? Chl g* 7 ly GoWen Guinea— Florida Blossom, by Uncle. last work- 129— lm l-443/-ft *■*•* Trainer. J. Lowenstein. Owner, J. Lowenstein. .larl5 316Hv 31:13%ft 3 128 8 7 7" 7*1 NealE1* 1200 12 AmcanThderlll,WatchOnll8,Tang 108 Man7 31Hav 31:13 ft 8 5 118 2 11* 1* NealE8 150010 Lassall6,AracanThder lll.Finnath 114 Feb.28 314Hav I 1:13 ft 8-5 117 6 6 645 44* SylvesterJ 1500 7 As Fair 113, Lew Black 114, Mirate 111 Feb25 315Hav i 1:13% ft 2 113 1 2 2" 2i NealE8 2500 6 MyWdsorll0,H.Smithl08,PciaAnn 107 Feh24 314Hav 1:14% ft 7-5 118 2 5 32* 31 NealE8 Allw 10 FltingFire 118,KingPinll2,SirRaoul 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 15 2 14 ,800 1931 record .. 12 6 11 ,095 Dorita 1 AT B. I, 4, by Dodge — Azurita, by Hessian. 4 *•" I Trainer, F. C. McAtee. Owner, F. C. McAtee. Last work- 125—3 116%" Apt27-317Lex" 1A 1:49% "gd 10 108 3 1 2" 41 FisherH8 1800 8 Devonll4,SilkolinelOO,ShastaPrune 112 Apr24 31Lex fc 1:10% gd 35 106 6 7 5i 541 CorbettC8 250U 10 St. Jim 116, Black Imp 105, Film 110 Sepl5 30Lex fc 1:14% hy 10 10514 7 6" 613 FutrellJ* 1800 8 WhOnll8,DianydGlowll5,RedRidcr 110 Aug.16 D.P 1 1:40% ft 24-5 103 1 6 33 421 JamesE1 1800 7 Marcttel06,HdOrmontl06,Venezela 114 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starta. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wcq.. Last year.. 17 1 4 2 $ 1.385 1931 record.. 2 DodgSOn 11*? B. g, 6, by Dodge — Embellish, by Alvescot. Last work- 119—3 4 116%" *•*** Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. May 6-317C.D* lil:56%sy 22 112 6 4 4=1 48 YeltonR9 2000 10 Duelist 107,Negodalel07,Herndeen 107 May2 3rC.D 1 A 1:46% ft 22 115 911 9n 914 YeltonR5 2500 11 DarkSeall5,Stupends 105,Bellsmithll6 Mar3 316Mia 1£ 2:35% hy 9» 112 2 6 6» 518 YeltonR4 2000 7 Glenno 115, Brush 102, Mary Dale 1041, Feh21-31Mia 1* 2:05% ft 14 115 8 7 512 614 YeltonR9 2000 10 Fetish 113, Boris 108, Glenno 113 Fehl2-3rMia T0 1:43% ft 18 5 117 7 7 7" 720 YeltonR1 2000 7 Fetish 117, CandyPig 108, Intrepid 103 Feb.2 313Mia 1A 1=45% ft 51 114 7 7 714 612 StephensW4 3000 7 TonyJoell9,BondgDcep 112,Griffin 117 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 13 2 10 ,000 1931 record .. 9 2 0 0 ,500 Dralia 1 H7 B. m, 6, by Bunting — Galanta, by William the Third. lul Trainer, H. C. Hagan. Owner, H. C. Bagan. May 7-31cC.D 1A 1 :51% hy 40 107 3 6 431 46 McCoyJ5 2000 10 Workless 115,S.Pass 112,B.Thun ler 112 Apr27-316Lex 1A 1:48% gd 71 110 1 6 6 612 RoseM3 2500 7 VermiculitellO,H.Kellyll5,Blcklnip 115 Apr22-313Lex l7, l:49%m 45 107 3 5 671 68 RoseM4 1800 8 Shark 112,BarberJohn 112,Respond 113 Aprl8-318Lex 1 A 1:47 ft 57 107*3 8 714 713 McCovJ8 250010 ScletBrigade 112,Bogan 112,Buffer 107 JuL26 30*Lat 1A 1:51 m 33 105 6 5 7" 74 RoseM1 2000 9 Dar Furl05,Ustrious 105,UndArmy 110 JuLl 30Lat 1?0 1:47% ft 32 112 1 9 919 923 JonesL10 2000 10 M,capMvinl04,SpotLi,tl07,Midsolea 105 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 12 0 1 0 $ 100 1931 record. . 4 Star Lassie 1 fr7 Cn 4 by Ladkin— Star Class, by Star Shoot. Last work- 126 lm 1-44%" i" Trainer, H. Boseacher. Owner, O. Torrell. Apr.9 312Bow | l:29%gd 19-5 11310 4 341 22 PonceC 2500 14 BobShonllS.CgaryKayllS.ImaQn 113 Mar30 312Bow 8 1:27% gd 5 109 13 8 861 108! MadeleyF* 3500 15 TonyJoell5,BrkPtcial09,Clg KyllO Madl 314St.J 1 1:15 ft 6 102 5 4 451 21 MadelevF2 5000 5 Tantalizing a.Gmlder lOO.Equation 115 Jaa5 314St.J r°l:47%gd 21 114 4 4 51U 57i PonceC8 Hdcp 6 PceTokalonl09,GrfinllO,R.Cr.Sisr 108 Jaa l-31"St.J 3 1:16 ft 1 111 o 1 11 11 PonceC1 2500 8 RdCr.Sis,rl07.Stupdsl08,WveTopl09i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .20 1 2 4 ,393 1931 record. . 5 1 2 0 $ 955 Buffer 11*? Ch. g, 4 M, by Dozer— Limelight, by Star Shoot. Last work- 124—3 8 -37%" **" Trainer, A. D. Steele. Owner, C. C. and G. Y. Hieatt. May8 316C.D 1A l:48%gd 12 115 6 4 43! 35DePremaR8 200012 K.Wilkinsl05,W.Lurel 105,RbertR.110 Apr28-314Lex 1A 1:48% ft 8 115 8 3 44 451 ChhamR9 2500 11 Luray 105, Belgium 115, Oderic 110 Apn23 317Lex l70 1:46 gd 61 112 3 5 581 55 TinkerH7 1800 8 Devon 112,GraniteDust 107,Sesqui 112 Apnl8 318Lex 1A 1:47 ft 264 10710 8 58 341 NealE8 2500 10 ScletBrigadell2,Boganll2,Sh.Pruncl07 Nov.10 307Lat 1 1:54 ft 66f 103 12 9 9s! 713 SylvesterJ1 1800 12 Bch of LeslOO,FrgExpsl03,Rshg 103 Nov. 3 30"Lat 1 1:54 ft 22f 103 12 12 1213 10,u SylvesterJ11 1800 12 IreneT.104,RoyaISport 108,Sarcastic 107, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, . Starts 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 19 0 0 2 $ 150 1931 record. . 4 0 0 2 $ 150 United Orby 10 Br. g, 3 M, by United Verde— Ponsella, by Boyal II. Last work: 131—5-8. . .l:06sy J-V*- Trainer, W. Beed. Owner. Mrs. E. P. Humphrey. Nov.14 302Lat l70 1:50 hy 24 113 4 6 613 410 RichardA7 Maid 11 Ld Deanll0,LaFeriall0,SnO Swp 113 Nov 8 30Lat l70 1:45% ft 10 11210 4 5,a 514 TonrowR9 Maid 12 T.B.Pal 112,TrHayJr.ll2,S.O.Swp 112 Oct29-30=Lat 2 l:17%sl 10 115 11 7 783 6*i McAulfeD" 12 Bimbo 112, AllGirls 107. ButhMarie 112 O Oct.21-303Lat 3 l:14%ft 13 115 12 9 10» 9«J SimpsonR 12 Malaita 115, Pollys Boy US, Blighter 115 A Oct.l4-304C.D 3 1:14%ft 9i 105 10 9 8» 6* SimpsonR 12 Burnm 109,TtleEvie lOO.WtVginia 105 0 Oct 8-30C.D 3 1:16 8129-10 104 11 9 7« h* SimpsonR 12 GolnTshll2.ScotdFaerylO! ,Burnam 109 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 17 0 2 0 $ 400 Ilie Southerner 119 ch e 8 by 0mond— Beryl, "y HaipB. Last work- 126— lm 1-46%" -I A « Trainer, W. Sims. Owner. B. C. Thatcher. May 8 317C.D 1* 1:54% gd 11 112 6 8 71* 714 MeyerC8 2500 8 Negodale 112, Tela 107, Longridge 112 May 2-31°C.D 1A 1:45% ft 7 115 8 7 88i 8° LandoltC8 2500 10 Disturb 115, Chum 115, Irene T 110 Jan.27 313F.G i 1:12% ft 7 1071 6 5 53i 33 Smith J4 Allw 6 EtonardollO.OIdDutch 106,Flimsy 106* Jan.23 313F.G 3 1:12% ft 11 107 9 6 78 732 BenderC* Allw 10 Etondol05,Whileawayl08,ChySwp 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won . Last year.. 22 4 6 1 ,905 1931 record .. 7 0 0 2 $ 175 Padona 119 Ch" tT* 7 by Thunderstorm— Elwah, by Chuctanunda. Last work: 128— lm.l:46%S«l -»-±i Trainer, W. F. Overton. Owner, Kenton Farm Stable. May 9 314C.D 1A 1:47% ft I3f 110 5 11 11" II7 McCoyJ8 200012 LadyVVittl02,S.BrigadellO,H Storm 110 MarlO 30J.P lA2:03%hy 13 114 5 11 11" ll15 ThomasH1 120012 C.Campus 106,MterSver98 RyWay 110 Feb.l4 307F.G 1 1:54% ft 14f 110 2 7 7! 718 ThomasH1 1500 11 WilmPennllO,HighLifellO,Quibbler 110 Hk 6-30F.G 1J l:55%ft 39 112 8 6 5U 4J ThomasH 8 JuniorC. 107,SaucyPolly lOC.Finland 1J7 O F,b. 4-303F.G ljl:58%hy 17 U4 2 3 6" 6» ThomasH 12 J.Horganl09.ConCpsl09,MksI O J»o.29-303F.G 1A1:53 hy 18 105 8 8 5» 5" CramerR 12 O.GoShut HO.IsostasyllO.HpjHanly 105 0 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year.. 9 0 1 1 $ 225 1931 record .. 1 Royal Manager 119 B. g, 6, by The Manager— Princess Boyal, by Uncle. Last work: 122— 5-8. . .1:05" xl Trainer, W. G. Yanke. Owner, W. G. Yanke. Nov6 307Lat 1 A 1:58% ft 19 114 7 9 10s* 913 BorelC11 1800 12 CallPlay 107,HiramKellyll2,Vandal 104 Oct29 307Haw 1£ 1:55% ft 31-10 115 7 4 4*1 1» BorelC 150012 Roodlesl05,RayRuddyl08£,V*nquish 115 Oct22-30Haw li 1:53 ft 5 114 4 4 431 4« BorelC 12 MasterAee 109, Violin 107, privately 107 Q Oct 2-30«Haw 11 l:53Vift 39-10 112 6 4 31 3« FisherH1* 10 HySchneider 112, Inca 107, Finnster 107 O Sep.29-30Haw 18 l:54%ft 39-10 U6 4 6 «« 321 BorelC 11 Inca 107,Aviator l.SethsBallot 107 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year.. 19 2 2 5 ,950 . Respond 11Q Br *• 6 by 0mar Khayyam — Responsful, by Meddler. Last work- 128 5 8 106sl Trainer, R. Shilling. Owner, Carroll Bros. Mav 9-31:C.D l 1:47% ft 18f 110 9 8 Th 77i SchutteH* 2000 11 A.Goldsthl00,KingPinl05,L.Hrted 110 Apt22 313Lex 1" 1:49% m 12 113 7 6 45J 31 MurrayT* 1806 8 Shark 112,BarberJohn 112,Belgium 112 Mar.26 31;St.J 1and 1:51 ft 4f 110 7 6 3a 331 ZucchiniR,u 1000 12 Jt.Grnerl05,MtToddyl05,L.CIarceKb Mar.24 3rSt.J 1| 1:53 ft 8 5f 106 11 9 1010 9» McLhlinE" 1000 11 LdonRockl06,Czaristl09,P.Calhon lOt Mar.18 31sSt.J 1| 1:59 ft 23 10 111 6 4 441 554 3niderA10 100010 Enthticl08,EvelineF102,L*yClarce lOi Mar.14 31cSt.J 1| 2:13% ft 12 114 9 5 5 5»1 SniderA" 1500 10 JamesM.105,MagicCpetl02,RundaIe 112 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 10 0 1 0 $ 200 1931 record .. 14 1 1 3 $ 815 ] divltl B. 1 07 **r- *« * °y Busy Americai, — Doric, by Sain. Last work: 128—3 4 l-23%sl *" • Trainer, R. P. Brooks. Owner, Mrs. B. P. Brooks. May 5-31sC.D 1 A 1:47% ft 25 113 5 8 10M 10" EdwardsC* 2000 12 GrecnBtvl08.CsinDoll 105,Cuddle 113 Nov7 303Lat 1£ 1=54 ft 21-10 102 2 1 1* ll RichardA7 1800 12 SweetFace 102,Caius 105,TopHattie 107 Oct27 30,Lat Its 1:50 m 27 107 1 5 4i 4 GoolerW" 2200 12 H,dPinll0,ArlineC,orll2,CapnJ S. 115 Oct24-30:Lat lrVl:47 ft I 105 6 7 6» 6 GoolerW* 12 HiramKlyllS.Bber.lohnm.RalSpt 110 C Oct22-30Lat lrVl:46%ft 24 107 5 2 21 2* GoolerW* 12 PedFacellS.RushingllO.SouthlandToyllO C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 13 112 ,300 1931 record.. 1 WlliSK Arrow 1 07 Ch- m 6 by Whiskaway — Arrow Point, hy Handsel. Last work- 127—5 8 108m * " ■ Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, G. V. Barnes. Max- 9 314C.D IjV 1:47% ft 30 100* 7 12 1219 12" TurnerC10 200012 LadvWittl02,S.BrigadellO,H.Storm 110 Sep.12 SCL.F 1 1:37% ft 14 102 3 6 ll14 12" TildenR7 1600 12 LeFlorell5,Col.BoardllO,BigBrotherlOt Sep.4 305L.F 11:41% si 27 10 105 7 5 3* 33J JamesE3 1800 12 EasterBoyl03,MyNo 103,SndyLady 105 8ojn 2-30-L.F 1 l:28%m 6 107 and 7 6" 4« De PesoG» 11 Woodlot 115.JeffONeil 110. Kukul 110 C Au»25-307L.F g lAo";tt 91 105 7 7 fi1* G!1 TildenR 10 RoyalSonllO.J.A. WeilllO.HonestJhn 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 11 3 11 ,000 1931 record .. 1 A dil I or T. 1 OR B. g. 3 M, by Tryster — Clonakilty, by Catmint. Last work- 120 5-8 l-01ft A "J Trainer, J. TTmensetter. Owner, Knebelkamp tc Morris. Nov.ll 30=Lat | 1:13% ft 13 115 911 911 10" LandoltC1 1800 12 HbrJimll0,NnPlayll5,SctdWise 112 No:3 305Lat 1" 1:45% ft 3* 10512 5 5n 614 ReevesR8 2000 12 JlyDollellO.Tr.BluePal 110,WiHmJ 110 Oct27-30:Kat 3 l:15%sl 13 115 8 8 57 351 SkyrmF» 12 ChubilO.W Virj;i!iiall5.TrueBluePal 110 t OcLlS 30C.D jl:13%ft 12f 11112 11 9 J 6CJ Le BiancN» 12 Kenashaw 108,Magic Flute 111, Bully 111 C Oct 9-30=C.D 21:14%gd 25 110 12 f 671 51 SkyrmF" 12 TbeMongol 115.WestVginial0ri,Bully 110 C haMrUl fcl:ll%ft 22f 115 12 12 10*i SJ SkyrmF" 12 NseMaidlia.MagicFtellS.MkAnonyllS 11 , Start-*. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 15 0 0 1 $ 100 Pliailtlisime 1 OH Ch. f, 3 M, by Star Master — Phantom Fairy, by Negofol. Last work- 129 1-2 -40%ft A Uv/ Trainer, L. Campion. Owner, Middleburg Stable. May 4 314Pim 1 1:48% ft "8 5 106*10 2 5* 67i PeggC8 2000 11 Ancoda HO.SunDreamer HO.Snooty 108 Apt30 317Pim 1and1M ft 29 10 103*2 1 23 341 PeggC7 2500 11 ClrSkyl23,RlPanoplyl20,DnsElk 115 Apr.27 313Pim i 1:14 ft 16 105 3 3 42i 33 ArnoldG7 2500 11 CoinCollectorl22,Tansy 105,Wicker 117 Apn24 3PHdG 31:13 ft 15 105 5 3 3Ji 33 ArnoldG1 3000 12 SirByron 105,Quorum 112,HalfDay 113 Aptl8 31HdG 17» 1:46% ft 7-5e 103 1 2 46 4CJ DaintyF3 Maid 15 Levantel08.MargaretMcl03,Tancred 109 Apcl4 314HdG 5f 1:06% ft 21-10 108 2 2 5*i 4i WattersE AUw 8 DarkMagnetll3,Sydka 113,Measure 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, Last year. .20 0 6 4 ,550 1931 record .. 8 0 1 3 % 750 HISS Lee 1 07 B. m, 6, by Bunting— Patsy Lee, by Delhi. Last work- 129—3 4 116%" *•"■ Trainer. C. N. Lewis. Owner, C. N. Lewis. Nov.l5 30;Lat lft 1:50 m 16 110 4 12 1234 12" CastleW8 1800 12 Glenno 113,Molerito 113,Stupendous 105 OcL30-30Lat 1 1:13 gd 19 1101 4 6 6U 615 CastleW1 2400 6 Coots 116,Stupendousl03,Overboard 108 OcL27-303Lat IrV 1:50 m 11 112 12 12 12«12 » CastleW1 12 irdPinllO,ArlineC"norll2.CHptn J.S.115 C Oct.21-308Lat IjV 1:4SH« 44 110 1 1 1 - 2» CastleW* 12 CallPlay 108. Broker 110. Baby Delhi 105 C Octl6-30Haw IrV l:51»4»y 25 112 7 4 45J 8 » CastleW* 12 Ham 110, Force 115, Griff W. 115 C Oct 6-30llaw IrV l:46%ft ■ 112 5 2 » » 9" CastleW* 12 EvenSixtyllS.BlinglOn.Klng atArmslOS C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starta. 1st. 2nd. 8rd. Won. Lust ycut-. .-A A i 6 $ 2,700

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