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I 1 I WORKOUTS Date at left of horses name Is last workont of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; b, handily; o, ail out; u, eased up. v SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 " 1 FAIR GROUNDS. Veather cloudy; track slow; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 2-19 Bill Looney. :38h 2-17 Mad Finn... :40b 2-5 Bernice Van. :43b 2-10 Norman P... :39 h 2-15 Capt. Jerry.. :36h 2-16 Obstinte Girl :40h 2-17 Cynara :37h Olive A :38 -h 12-24 Canfli :41b 2-16 Paint Box.. :39 h 1- 2 Crazy Coot.. :40 b 2-17 Pr. Atheling. :39h 2- 17 Esba France :40h Quick Bow. :39h 12-14 Elysium .... :40 b 2-8 Sym Jack... :40h 2-11 Finland :42h 2-17 Sonny Basil. :41 h 2-9 Helens Pride :41 b 2-17 Suspense ... . :37h 1- 16lskum :39h 2-14 The Whig... :40b 2- 15 Lady Sunbm :36h . Tiverton .... :37h 2-15Manya :36h 2-16 Vestal Maid. :41b 2-13 Marsteller . . :41h 2-11 Venetian Girl :37h 2-8 Miss Delight :40 h One-Half Mile. 2-13Balzar :55h 2-16 L. Messenger :53 h 2-18 Bay Leaf. . . . :53h 2-13 Lucky Dan. . :55h 2-17 Big Blue :52h 2-19 Lsome Glory :53 b 2-16 Dick Morris. :57b 2-14 Metallurgist . :58 b 2-15 Guide Left. .. :54h 2-18 Master Ogden :54h 2-9 Grand Prince :54b 2-18 Mexico :58 b 2-17 Gloria Sharpe 6b 2-1 Pr. Farthing. :58b 2-15 Gloritone ..: :50h 2-17 Surpass .... :55 b 2-16 Hold Hard... :52h 2-18 The Aldermn :53h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-17 Bob Kernan.l:06h 2-17 My Hobby. .l:04h 2-16 Fiddler 1:06 h 2-18 Pr. a. Poetryl:02h 2-17 General Costal:09 b 2-14 Rita Ann. . . .l:05h 2-9 Hoops 1:06 h 2-17 Santander ..1:06 h 2-16 Jack Murphyl:12 b 2-17 Uma l:06h 2-17 Miss Unruly.l:12 b Three-Quarters Mile. 2-17 Apple Cart.. .l:18h 2-16 Nola l:25b 2-14 Bengal Tigerl:23b 2-17 Pagan Laddiel:23 b 2-16 Box Office. .l:23h 2-17 Prince Tomyl:23h 2-17 Bunting Lad.l:21h 2-12 Rejuveation 1:24 h 2-17 Bad Habits. .1:26 b 2-14 St. Mica. . . .l:21h 2-12 Burgoo l:19h 2-10 Sorrento ...1:24 b 2-19 Booby Bird. .1:21 h 2-14 Sir Kendal. .l:20h 2-16 Betty Shinn.l:22b 2-17 Soothing ... .l:22h 2-18 Cherry Heartl:22 h 2-18 Springsteel ..l:20b 1- 26 Dear Nanettel:24b 2-17 Tulane Lass.l:17h 2- 18 Fd Auerbachl:24 h 2-19 Updike 1:21 h 2-17 Hy Schneiderl:23 h 2-17 Underdun ..1:23 b 2-6 Jane Packardl:21h 2-7 Wrackell ... .1:23 h 2-9 Lieut. Russelll:26 b 2-17 Wise Money.l:23b Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-11 Disturb l:36h One Mile. 2-7 Brass Mnkeyl:44h 2-17 Old Sport... l:53b 2-19 Bd Meadowsl:45h 2-17 Pollywog . . .1:47 h 2-18 Beige l:46h 2-16 Princess A.O.I :55h 2-19 Bar Hunter.l:47 h 2-16 Ricciardo . . .1:49 h 2-17 Catalog ....1:52 h 2-12 Sis Esther.. l:51b 2-17 Fortune ....1:52 b 2-16 Sancroft ....1:49 h 2-12 Green Wave. 1:47 h 1-4 Shakitup ...1:55 b 2-18 Jean Desaiblel:53 b 2-17 Sun Friar. . .l:53b 2-19 Jeane Wachsl:54b 2-16 Toneys Star.l:54h 2-17 Jack B 1:47 h 2-14 Troll l:51h 2-17 Kitty Wilkinsl:51 b 2-17 Trangression 1:50 h : 1- 27 Loyal Louie,l:53h 2-16 Trudgeon . . .l:49h ! 2- 16 Must Hurry.l:52b One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-17 Best Ace.... 2:03 h The "dogs" were removed at 8:30, and quite a number of horses worked after that time. HIAL,EAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Aeraway ... :36d 2-17 Os. Princess. :36h 2-5 Concern .... :36h 2-17 Prestige .... :35d Chirap :36d Sunset Gold. :35h 2-16 Foul Tip.... :37 h Svvt Sixteen. :38 h Gay Attire.. :36h 2-13 Shavings ... :37 h 2-1 H. Explosive :36h 2-16 Song Hit. . . . :36 h Juggernaut . :37 h 2-9 St. Christhr :37 h 1- 25 Ly Bracadle :36h 2-16 Tee Off :38 h One-Half Mile. 2- 14 Arras :52b 1-6 Lady Legs... :52 h 2-18 Helianthus . :48h 2-15 Laura Clay. . :50 h 2-12 Le Condor. . . :50h 2-9 Tombereau . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-13 Angry Lass. .1:05 h 2-13 Gay Bird.... lK3h 2-13 All Hail.. 1:04 h 2-6 Line of Fire. 1:05 h 2-11 B. McFarlndlK3h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-17 Gold Mint... l:17d 2-17 Mabla 1:18 h 2-13 Kyar l:15d 2-17 Prepare ....l:16h 2-16 Mike Carey. .l:15h 1-31 Traitor 1:14 h 2-17 Mae Sweep.. 1:20 h 2-13 The Khan... 1:17 d One Mile. 2-18Caporal II...l:45h 2-8 Montanaro ..1:45 b 2-19Chicsu 1:45 d 2-10 On Sir l:40d 2-18 Fair Albert.. 1:46 d 2-13 Thursday .. .1:45 h 2-17Kingrow ...1:45 h 2-13 Trombone ,.l:40d One and One-Eighth Miles. 2-17 Impish 1:55 h 2-13 Slambang ..1:55 h AGUA CALIENTE. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 2-14 Amour :38 c 2-4 Mdm Queen :38b 1- 29 Baby Bane.. :36h 2-18 Ono ........ :37b 2- 9 Bill Henry.. :39 b 2-8 Pacheco .... :36h 2-5 C. B. Hadley :39b 2-4 Poitou ..... :36h 2-6 Captn Fried. :38 b 2-18 Runanwin . . :37e 2-8 Demoiselle . . :35h 2-12 Shasta Cherry :37e 2-5 Eager Polly. . :36h 1-28 Sun B :38 b 2-13 El Cajon.... :35h 2-18 Shasta Snow. :35h 2-10 Fort Worth.. :39 b 2-11 Shortage ... :38b 2-6 Jotiva :38b 2-4 Texas Lghn :40 b 2-4 Joe Macaw.. :36h 2-5 Valley Queen :37e 2-14 Mirvin Louise :36h 2-15 Wrigley Fld. :39b One-Half Mile. 2-13 Bahamas ... :51 e 2-12 Malover .... :52 b 2-13 By Wire :49h 2-11 Meadow Boy. :52b 1- 26 Bron Thistle :51 e 2-14 Mild :49b 2- llBonsilla .... :52b 2-10 Maurice Ed.. :52b 1- 26 Brn Ormond :53 b 1-31 Miss Mona. .. :52 b 2- 18 Chf Alnigren :49h 2-18 Nacho :50e 12-23 Cherokee MM :51 b 2-11 Napos :51 b 2-5 Corsage .... :51 e 2-6 Oliver ...... :50 h 2-14 Chiclero .... :51 b 2-15 Parawick ... :49h 1- 28 Cuevas :52b 2-13 Royal Chef. . :51 b 2- 16Dupee :50 h 2-7 Santerno ... :50h 2-11 Durango .... :49h 2-4 Senator Seth. :50e 2-11 Foolhardy .. :54 b 12-18 Shift :51b 2-10 Glad Effort.. :49h 2-8 Shorty O.... :50 h 1- 30 Happy Fanny :51 b 2-5 Spanish Light :51b 2- 11 Idalouise ... :49d 12-11 Vd Vengnce :52b 2-8 Johnny Agee. :50 h 2-13 Wirt :50e 2-12 King Bank.. :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 2-6 Bonnie Kay.. lH7e 2-4 Neckpiece ...1:06 b 2-13 Bag Smasher.l:04e 2-18 Ormds PIay.l:05b 2-4 Bafflorette ..l:02h 2-15 Purple Light.l:06b 2-13 Beth Hogan.l:04c 2-4 Prancing Stepl:06 b 2-8 Carilina ....1:05 b 2-13 Quiver l:05b 1- 19 Feeling Fire.l:04e 2-14 Rol Romancel:06 b 2- 5 Gallop Along.l:06 b 2-12 Sister Mary. .1:06 b l-19Gareth 1:06 o 2-16 Shas. Broom.l:04e 1- 24 Lord Vale... l:04e 2-13 Sir Argo 1:06 b 2- 13 Maxie Binderl:06 b 1-28 Spot Light. .l:05b 1- 28 Miss Zelpha. .1:05 e 2-14 T. McCoomb.l:05 b 2- 10Mailliw 1:05 b 2-18 Wess Brooml:05b Three-Quarters Mile. 2-13 Bronie Smiiel:20 b 2-1. Pawn ..l:17h 2-5 Dark Ayr.... l:21b 2-15 Sun Roman.. 1:21 b 1- 25 Mekachee ...1:21 b One Mile. 2- 19 Phar Lap.... 1:50 b JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths MHe. 2-16 Anne L :39 b Mardelle ... :45 n 2-12Bogan :39b 2-17 Marion E.... :36d 2-17Henado .... :37h 2-18 M. McCarthy :43 n 2-18 High Pockets :40 b 2-16 Na Zdar. . . . :45 b 2-14Honeyman .. :39 b 2-10 Panzola .... :41 b 2-18 Kelso :36d 2-16 Std Bearer.. :41b 2-16 King Lupe... :43 b 1-6 Torch Boy... :44 b One-Half Mile. 2-17 Bag o Gold. :52b 2-16 Lila G :52b 2-16 Chr. Paschen :52 b 2-17 Night Cry. .. :55b 2-18 Lady Couvin. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 2-19 B. Bourbon. l:09b 1-23 Polyfon ....l:02h 12-31 Carlino 1:15 b 2-16 Purple Robe.l:04 h 2-18 Forte Mann.lK5h 2-19 Tin Hat. . . . .l:07b 2-18 Ormontime .1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2-16 Dr. Billy.... l:17h 2-11 Mardo 1:22 h 2-18Dar-Fur ....l:27b 2-18 Radint Rosel:19 h 2-4 Gunny Sack.l:17h 2-19 T. of Dawn.l:22b 2-18 Hazel Densonl:23b Whopteedoo l:19h . Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-19Brinkley ...l:38b One Mile. 2-2 Clownish ...l:46d 2-17 Lads Run..l:46d 2-17 H. Thoughts. 1:55 b 2-18 Louisville ..1:48 h 2-8 Jack Berry.2:00 b Marion E. showed speed under a drive. Mary McCarthy and Mardelle were eased up in their work. HAVANA. Weather foggy; track fast One-Quarter Mile. 2-5 Barston :24. 2-19 Lew Black... :26 EI Polar :24 1-30 Night Tears.. :26 Fair Brand... :24 2-11 Shield :28 2-14 General Court :29 2-13 Stylish Mack. :24 2-16 Honest John. :25 2-17 Sun Mission.. 56 1- 10 Ipsara 58 1-27 Walter H :25 Three-Eighths Mile. 2- 17 Billycoo :37 2-15 Keswick :41 2-7 Bilson :37 2-17 Master Durbar :43 1- 25 Curt ;40 1-25 Olive Sabath. :39 2- 18 Fannie Brice.. :41 2-18 Over Shady.. :38 2-15 For Play :38 2-19 Oregon Czen. :38 2-13 Free Helen... :39 2-19 Valley ....... :38 One-Half Mile. 2-15 Blue Day.... :52 2-11 Play Choice.. :53 2-13 Cabaret :50 1-26 Polycron . . . . :59 2-13 Chiefs Tdour :52 1-18 Running Girl. :54 2-14 Edeyess :50 1-26 Shabby Shoes. :54 1- 27 Monkey Shine :54 2-11 Tder Nymph. :52 2- 18 Netie Pebbles. :52 Five-Eighths Mile. 2-9 Bagiel 1:18 2-19 Lucky Nancy.l:!? 2-18 Bugs Leary..ia8 1-27 Swcep-Net ...1:12 2-6 Dodie Lghtonl:07 2-18 Supme Tkenl:17 2-18Howee 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-18 Alice Del 1:27 2-14 Excursion ...1:26 2-17Bunama 1:30 2-14 Lightfoot Donl:29 2-11 Doc 1:24 2-5 Pernoel 1:27 Seven-Eighths Mile. 2-16 Sam Slick. .. .1:40 One Mile. 2-14 Baked Apple. .1:55 2-18 Tderstruck . .1:46 2-16 Magic Carpet. 1:47 Due to heavy fog, it was difficult to accurately time the moves.