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i r v i [ t a a r v ; ■ [ I k t J I j | ; JMysteriouC 5 II Mr. Sullivan J ■ I c7he m anll/ho Routed f I IX M~ Chicago bookmakers** * CO CO ■ =£*== 4zand=*5and= CO =*se*=$ "NOTICE"— Bookies are refusing to take bets on our parlays. People are talking about the sensational WINNERS I am giving and ALL MY FOLLOWERS ARE HAPPY. But Bookies DONT LIKE IT. Can you blame them? 1 YESTERDAYS PARLAY: LOST BUT NOT DISGRACED AND HOW DID YOU LIKE TUESDAYS PARLAY? AROUSE, $ 9.36, WON SMEAR, 0.46, WON AND LAST WEEKS 3 "LIMIT" PARLAYS WON Do you know that parlays pay MONEY?* Its no surprise to get WINNERS when you do business with "ONE WHO KNOWS." IT "Extra"— Two 10-1 Win- *M DT" ners Today! %J@ S5 BET ON THIS PARLAY SHOULD WIN 00 And I am so sure this PARLAY will WIN today that I stake MY REPUTATION on it. TERMS, A DAY i* Chicago Players, "Notice" "TRS Come np to my office and see the crowds — how they are CLEANING UP on my parlays every day. IF YOU CANT COME, phone Randolph 0105-9196 and I will send you my parlay In sealed envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN players, telegraph . I will wire it to you. J. SULLIVAN 127 N. Dearborn St. Suite 1327 Chicago, III. t| OVER A PERIOD OF THIRTY YEARS IN || DELIVERING Dinmrt" TO THE RACING PUBLIC | YESTERDAYS PARLAY: ONE WON ONE LOST NOT SO HOT yesterday, BUT no excuses to offer, as WE CANT HAVE "WIN PARLAYS" every day. If we did there wouldnt be any bookies left— • WOULD THERE? Tuesdays Parlay Paid 00-S1: SOUTHLAND BOY, S14.32, WON TEWSENELDA, 4.58, WON Many BOOKIES were knocked COLD Tuesday with this PARLAY. So if you missed it, BLAME YOURSELF. REMEMBER, YOU CANNOT BEAT THE RACING GAME "IF" you expect to pick them yourself, etc. You MUST be on the "INSIDE." mr Your "Big Chance" Today "VI Im going to surprise you today with a PARLAY that may pay the "LIMIT" and WIN EASILY. DONT LET STOP YOU FROM WINNING 00 !Hr Terms, a Day ~M W CHICAGO PLAYERS. "NOTICE" *9 If you cant come to our office, phone RANDOLPH 8781-8701 and we will send you our parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. OUT OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph and we will wire you. MAXIM and GAY 64 W. Randolph St.. Suite 1010 Chicago, III. H. P. BUTCH WAYNE AUTHORIZED CLOCKER iW FORMER OWNER BLUE RIDGE STABLE "Wl Chicago Office, 20 N. Clark St. Book Store PHONE DEARBORN 2958 HERE THEY ARE— MY TRUE RECORD: Only Two Horses Daily MY CLIENTS ARE GETTING RICH YESTERDAYS PARLAY: BLUE DAY .66, .62, 2ND BAGIEL See 7th Aurora TUESDAYS PARLAY: TANNERY, .32, WON COPLEY SQUARE, .60, WON MONDAYS PARLAY: LUCY MENIFEE, 8.04, WON PICTORIAL, $ 8.70, WON SATURDAYS PARLAY: LITTLE TOOTS, $ 7.30, WON MOZART, $ 8.16, WON Thousands of dollars won on above parlays and thats nothing to what we will do this coming week. SW TODAY H Two speed marvels that I clocked personally, and connections are wagering heavy for a BIG CLEANUP. BV They Should Be Long Shot Winners "W PARLAY BOTH AND GET THE LIMIT 2PF Terms, a Day PS8 W CHICAGO PLAYERS, "NOTICE" **i If you cant call, phone me and I will send parlay by messenger. Out-of-town players, telegraph and I will WIRE PARLAY AT ONCE. i JOCKEY PARTINGTON 118 West 44th Street New York City DAILY Yesterdays Parlay, Released to AH Clients: SANTA SOPHIA, 0.54, WON BEAUTY BRIDE, 7th Aurora TODAY— EXPECT 12 TO 1 AND 5 TO 1 GO THE LIMIT TO WIN ONLY The results are almost assured. Parlay them for as much as you can get down. Wire by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and I you will receive todays advertised information by telegraph. , i Subscribe for Daily Racing Form