Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-14

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workouts! Date mt horses name. Is last workoat of horse. Letters following time Indicate: b, breadac; m driving; a. smUj; h, handily; all eat; a, eased p. 1 - -- -- -- -- - - - - : : SUNDAY, JUNE 12 WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Barbara O... :36 h 6-9 Lillian Tobin 36h 5-15Bnie Marita 36K 6-10 Levaal 35h 6-7 Curly Head. 34h 6-9 Marraine .... :36h 6-U Dark Conqst 35 h 6-9 Mr. Dick.... :38 b 5- 30Durango ... 38b .6.9. Our Pal :36 h 6- 11 Dark Winter. 35 h 6-8 Old Depot... :39b 6-9 Elizabeth Fox :40 b .6-9 Paul Bunyan :37b 6-8 Good Scout.. 37 h. 6-9 Sis Gardner. 36 h 6-10Galt Knight :38 b 6-9 Suns Son... :38b 5 2 Hi Phi...... :41 b 6-il Thistle Play. 35 h 6-9 KarlEit... :37 h 6-9 Very Well... 37 h One-Half Mile. 6-5 Betty Derr. . 32b 5-U Dad Meiners, 30 h 6-5 Ben Blair... :50 h 5-30 Impish :53h 6-10 Batring Ram :53 h 6-11 Ormontime. . :53b 6-10 Brush Down. :49h 6-9 Pncho Lopez 1 h "6-9 Black West.. :48 h "6-8 Street Singer :48h 6-8 Cousin Jo. .. :52 b 6-5 Sandal Tree.. :49h 2-7 Distant Drum :51 h 6-4 Vespucci ... :49h 6-8 Darkest Hour :49 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-31 Aviary l:00h Earl 1:01 h 5- 27 At Top. . . . .1:01 h Fayte Princel:02 b 6- 4 Bali ....... .l:02h 6-11 Hour Zev.. .l:01h 6-4 Back Kick..l:01h "6-1 Indian Mist.. 1:05 h 6-9 Bun D l:03h 6-10 Ldy BdcastlK2 h 6-1 Ballygran .IlKlh 6-9 Portets Dml:02 h 6-4 Cynara .....12 h 6-9 Straw Vote. .1:01 h 6-9 Capns Ladyl:01h 6-10 Suitor ..... .l:02h ,6-9 Elegy ....... l:01h 6-6 Voltinu ....10 d Three-Quarters Mile. 6-9 Back Log...lJ.6h 6-10 Kincsen ....l:15h 6-9 Blow riy....l:15h 6-9 Nora D .Id5h J6-5 Benefit .....1:17 h 6-9 Mendell ....l:l7h 6-9 Chene l:155h 6-9 Shepard Boyl:l7h 6-10 Dunny Boy..l:15h Swift a. Truel:15h 6-9 Fairv Lass.. 1:17 h 5-12 The Bigamistl:16h 6-llJaz Age.... .1:15 h 6-5 Thistle Ace.l:16h 6-11, Hasty Peter.ld6h 6-10 Voltamaid . .l:17b 6-101 Say Il5h Seven-Eighths Mile. . 6-9 Cathcp .....157h - Mannerism .l8h 6-11 Dis Dat.... Ii28 h -5-29 Sir Satin. ...1:34 h One Mile. 6-5 Aricoda .....l:45h 6-8 Playdale ...l:40h 6-8 Bar Hunter.l:46b 6-9 Pollywog . .1:45 h 6-8 Babe Wells. .l:47h, 6-8 Prce Herbertl:42h 6-5 Delven .....1:42 h 6-9 Santori .....l:43h 6-10 Economic ..l:41h 6-11 Thistle Arisl:42h 6-9 Garrick ....1:45 h 6-9 Upright .....l:44h 6-8 His Last.... l:43h 6-8 War Time... l:43h 6-iB Mary Marvinl:46h . One and One-Eighth Miles. 4- 21Aulander ...135h j LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast . . Three-Eighths Mile. -6-9 Blast ...... 37 h 6-10 Our Grief... :36 h 6-6 Comet ..... :38 h 6-9 Prince Pbles :36h 6-9 Dowagiac .. :37 b 6-2 Petabit .... :37h 6-10 Kensington . :38b 6-8 Royal Riot.. :36h 6-6 Little Cony :37 h 6-9 Scandal Sht :38h -6-6 Oh Dave.... :37h 6-7 Tufinuf .... 39 h - 5-19 Oakhurst ...36 h 5-13 The Widower 34 d 5l28 Our Fancy. . :34 d Venetian ..,36 h i One-Half Mile. 6-9 Aregal ..... :52 h 6-9 Play Baby.. :52 h 6-6- Equation .... 33 b 6-10 Sand Boot.. :53 h 6-9 Lillian Z. .. :49h 5-18 Terry Rose. . :51h 5- 27 Mild :51b Five-Eighths Mile; .6-8 Baldys Flel3h 6-4 Main Meta..l5h 6- 8 Crystal Bellel4h 6-7 Northcutt ..l:02h 6-9 Chrs Night. l.-02d 6-5 Plum Orchdl.-03h 6:9 Flting Fancyl4b 6-4 Premeditate 12 h 6-8 Kenny Boy.l.-02h 6-4 Royal Chargel:05b Lilac Bloom.l2h 5-6 Visalia ....14 h 6-8 Lucky Coin.l3h 5-19 Vonnie l8b Lotus Bud:.l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. .6-9 Brown Snerl:17 h 6-9 Muskoday ..l:17h 6-8 Caius l:18b 6-9 Mole Hill... 1:18 b ,6-9 Ed Lark.... 123 b 6-4 Punishment l:19b 6-1 Holiday ....li7h 6-8 RejuvenaUon.l:19b 5- 19 Lady Mger.ld6d Seven-Eighths Mile. 6- 9 Big Play.... l:31d 6-8 Soothing ..1:31 h 6-8 Gay Lassie.l:28d One Mile. 6-4 Bub McFndl:44 h 6-9 Sweep Past.l:45 h 5- 17Milyda ....l:44h 6-7 Tea Green.. 1:44 b 6- 5 Press A. A.l:45h 6-7 Young Bill.. l:44h 6-URing Waterl:41d The Widower and Our Fancy showed high jrpeed under a drive. Running Water went a good mile. BATNBRIDGE PARK. ! Jeather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-2 AU Forlorn.. 39 d 6-7 My Beauty.. :37d 5- 8 Aspin Lakeji :40 b 6-8 Muslet ..... :39h 6- 8 ChUow ..... :43b 6-9 Mgna Mater :39h 6-8 Dewhurst :41 b 6-7 Minnie Gage. :41b 6-8 Explode .... :36d 6-5 Mame B. C. :41b 5- 28 Judas :40 b 6-9 Patsyette ... :38 h 6- 2 Liberty Flag. :39 h 6-9 Shby Shoes. 38 h 6-7 Laura Fish.. :42 b 6-6 Sudie B..... :40 b 6-9 La Compere. :36d 6-8 Shasta Lad.. 38 h 6-5 Lady Ebony.. :36 h 6-10 Thistle Duke 37h 5- 29Masr Ogden. :41 b 6-5 Vanity Case. :41 b One-Half Mile. 6- 1 Anne L :51h 6-9 Ken Kling... :52 h 6-8 Beth Dodge. :52 d 5-7 Major Gomez :48d 6-8 Bill Lutz.... :50 h 6-6 Marcelet ... :52 h 5- 3 Deerwood ... :52 h 6-9 Miss Peggy.. :54b I 6- 5 Grd Vovide :49h 6-10 Merrily On.. :51d Five-Eighths Mile. 6-9 A. Wersehn lld 640 Orestes H...l2d 6-9 Billy Bob... 12 d 6-lOPurlie ......13 li 6-9 Blk Mammyl2h 5-30Porgie 17 b 5- 19 Bright Knot.lld 6-10 Rose O l3h 6- 5 Mary PhylUs.lld 6-5 Rudyard ....15 b 6-9 Motive 15 h 6-9 Swincourt ..12 h 6-4 Mailliw 13 h 5-24 Spill ....... .l3h . - Three-Quarters Mile. 6-5 Balance All.. Id7 h 5-13 Nell Khlmanl:17 b D-6 Cloido ...,..l:16d 6-7 Nowski ....l:17h IMna Grace..l0 b 6-5 Sam Patch. ,l:17h 6-7 Efjaybe ....l:17h 6-10 Stampdale ..1:20 b 6-11 Flying Silk..ld7 h Terra Nova..l:18 b x 5-21 Liquidate ...l:17h 6-3 Thistle Vic..l:18h 5- 31 Ms N. Clanl:16d 5-16 Winona Ladyl:17 h 6- 8 Mayes Lutz.. 1:16 h . Seven-Eighths Mils. 6-7 Old Tuck. ...l:30h 5-28 Vesee 130h , One. Mile. 6-7 Bonnet .. . . .l:43h 5-30 William J... .1:43 k JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track .fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-7 Alcman .... :36h 4-25 The Gen.... :41 d 6-3 Odds ....... 36d 6-3 Ykers Flash. :41 b One-Halt Mile. . 6-10 Allenfern :55 b 6-9 Moon Shy... :50b 5- 3 Cresta Run.; :51b 6-10 Nightie ..... :52 b 6- 9 Dont Blush.. :53b 5-30Okaybee .... :56 b 6-10 Disdainful .. :46d 6-9 Taoist ...... :49 d 4- 28 Gyro ....... :51b 6-10 Volette ..... :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Flying Don... 15 b 6-9 Wilm F. X.l6 b 6-9 Lieutnt Bbbl6 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-7 Concord ....1:16 b 6-8 "Zaidce .....1:14 i 6-9 Polyfon .....1:17 b One Mile. 6-10 Equipoise ...l:44b Disdainful displayed excellent speed. Zaidee went well, Equipoise galloped an easy mile. AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Fleet Flag.. 36h 6-l60ptimus .... :37 h 6-10 Friscoville . :38h Seymour ... :38h 6-8 Dring Board. :39b 6-10 Upturn .... :36 h One-Half Mile 6-lOBeltempo ... :49h 6-3 Longford ... :53 b 6-10 Cocked Hat. :51 h 6-10 Via Appia... -0d 5- 31 Character .. :53 b 6-10 Wrench .... :57b 6- UDenon ..... :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-8 Colonist ...Aandl b 6-10Mry Chatterl7 b Foxy Flitter.l5 b Sun Envoy.. 1:05 b 6-8 Ithacan ....14 d 6-9 Winifred Annl2h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-8 Buggins ....1:25 b 4-28 Stellanova ..1:21 b 5- 3 Dcing Mack.1-2 b 6-10 Tuskegeand ...151b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6- 10 Device .....130 d One Mile. 6-10A la Carte.l:41h 6-7 Inarage .;.:l:42d, 6-7 Flaming ....1:53 b . MONDAY, JUNE 13 BELMONT PARK. Weather rainy; track sloppy" Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 22AiIla :40 b 6-2 Gay Attire... :40 b 6-11 Ebony Pcess :38 b 6-9 Mardadi .... 39b 6-6 Flag Trick... :40 b 6-U Old Honesty. 38 b One-HalfMile. 5- 30 Beetle ...... 1 b 6-6 Panetian ... :48h 6- 7 Cracker Cap. :49 h 6-8 Puchero .... :53 b 6-10 Moralist .... :49 b 5-31 R. Antelope. :49 h 6-8 Morsel ..... :53 b 6-6 Royal Guard. :53 b 6-llMaebee :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Exiled 15. b 6-6 Morality ....l3h 6-9 Flirting .....13 h 6-2 Orphean ."...13 h 6-6 Jacobs Lder.l4 b 6-6 Resurrection l2h 6-6 Marooned ...l34ih 6-6 St. Hubert. .l2h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-10 Delicacy ....1:15 h 6-9 Oesel 1:16 h One Mile. Cahirciyeen .1:46 b 6-8 War Hero... 1:43 h 6-11 Semaphore ..1:44 h The track was in bad condition and no fast work was attempted. Most of the moves were on the slow side. LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-26 An Queen.. 37h 5-28 Luke Cnell. :38b 6-9 Buzzy Boo.. 37b Mhigan Boy 39b 5-14 Bag Smher 38b 6-10 My Dandy. . 36b 5- 18 Cosmos .... 37h Rs the Red 39 b 6- 3 Capt. Logan 39 b 6-9 Runoff .... 36 h 6-11 Foolhardy .. 36h 6-10 Sophist :35h 6-9 Gden State. 36 h 6-9 Stately Lady 36 h 6-10Hyklas .... 36 h 5-25 Skidmore ..39 h Hot Tip.... :36 h 6-9 The Sw Off :35d 6-8 J. A. Weil., :38 b One-HalfMile. 3-29 Afro Acan. :50h 6-10 Golden Sun. :48h 6-9 Bunyora ... :50h 6-11 Ilium ...... :49 h 6-3 Brother Ben :49h 6-10 Monks Bela. :48h 6-9 Brilt Girl.. :49h 6-11 Ogee :49 h 6-11 Balderdash . :50h 6-8 Pre Droyal :51h 6-11 Bug Hunter. :54 b 6-9 Prudy Basil. :49 h 6-8. Clters Drm :50h 6-10 Salisbury . :50 b 6-11 Crystal Prce 0 b 6-6 St. Jim.... :50h 6-11 Fireflash .. :51 b 6-4 Totem :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-10 Annan ....l6b 6J2 Little Conlyl2 h. 5-15 Bourbon Qnl3 h 6-6 Latifolia ...11 h 5- 19 Constable ..12 h 6-3 Migan Lad.l:02 h 6- UConcisus ...12 h 6-5 Sir Raoul ..l:034ih 6-6 Fastidious .12 h 6-7 Tonto Rock.l4h 6-6 Gracious Giftl4b 6-5 War Saint. ,llh Three-Quarters Mile. 5- 15 Charlie Billsl:20 b 6-4 Mary-Dale .1:22 b 6- 10 Con Amore.l:17b 5-22 Sand Fdler.l:19b 6-7 Lqnell l:14h 6-6 Uncn Gold.l:15h 5- 31 Lanier .... .1 -1Q b One Mile. 6- 12 Aregal l:44d 6-8 Prce Ascot.l:43h 6-12 Dowagiac . .1:41 h 6-10 Seths Ballotl53 b 6-3 Evern Qunl:47h 3-10 the Aldernl:45 h 6-12 Kensington l:45h 6-U Vox Pop....l:43h 6-12 Oh Dave....l:43b Dowagiac did a good work from the barrier. War Saint was going very handily. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 6-9 Bank Shot.. 36d 6-9 Postpnment. :36h 6-10 Capt. Jerry. :4l b 6-11 Resold iv... :38b 6-9 China Bird.. 36 d 6-10 PuUs ...... :41 b 6-9 Incantation . 38 d 6-11 Surtees .... :38b 6-8 Indiantown . 39, b - One-HalfMile. 6-11 AH Stakes... 50 a.." 6-11 Hell Diver.. 31 b 5- 30 Black Fort. :49h 6-9 Iron Czar... b 6- 11 Beguile .... :51b 5-29 Mae Sweep.. :52b Be Happy... :55 b 6-11 Mazie F. . . . . :51h 6-11 Fall Apple. ,. :53b- 6-U Renaissance :53 Jr Five-Eighths Mile. 6-10Croyden ...1:10 b 6-6 Reveille Boyl4b 6-10 GaUop Alg.l2h . 6-U Redress- . . .l7b 6-11 No Frills... l:07b 6-10 Single Star.. l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-9 At Random.l:17b 6-8 Hrst Msion.14 b 6-8 Epoch .....1:19 b 6-9 Muff 108b . One Mile. 6-11 Prince Bulbol:59 b AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy-1:-Three-Eighths Mland 6-10 Charlie :4l b 6-7, Sara Burdon; :36h 5- 15 Fair Bunt... 37 h ""St. Nick.... :37h 6- 11 Georgian ... 38h , One-HalfMile. 610Haggerson . . :50 h 6-8 Uncanny . . . :50h 6-11 Mit Paragon :53 b . Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 15 Sandy Bill.40h Three-Quarters Mile. 6- 8 Wait Not... .153 b 5-18 Miss Alden..l:24 b 6-9 Whiieaway ..l:18h 6-9 Subscribe . ..i:19h One Mile. 6-12 Cocked Hat.l:4374h One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-11 Rocky News.2:ll b One and One-Quarter Miles. 6-10 Air Minded..2:12 d LONG BRANCH.. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-1 Branch .... 38h 6-8 Lindsay .... 39 b 6-llBurnside ... :35d 6-11 Sun Craig... :38b 6-9 Dark Celt.. :38b 6-10 Shorelmt .. :38b 6-7 Fair Jack... 35h 6-U Silvery .... :35h Fair Girl.... 35h 6-U Soil Gills.... :36h 6-2 Fair Judge.. 38 b 6-9 Young Kitty :38b 6-UHayfire .... :36h One-HalfMile. 6-9 Big Blow... :49h 5-27 Lance Pnant :53 b 6-10 Bronze ..... :48h 5-26 Pertoxical .. :50h 5- 14 Candy Man. :50h 5-23 Qtra Bras.. :50h 6- 1 Gold Mint.. :48h 6-10 Reflecting ..:50 b 6-7 Luis.Myman :50 b 6-1 Wing Gold.. :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 28 Black Sheep.l:03h 6-6 Larry Damml3 b 6- 10 Fire Brigade.l:04 b 5-23 Ortona l3b 6-9 Fatal Gift... l4h 5-25 Old Angler. .l:04h 5-20 Gma Delta. 14 d 6-10 Sp. of Butyl2h 5- 16Keltwick ...l:03h 5-16 Sing Heart.l5 b 6- 10 Live One...l3h 6-8 Uluniu 12 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-11 Abduction ..l:18h 6-8 Ima Queen.. 1:18 b 6-7 -Bter Beans. l:15h 6-10 Mn Phase. .l:17h 6-9 Bushman ...1:19 b ,6-6 Mr; Gaiety. .1-20 b 5- 31 Bright Day. .I:l6b 6-U Ned 0. . . . . .1 20b 6- 3 Cog-Air ....l:15h 6-J1 Roselys . . . .l:19b 6-7 Common .k.-.l:15d 5-23.Red Ronald.151 h 6 6 Celeritas , . .109h . Suneur . . . . .l:15h , 5-21 Cuchulain . .l:19b 6-9 Sergt Major.1.22 b 5- 31 En Avant..ia5b 6-8, Toki .......1-18 b 6- 10 Fair 0rb....l:18d 6-8 The Hovel.. l:20d 6-U Fair Fiune.l:18h 6-7 Uppity .....1:18 h 5- 18 Hogans Dcel:16b -6-9 Westys Rose.151 h 6- 7 Horatia ....l:l7d Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Whinestone .132 d - One Mile. 5-24 Blkboard ..l:44h 5-2 Old Kickapool:46h 5- 28Lommern ..l:45h 5-28 Playabit ..ll:45h 6- llMarpl6t ....1:46 h 4-21 Tazewell ...1:48 b 6-9 Muskadeen .l:46d 6-7 Tky Colonel.l:46d 611.Magnifico ..1:46 b WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast-Three-Eighths Mile. 6-5 Alpers ...... -:34andd 6rlQ Miss Sparkg :35h 6-7 Adsum . . ... . :36h 6-U.Orpn Prince 36h -6-5 Ballyhoo ... :36 h 5-30 Eharahead ..37 h 6-10 Bob Dozer.. 36h. 6-10 Royal Guinea 37 h 6-12 Black West. 39 h 6-1 Renewed ... :36 h 6-10 Bimini ..... :36 h 6-9 Stroll .Along. 37 h 6-llChesney. ... :36h 6-4 Satin. Spar.. :38 h 6-8 Dr. Freeland :39 b 6-9 Spanish Play :37 b 6-10 Darwin .... 35h 6-4 Snorky .... :38 b 5- 21 Dusky Lass. :36h 6-10 Tweeny ...35 d 6- 11 Gladys S.... 35 h 6-6 Thistle Dee. 39 h 6-2 Hsier Prince :35h 5-31 Tadcaster . . 39 b 6-10 Hyannisport. :35h 6-5 Thistle Wise 39 h 6-10Minton .... 36 h 6-10Tonow :36h 5- 31 Miss Melody. :Md 6-U Uncumberd :37 h One-HalfMile. 6- U Bather .... :54b 5-28 Patricia Grey :50h 5-9 Indian Runr :50h 5-30 Pess Cameiia :47 h 5- UJtice Logan :48d 6-11 Spic Son... :53 h 6- U Ladder :54 b 5-18 Technique . :50h 6-8 Last Attempt :52 b 5-2 Timorous . . :50h 6-9 Miss Bunting :47 d 6-9 Vesta :50 h 6-U Osculator . . :50b Five-Eighths Mile. Biota ...... llh 6-10 Monks Dude.l5 b 6-9 Buster B....l2d 6-7 Martie FIynnl2 h 5- 27Bianoz .....13 h 6-6 Nituma ....16 b 6- 10 Blies Orphanl2b 6-U Portcodine .18 b 6-5 Bney Sextonl4h 6-9 Pittsburgher l3b 6-12Durangb ..,llh 6-10 Princess Ivrel0d 6-7 Dream Portel3 h Pfect Dreamllh 6-9 Doctor KIeinl5 h 6-12Siins Son..l:01h 6-9 Dorita 1:05 h 6-U Tonawanda l:03h 6-10Elise 1:03 h 6-10 Va Carriendol3h 6-8 Miss Pctionl2 h 6-12 Vespucci ,.l2h 6-3 Mrs. Nancy.l0h 6-8 Zone l:00d Three-Quarters Mile. 6-8 Angry ,....l16h 6-10 Jack B 1:18 h 6-9 Blot ......1:15 h 6-12 Karl Eitel. .l:16b 6-9 Comso .....l:18h 6-12 Marraine ...l:17b 6-10 Bill Looney.l:18 h 6-12 Lillian TobinlJ.7b 6-7 Don Leon.. 1:13 h 6-10 Ono 1:17 h 6-2 Duelist ....l:16h 6-4 Smear .....lJ6h 6-2 Respond ...1:17 h 6-4 Trek l:16h 6-10 Higher .....l:15h 6-12 Very Well..l:16b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-lO Jge Pmrosei:27h 6-5 Portemesia 1:27 h 6-10 K. Russell.l:29 h 6-10 Shaker Ladyl 30 h One Mile. Absurdity ..1:45 fi 6-7 Ping Coates. 1:45 h Arbiter ....l:41h 6-12 Paul Bunyanl:45 h 6-12 Ben Blair. .l:49h 6-10 Riff Raff . . .l:42h 6-4 Bard Wker.l:48 b 6-10 Squall 1:46 h 5- 29 Flying .....l:43h 6-10Triassic ....l:45h 6- 9 Ftunes Ftel:47 S 6-5 White Legs.l:42h 6-12 Impish .....l:43h . One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-12 Glant Kghtl:54 u BATNBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-8 Amour 39h 5-29 Main Attack. :38b 6-7 Britlon ;36 ,d . 6-8 Mrish Amet 38d 6-7 BubbabHU.. 6-11 McTinkle . . . 39b 6-U Blithe 36 d 6-9 Making Bbs :36d 5- 31 Capacity .... 37.7sh 6-8 Patrick 38h 6- 6 Dreamy Ble :38 b 6-11 Royal Lassie. 38 h 6-3 Donday .... 38d 5-27 Sweet Claire. :38b -11 Golflex :40 b 5-16 Thomas Seth. :40 b 6-9 Happy Warr :37d Voltesta .... :36d 6:9 Jim Shanahn 39 d 6-3 Wood River. :43 b 6-10 Lucky Pal. .. 38 h 6-9 Zegora, :36d One-Half Mile. 6-4 Algol :53 b Noisy Miss... :50 h 5- 29 Alice Weber. :50d 6-1 Princess Dare :51h 6- 10 Aurebon .... :49d 5-29 Prince Tomy :50d 6-10 1 Bright Flag. :52 h 6-9 Perfect Play. :53 b 6-2 Cherks Rge :50h 6-1 Ramsdell . . . :49 d 6-6 Captain T.... :49d 6-9 Sun Worship. :51b 5- 27 Conversion .. -51d Thistle Lady. :49d 6- 10 Doubtless . . . :49 d 6-6 Wega :50 h Esada :50d 6-6 Woody Long. :51h 6-10Masma ..... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-9 All Luck.... l:05h 5-21 Most AIways.l:03h 6-7 Abdel 1:02 d 6-7 Mentality ...l:03h Forsake. l:03d 6-10 Oberon .....l:04d 6-7 Leros 1:03 d 6-2 Sis Esther. .1:09 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-UAdalor T....l:17h 6-12 Minnie Gage.l:17 h 6-8 Bavelle Frnkl:15 d 6-9 Norwalk ...l:16d 6-U Dog Vane... 1:18 h 6-8 Peter G....:.l:16d 6-7 Falmouth Bel:16d 6-8 Pagan Lady.l:16h 6-10 French Maid.l:19 h 5-31 Teeare l:15d 6-U Gold Finder.l:18h 5-19 Vagabond . ..l:17h 6-7 Heavy Sugar.l:17 h 5-29 White Knee.l:17d 6-8 Lohi 1:17 h 6-10 Yes Yes. .. ..1:19 h Main Mount.l:17h Seven-Eighths Milt. 6-9 Lady Sweet. .1:32 h 6-6 Silkoline ....1:29 d One Mile. 6-9 Easter Boy. .l:43d 6-9 Nosduh l:46d CONNAUGHT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 12 All Columbia. :40 h 6-9 Lenox Ave. 38 h 6- 8 Belmona ... 37 b 5-21 Little Scout.. 39 h BIythedale .. :38h 6-3 Mittens..... :37K 5- 31 Big Blue.... :37h 6-7 Pledge ...... 39 b 6- 1 Guarany .... :38h 4-24 Tryabit .... :37h One-Half Mile. Direnzo .... :52h 5r3 RedcU." ... 1 h 4- 15 Entrap ..... :50h 5-28Valiance .... :50b Fly On 32 h 6-10 Washout ... :51h 5- 4 Kingbird ... :52 b 5-10 Zebra :51h Miss Axensn :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. Donate 1:05 h Joe teddy... 1:06 h 5- 31 Eleusagon ..1:05 h 4-30 WanderoQ....l:04h 6- 9 Fair Lad.... 1:08 h Three-Quarters Mjle 5-30 John Robert.l:20 h Pr." Ro"naTd..l-J2bh 4-19 Jilted 1:22 h 6-8 Prince Carol.l:19 h Lady.Chiltonl:19 h 5-10 Sg- of Songsl22 h Lady. Bua... 1:20 h "

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