Daily Racing Form Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-06-14

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I - . . , i WASHINGTON PARK : 1 HOMEWOOD, ILL., MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1932. Washington Park 1 1-8 miles. Nineteenth day. Washington Park Jockey Club, Inc. Spring meeting of 30 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Stewards, C. F. Price, M. Nathanson and R. M. Sweitzer. Judges, W. H. Shelley, L. C. Bogenschutz and C. F. Henry. Starter, H. Morrissey. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. TJ-i CCO FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Jimmy Moran, June 3, 1929 :59 2 116. -Edgebrook Purse. !t Srr Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Net value June-13-32-Was to wjnner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA. WtFPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 714003DAUDET wb 115 1 1 lk 21 2 l1 FronkW Everglade Stable 310-100 71353MR. JOE w 115 4 4 2l 1 1" 2 JonesR C C Van Meter 349-100 71562 HOUR ZEV w 115 3 3 44 31 3 3 AllenCE F M Grabner 4431-100 71400 GLYNSON wb 115 5 6 74 6 41 4 LaidleyO A B Gallaher 12385-100 PRE WAR w 115 8 7 5k 5k 61 51 McCrsnC Dixiana 136-100 71400 VENNIE H. w 115 6 5 3l 41 51 64 ClellandO Harned Bros 1712-100 70963 WOOD WORKER wb 115 2 2 94 9 8 T MaibenJ J W Bell t4193-100 71063 GO FETCH wb 115 11 11 ll4 lO4 10 81 LandoltC H P Hcadley 8896-100 71400 BEAU CAVALIER w 115 9 10 8" 1 71 9 LeischnR Mrs F A Carreaud 2212-100 PANIC BLUES- w 115 10 8 6 IIs 9 10 AnrsonA F Luhrs f 71173 CURLY HEAD w 115 7 9 10 8" ll10 11 WoolfG Albert Sabath , 5411-100 71309 KEATON w 115 12 12 12 12 12 12 SmithJ Nevada Stock Farm Stable t tMutuel fieid. Time, :24, :47, 1:00. Track fast. , 52 MTTUZLS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DAUDET $ 8.20 $ 4.18 $ 3.32 310100 109100 66100 MR. JOE 3.90 2.90 95100 45100 HOUR ZEV 14.06 603100 Winner B. c, by Dodge Azurita, by Hessian trained by S. W. Ward; bred by Mr. J. S. Ward. WENT TO POST 2:17. AT POST 7J minutes. Start poor out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. ; . DAUDET began fast and, after racing on practically even terms with MR. JOE until well into the stretch, carried the latter out slightly in the final eighth and drew away in the closing sixteenth. MR. JOE. dashed" into early contention and raced gamely. HOUR ZEV showed improvement. GLYNSON saved ground." PRE WAR bore out on the stretch turn and carried PANIC BLUES out with him. KEATON, GO FETCH and BEAU CAVALIER were away slowly. Scratched 71744 Star Brook, 115; 70858 Simon, 115; 70611 Tea Tax, 115; 70901 Starmount, 115; 69921 Barry, 115; 71660 Pillnita, 115; 71660 Captain Logan, 115; Swinhavcn, 5. rr-t QQi SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. No More. June 16, 19311:113107. Summerdale Purse. 1. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Net value to June-13-32-Was winner 50; second, 50; third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for more, 1 pound extra for each 00 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71703lDORIS JEAN w4114 7 3 2" 2l 2 1 FryeJW J Lowenstein 234-100 70452VOLTAGREEN wb 4 115 3 1 1 ll 11 2 JonesR Nevada Stock Farm Stable 121-100 171062CHU CHU w 3 100 1 2 7k 51 44 34 MartinTP H P Headley 1910-100 71828iJESSIE CAREY w 6 107 10 8 5k3l3l 44 WrightW Oaldand Farm Stable 1592-100 70930SIS AGNES w 5 107 4 10 10 10 8 5 NeelJ Brown Hotel Stable 960-100 71703 MURKY CLOUD wb 5 113 6 5 8 61 5l 6 SmithJ B Combs 2472-100 T71561GIFT OF ROSES w 3 107 8 9 4k 74 6k 7 CritchfdC J P Ebelhardt 3575-100 70139 VIBA w 3 105 2 4 31 41 7" 8 LewisM Coldstream Stud Stabla 5558-100 71788SANS COIN w 3 100 9 7 61 91 10 9 FischerHL Audley Farm Stable 4577-100 71507 WESTRN PRINCESS w 5 112 5 6 94 8 9s 10 AllenCE C Meyer 8752-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:12J. Track fast. , 52 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DORIS JEAN 6.68 .10 $ 2.78 234100 55100 39100 VOLTAGREEN 2.84 2.58 42100 29100 CHU CHU 4.38 119100 Winner B. f, by Westy Hogan Mabel G., by Marta Santa trained by J. Lowenstein; bred by Mr. W. S. Payne. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 2:52$. AT POST- minutes. , Start good out of machine. Won easily; second .and third driving. DORIS JEAN followed VOLTAGREEN closely to the stretch, then forged to the front and won going away. VOLTAGREEN showed the most early speed, but tired as if short. CHU CHU closed a gap gradually to outfinish JESSIE CAREY. The" latter tired after being close up for five-eighths. SIS AGNES began jslowlv. VIBA showed early speed. Scratched 71663Plumage, 114; 71791 Wee Drop, 109; 62938 Marraine, 105; 69815 Lady Menifee, 112: ,71612 Petabit, 107; 71661 Premeditate, 100; 71705 Mild, 112; 71011 Run Off, 105. 17 -g OCtr THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. Jimmy Moran, June 3, 1929 :59 2 116. Rosehill Purse. !. .ff?.. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50 ;-second, 50; third, june-13-32-Was 575; fourthf 5. 1 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equtv. Odds Strt j71786ESSEFF w 109 11 6 21 lk l3 1 McCrsnC Dixiana t206-100 71613LEVAAL wllO 5 2 11 24 34 2k PolIardJ R W Collins 1454-100 71746POLYPHOTE w 107 9 5 31 34 2k 34 KnappL W R Coe 241-100 71832 LE BRUYERE wll5 1 1 54 5 5 44 MoranW R W Collins t 71786HIGH COMPLEXION wb 107 10 7 41 4 4s 5 TildenR Dixiana 71746 KNIGHTS GAL wb 105 3 8 9 7 6 6 SchutteH Audley Farm Stabla 6972-100 71704 WHITE THORN w 110 12 11 10 9 8 7s GuerraJ Mrs J H Whitney 3113-100 71746 LUNA MICA w 106 2 3 61 6 7k 8 MartinR Audley Farm Stable ANGKOR wb 108 6 9 7" 10 91 9 JonesR C V Whitney 3357-100 71562 NORTH MILL w 110 8 10 81 84101 10" SmithJ Shandon Farm Stable 202H00 71746GOOD SCOUT w l09 4 7 11 114111 llk AmbrseE Three Ds Stock Farm Sta 589-100 71702 MISS JUSTICE w 106 7 12 12 12 12 12 McCoyJ C Nuckols 26605-100 fCoupled as Dixiana entry; JR.. W. Collins entry; Audley Farm Stable entry. Time, :23, :46J, :59. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DIXIANA ENTRY $ 6.12 $ 3.78 $ 2.46 206100 89100 23100 R. W. COLLINS ENTRY 4.56 2.70 128100 35100 POLYPHOTE 2.74 37100 Winner Ch. f, by High Time La Belle Helene, by Sardanapale trained by C. Van Dusen; bred by Mr. C. T. Fisher. - . WENT TO POST 3:27. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. ESSEFF, showing good early speed, took the lead near the stretch turn and, continuing fast, drew out to an easy win. LEVAAL took the early lead and, although tiring near the end, lasted to hold POLYPHOTE. iThe latter was close up after an eighth. LE BRUYERE could not keep up in the early stages. HIGH COMPLEXION met interference in the stretch. GOOD SCOUT was outrun all the way. Scratched 71104 Ballygran, 110; 68915 Wise Anne, 112; 71702Timorous, 107; 71506 Hildur Rock, 110; 71270 Technique, 107; 71557 Arrowsvvift, 108; Sweeping Queen, 105; 71311BIack Squaw, 107. Overweight Esseff, 2 pounds; High Complexion, 2: Luna Mica, 1: Miss Justice, 1. rr-f QQC FOURTH RACE 1 Mile out of chute. Gallant Knight, June 17, 1931 1:36 4 II JLOOU 123. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner-50; second, 50; June-13-32-Was third, 5; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 71792SANDWRACK wbHO 1 9 8k 4k 31 3 lk WrightW E Haughton 1861-100 71139 UNENCUMBERED wb 110 10 5 3k 2k 21 2 24 AllenCE H M Woolf 153-100 71664ZEVAR wb 115 11 3 1 14 l1 lk 34 CorbettC J Howard 322-100 71176 PLAYAROUND wb105 511 74 71 6 5 4" JonesR Shandon Farm Stable 9412-100 71406 ANITA ORMONT w 105 8 1 4 5k 74 74 5 MeadeD W F Axton 3402-100 71707ROYAL RIOT w 105 7 8 9 9s 11 9 6 LewisM J Hughes 4713-100 71664!PARTIES wllO 4 eilO1 81 8k 7l KnightM EMcCuan 571-100 70014WAR TIDE wb 110 12, 2 2" 3 4k 4k 81 McCoyJ C j Forsytha 7679-100 70899BRUSH DOWN w 105 9 10 11 11 101 10s 94 SchutteH R L Baker 864-100 71357HATTERAS wb 107 6 7 61 64 5" 6 104 NeelJ A J Schuetze 1489-100 71661 RAPID BIRDIE w 108 3 4 5k 8k 9 IT ll1 SmithJ M E Casey 71661 SCOTLAND BEAUTY wb 105 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 CritchfdC C W Hay t tMutuel field. Time, :23, :46, 1:11, 1:38. Track fast. ; MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . SANDWRACK 9.22 3.16 $ 6.14 1861100 658100 207100 UNENCUMBERED 4.58 2.98 129100 49100 ZEVAR 3.60 80100 Winner B. g, by Wrack Sandwich, by Huon trained by E. Haughton; bred by Mr. C. A. Stone. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:01. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SANDWRACK saved much ground in the early stages and, in close quarters in. the stretch, was taken to the outside and, finishing fast under hard riding, outlasted UNENCUMBERED. The latter raced close, up from the starf, overtook ZEVAR in the stretch and was beaten in the final strides. ZEVAR set the early pace and held on fairly well. PLAYAROUND showed a good performance. HATTERAS" quit badly in the stretch. BRUSH DOWN was far back all the way. PARTIES performed poorly. Scratched 71312Our Grief, 110; 71664 Olamay. 107; 71745Wise Advocate, 110; 71706 Blackstrap, 112; 7151PE1 Puma, 112; 71561 Yox Pop, 105; 70945 Judge Peak, 105; 71745Dbn Romiro, 105. Overweight Rapid Birdie, 3 .pounds. Continued on twelfth page.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932061401/drf1932061401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1932061401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800